Daphne Caruana Galizia condemns frightening first results of Egyptian “revolution”

In a strong-worded statement published yesterday on her blog, Maltese EU liberal Daphne Caruana Galizia condemned the violence currently taking place in Egypt, where the newly appointed Foreign Minister is preparing to boost Egypt’s collaboration with the Iranian-sponsored Hamas for the next big war against Israel after the Egyptian-Israeli gas-pipeline has already been blown up and Islamic anti-Semitic Cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi has spoken to a crowd of reportedly one million or more followers in Cairo’s Tahrir Square shortly after the “revolution”, inveighing and inciting Jihad against the Jews, while the Egyptian military is being reported to be backing up an Islamic mob attacking the homes of Christians and trying to destroy a Coptic Church (because one of those infidels had a relationship with a woman born as a follower of their superior religion of peace) after similar incidents in the last few days in Egypt in which the military helped render Egyptian Christians defenseless against Islamic Jihad mob attacks. Continue reading Daphne Caruana Galizia condemns frightening first results of Egyptian “revolution”

The Middle East, the Maghreb, and the West: The bigger picture, described by Caroline Glick

So long as the Iranian regime remains in power, it will be that much harder for the Egyptians to build an open democracy or for the Saudis to open the kingdom to liberal voices and influences. The same is true of virtually every country in the region. Iran is the primary regional engine of war, terror, nuclear proliferation and instability. As long as the regime survives, it will be difficult for liberal forces in the region to gain strength and influence.

On February 24, the mullahs reportedly arrested opposition leaders Mir Hossain Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi along with their wives. It took the Obama administration several days to even acknowledge the arrests, let alone denounce them. Continue reading The Middle East, the Maghreb, and the West: The bigger picture, described by Caroline Glick

Egyptian democracy prospects brought to you by… “Sandmonkey”

A little note now for all the commentators who approvingly quoted and celebrated Sandmonkey, treated him as a martyr during the riots, and discover that now he’s joined the conventional liberal Egyptian line in essentially calling for tearing up the Camp David accords, remilitarizing the Sinai and opening up the border to Hamas. Oh he’s phrasing it better than that, but that’s what it amounts to. Continue reading Egyptian democracy prospects brought to you by… “Sandmonkey”

Dr Tonio Borg’s dual concept of sovereignty and territorial integrity

It seems to me that a few hours ago I read that the Maltese Foreign Minister, Dr Tonio Borg, once again mumbled (or that he said much clearer and louder than ever before) that it is wrong to impose “our model of democracy” on the countries of the Maghreb. Or maybe he was just speaking about Libya. Yes, I think he was referring to Libya, as I remember too now that he also said more or less that one may not risk to help split up a sovereign state from the outside.
The Foreign Minister (and lawyer’s) statement reminded me of the fact that reportedly, when in Israel some time ago, he met with a representative of the Palestinian Authority (if I remember well it was Hanan Ashravi) in Jerusalem, which amounted, as a news editor told me, to a violation of the Oslo accords (at least by the representative of the PA involved), i.e. virtually to a coordinated (“Christian-Muslim”, so to speak) attack on the sovereignty of Israel.
I guess this means that, on one hand, as far as the Maghreb (or any country of the world except Israel) is concerned, the Maltese Foreign Minister and lawyer Tonio Borg is in favor of territorial integrity (even if that may cost some or even many many lives and even if that state continues to be led by one of the most brutal and ugly anti-Semitic fascists of the world), and that, on the other hand, as far as the Jewish state is concerned, he is not that shy instead and supports moves aimed at the violation of its sovereignty or even at its complete destruction, even if that could cost many many deaths – mainly of Jews).

I don’t know: may one call Dr Tonio Borg a terrorist supporter because of this? Well, of course not. Gaddafi certainly is not a terrorist, but rather just a Muslim statesman with his own ideas about democracy — Libyan ideas. Just like Tonio Borg has its own Maltese ones. And now please do not tell me that the case of Bianca Zammit and Dr Borg’s patriotic legal and diplomatic support for her against the bloody Zionists has got something to do with support for terrorism too, or even for anti-Semitism. Mind you: We clarified that question earlier already, at least as far as I remember.

Brigitte Gabriel on Lebanon, Israel, and Egypt (or “Arab rage”)

An interview from 2004 on her experiences as a Christian in Lebanon and Israel:

For another, much shorter one from January 2011 about the developments in Egypt click here.

