You are so right, Ms Caruana Galizia!

Quando si tratta di combattere l'”Islamofobia” (© Ayatollah Khomeini), tutto fa brodo e tutto è permesso come nell’amore, mhux veru? Even something as repulsive as a “Bosnian-American Genocide Institute and Education Center” (at the same time), i.e., as Julia Gorin has – perhaps unintentionally – explained, literally an Institute for genocide. So just keep on publishing, along with the periodic reader remarks suggesting Jewish conspiracies, also any eye-opening Holocaust-relativising shit like the following – in your amazing notebook:

Dee says:

It is not the first time in European history that diplomats and international agencies preferred to look the other way whilst millions perished thanks to the whims of a tyrant.

Seems that history is repeating itself whilst Gaddafi unleashes the ”Final Solution’ on his people.

After all, it’s in our Eurabian DNA and neither we nor anyone else can do anything against our transforming anything in “Final Solutions,” I mean anything short of some kind of… well… “Final Solution.”

Daphne Caruana Galizia condemns frightening first results of Egyptian “revolution”

In a strong-worded statement published yesterday on her blog, Maltese EU liberal Daphne Caruana Galizia condemned the violence currently taking place in Egypt, where the newly appointed Foreign Minister is preparing to boost Egypt’s collaboration with the Iranian-sponsored Hamas for the next big war against Israel after the Egyptian-Israeli gas-pipeline has already been blown up and Islamic anti-Semitic Cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi has spoken to a crowd of reportedly one million or more followers in Cairo’s Tahrir Square shortly after the “revolution”, inveighing and inciting Jihad against the Jews, while the Egyptian military is being reported to be backing up an Islamic mob attacking the homes of Christians and trying to destroy a Coptic Church (because one of those infidels had a relationship with a woman born as a follower of their superior religion of peace) after similar incidents in the last few days in Egypt in which the military helped render Egyptian Christians defenseless against Islamic Jihad mob attacks. Continue reading Daphne Caruana Galizia condemns frightening first results of Egyptian “revolution”

If Daphne Caruana Galizia is right, Egyptians urgently need “democratic governance” too

Did [Maltese EU Commissioner John Dalli] say that democratic governance is the fountain from which everything else – human rights, free elections, freedom of speech – will flow, or did he say that Libyans are problematic because their religion preaches ‘vindication’ while ‘ours preaches forgiveness’?

Dahne Caruana Galizia, today

The father of [a] Muslim woman was killed by his cousin because he did not kill his daughter to preserve the family’s honor, which led the woman’s brother to avenge the death of his father by killing the cousin. The village Muslims blamed the Christians.

The Free Copts, the day before yesterday

The Middle East, the Maghreb, and the West: The bigger picture, described by Caroline Glick

So long as the Iranian regime remains in power, it will be that much harder for the Egyptians to build an open democracy or for the Saudis to open the kingdom to liberal voices and influences. The same is true of virtually every country in the region. Iran is the primary regional engine of war, terror, nuclear proliferation and instability. As long as the regime survives, it will be difficult for liberal forces in the region to gain strength and influence.

On February 24, the mullahs reportedly arrested opposition leaders Mir Hossain Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi along with their wives. It took the Obama administration several days to even acknowledge the arrests, let alone denounce them. Continue reading The Middle East, the Maghreb, and the West: The bigger picture, described by Caroline Glick

Cyrenaican “uprising”: Demonstration of Eritreans in Valletta

Some 100 members of the Eritrean community in Malta held a demonstration in Valletta this afternoon where they called on Malta and the international community to help evacuate asylum seekers stranded in Libya.

They said the Eritreans could not return to their country because they would be prosecuted [sic], and they were not part of the international evacuation effort and had thus been stranded, without protection, in Libya. Some were in danger of being shot, being mistaken for Gaddafi’s mercenaries. Continue reading Cyrenaican “uprising”: Demonstration of Eritreans in Valletta

Libya: Whom could NATO bomb for now?

The Libyan “government” or the “Libyan opposition”? Difficult question, isn’t it, all things considered?

Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) Make Weapons Grab in Libya

Islamist groups took advantage of civil unrest and seized a weapons depot in Derna, on Friday, 18 February and weapons at at port in al-Baida. The Islamist Weapons Inventory in Libya: first count based on news reports. Continue reading Libya: Whom could NATO bomb for now?

