It was just yesterday that your humble servant went to great lengths to point out how absurdly easy it is for Hamas terrorists from Gaza to stroll across the border at Nahal Oz.
And in the same blog, we pointed out the untenable position that the group of IDF soldiers stationed there are in, undermanned and handcuffed by the absurd IDF rules of engagement.
Well guess what happened following the riots this morning?Apparently (no one knows for sure how many) 30 terrorists waltzed across the border and infiltrated Kissufim.
They found their way into an armory on the kibbutz and stole 6 M16s–and are now (as of 12 pm) somewhere in the area taking potshots at Israeli men, women, and children.
Earlier this month, Regavim unveiled a report showing that the European Union is actively building illegal Palestinian outposts in and around Jerusalem to the detriment of Israel. The news came as a shock to millions of Israelis, who learned that hundreds of buildings bearing EU flags were popping up across Jerusalem and Area C of Judea and Samaria, which according to the Oslo II Accords is under total Israeli control.
Moments after the news went public, an order was given by the prime minister to deal with these structures irrespective of who built them. It would seem that after years of research into this new phenomena, the Israeli government is finally taking baby steps to restore the rule of law. Continue reading Illegale Siedlungen in Israel – eine Hand wäscht die andere
said Monday [today] that Iran is once again an empire whose influence extends to Iraq and beyond. […] “The geography of Iran and Iraq cannot be divided. All of the Middle East is Iranian,” Younesi declared, warning that no one had the right to oppose Iran’s influence in the region. The people now living in neighboring countries are also Iranian “because their countries were separated from the empire east and west.”
In New York, also today, the current “High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy” and a “Vice-President of the European Commission”, Federica Mogherini, had this to say before the United Nations Security Council:
[We] have never been so close to what could be a turning point in the history of Iran’s relation with the West. And with the region. We should not waste such a historical opportunity.
The decision to create such weapons lies in the ‘political will’ of its leaders.” – Jerusalem Post (online) reporting on an “annual US intelligence assessment [that] was presented to the [US] Senate Intelligence Committee on Wednesday.”
In Südisrael haben ca. 1 Million Personen, behinderte und nichtbehinderte, unter denen sich auch viele Unter-21-Jährige befinden, im Fall eines Raketenalarms, je nachdem, wie weit sie gerade vom Gazastreifen entfernt sind, ca. 15 – 45 Sekunden Zeit, zum nächstgelegenen Bunker zu rennen/zu fahren oder sich sonstwie in relative Sicherheit zu bringen, sei es am Tag, sei es mitten in der Nacht.
Die IDF, die israelischen Streitkräfte, haben vor kurzem, nachdem diese ca. 1 Million Menschen die erwähnte Übung mittlerweile erneut unzählige Male täglich zu absolvieren hatten*, versucht, den Beschuss Israels aus Gaza mittels verstärkter militärischer Operationen zu unterbinden. Sehr unsportlicher Weise, wie einige Fußballer meinen:
Dozens of professional football players have signed a statement protesting the decision of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) to stage the European under-21 championship in Israel next year.
The statement, which was released by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Campaign against Israel, claims that in light of the recent Israeli operation in Gaza, holding the tournament in Israel would be “seen as a reward for actions that are contrary to sporting values.”
The decision to host the games in Israel is “yet another stain on the world’s conscience” […], the statement says.
Durch derartige jüdische Antiterror- und Antivernichtungsmaßnahmen wird nämlich, abgesehen von der Einschränkung des Rechts der Jihadisten auf Judenmassenmord, auch deren Recht auf die Förderung der täglichen sportlichen Betätigung ihrer Opfer mit Füßen getreten, da diese nun – wenigstens für eine Weile – nicht mehr täglich (und nächtlich) um ihr Leben laufen müssen. Und besonders dazu können um die Werte des Sports besorgte Erben des Nazi-Bündnisses mit dem Islam natürlich nicht schweigen.
“We, as European football players, express our solidarity with the people of Gaza who are living under siege and denied basic human dignity and freedom,” the players said in the statement, which was also published on the website of former Tottenham and Sevilla striker Frederic Kanoute.
*) “Palestinian Terrorist Rockets and Mortars Fired at Southern Israel Since January 20, 2012
2725*: (2369* since ‘ceasefire’ on March 13th); (2088* since ‘ceasefire’ on June 26); *These numbers incorporate the grossly under-reported “official numbers” between 9/14/12–9/21/12.” —, 2.12.2012.