Two reading proposals for Chana Ya’ar (Arutz Sheva)

regarding the “genocide,” the “crimes against humanity” and so on (who cares about definitions anymore!) allegedly perpetrated by “the Serbs” at Srebrenica:

1) Julia Gorin: Torture, Evidence-tampering, Beatings, Bribes, Blackmail and Bullying Continue at our International Kangaroo Court: Prosecutors have Witness Kidnapped, Falsely Imprisoned, and Family Detained and Threatened: All in a Day’s Work when a Serb is on Trial

2) Milivoje Ivanišević: The Srebrenica ID Card

PS: I criticize you (or Arutz Sheva) and not the Jerusalem Post (or any Saudi-Arabian, Iranian of German or Italian newspaper or the New York Times), because until yesterday I still thought that at least your newspaper would still care a little bit about the truth and know how half- and quarter-truths can be turned into propaganda lies, and since today I am only hoping that, if Aleksander Cvetkovic should indeed eventually be extradited to Bosnia-Herzegovina, a state founded by an Islamist war-mongerer, you will be covering at least that case closely (and a little critically), especially apropos the evidence concerning the “massacre of thousands of [Muslim and not Serbian] civilians” reported by you.

Dr Tonio Borg tells the truth

Asked whether his visit to Gaza would fuel Israeli claims that Malta is a vociferous pro-Palestinian supporter, [Maltese FM] Dr [Tonio] Borg said: “I made it very clear that we have nothing against Israel and we believe Israel’s guaranteed security is essential in the final target of a two-state solution. But we cannot agree with the settlements and we cannot agree with the state the Gazans are in.” (The Times of Malta of today)

No, Mr Borg, you don’t hate Israelis and you don’t hate Jews, at least not more than your dead friend Yassir Arafat, the most famous anti-Semite of the world after Hitler, an Egyptian who got his first military training – for the “final target” of killing Jews – from a former official of the German Wehrmacht, Yassir Arafat whose ideological teacher was Hitler’s pal the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Yassir Arafat whose first aide was Mahmoud Abbas, the current (non elected) “President” of the PA, who wrote his holocaust-denying doctoral thesis in Moscow, Yassir “Why-didn’t-you-kill-more-of-them?” Arafat on whose grave you, in occasion of your visit to the “Holy Land” just laid a wreath. Which is really the best thing to do when one wants to make it very clear that one has nothing against Israel, and even less against the Jews. Continue reading Dr Tonio Borg tells the truth

You don’t have to tell us that, Mr Austin Gatt,

the Jew, the Jew, the Jew is the real villain, always the Jew, the Jew and the Israelis, the ones who always lose in any case — everybody understands that, because it’s just so simple.

The Jew and, of course, those suspected of  Kontaktschuld (German word meaning “guilt of contact”), and even more so if normally they like it very much to blame the Jews too, anzi even more than we from the PN! So… shame on them, let’s smash ’em!

But all we anti-Semites, who have “significant world understanding” (Borchardt) know that already! “Facts but not opinions.” We need no proof, we don’t need anything, we just need…

Infrastructure Minister Austin Gatt asks who “the real villain” of the power station extension contract saga is: “BWSC (who won the contract) or Bateman, the ones with ‘good contacts’ with the Partit Laburista (Labour Party)?”

In an exclusive article that is being published on page 3 in today’s issue, which Dr Gatt says are just facts and not opinions [and who would dare to doubt this! Also both the article, page 3, today’s issue and the publications are facts like me and you too!], the minister goes through the report compiled by the Auditor General who “found no evidence” of corruption or improper influence.

So maybe you can just shut up now for a while, Mr Double-Exclamation-Mark?

Lula, an arsonist declaring war on Israel

Shortly before deadly fire started raging in the Carmel region, according to the Jerusalem Post, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the anti-Semitic terrorist (Arafat) admirer, or Brazil, recognized a “state” whose “president” has not even gotten any “democratic mandate” anymore, and whose party, Fatah, has just declared once more its will to “liberate” the whole of “Palestine” from the Jews. Continue reading Lula, an arsonist declaring war on Israel

Von einem früheren “settlement freeze”

Caroline Glick berichtete vor kurzem über Berichte, denen zufolge

the Obama administration has presented Netanyahu with a plan whereby Israel will cede its rights to eastern Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley to the Palestinians and then lease the areas from the Palestinians for a limited period.

