Als Schriftsteller ist Günter Grass ein Schmied, der reiz- und formlose Klumpen zusammenhämmert, mit denen man kaum mehr anfangen kann, als sie Leuten über den Kopf zu hauen.
Daniel Greenfield (Übers.: Ralph Raschen)
“Als Hitler im Führerbunker testamentarisch noch einmal die Ausrottung des Bolschewismus beschwor und zum unbarmherzigen Widerstand gegen den ‘Weltvergifter aller Völker’, das ‘internationale Judentum’ aufrief, bedauerte er insbesondere – und erklärte damit die Niederlage –, daß man eine kühne Freundschaftspolitik mit dem Islam versäumt habe. Das soll jetzt nachgeholt werden.” (Gerhard Scheit, in: konkret, 12 (Dezember)/2000)
Als Schriftsteller ist Günter Grass ein Schmied, der reiz- und formlose Klumpen zusammenhämmert, mit denen man kaum mehr anfangen kann, als sie Leuten über den Kopf zu hauen.
Daniel Greenfield (Übers.: Ralph Raschen)
Iran übernimmt ‘grassistischen Imperativ’ einem DEBKAfile-Bericht zufolge als Kernbedingung für eine Hudna mit dem Westen
Wer sagt noch, Günter Grass’ Forderung, den Staat der Juden wirksam zu entwaffnen, sei in der jüngsten “Debatte” leider völlig untergegangen? Nachdem der frühere SS-Mann für den kürzlich von ihm “in Gedichtform” abgesonderten antisemitischen Dreck umgehend von höchster iranischer Stelle gelobt wurde, berichtete DEBKAfile gestern – unter dem Titel “Iran’s ‘new initiatives’ place Israel at center of nuclear talks” – unter anderem: Continue reading Erster weltpolitischer Erfolg der von Günter Grass, der Süddeutschen Zeitung, La Repubblica u. a. initiierten Kampagne zur Entwaffnung Israels?
While we’re at it, another (older) one della serie “Senti chi parla!… Defni!”
“Libyan Rebels Accused of ‘Ethnic Cleansing,’ Black Genocide”, from The New American, 15 September 2o11
NATO and U.S.-backed rebel forces in Libya are reportedly engaging in systematic attacks against the black population in what some analysts have called war crimes and even genocide, sparking condemnation worldwide from human-rights groups and officials. Reports and photographic evidence indicate that numerous atrocities including mass executions have taken place even in recent weeks. Many black victims were found with their hands bound behind their backs and bullets through their skulls.
Horrific internment camps, systematic rape, torture, lynching, and looting of businesses owned by blacks have all been reported as well. And countless sub-Saharan Africans have been forced to flee their homes in Libya to avoid the same fate. Continue reading “Do blacks have to be gay before you’ll look at them, Joseph?”* (Daphne Caruana Galizia, 26 July 2011)
The Western-backed overthrow of Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi likely provided huge stocks of heavy weapons to terrorist groups and criminal organizations operating in the Sahel region of North Africa, the United Nations confirmed January 26 in a report. Among the groups benefiting from the arms are al-Qaeda and the deadly Islamic terror organization Boko Haram, which is currently on a killing spree in Nigeria. The UN report explained that “due to the Libyan upheaval … governments in the region are faced with the return of millions of economic migrants, the smuggling of weapons from Libyan stockpiles, terrorist activities, youth unemployment, trafficking in drugs and human beings, and a surge in criminality,” the international body summarized in a press release on its findings.
But the international body carefully ignored its own obvious role in creating the tragedy. The UN, of course, first called for the “no-fly zone” over Libya and all measures necessary to “protect civilians” in March of last year. Western powers including the U.S. government promptly interpreted the international resolution as a green light for military strikes and eventually regime change.
January 6, 2012 – 12:35 pm
Today is the Orthodox Christmas Eve, and to mark that occasion, Washington’s allies in the Balkans – Croatians and the Albanians in Kosovo – each did their part in America’s grand policy to gradually exterminate Serbs into a ghetto out of which they will be forced to negotiate either their existence or worse their total extermination.
