Daniel Greenfield: “Obama lässt hochrangigen El-Kaida-Terroristen frei, der Osamas Fatwas schrieb”

Unter den neuesten sechs Dschihadis, die von Obama im Rahmen seiner Mission aus Gitmo [dem Guantanamo-Gefangenenlager, Anm. d. Übers.] freigelassen wurden, ist auch Saad Masir Mukbl al Azani.

Die Gründe für die Freilassung von Saad sind offensichtlich.

1. Er wurde von anderen gefangen genommenen Terroristen als hochrangiges El-Kaida-Mitglied identifiziert.

2. Er erließ Fatwas, angeblich während er mit Osama bin Ladens religiösem Berater zusammen im Fatwa-Ausschuss saß. Das mag in den Ohren von Religion-des-Friedens-Typen gewaltfrei klingen, es bedeutete allerdings, dass er die Rechtfertigung für Terroranschläge lieferte.

3. Er half dabei, El-Kaida-Terroristen zu indoktrinieren, indem er sie den Koran lehrte.

Ich bin mir sicher, dass er, während er frei herumläuft, keineswegs wieder in seinen alten Job zurückkehren wird. Während Obamas Mund Geräusche über die ‚Bekämpfung des gewalttätigen Extremismus‘ von sich gibt, hört er nicht auf, erfahrene Führer an El Kaida und ISIS zurückzusenden.

[Übersetzung aus dem Englischen: Ralph Raschen; engl. Originalfassung erschienen in Frontpage Mag, 17.6.2015.]

“Do some people actually live in a parallel universe?” (Daphne Caruana Galizia)

The Western-backed overthrow of Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi likely provided huge stocks of heavy weapons to terrorist groups and criminal organizations operating in the Sahel region of North Africa, the United Nations confirmed January 26 in a report. Among the groups benefiting from the arms are al-Qaeda and the deadly Islamic terror organization Boko Haram, which is currently on a killing spree in Nigeria. The UN report explained that “due to the Libyan upheaval … governments in the region are faced with the return of millions of economic migrants, the smuggling of weapons from Libyan stockpiles, terrorist activities, youth unemployment, trafficking in drugs and human beings, and a surge in criminality,” the international body summarized in a press release on its findings.

But the international body carefully ignored its own obvious role in creating the tragedy. The UN, of course, first called for the “no-fly zone” over Libya and all measures necessary to “protect civilians” in March of last year. Western powers including the U.S. government promptly interpreted the international resolution as a green light for military strikes and eventually regime change.

From: The New American, 27 January 2012

Sultan Knish: Bin Laden is winning

Osama Bin Laden’s 1996 fatwa against America was the first domino in a chain of events that was meant to accomplish three goals.

1) Unify Muslims in a war against Western civilization

2) Topple the governments of the Muslim world, and replace them with fully Islamist regimes

3) Build a regional and then global Muslim Caliphate

Phase 2 is now well under way. And America and European warplanes are bombing Libya to help clear the way for it. Just as we already did in Yugoslavia and Iraq. It is unknown whether Bin Laden is still alive or not, but his goals are being met. Muslims now see the defeat of Western civilization as an important and an achievable goal. Our democracy and nation building efforts have toppled much of the old order, and those best positioned to benefit from it are the Islamists. Continue reading Sultan Knish: Bin Laden is winning

A comment on what could be the next thing entering Daphne Caruana Galizia’s backyard

… and in that of the “alliance of the shortsighted” (Heute in Israel) as a whole:

This is quite distressing. All the freedom lovers in the Middle East may only want to exchange one tyranny for another. It doesn’t seem like we’ll see any progress towards modernity if the Islamists take over. If we are aiding them, the west will have multiple Irans to deal with. My biggest sorrow is for all the girls and women who suffer in these societies.

Mine too.