Tonio Borg was quoted by The Times as saying that the revolution in Libya “is different from the one in Tunisia and Egypt because it did not start in the capital city and there is a strong tribal element. The Tunisian revolution was secular.”
“My head had a very deep cut. The doctor ‘treated’ me for the cameras, but all he really did was wipe the blood off my forehead. I had an open skull wound which he didn’t even touch.”
When the soldier was hospitalized in Israel, he was diagnosed with a fractured skull which also required 14 stitches.
”The mob kept pointing at me and yelling ‘Gilad Shalit,’ and they were very happy that an Israeli soldier had been captured… Later the PA system came on and we could hear the captain saying that the ship had been taken over by the soldiers.”
Commando “B” testified, “I resisted as best I could but without success. I remember they kept screaming, their eyes were insane and full of hate, and I knew it was the end and they were going to kill me…”
“I saw that there was massive bleeding and I could see my intestines spilling out of my stomach… While they were dragging me down the ladder I saw soldier “C” lying on the bottom deck with men acting crazy all around him, they kept beating him without stopping.”
“They tried to strangle me and soldier “C” and you could see the hate burning in their eyes. They told us in English that they were going to kill us. Apparently what kept them from doing it was that there were people who wouldn’t let them and pushed them away.“
Given that, as opposed to the Turkish “activists” or the Iranian MPs vowing to arrive next, Yehushua Sofer did not seek “martyrdom” for free, will the Turkish prime minister Erdogan apologize and pay compensation to his family? Or will his associate European or US “peace activists”? Or the EU, the “honest broker”, which in the meantime has already jumped on Erdogan’s bandwagon pressing hard for a further easing of the Gaza blockade?
Photo by: Israel Police
A faction of Fatah’s al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade claimed responsibility for Monday’s terror attack in the Hebron Hills in which Israeli police officer Yehushua Sofer was killed, reported the Palestinian news agency Ma’an.
The attack came as a response to the raid on the Gaza aid flotilla, according to the report.
Hey du da! Bist Du Jude? Ja? Dann merk dir eins: Wenn es dir – im Dienst oder auch nach Feierabend – mal passieren sollte, dass Dschihadisten (vulgo: “Friedensaktivisten”) einen Kameraden oder Freund oder Bekannten von dir, der schon am Boden liegt, mit Eisenstangen und/oder langen Messern traktieren und kurz davor stehen, ihn umzubringen, und du stehst hinter den Dschihadisten und hast eine geladene Pistole dabei, nicht sofort auf sie schießen! Riskiere lieber, dass Dein Kamerad, Freund oder Bekannter stirbt, während du die Dschihadisten aufforderst, sich wenigstens kurz dir zuzuwenden, oder um die “Szenerie” herum gehst, um sie wenigstens von vorne zu beschießen (und am besten möglichst nicht zu töten, selbst wenn auch um euch herum die dschihadistische Hölle tobt und/oder dein Bekannter schon ein Messer im Leib hat und/oder jetzt auch von dir noch eine Kugel mitabkriegt, egal, pfeif drauf!). Sonst kriegst du (und dein Land auch) nämlich von links und von rechts ganz schlechte Presse:
Die Autopsie der Opfer [yes!] hat derweil ergeben, dass fünf der neun Toten von Kopfschüssen getötet wurden. Noch ist nicht klar, weshalb mindestens die Hälfte der Opfer [yes, yes!] entweder in den Rücken oder in den Hinterkopf geschossen wurde.
Du sagst, die schlechte Presse kriegst du sowieso?
Hast d’ auch wieder Recht. Das gebietet schließlich nicht nur die “Ausgewogenheit”, sondern noch mehr die Bildung der Schreiberlinge, die es kaum mehr zu überraschen vermag, dass diese Israelis sogar Tote töten, und, ja, auch nicht einmal mehr, dass sie die Opfer solcher verabscheuungswürdiger Untaten danach auch noch in den [sic] Rücken oder in den [sic] Hinterkopf der Hauptopfer, nämlich – wie jeder weiß – vor allem der linkseuropäischen Journalisten vom britischen Guardian, schießen.