Ähnliche Zustände gab es in Palästina schon mal:

Es gibt […] durchweg Zeugnisse jüdischen Lebens in Palästina, sogar während der Zeit unter den muslimischen Arabern, die ab 638 den Islam mit Feuer und Schwert, Mord und Totschlag, Vergewaltigung und Versklavung nicht nur Palästina eroberten. So schreibt Gedalja von Simiatycze um 1700, nachzulesen bei Bat Ye’or: Der Niedergang des orientalischen Christentums unter dem Islam:

“Wir (die Juden) wurden gezwungen, den muslimischen Beamten eine große Summe Silber zu übergeben, damit sie uns den Bau einer neuen Synagoge erlaubten. Denn obwohl die alte zu klein war, und wir sie nur geringfügig erweitern wollten, war es nach islamischen Recht untersagt, dort auch nur den kleinsten Raum zu verändern. Zuzüglich zu den Geldern war jedermann gezwungen, an den Sultan alljährlich eine Kopfsteuer in Höhe von zwei Goldstücken zu entrichten. Der Reiche musste nicht mehr bezahlen, doch der Arme konnte nicht soviel geben. Alljährlich, meist zur Osterzeit, kam ein Abgesandter aus Konstantinopel nach Jerusalem. Wer nichts besaß um die Steuer zu bezahlen, wurde ins Gefängnis geworfen. Der Abgesandte blieb etwa zwei Monate, so dass sich die armen Juden versteckten mussten.[“]

Quelle: Wem gehört das Land Israel?

Präsidentschaftswahlen in Arafatistan [nichts Neues]

Zwischenbericht über die Erfolge der Kampagne Luisa Morgantinis für ihren Kandidaten, den (mindestens) fünffachen Mörder Marwan Barghouti oder: Die Mandela-Option – von Ralph Raschen

“Allerliebste Luisa,
wir von der israelischen Bewegung Frauen für den Frieden wünschen Dir Erfolg bei den nächsten Wahlen. Wir wissen, dass Du die beste Kandidatin bist, und gewiss bist Du unsere Favoritin! Wenn es uns erlaubt wäre zu wählen, würdest Du einstimmig gewählt werden!!!
Herzlich und mit vielen Glückwünschen von all Deinen zahlreichen Freundinnen und Verbündeten in Israel
Gila Svirsky
– Mitglied und Mitbegründerin der Koalition der Frauen für den Frieden
– Mitglied des B’Tselem-Präsidiums
– Frauen in Schwarz, Israel
– Koalition der Frauen für den Frieden [sic, doppelt genäht]”

Homepage von Luisa Morgantini

“Alle Friedensorganisationen und Freiheitskämpfer in Palästina und in Israel sind dieser Frau dankbar, die für sie die Inkarnation dessen bildet, was es an Positivem im Europäischen Parlament gibt. In der Tat habe ich einmal eine europäische Delegation getroffen, die mir gestand, dass sie zwar Angst davor habe, in Krisenperioden wie diesen nach Israel zu kommen, es aber nicht ertragen könne, dass das gesamte Europäische Parlament für viele Israelis und Palästinenser in Luisa Morgantini verkörpert sei.”

Nurit Peled, ebenda

Selbstverständlich war auch sie, die langjährige linkseuropäische Arafatvertraute Luisa Morgantini bei der Beerdigung des Rais dabei. Und wohl weil sie nicht nur als ehemalige “Vorsitzende der Delegation [des Europaparlaments] für die Beziehungen zum Palästinensischen Legislativrat”, sondern auch als “denkendes Herz in Europa” (Morgantini über Morgantini), wo immer sie auch gehen oder stehen mag, stets mindestens mit den Armen in der Luft rudert, um für den Frieden zu wirken, gab es dort – außer Arafat – keine weiteren Toten. Die deutsche Jungle World schrieb wenig später, eigentlich sei es “zwei Tage nach der chaotischen Beerdigung des Palästinenserführers in Ramallah erstaunlich ruhig. Die befürchteten gewalttätigen Demonstrationen sind ausgeblieben, von einem Bürgerkrieg kann keine Rede sein. […] Arafat musste wohl erst sterben, bevor die politischen Institutionen der Palästinenser ihre Funktionsfähigkeit unter Beweis stellen konnten”, und zeigte damit, dass sie noch nie etwas von Luisa Morgantini gehört hatte, obwohl man sie kürzlich sogar in einem von einem deutschen Fernsehsender ausgestrahlten Bericht beobachten konnte, wie sie in einer auf der Beerdigung entstandenen Paniksituation, in der einige anscheinend bewaffnete Männer zu rennen anfingen, mit den Armen ruderte und dann nichts Schlimmes mehr passierte. Continue reading Präsidentschaftswahlen in Arafatistan [nichts Neues]

William Hague proves that one can be a dhimmi and behave like a little “herrenmensch” at the same time

e.g. by

meeting with representatives of three groups at the forefront of the Palestinian civil disobedience movement. After visiting Ramallah, he talked to Palestinians and their supporters about their weekly demonstrations against Israel’s security barrier. Ignoring the violent nature of these protests, Hague praised the idea of “nonviolence” and listened to their arguments. Indeed, he is quoted as telling them that when “negotiations become an eternal promise that is never kept because of Israel’s unwillingness to accept a fair solution, popular resistance to the occupier becomes the only possible alternative remaining to the Palestinians to attain their rights without resorting to armed struggle.”