“Saving the Libyan Islamists”

American troops are today providing support to some of the very same forces that were recently fighting against them in Iraq. (Related: “Libyan rebels: ‘Now is the time of Jihad!”)
March 20, 2011 – by John Rosenthal

For weeks as international pressure built against him, Muammar al-Gaddafi insisted again and again that the rebel forces that he was fighting in eastern Libya were linked to al-Qaeda. The mere fact that Gaddafi said it was seemingly enough for virtually all commentators to dismiss the claim out of hand. And in case doubts about the source were not enough, then we had the New York Times to send a reporter to Darnah, one of the eastern Libyan towns at the heart of the supposed Islamist uprising, and to assure us that there was nothing to see there, “move along.” Continue reading “Saving the Libyan Islamists”

“Iran is just a heartbeat away from the A-bomb”

[…] Last Friday the Daily Telegraph reported Teheran has surreptitiously removed a sufficient amount of uranium from its nuclear production facility in Isfahan to produce six nuclear bombs. Given Iran’s already acknowledged uranium enrichment capabilities, the Telegraph‘s report indicates that the Islamic Republic is now in the late stages of assembling nuclear bombs.

It would be a simple matter for Iran to assemble those bombs without anyone noticing. US spy satellites recently discovered what the US believes are covert nuclear facilities in Iran. The mullocracy has not disclosed these sites to the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency, which is charged with inspecting Iran’s nuclear sites.

As to the IAEA, this week it presented its latest report on Teheran’s nuclear program to its board members in Vienna. The IAEA’s report claimed that Iran has taken steps to enable its Shihab-3 ballistic missiles to carry nuclear warheads. With their range of 1,300 kilometers, Shihab-3 missiles are capable of reaching Israel and other countries throughout the region.

Read more here…

Su quelli da riconoscere come “democraticamente eletti”

che, quando parlano degli israeliani, degli ebrei, dei sionisti, gridano all’infanticidio insieme a certi loro alleati “progressisti” ; da “il Foglio” (edizione on-line) del 3/3/2008:

“Voi siete il nostro bersaglio, vi vogliamo morti”. Così parla Hamas (e lo dice perfino in ebraico)

I missili palestinesi cadono sui centri commerciali, sugli ospedali, sulle scuole e sugli obiettivi civili in Israele, e Hamas si rivolge direttamente agli ebrei. Lo fa in inglese e persino in ebraico: “Voi siete il nostro bersaglio, vi vogliamo morti”. Lo si legge nel sito web ufficiale di Hamas. In uno degli ultimi poster on line sui siti di Hamas, con didascalie che non lasciano spazio al dubbio, sono raffigurati bambini di Sderot rannicchiati in un rifugio durante un attacco di Qassam palestinesi: “I sionisti si nascondono bene”.

Continua »

di Giulio Meotti

Mi ricordo ancora bene di un episodio avvilente (per me) a una “Festa dell’Unità” a Bologna, all’inizio degli anni novanta. Oltre ai tanti ristoranti, agli stand delle piadine, a quelli delle aziende “comuniste”, c’era pure uno stand sui “massacri dei serbi” in Bosnia, e ovviamente (?) solo su quelli imputati a loro (e forse anche con quella foto di un “lager serbo” che più tardi si sarebbe rivelata un falso). Dopo che il giovane custode di quella mostra aveva scoperto che ero tedesco, non riusciva più a mollarmi finché non riuscì a fare quel che tanto gli premeva, e cioè a confessarmi la sua ammirazione e il suo senso di colpa per il fatto che gli italiani non erano stati tanto radicali con gli ebrei “come voi”.

Continue reading Su quelli da riconoscere come “democraticamente eletti”

L’11 settembre 2001 e le “teorie” del complotto

Vedere il giornalista Enrico Mentana alla fine di una trasmissione dal titolo grottesco “Verità contro verità” e sentirlo ricordare – dopo avere appena sufficientemente confutato, in quella stessa trasmissione da lui condotta [1], le maggiori ‘teorie serie’ di complotto attorno all’11 settembre 2001 – sentirlo ricordare che in quegli attentati morirono anche tremila persone sulla cui morte non bisognerebbe scherzare e sentirlo sostenere subito dopo che quegli attentati avrebbero anche “creato l’occasione per due guerre” (mentre in verità la guerra degli Islamofascisti contro l’Occidente non è solo un’”occasione” per sottomettere o uccidere tutti gli “infedeli”, ma la sottomissione o uccisione di questi ultimi è il suo obiettivo dichiarato), tutto questo non può che provocare rabbia e ripugnanza. Continue reading L’11 settembre 2001 e le “teorie” del complotto