Pushing harder to push the Jews out of their own land by means of illegal settlements

Now the Obama administration seems to care even less about the Oslo Accords into which the Clinton administration pressured the tiny state of Israel, enabling a bunch of defeated terrorists to set up a “legal” anti-Semitic terror base within what should be Israel’s own sovereign territory: State Dept. Tells Israel to Leave Illegal Arab Settlement.

As Adolf Hitler stressed: “Menschenrecht bricht Staatsrecht” (“human rights trump state law”) – while it is “us” who define what is a “human right” and what is not, at least when it comes to the Jews of Israel (or, well, to the Serbs).

Martin Sherman on the folly of the “Iran deal”

Astonishingly, nearly all the decisions of the Joint Commission, tasked with overseeing/ administering the implementation of the deal, are to be made by consensus – which in effect gives Iran veto power over them. In the case of inspection access, it is sufficient for two of its eight members (say China and Russia) to abstain for Iran to block any decision it dislikes. Continue reading Martin Sherman on the folly of the “Iran deal”

Is Obama administration inviting foreign powers to join it in crushing US democracy and Israel’s resistance…

… against the construction of a “P5+1+Iran” (or maybe “better” E3/EU+3-or-how-the-hell-it’s-called-by-the-EU-tyrants”) “left-green world dictatorship”?

Obama Turns to U.N. to Outmaneuver Congress – Washington is working on a new Security Council resolution making the nuclear deal legally binding on the next president” (foreignpolicy.com).

Every day now it seems more and more likely that there will be much much weeping ahead.

Srebrenica – a report that gets a little closer to the real story

And today?

“‘Allahu Akbar’: Serbia’s Prime Minister Attacked In Srebrenica (video)

Linta condemns adoption of Srebrenica resolution in EP“:

[The President of the Coalition of Refugee Associations in Serbia, Miodrag] Linta appealed to the initiator of the Srebrenica resolution, Croatian MEP Ivan Jakovcic, to show that he is a principled and truth-loving politician and initiate a resolution in the EP that would condemn mass crimes during and after Operation Strom in 1995, when Croatian armed forces under the command of Janko Bobetko, Ante Gotovina and other Croatian generals killed more than 2,000 Serb prisoners and civilians and expelled around 220,000 Krajina Serbs in a matter of days.

Operation Storm is the largest-scale ethnic cleansing carried out in Europe after World War II, and the government of Croatia should declare August 5 a day of remembrance for all those who perished in the territory of Croatia, the release states.

The Islamic/Clintonista/EU jihad against the Serbs, the Jews, the USA, Western Civilization is bound to continue, also because truth and justice are not things most EU parliamentarians are interested in. And so…

Guskova: Terrorist attacks planned in Serbia, BiH and Macedonia in August

Daniel Greenfield: “Obama lässt hochrangigen El-Kaida-Terroristen frei, der Osamas Fatwas schrieb”

Unter den neuesten sechs Dschihadis, die von Obama im Rahmen seiner Mission aus Gitmo [dem Guantanamo-Gefangenenlager, Anm. d. Übers.] freigelassen wurden, ist auch Saad Masir Mukbl al Azani.

Die Gründe für die Freilassung von Saad sind offensichtlich.

1. Er wurde von anderen gefangen genommenen Terroristen als hochrangiges El-Kaida-Mitglied identifiziert.

2. Er erließ Fatwas, angeblich während er mit Osama bin Ladens religiösem Berater zusammen im Fatwa-Ausschuss saß. Das mag in den Ohren von Religion-des-Friedens-Typen gewaltfrei klingen, es bedeutete allerdings, dass er die Rechtfertigung für Terroranschläge lieferte.

3. Er half dabei, El-Kaida-Terroristen zu indoktrinieren, indem er sie den Koran lehrte.

Ich bin mir sicher, dass er, während er frei herumläuft, keineswegs wieder in seinen alten Job zurückkehren wird. Während Obamas Mund Geräusche über die ‚Bekämpfung des gewalttätigen Extremismus‘ von sich gibt, hört er nicht auf, erfahrene Führer an El Kaida und ISIS zurückzusenden.

[Übersetzung aus dem Englischen: Ralph Raschen; engl. Originalfassung erschienen in Frontpage Mag, 17.6.2015.]