“Kosovan” chickens coming home to Frankfurt not only to roost

To Frankfurt, the city where former German Foreign Minister and Belgrade-bomber-because-of-Auschwitz Joschka Fischer “planned the third world war” together with other members of his “flat-sharing community,” as he jokingly suggested while he was being heard in a procedure related to acts of terrorism (not yet aimed at Serbs, that time).

A “Kosovan” (post-modern meaning: guaranteed anti-Serbian Albanian) allegedly cried “Allahu akhbar” before he murdered two American soldiers today, injuring two other persons, at the airport of Frankfurt.

Could it be that he just wanted to remind Kosovo “liberation” romantics and – at least in this respect – tribalistic hotheads like Daphne Caruana Galizia just to carry on with their fact-independent “narrative” of “genocide” and “crimes against humanity” in Libya, where Gaddafi is the new Hitler-Milosovic, without giving a damn about who or what might be next (especially when the uprising has begun as an Islamist one)? Did he just want to say that in order to act humanely, first of all you need Begriffe, not just “Libyan friends”?

Who knows.


I’m sorry, but I don’t understand your point. It’s quite obvious that the only people being killed in Libya are Muslim, because they are Libyan.

Daphne Caruana Galizia, Maltese anti-racist, 22 or 23 February 2011

“In the past days we have heard reports of innocent sub-Saharan Africans being beaten, stabbed and even killed, as they are wrongly suspected of being mercenaries hired by Gaddafi to kill the Libyan people.” Continue reading Really?

Maltese writer Daphne Caruana Galizia should perhaps partly rewrite one blog post of hers asap

Today she wrote that,

perhaps [The Times of Malta] could ring [Maltese FM] Tonio Borg and ask him whether we are still close friends with Gaddafi, and if not, what do we plan to do about it.

Continue reading Maltese writer Daphne Caruana Galizia should perhaps partly rewrite one blog post of hers asap

Libya: Another Kosovar-Srebrenican Style Nakbashoah in the making?

An interesting statement could be found today in the online edition of The Times of Malta. The newspaper quoted “[t]wo Libyan fighter jet pilots landed in Malta” as saying (if in unison or one after another or otherwise, the newspaper wouldn’t say) that,

“[t]here are rivers of blood on the streets of Tripoli,”

and as adding,

that Serbian plans were being sent to bomb civilian protesters.

The site did not specify if so far only military protesters had been bombed, nor from where and whereto the plans were allegedly being sent – so that presumably the Serbian plans were and are still being flown in from Serbia or Pale (and/or, who knows, from Jerusalem and/or New York, too?). Furthermore, it does not appear to be absolutely clear whether the Libyan fighter jet pilots and/or the Times of Malta mean or meant that civilian protesters in Libya were already being killed (in addition to military protesters) or probably going to be killed directly and in masses by means of Serbian plans rather than through more conventional, less atrocious weapons (of mass destruction) and “only” following masses of vicious Serbian plans being sent from one place to another, probably to Gaddafi.

Continue reading Libya: Another Kosovar-Srebrenican Style Nakbashoah in the making?

Is it allowed to hold Islamic prayers in the streets of Catholic Malta, shouting “Allah u Akhbar”?

Just wondering again, like some Maltese policemen seem to, too (or don’t they?)…

Another question: I’m sure that Catholics often do prayers in the streets here too. But I think they have to ask for a permission, even though Catholicism is the State religion here. Did the Muslims in the video have one (a permission), or did they have only one for a (protest) demonstration? Or was that, the “prayer”, just a piece of art, protected by the right to freedom of expression anyhow?

In alliance with Gaddafi, the “Times of Malta”…

… currently seems to get more and more of those “readers-writers” it deserves:

Anthony Farrugia says:
Tuesday, 22 February at 1006hrs

Reading the posts on should carry a health warning: heartburn.

All the wackos, pettyminded weirdos, people who have never read a book or even a newspaper in their lives: they all come rushing out of the woodwork to post their inane comments based on total ignorance, grocer hearsay, conspiracy theories, beware of the bogey man attitudes, the more the merrier.

