Shame on whom, Ms. DCG?

Daphne Caruana Galizia, after and along with Der Spiegel, does now a bit of PR for Joschka Fischer, an early admirer of the Khomeinist revolution in Iran, the German chief promoter of what is now the almost serben-, juden- and zigeunerrein Islamic “rogue state” of Kosovo; for that Joschka Fischer thanks to whom the Germans managed to bomb Belgrade for the third time (at least) in the last century shortly before it ended and managed to give a decisive boost to what the Führer, in a moment of self-criticism, had recommended implicitly to the German people in his “political testament”: a “more audacious alliance with Islam.Continue reading Shame on whom, Ms. DCG?

Don’t miss your very last chance, Dr Gonzi! Do something to show the world that Malta is still as full of Goodness and Courage as DCG is!

The chance to redeem ourselves

Published: March 22, 2011 at 4:22pm [by Maltese blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia]

[…] EU Commissioner Catherine Ashton said [… ] that [the 27 EU] foreign ministers were informed of the European Commission’s contingency plan for a massive humanitarian mission should there have to be mass evacuations from Libya if there is an escalation of conflict. Continue reading Don’t miss your very last chance, Dr Gonzi! Do something to show the world that Malta is still as full of Goodness and Courage as DCG is!

After Libya, Bahrain? (Seems like “this is getting repetitive”*!)

Are these the next civilians the West is ‘responsible to protect’?

I.e. after these Libyan opposition guys – or at the same time?

(Just one example: “The people of Ar Rajbaan”)

Or will it be Hamas, directly, instead of, as until now, indirectly?

I know I am not being very fair, but the first link to the “Interim Transitional National Council”‘s Site I saw – the link above the second video points to the “Allegiances” page of that “Council” – was promoted without any scruples by someone – Daphne Caruana Galizia – who thinks she is fighting for “Libyan [!] freedom” and accuses anyone who maybe just does not want to let himself and his country be dragged into a fight between Islamic tribes, as a coward; and the only thing which most of the current “experts'” evaluations and many of the Western politicians’ decisions seem to be based on are good intentions, and that doesn’t bode well at all indeed.

Update (21/3/2011):

As far as the the poor suppressed “civilians” of Bahrain are concerned, it seems that – to paraphrase two famous anti-Islamophobic ideologues and community or, maybe “better,” Ummah organizers – Barack Hussein Obama (USA) and, to get repetitive here too, Daphne Caruana Galizia (Malta), the first (un-)State ‘on the right side of history’ in taking the lead there is not France, but Iran:

Shia-News, a site associated with Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi (a hard-line Shiite Twelver and an influential figure in the suppression of Iranians during their uprising to protest the fraudulent presidential election of 2009), is registering volunteers to participate in suicide bombings against Saudi interests around the world. Hundreds have already registered. Reports from inside Iran indicate that an alert has gone out to the Revolutionary Guards Quds forces throughout the world to prepare for attacks on Saudi establishments.


*) Part of a headline by Daphne Caruana Galizia, Maltese backyard analyst.

Terrorist supporters demonstrate in Valletta, and the Times of Malta beatifies them

just after the most atrocious anti-Semitic massacre in years carried out by Arabs in Israel, by, among other Islamic slaughter methods, slitting the throats of children, a massacre in which PA officials were very probably involved, and just a few hours after “Israeli civilians living around the Gaza border woke up [this morning] to the most massive mortar attack in years – 50 rounds fired in 15 minutes.” Continue reading Terrorist supporters demonstrate in Valletta, and the Times of Malta beatifies them

Daphne Caruana Galizia condemns frightening first results of Egyptian “revolution”

In a strong-worded statement published yesterday on her blog, Maltese EU liberal Daphne Caruana Galizia condemned the violence currently taking place in Egypt, where the newly appointed Foreign Minister is preparing to boost Egypt’s collaboration with the Iranian-sponsored Hamas for the next big war against Israel after the Egyptian-Israeli gas-pipeline has already been blown up and Islamic anti-Semitic Cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi has spoken to a crowd of reportedly one million or more followers in Cairo’s Tahrir Square shortly after the “revolution”, inveighing and inciting Jihad against the Jews, while the Egyptian military is being reported to be backing up an Islamic mob attacking the homes of Christians and trying to destroy a Coptic Church (because one of those infidels had a relationship with a woman born as a follower of their superior religion of peace) after similar incidents in the last few days in Egypt in which the military helped render Egyptian Christians defenseless against Islamic Jihad mob attacks. Continue reading Daphne Caruana Galizia condemns frightening first results of Egyptian “revolution”

Cyrenaican “uprising”: Demonstration of Eritreans in Valletta

Some 100 members of the Eritrean community in Malta held a demonstration in Valletta this afternoon where they called on Malta and the international community to help evacuate asylum seekers stranded in Libya.