“Kerry Intifada”? Young Jew Eden Atias murdered by Arab jihadist while sleeping on a bus

“We make difficult concessions for which we pay in human lives, while the Palestinians only talk. […] The current situation endangers our sons and daughters while the PA celebrates the release of murderers. This is intolerable and must stop immediately.” [Knesset Finance Committee chairman Nissan Slomiansky] Continue reading “Kerry Intifada”? Young Jew Eden Atias murdered by Arab jihadist while sleeping on a bus

Demands of the current rulers of the “Arab occupied areas of Judea and Samaria” (according to Joshuapundit)

The Palestinians are demanding over half of Jerusalem, including control of all of the major Jewish holy sites. They claim all of Judea and Samaria, although they’ve agreed to consider a land swap of no more than 1.9 percent with Israel in exchange for money and an equivalent amount of Israeli land. That 1.9 percent would essentially be meaningless since it isn’t anywhere near the amount of land necessary to incorporate the majority of Jewish communities into Israel.  Geographically, it would amount to a defenseless enclave surrounded on two sides by the Palestinians. Continue reading Demands of the current rulers of the “Arab occupied areas of Judea and Samaria” (according to Joshuapundit)

Europäische Profifußballer: Bekämpfung antisemitischer Terroristen durch Israel unsportlich genug, um Boykott des Judenstaats zu rechtfertigen

In Südisrael haben ca. 1 Million Personen, behinderte und nichtbehinderte, unter denen sich auch viele Unter-21-Jährige befinden, im Fall eines Raketenalarms, je nachdem, wie weit sie gerade vom Gazastreifen entfernt sind, ca. 15 – 45  Sekunden  Zeit, zum nächstgelegenen Bunker zu rennen/zu fahren oder sich sonstwie in relative Sicherheit zu bringen, sei es am Tag, sei es mitten in der Nacht.

Die IDF, die israelischen Streitkräfte, haben vor kurzem, nachdem diese ca. 1 Million Menschen die erwähnte Übung mittlerweile erneut unzählige Male täglich zu absolvieren hatten*, versucht, den Beschuss Israels aus Gaza mittels verstärkter militärischer Operationen zu unterbinden. Sehr unsportlicher Weise, wie einige Fußballer meinen:

Dozens of professional football players have signed a statement protesting the decision of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) to stage the European under-21 championship in Israel next year.

The statement, which was released by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Campaign against Israel, claims that in light of the recent Israeli operation in Gaza, holding the tournament in Israel would be “seen as a reward for actions that are contrary to sporting values.”

The decision to host the games in Israel is “yet another stain on the world’s conscience” […], the statement says.

Durch derartige jüdische Antiterror- und Antivernichtungsmaßnahmen wird nämlich, abgesehen von der Einschränkung des Rechts der Jihadisten auf Judenmassenmord, auch deren Recht auf die Förderung der täglichen sportlichen Betätigung ihrer Opfer mit Füßen getreten, da diese nun – wenigstens für eine Weile – nicht mehr täglich (und  nächtlich) um ihr Leben laufen müssen. Und besonders dazu können um die Werte des Sports besorgte Erben des Nazi-Bündnisses mit dem Islam natürlich nicht schweigen.

“We, as European football players, express our solidarity with the people of Gaza who are living under siege and denied basic human dignity and freedom,” the players said in the statement, which was also published on the website of former Tottenham and Sevilla striker Frederic Kanoute.

*) “Palestinian Terrorist Rockets and Mortars Fired at Southern Israel Since January 20, 2012
2725*: (2369* since ‘ceasefire’ on March 13th); (2088* since ‘ceasefire’ on June 26); *These numbers incorporate the grossly under-reported “official numbers” between 9/14/12–9/21/12.” — israelstreet.org, 2.12.2012.


More progress toward "Libyan freedom" (Daphne Caruana Galizia) and democracy with an "Islamic tinge" (Tonio Borg) in Benghazi

ХудожникDesecrating Christian and Jewish graves and destroying crosses of a Commonwealth cemetery:


The Palestinian Jihad Islami escalated its attacks on a dozen Israel towns and villages Saturday, firing up to 100 rockets on the second day of their revenge for Israel’s targeted killing of Zuheir al-Qaisi, head of the Popular Resistance Committees in Gaza, before he could carry out his second terrorist attack from Sinai. The volleys Saturday, March 10, included Grad multiple rocket launchers mounted on vehicles and SA-7 anti-air rockets, the Russian version of the American Stinger, smuggled from Libya. [DEBKAfile]

“Islam does not bother people but …” (Daphne Caruana Galizia)

KAMPALA, Uganda – Islamic extremists threw acid on a church leader on Christmas Eve shortly after a seven-day revival at his church, leaving him with severe burns that have blinded one eye and threaten sight in the other.

Bishop Umar Mulinde, 37, a sheikh (Islamic teacher) before his conversion to Christianity, was attacked on Saturday night (Dec. 24) outside his Gospel Life Church International building in Namasuba, about 10 kilometers (six miles) outside of Kampala. From his hospital bed in Kampala, he told Compass that he was on his way back to the site for a party with the entire congregation and hundreds of new converts to Christianity when a man who claimed to be a Christian approached him.
Continue reading “Islam does not bother people but …” (Daphne Caruana Galizia)

A comment on what could be the next thing entering Daphne Caruana Galizia’s backyard

… and in that of the “alliance of the shortsighted” (Heute in Israel) as a whole:

This is quite distressing. All the freedom lovers in the Middle East may only want to exchange one tyranny for another. It doesn’t seem like we’ll see any progress towards modernity if the Islamists take over. If we are aiding them, the west will have multiple Irans to deal with. My biggest sorrow is for all the girls and women who suffer in these societies.

