Regarding the recent Islamic truck terror attack in Berlin,

Angela Merkel is quoted as having said, “The whole of Europe is asking itself how such a thing can happen.”
You over there in the US or elsewhere outside Europe may scratch or even shake your heads at such a statement, but the Empress is of course entitled to speak for all her (partly extremely uncivilized and dumb) subjects, including, inter alia, all those extreme nationalists and racists currently residing in the Eastern part of Europe and Switzerland, who are still rebelling against her moral decrees to provide protection to many more deeply traumatized protection-seeking human beings.
Continue reading Regarding the recent Islamic truck terror attack in Berlin,

James Cameron verfilmt die Kölner Fickificki-Nacht

Von Akif Pirinçci

Hollywood/Calif. Hatte die Nachricht, Leonardo DiCaprio habe sich die Verfilmungsrechte des VW-Abgas-Skandals gesichert, für Aufsehen gesorgt, so wird sie nun von einer noch spektakuläreren Neuigkeit übertroffen. Kein Geringerer als James Cameron will den Aufstand der „Nordafrikaner“ gegen ihre Unterdrückung durch deutsche Frauen am Kölner Bahnhof in der Silvesternacht auf die Leinwand bringen. Das Projekt ist weit gediehen, die Dreharbeiten sollen schon im Februar beginnen, „bevor zum Frühling hin die nächsten Millionen Antänzer hier antanzen; schließlich haben wir auch Frauen im Team“, meint der Starregisseur. [→ Weiterlesen im Weblog von Akif Pirinçci]

Bibi Wilhailm (16, deutsche Dissidentin): “Machen Sie [Merkel] endlich etwas, machen Sie die Augen auf! … Sie zerstören Deutschland.”

Bravo, Bibi!

“Wenn Adolf Hitler heute leben würde, würde er natürlich ganz anders vorgehen”

 Michael Mross im Gespräch mit Joachim Steinhöfel über Deutschland, die “FDJ-Trulla” Angela Merkel und die Feldzüge gegen Akif Pirinçci und andere Abweichler vom linksgrün transformierten “Konsens der Demokraten”

Quelle (und mehr bei): MMnews

Muchnicerspeak from near Munich

A study conducted byf [sic] the German government reveals that 82 major attacks took place on synagogues within a five year period. Vandals and terrorists left notes connecting their attacks with the Israel-Palestinian conflict. “So long as you do not give the Palestinians peace, we are not going to give you peace,” read many of these notes. [Giulio Meotti, in: Israel National News, 20 October 2013]

According to the German newspaper Die Welt, last August, in Germany, “in the former prisoners bath” of the former concentration camp in Dachau (near Munich), when asked by the former prisoner Uri Chanoch, “who [… ] lives in Israel,” “what message he should take home from this meeting,” (according to Chanoch) the head of the German government, Angela Merkel, replied: “Make peace!”

The Jews are disappointing the Germans again

After Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu expressed his disappointment with Germany because of its recent vote in the UN Security Council in favour of condemning Israel for not taking more decisive steps toward making Judea and Samaria judenrein, according to INN, German chancellor Angela Merkel replied,

“How dare you? You are the one who has disappointed us. You haven’t made a single step to advance peace.”

For Germans, obviously, the sacrifice of just a few thousands of Israelis in the past years for an unattainable peace with people who only want the destruction of Israel and the Jews, and are always busy taking steps toward that goal, cannot be sufficient. The Germans themselves, about seventy years ago, were doubtlessly much more courageous in taking steps than the Israelis have been in recent years, and even today they are really not “that bad” at all, as far as their dirty courage is concerned.