The perfidious ‘logic’ of The Times of Malta

Since Gaza has become “judenrein,” southern Israel has been pounded constantly with rockets coming from there, including on kindergartens, and it’s a miracle that not more people have already died and been injured.

But the Times of Malta, always keeping mum about this in its anti-Semitic solidarity with the Gazan terrorists, viciously exploits every occasion to ‘prove’ that the victims are the aggressors and the attackers are the victims, who just ‘strike back’ from time to time. Continue reading The perfidious ‘logic’ of The Times of Malta

Hello, Dr George Vella, here are a few more talking points for you and your party!

Today the Times of Malta reported that

[PL] Party foreign affairs spokesman George Vella said it was not enough for [Maltese Prime Minister] Dr Gonzi to have called for a renewal of talks between Israel and the Palestinians. His failure to publicly declare support for the recognition of Palestinian statehood, made by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, showed lack of respect to the Palestinians.

Dr George Vella is so right. Continue reading Hello, Dr George Vella, here are a few more talking points for you and your party!

Experiment in peacefully reconciling by “cut-up” technique certain divergent European and Arab views of the “Libyan revolution”

A heartfelt welcome by thousands upon thousands of free Libyans greeted the NTC Head Jalil’s maiden speech yesterday on MARTYRS’ SQUARE, Tripoli, to bear witness to the popularity of the Revolution that ousted rutless despot Khadafi after using his fire power to massacre his own people in their thousands! Bin-Laden’s comments were accompanied by a speech by new Al Qaeda chief, Ayman al-Zawahri, who claimed credit on behalf of his terror group for the “Arab spring” uprisings against dictators in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, and other countries. Continue reading Experiment in peacefully reconciling by “cut-up” technique certain divergent European and Arab views of the “Libyan revolution”

A warning from the IDF to be heeded by the Jew-blood-thirsty “Times of Malta” (and most of the journalists of the world) too

Bonġu Times of Malta,

On the 5th of June, among other things, you published this:

On May 15, Israeli gunfire killed 12 people and wounded hundreds as Palestinians marched on Israel’s borders with Lebanon, Syria and Gaza in a mass show of mourning over the creation of the Jewish state.

Now, Times of Malta, looky here, click and listen to this, please:

Got the message, Times of Malta? (If not, maybe try switching on the captions of the YouTube video!) You are now definitely warned: Continue reading A warning from the IDF to be heeded by the Jew-blood-thirsty “Times of Malta” (and most of the journalists of the world) too

Al-Qaeda? Rubbish! Daphne Caruana Galizia might be right somewhere, somehow

Recently, she stated sarcastically at her blog:

Tonio Borg was quoted by The Times as saying that the revolution in Libya “is different from the one in Tunisia and Egypt because it did not start in the capital city and there is a strong tribal element. The Tunisian revolution was secular.”

And the revolution in Libya is….what, led by Al Qaeda? Continue reading Al-Qaeda? Rubbish! Daphne Caruana Galizia might be right somewhere, somehow

Times of Malta justifies anti-Semitic terror attack in Jerusalem

Last lines in its first article today about the attack:

Sirens echoed through the city as dozens of ambulances and fire engines raced to the scene.

An AFP correspondent at the scene said the attack hit the 174 bus which was headed for Maaleh Adumim, a sprawling Jewish settlement which lies just to the east of Jerusalem.

In all these days it has said nothing about all the other terror attacks happening in Israel on a daily basis again, with people injured and many in shock. Has it said something about the slaughter of almost an entire “settler” family, murdered in their sleep, without citing this just as a “justification” for some “revenge” of the IDF? I don’t remember. What I know is that it considers even the rest of Israel as a dangerously “sprawling settlement,” and Jews as some kind of dangerous cancer, just like Hamas, Ahmadinejad, and all the rest of the modern nazis do.

Libya: Another Kosovar-Srebrenican Style Nakbashoah in the making?

An interesting statement could be found today in the online edition of The Times of Malta. The newspaper quoted “[t]wo Libyan fighter jet pilots landed in Malta” as saying (if in unison or one after another or otherwise, the newspaper wouldn’t say) that,

“[t]here are rivers of blood on the streets of Tripoli,”

and as adding,

that Serbian plans were being sent to bomb civilian protesters.