They said the Eritreans could not return to their country because they would be prosecuted [sic], and they were not part of the international evacuation effort and had thus been stranded, without protection, in Libya. Some were in danger of being shot, being mistaken for Gaddafi’s mercenaries. Continue reading Cyrenaican “uprising”: Demonstration of Eritreans in Valletta

Evidence seems to be surfacing that GonziPN is neither directed nor paid by Daphne Caruana Galizia

Malta ‘will not act as a military base’ [sic]

by Scott Grech

The government is insisting that Malta has not been requested to act as a military base and is not preparing to act as such, as British Prime Minister David Cameron threatened Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi with military action yesterday, promising a no-fly zone and arms shipments to his enemies.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi stressed on Sunday that “Malta’s mission in light of the unrest in Libya is a humanitarian one”.

His words were echoed by Foreign Affairs Minister Tonio Borg on Monday, who commented that “the government’s priorities remain to evacuate Maltese people working in Libya and to help all the countries that have requested Malta’s cooperation in the evacuation of foreigners from the North African state”.

Source: The Malta Independent Online, 2/3/2011


I’m sorry, but I don’t understand your point. It’s quite obvious that the only people being killed in Libya are Muslim, because they are Libyan.

Daphne Caruana Galizia, Maltese anti-racist, 22 or 23 February 2011

“In the past days we have heard reports of innocent sub-Saharan Africans being beaten, stabbed and even killed, as they are wrongly suspected of being mercenaries hired by Gaddafi to kill the Libyan people.” Continue reading Really?

Tonio Borg is right on this instead, Mrs #DCG

Dr #Borg noted that the UN Security Council was considering the imposition of measures against Libya. Malta was not a member of the council but would follow what the UN decided. His advice, however, was not to have undue haste. Malta, he said, had to safeguard its nationals and national interests, although it would not shirk from condemning what was manifestly bad.*

Malta is a vulnerable place, has no “iron dome”, depends totally on others as far as its defense is concerned, has less means for safeguarding its nationals’ (and its barranin‘s) lives than Israel has to protect Beersheba, and could soon be in a similar situation. Tonio Borg seems to be the same as always, while Daphne Caruana Galizia regresses out of moral zeal, giving space to a conspiracy theorist (plus Kosova-ist and Palestinianist, I guess): Fisk. Manifestly bad indeed. That tendency of hers should indeed not only be condemned, but also attacked, not only for the sake of Malta, but also for that of the “bigger picture”, a constantly increasing part of which is occupied by the exterminative Iranian regime and its international proxies. Next time some Iranian war ships pass the Suez Canal, as some Iranian war ships did a few days ago for the first time since about 30 years, and enter the Mediterranean, they might also turn to the left instead of turning to the right. While in the meantime the temporary winners of the Egyptian “revolution”, the military, are reported to have attacked a few Christian monasteries.

*) The Times of Malta website, yesterday; hashtags added, as a test, don’t know to “twitter” well yet, and if it could work, let’s see.

Maltese writer Daphne Caruana Galizia should perhaps partly rewrite one blog post of hers asap

Today she wrote that,

perhaps [The Times of Malta] could ring [Maltese FM] Tonio Borg and ask him whether we are still close friends with Gaddafi, and if not, what do we plan to do about it.

Continue reading Maltese writer Daphne Caruana Galizia should perhaps partly rewrite one blog post of hers asap

Is it allowed to hold Islamic prayers in the streets of Catholic Malta, shouting “Allah u Akhbar”?

Just wondering again, like some Maltese policemen seem to, too (or don’t they?)…

Another question: I’m sure that Catholics often do prayers in the streets here too. But I think they have to ask for a permission, even though Catholicism is the State religion here. Did the Muslims in the video have one (a permission), or did they have only one for a (protest) demonstration? Or was that, the “prayer”, just a piece of art, protected by the right to freedom of expression anyhow?

In alliance with Gaddafi, the “Times of Malta”…

… currently seems to get more and more of those “readers-writers” it deserves:

Anthony Farrugia says:
Tuesday, 22 February at 1006hrs

Reading the posts on should carry a health warning: heartburn.

All the wackos, pettyminded weirdos, people who have never read a book or even a newspaper in their lives: they all come rushing out of the woodwork to post their inane comments based on total ignorance, grocer hearsay, conspiracy theories, beware of the bogey man attitudes, the more the merrier.

If you need evidence of the failure of education coupled with selfish characters plus I am all right so f&%k Jack attitude, it’s all right there. I forgot the lack of grammar, punctuation, spelling, postin with Caps Lock on; it makes one weep with frustration.

Hot Mama says:
Tuesday, 22 February at 1057hrs

you forgot these: !!!!!!

[Source: Daphne Caruana Galizia’s Notebook]

And the TOM still wants to attract even more of those authoritarian-minded Maltese half-witted peasants as readers, dragging some of them away from, for instance, Maltatoday. Today, one of its headlines promises the Brutes of Malta that Tripoli – obviously thanks to Gaddafi’s mega-bloody mowing down of protesters in Libya – is “calm” again, though contradicting itself beneath that line (so check back later, dear illiterate, to see if it will remain stable even tomorrow! and comment and buy!); and in another, unsubstantiated, piece, it avidly seizes the occasion to mark Libyans living in Malta who do not like Gaddafi that much, bluntly as “violent,” before investigating any further.