More at DEBKAfile.

East Jerusalem

Today East Jerusalem is on the table. Before the 1967 war liberated Jerusalem, Jordanian snipers from illegally annexed East Jerusalem used nearby Jewish buildings for target practice. Residents had to keep their curtains closed and the lights dim in rooms with a view of East Jerusalem, because if they didn’t, they might be killed in their own living rooms.

Only when Israel liberated East Jerusalem, only then could the shades be pulled back and the lights be lit brightly again. But with missiles raining down today, if East Jerusalem is turned over to the terrorists, then those shades will have to be drawn shut again, and the light will die out.

That light will die out not only in Jerusalem, but all around the world. Everywhere that terrorists are and everywhere that they dream of being. Everywhere. If we don’t keep the light lit, then the darkness will grow and the light will be lost.

Sultan Knish, 28/20/1010

Censorship at the “Times of Malta”?

A reader comment in yesterday’s on-line edition of the Times of Malta says:

Long live the Libyan El-Fateh Socialist Revolution!!!!! Long live Gaddafi!!!!

Clearly, something is missing here! Where is the usual final sentence: “Death to the Zionists!”?

P.S. for the Libyans: Be careful of whom you deal with in the still a bit infidel Europe:  The man in the center of the photograph does not seem to be the real Maltese Foreign Minister and “Israel critic” Tonio Borg! Indeed, he looks more like the Israeli ambassador to Malta! Next time, check his passport, at least (and if it could have been forged!)!

Update for the Libyans (15/2):  False alarm, it’s him, Tonio Borg. Checked it out. You may trust him. Sorry for that!

Deutschland ermahnt Israel: Fünf vor Auschwitz

Die Deutschen scheinen sich inzwischen sehr ermutigt zu fühlen, es sich – nachdem es dank einer Menge internationaler Solidarität den Serben schon gezeigt wurde – nunmehr auch nicht länger von Juden verbieten zu  lassen, auch direkt vor Israels Haustür zielstrebig das laut Hitlers “politischem Testament” von ihm ein wenig zu halbherzig geschmiedete Bündnis mit dem Islam zu forcieren. Auch die selbsttätig gleichgeschaltete deutsche Presse, z.B. der Spiegel, lügt doch bezüglich der letzten “Friedensflottille” noch immer einfach bis doppelt (herzzerreißend) von einem “Hilfskonvoi für die notleidende Bevölkerung Gazas”, statt die entsprechenden Kriegsmanöver etwa als internationalen antisemitischen Volkssturm von “Selbstmordprotestlern” (Caroline Glick) und deren zumeist linken Unterstützern zu denunzieren, was angesichts der Fakten – die man auch beim Spiegel längst kennen wird, die man aber lieber schuldhaft, auch viele Menschen auch im eigenen Land in Gefahr bringend, verschweigt – eher richtig, angemessen und wahrhaftig wäre. Was liegt also näher, als anlässlich eines deutschen Ministerbesuchs in Israel mit der “Moralität von Debilen” (Eike Geisel) eindringlich auf einem rein humanitären Besuch einer Kläranlage bzw. sog. humanitärer Organisationen (die Berichte weichen voneinander ab) in der islamistischen Terrorzentrale Gaza direkt von Israel aus zu bestehen, und wenn man seinen Willen nicht bekommt, mit den Selbstmordprotestlern zusammen laut “Foul” zu schreien? Besucht man Israel mittlerweile nicht ohnehin nur noch gleichsam als Besatzungsmitglied eines “Verbands kleiner Kriegsschiffe” (denn das ist laut Duden eine Flottille), um sich mit den arabischen Kumpels in Judäa und Samaria und in Gaza zu treffen, um provokativ Grenzen zu überschreiten und die Israelis das Fürchten zu lehren, um ihnen zu zeigen, dass man vor der Zersetzung der Souveränität des Staates der Juden, die von Antisemiten hingegen schon immer für die angebliche “Zersetzung” aller übrigen Völker verantwortlich gemacht wurden, nicht zurückschreckt, um ihnen dann auftrumpfend vorzuwerfen, sie seien paranoid? Continue reading Deutschland ermahnt Israel: Fünf vor Auschwitz