Mine too.

Daphne Caruana Galizia condemns frightening first results of Egyptian “revolution”

In a strong-worded statement published yesterday on her blog, Maltese EU liberal Daphne Caruana Galizia condemned the violence currently taking place in Egypt, where the newly appointed Foreign Minister is preparing to boost Egypt’s collaboration with the Iranian-sponsored Hamas for the next big war against Israel after the Egyptian-Israeli gas-pipeline has already been blown up and Islamic anti-Semitic Cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi has spoken to a crowd of reportedly one million or more followers in Cairo’s Tahrir Square shortly after the “revolution”, inveighing and inciting Jihad against the Jews, while the Egyptian military is being reported to be backing up an Islamic mob attacking the homes of Christians and trying to destroy a Coptic Church (because one of those infidels had a relationship with a woman born as a follower of their superior religion of peace) after similar incidents in the last few days in Egypt in which the military helped render Egyptian Christians defenseless against Islamic Jihad mob attacks. Continue reading Daphne Caruana Galizia condemns frightening first results of Egyptian “revolution”

Evidence seems to be surfacing that GonziPN is neither directed nor paid by Daphne Caruana Galizia

Malta ‘will not act as a military base’ [sic]

by Scott Grech

The government is insisting that Malta has not been requested to act as a military base and is not preparing to act as such, as British Prime Minister David Cameron threatened Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi with military action yesterday, promising a no-fly zone and arms shipments to his enemies.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi stressed on Sunday that “Malta’s mission in light of the unrest in Libya is a humanitarian one”.

His words were echoed by Foreign Affairs Minister Tonio Borg on Monday, who commented that “the government’s priorities remain to evacuate Maltese people working in Libya and to help all the countries that have requested Malta’s cooperation in the evacuation of foreigners from the North African state”.

Source: The Malta Independent Online, 2/3/2011

Tunisian freedom: “Death to the Jews” and Sharia

From Arutz Sheva:

Protesters are continuing their attempts to topple the interim government, which replaced the regime of former President Ben Ali. They also demanded that the parliament disband and the constitution be suspended so that a new one can be written, by an elected assembly.

One week ago, hundreds of Islamist protesters screamed “Death to the Jews!” as they marched down the main street of Tunis. The demonstration followed a Friday rally in front of the main synagogue in the country in which protesters threatened to bring back “the army of Mohammed” to slaughter the Jews.

Tunisian women, performing artists and others concerned about civil rights in the country have expressed concern that the riots may lead to an Islamist takeover of the government, thus ending the country’s equal rights for women.

Beating the Cyrenaicans meaning the Euros too


“I will die a martyr!”

In a long, fiery speech broadcast by Libyan state TV Tuesday, Libya’s ruler Col. Muammar Qaddafi declared war on his enemies at home and abroad. He accused the Cyrenaicans of the East of conspiring to establish an Al Qaeda emirate that would bring the Americans over and create the same situation in Libya as in Afghanistan and Pakistan and threatened them with the fury of millions of Libyans.

[Source: DEBKAfile Exclusive Report February 22, 2011, 8:07 PM (GMT+02:00)]

[At a loss for a headline]

We have agreed on the rules of the protest on Facebook: We will remain peaceful. We will not use sectarian or party-political slogans or posters. The Muslim Brothers may not carry religious symbols. Everything shall remain civil. Everything shall be done according to democratic procedures.

Hamed Abdel-Samad, Tagebuch aus Ägypten: Mein Land, meine Leute, meine Revolution (Diary from Egypt: My Country, my people, my revolution), in: Welt Online, 5/2/2011 (my translation)

Cairo: February 3, 2011. (By Mary Abdelmassih AINA) — News of a massacre of two Christian Coptic families by Islamists just emerged from Upper Egypt with the return of the Internet connections after a week of Internet blackout by the Egyptian regime. The massacre took place on Sunday, January 30 at 3 PM in the village of Sharona near Maghagha, Minya province. Two Islamists groups, aided by the Muslim neighbors, descended on the roof of houses owned by Copts, killing eleven Copts, including children, and seriously injuring four others.

Anba Agathon, Bishop of Maghagha, told Coptic activist Dr. Mona Roman in a televised interview on Al-Karma TV that the killers are their neighbors, who seized the opportunity of the mayhem prevailing in Egypt and the absence of police protection to slaughter the Copts. He said that he visited today the four injured Copts, who escaped death despite being shot, at Maghagha General Hospital and they told him that they recognized the main attackers as they come from the same village of Sharona. They gave the Bishop details of what happened.

Pakistan Christian Post, 5/2/2011