For having done what?

For allegedly having removed a portrait of the great anti-Semitic leader of the Libyan people from a wall inside an Islamic school.

Dr Tonio Borg’s dual concept of sovereignty and territorial integrity

It seems to me that a few hours ago I read that the Maltese Foreign Minister, Dr Tonio Borg, once again mumbled (or that he said much clearer and louder than ever before) that it is wrong to impose “our model of democracy” on the countries of the Maghreb. Or maybe he was just speaking about Libya. Yes, I think he was referring to Libya, as I remember too now that he also said more or less that one may not risk to help split up a sovereign state from the outside.
The Foreign Minister (and lawyer’s) statement reminded me of the fact that reportedly, when in Israel some time ago, he met with a representative of the Palestinian Authority (if I remember well it was Hanan Ashravi) in Jerusalem, which amounted, as a news editor told me, to a violation of the Oslo accords (at least by the representative of the PA involved), i.e. virtually to a coordinated (“Christian-Muslim”, so to speak) attack on the sovereignty of Israel.
I guess this means that, on one hand, as far as the Maghreb (or any country of the world except Israel) is concerned, the Maltese Foreign Minister and lawyer Tonio Borg is in favor of territorial integrity (even if that may cost some or even many many lives and even if that state continues to be led by one of the most brutal and ugly anti-Semitic fascists of the world), and that, on the other hand, as far as the Jewish state is concerned, he is not that shy instead and supports moves aimed at the violation of its sovereignty or even at its complete destruction, even if that could cost many many deaths – mainly of Jews).

I don’t know: may one call Dr Tonio Borg a terrorist supporter because of this? Well, of course not. Gaddafi certainly is not a terrorist, but rather just a Muslim statesman with his own ideas about democracy — Libyan ideas. Just like Tonio Borg has its own Maltese ones. And now please do not tell me that the case of Bianca Zammit and Dr Borg’s patriotic legal and diplomatic support for her against the bloody Zionists has got something to do with support for terrorism too, or even for anti-Semitism. Mind you: We clarified that question earlier already, at least as far as I remember.

Daphne Caruana Galizia on “Maltese bravery”

If we shout “Gaddafi, stop this bloodshed” we will be knocked out of our senses once and for all.

[Daphne – Really, by whom? We’re a nation of cowards, and you sum up the typical sentiment. If we hadn’t been a British colony at the time we would have surrendered to Mussolini in 1939 for just the reasons you outline. That George Cross went to the wrong people. We endured the bombings because we had no choice and not because we stood up to fascism. Given half the chance, we would have embraced fascism rather than be bombed.]

Dr Tonio Borg tells the truth

Asked whether his visit to Gaza would fuel Israeli claims that Malta is a vociferous pro-Palestinian supporter, [Maltese FM] Dr [Tonio] Borg said: “I made it very clear that we have nothing against Israel and we believe Israel’s guaranteed security is essential in the final target of a two-state solution. But we cannot agree with the settlements and we cannot agree with the state the Gazans are in.” (The Times of Malta of today)

No, Mr Borg, you don’t hate Israelis and you don’t hate Jews, at least not more than your dead friend Yassir Arafat, the most famous anti-Semite of the world after Hitler, an Egyptian who got his first military training – for the “final target” of killing Jews – from a former official of the German Wehrmacht, Yassir Arafat whose ideological teacher was Hitler’s pal the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Yassir Arafat whose first aide was Mahmoud Abbas, the current (non elected) “President” of the PA, who wrote his holocaust-denying doctoral thesis in Moscow, Yassir “Why-didn’t-you-kill-more-of-them?” Arafat on whose grave you, in occasion of your visit to the “Holy Land” just laid a wreath. Which is really the best thing to do when one wants to make it very clear that one has nothing against Israel, and even less against the Jews. Continue reading Dr Tonio Borg tells the truth

You don’t have to tell us that, Mr Austin Gatt,

the Jew, the Jew, the Jew is the real villain, always the Jew, the Jew and the Israelis, the ones who always lose in any case — everybody understands that, because it’s just so simple.

The Jew and, of course, those suspected of  Kontaktschuld (German word meaning “guilt of contact”), and even more so if normally they like it very much to blame the Jews too, anzi even more than we from the PN! So… shame on them, let’s smash ’em!

But all we anti-Semites, who have “significant world understanding” (Borchardt) know that already! “Facts but not opinions.” We need no proof, we don’t need anything, we just need…

Infrastructure Minister Austin Gatt asks who “the real villain” of the power station extension contract saga is: “BWSC (who won the contract) or Bateman, the ones with ‘good contacts’ with the Partit Laburista (Labour Party)?”

In an exclusive article that is being published on page 3 in today’s issue, which Dr Gatt says are just facts and not opinions [and who would dare to doubt this! Also both the article, page 3, today’s issue and the publications are facts like me and you too!], the minister goes through the report compiled by the Auditor General who “found no evidence” of corruption or improper influence.

So maybe you can just shut up now for a while, Mr Double-Exclamation-Mark?