Überraschen zwar nicht, aber wehtun und schocken tut das selbstverständlich trotzdem die ganze Welt und somit selbst die hartgesottensten Journalisten. Verständlich daher, dass vermutlich mindestens zweien, d.h. einem deutschen namens Michael Borgstede und seinem Welt-Redakteur, ohne dass sie es gleich merken, auch schon mal Indirekte-Rede-Konjunktiv und Autopsie-Indikativ unter der Hand eine grammatikalisch eigentlich unerlaubte Verbindung miteinander eingehen lassen:
Insgesamt seien etwa 30 Kugeln in den Leichen gefunden wurden, berichtete der „Guardian“ am Samstag.
Zumal sie dank ihrer Fähigkeit, (mit anderen Journalisten) mitzufühlen, den Geruch der von den Israelis zu Geschossen umfunktionierten kleinen doppelt toten dschihadistischen türkischen Terroristen in der britischen Redaktionsstube auch an ihrem eigenen Sitzort ein wenig mitgerochen haben und daher ebenfalls ein wenig von ihm betört gewesen sein dürften.
“Where is our government, a maltese citizen is shot and it has to be the leader of the opposition to raise voice, clearly we are a small country but at least raise the matter and make a whole scene out of it.”
Bianca Zammit, 28, a Maltese pro-Palestinian activist, [was] being treated at the Al-Aqsa hospital after being injured [by Israeli soldiers] during a protest calling for an end to the blockade of [already “judenrein”] Gaza.
and that
She was shot in the leg.
The Times of Malta
“It was a peaceful protest, they had no reason to shoot us,” Ms Zammit said from her hospital bed. She said that similar protests were held in the past and the Israelis usually fired in the air. This time them [sic] shot at the protesters.
Perfidious Jews! You never know what you can expect from them! The Jerusalem Post reported about the same incident stating that the soldiers had only shot at the legs of some protesters, and only after having fired in the air to no avail, but that cannot be true. According to the Malta Independent Online, Ms Zammit has already stated that “when Israeli soldiers shoot they shoot,” i.e., “they shoot to kill,” and therefore it is clear that, given that they were not allowed to kill Palestinians and/or Europeans or Americans, during the previous demonstrations the Israeli soldiers had been shooting all the time at some birds in the air in order to kill at least something, but this time their bosses obviously had allowed them to shoot even Maltese women (and some Palestinians) dead, instead. But, as it seems, they did not succeed in doing that. The Times of Malta wrote that two other people were shot too, but not dead, either. It also wrote that
[t]he three were shot after they entered a 300-metre-deep no-go zone previously declared by Israel on the Gaza side of the frontier.
And that along with the Maltese Paloma Bianca, there had also been a few more people, who probably are still alive, too.
The incident occurred when some 150 people, including six foreigners, began a demonstration to protest against the ban, which prevents Gaza farmers from using the land.
And, you see, this is, as everybody knows, typically Israeli, too! Indeed, as one can read in many comments posted on the Maltese Times Website, and especially in those posted by certain Jew experts like Martin Cassar, Israeli Jews not only like to kill, but they are also always eager to steal land from Arabs. While they doen’t even seem to be afraid to use the most ridiculous pretexts for doing so. In fact, in this case, for instance, according to the Jerusalem Post, a non-Maltese newspaper,
When, on April 27th, Prof. Arnold “Ghandi” Cassola, “Alternattiva Demokratika spokesperson on EU and International Affairs,” stated on his blog that:
Of course, any shooting against anybody is totally un warranted[,] [sic, italics added]
he was trying to compress two distinct statements into one single too short sentence, possibly causing some confusion to readers. Apparently he was pressed too hard by his, Alternattiva Demokratika’s, and the-Maltese-people-as-a-whole’s acute “full square” solidarity with the new Maltese non-violent anti-Zionist anti-siege hero “La Paloma” Bianca Zammit.
The police are considering closing off the Shechem and Lion’s Gates of the Old City [of Jerusalem] to Jews during the annual Jerusalem Day parade in two weeks. […] Continue reading “Israeli apartheid”
Burning to see even more Jews/Jews even more under fire in the framework of another great worldwide Roman Holiday at the expense of the evil Zionists,
inspired by Ummah (Arabic for Community or Nation) organizers like Barack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, the British Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), and perhaps as well a little by Hitler, Bin Laden, Haj Amin al-Husseini (the former nazi Mufti of Jerusalem), Hamas, Hezbollah, Ahmadinejad, etc.,