If you need evidence of the failure of education coupled with selfish characters plus I am all right so f&%k Jack attitude, it’s all right there. I forgot the lack of grammar, punctuation, spelling, postin with Caps Lock on; it makes one weep with frustration.

Hot Mama says:
Tuesday, 22 February at 1057hrs

you forgot these: !!!!!!

[Source: Daphne Caruana Galizia’s Notebook]

And the TOM still wants to attract even more of those authoritarian-minded Maltese half-witted peasants as readers, dragging some of them away from, for instance, Maltatoday. Today, one of its headlines promises the Brutes of Malta that Tripoli – obviously thanks to Gaddafi’s mega-bloody mowing down of protesters in Libya – is “calm” again, though contradicting itself beneath that line (so check back later, dear illiterate, to see if it will remain stable even tomorrow! and comment and buy!); and in another, unsubstantiated, piece, it avidly seizes the occasion to mark Libyans living in Malta who do not like Gaddafi that much, bluntly as “violent,” before investigating any further.

For having done what?

For allegedly having removed a portrait of the great anti-Semitic leader of the Libyan people from a wall inside an Islamic school.

Dr Tonio Borg’s dual concept of sovereignty and territorial integrity

It seems to me that a few hours ago I read that the Maltese Foreign Minister, Dr Tonio Borg, once again mumbled (or that he said much clearer and louder than ever before) that it is wrong to impose “our model of democracy” on the countries of the Maghreb. Or maybe he was just speaking about Libya. Yes, I think he was referring to Libya, as I remember too now that he also said more or less that one may not risk to help split up a sovereign state from the outside.
The Foreign Minister (and lawyer’s) statement reminded me of the fact that reportedly, when in Israel some time ago, he met with a representative of the Palestinian Authority (if I remember well it was Hanan Ashravi) in Jerusalem, which amounted, as a news editor told me, to a violation of the Oslo accords (at least by the representative of the PA involved), i.e. virtually to a coordinated (“Christian-Muslim”, so to speak) attack on the sovereignty of Israel.
I guess this means that, on one hand, as far as the Maghreb (or any country of the world except Israel) is concerned, the Maltese Foreign Minister and lawyer Tonio Borg is in favor of territorial integrity (even if that may cost some or even many many lives and even if that state continues to be led by one of the most brutal and ugly anti-Semitic fascists of the world), and that, on the other hand, as far as the Jewish state is concerned, he is not that shy instead and supports moves aimed at the violation of its sovereignty or even at its complete destruction, even if that could cost many many deaths – mainly of Jews).

I don’t know: may one call Dr Tonio Borg a terrorist supporter because of this? Well, of course not. Gaddafi certainly is not a terrorist, but rather just a Muslim statesman with his own ideas about democracy — Libyan ideas. Just like Tonio Borg has its own Maltese ones. And now please do not tell me that the case of Bianca Zammit and Dr Borg’s patriotic legal and diplomatic support for her against the bloody Zionists has got something to do with support for terrorism too, or even for anti-Semitism. Mind you: We clarified that question earlier already, at least as far as I remember.

Daphne Caruana Galizia on “Maltese bravery”

If we shout “Gaddafi, stop this bloodshed” we will be knocked out of our senses once and for all.

[Daphne – Really, by whom? We’re a nation of cowards, and you sum up the typical sentiment. If we hadn’t been a British colony at the time we would have surrendered to Mussolini in 1939 for just the reasons you outline. That George Cross went to the wrong people. We endured the bombings because we had no choice and not because we stood up to fascism. Given half the chance, we would have embraced fascism rather than be bombed.]

Censorship at the “Times of Malta”?

A reader comment in yesterday’s on-line edition of the Times of Malta says:

Long live the Libyan El-Fateh Socialist Revolution!!!!! Long live Gaddafi!!!!

Clearly, something is missing here! Where is the usual final sentence: “Death to the Zionists!”?

P.S. for the Libyans: Be careful of whom you deal with in the still a bit infidel Europe:  The man in the center of the photograph does not seem to be the real Maltese Foreign Minister and “Israel critic” Tonio Borg! Indeed, he looks more like the Israeli ambassador to Malta! Next time, check his passport, at least (and if it could have been forged!)!

Update for the Libyans (15/2):  False alarm, it’s him, Tonio Borg. Checked it out. You may trust him. Sorry for that!