The site did not specify if so far only military protesters had been bombed, nor from where and whereto the plans were allegedly being sent – so that presumably the Serbian plans were and are still being flown in from Serbia or Pale (and/or, who knows, from Jerusalem and/or New York, too?). Furthermore, it does not appear to be absolutely clear whether the Libyan fighter jet pilots and/or the Times of Malta mean or meant that civilian protesters in Libya were already being killed (in addition to military protesters) or probably going to be killed directly and in masses by means of Serbian plans rather than through more conventional, less atrocious weapons (of mass destruction) and “only” following masses of vicious Serbian plans being sent from one place to another, probably to Gaddafi.

Continue reading Libya: Another Kosovar-Srebrenican Style Nakbashoah in the making?

In alliance with Gaddafi, the “Times of Malta”…

… currently seems to get more and more of those “readers-writers” it deserves:

Anthony Farrugia says:
Tuesday, 22 February at 1006hrs

Reading the posts on should carry a health warning: heartburn.

All the wackos, pettyminded weirdos, people who have never read a book or even a newspaper in their lives: they all come rushing out of the woodwork to post their inane comments based on total ignorance, grocer hearsay, conspiracy theories, beware of the bogey man attitudes, the more the merrier.

If you need evidence of the failure of education coupled with selfish characters plus I am all right so f&%k Jack attitude, it’s all right there. I forgot the lack of grammar, punctuation, spelling, postin with Caps Lock on; it makes one weep with frustration.

Hot Mama says:
Tuesday, 22 February at 1057hrs

you forgot these: !!!!!!

[Source: Daphne Caruana Galizia’s Notebook]

And the TOM still wants to attract even more of those authoritarian-minded Maltese half-witted peasants as readers, dragging some of them away from, for instance, Maltatoday. Today, one of its headlines promises the Brutes of Malta that Tripoli – obviously thanks to Gaddafi’s mega-bloody mowing down of protesters in Libya – is “calm” again, though contradicting itself beneath that line (so check back later, dear illiterate, to see if it will remain stable even tomorrow! and comment and buy!); and in another, unsubstantiated, piece, it avidly seizes the occasion to mark Libyans living in Malta who do not like Gaddafi that much, bluntly as “violent,” before investigating any further.

For having done what?

For allegedly having removed a portrait of the great anti-Semitic leader of the Libyan people from a wall inside an Islamic school.

Censorship at the “Times of Malta”?

A reader comment in yesterday’s on-line edition of the Times of Malta says:

Long live the Libyan El-Fateh Socialist Revolution!!!!! Long live Gaddafi!!!!

Clearly, something is missing here! Where is the usual final sentence: “Death to the Zionists!”?

P.S. for the Libyans: Be careful of whom you deal with in the still a bit infidel Europe:  The man in the center of the photograph does not seem to be the real Maltese Foreign Minister and “Israel critic” Tonio Borg! Indeed, he looks more like the Israeli ambassador to Malta! Next time, check his passport, at least (and if it could have been forged!)!

Update for the Libyans (15/2):  False alarm, it’s him, Tonio Borg. Checked it out. You may trust him. Sorry for that!

“Turks” and “Germans” parade in Malta to celebrate the “freedom flotilla”

Some newspaper headlines can lie much better than (non-doctored) videos: Who are the victims of Gaza? The inhabitants of Gaza City? All of them? And what did Gaza City do to them? “Free” them of all Jews?

If, by Gaza, the Hamas-run political entity is meant, the demonstration celebrated by the Times of Malta on the 4th of June was certainly not in favor of any victims, it was a demonstration in solidarity with (real and wannabe)  Jew murderers. And it seems that some demonstrators very much wanted this to be quite clear, so clear that the brave Maltese police had to intervene.

Two sieges in one
The following statement made by the Times of Malta might be true:

The organisations supporting the event were Alternattiva Demokratika Zaghzagh, the Arabic Cultural Information Society (ACIS), Euro-Med, Kopin (Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali – Malta), Moviment Azzjoni Xellug, Moviment Graffitti, Peace lab, Stand4Palestine – Malta, Third World Group and Zminijietna.