Iran announced on Wednesday, Dec. 14, that it had completed the transfer of its nuclear facilities underground, including its uranium enrichment centrifuges, and that the Iranian nuclear program was now safe from US and Israeli attack. The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Passive Defense Division [sic], Gholamreza Jalali, said: “Our vulnerability in the nuclear area has reached the minimum level.” And if circumstances demand it, he said, uranium enrichment facilities would be placed in more secure locations. Israeli Defense Minister Barak has repeatedly warned that once it was buried in underground bunkers, Iran’s nuclear infrastructure could no longer be attacked; nor would it be possible to find out what was happening there. His meaning was that that [sic] no one would know when Iran started building nuclear bombs in deep underground chambers. Continue reading Oops (Caroline Glick)
Quando i tedeschi vincono, io, “tedesco”, perdo sempre molto. Muoio. È stato il caso quando sono riusciti a formare un racket abbastanza compatto per risuscitare nuovamente il jihad contro i serbi (e, in ultima istanza, anche gli ebrei e gli americani), incorporando in esso l’Italia “fondata sul lavoro”, per bombardarli (o meglio: soprattutto farli bombardare) infine senza pietà, ed è il caso anche ora che, dopo avere smontato il da sempre troppo americano Berlusconi, stanno definitivamente riconquistando l’Europa con mezzi “pacifici”, anche se magari “solo” per poi unterzugehen (you know the movie, Der Untergang, don’t you?) tutti insieme nella lotta contro il “potere giudaico-finanziario internazionale”, la “plutocrazia”. Continue reading In lutto per la perdita di un altro gran bel pezzo dell’Italia
The revolution has started in Taiz and everyone knows it is a peaceful revolution. Taiz citizens have stayed peaceful in an unimaginable manner. In spite of the sacrifices they offered, the regime decides to attack this marvelous aspect by its soldiers, the aspect that represents a culture and civilization of a nation. As a result, the regime military lately at night occupied the Freedom Square and committed the famous holocaust which was planned on the same day of Al Karamah Friday in which 50 of revolutionists were killed. [emphasis mine, rest not mine] Continue reading Sarkozy, Cameron, Hague, where the hell are you?
here is what is happening in an already totally judenrein “country” thanks to such great advocates of Arab democracy as Hague, Cameron, Sarkozy (and Caruana Galizia):
In North Africa, the Al Qaeda leader [Ayman Zuwahiri] has learned that the Muslim extremists fighting in Libya’s National Transitional Council ranks against Muammar Qaddafi have cemented their control not just of Tripoli, the capital, but also of Tobruk near the Egyptian border. DEBKAfile‘s counter-terror sources report that those Islamists, while pretending to defer to the NTC, in fact deny its officials access to the key Libyan cities under their fists.
This is the first time that military forces linked to Al Qaeda have attained control of major Mediterranean ports and the use of a military airfield. [DEBKAfile, today, emphasis mine.]
How reassuring that the worst that can happen there is – in the wise words of Daphne Caruana Galizia – “the equivalent of what would happen if the Vatican were to take over the running of, say, Malta”!
Give or take a few more beheadings, stonings, chopping of fingertips and clitorises, perhaps.
Today the Times of Malta reported that
[PL] Party foreign affairs spokesman George Vella said it was not enough for [Maltese Prime Minister] Dr Gonzi to have called for a renewal of talks between Israel and the Palestinians. His failure to publicly declare support for the recognition of Palestinian statehood, made by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, showed lack of respect to the Palestinians.
Dr George Vella is so right. Continue reading Hello, Dr George Vella, here are a few more talking points for you and your party!
Gestern, am 10. Jahrestag von 9/11, hat ein saudischer Prinz via New York Times – oder sollte man sagen: “haben ein saudischer Prinz und die New York Times”? – den USA mit schweren Konsequenzen gedroht, sollten diese in Kürze bei der Beantragung der Anerkennung eines Staats Palästina, durch den Israel erneut auf die ‘Auschwitz-Grenzen’ beschränkt und der Vernichtung Israels und seiner Bewohner noch viel weniger im Weg stehen würde als jetzt schon, im UN-Sicherheitsrat ihr Veto einlegen. Aus diesem Anlass hier noch einmal
Vorbemerkung des Übersetzers: Die folgende Stellungnahme bezog sich auf eine ‘Friedensinitiative’ des (damaligen) römischen Bürgermeisters und ehemaligen Herausgebers der Unità, Walter Veltroni (Democratici di sinistra – Linksdemokraten). Letzterer war schon anlässlich des Kosovokriegs eifrig damit beschäftigt gewesen, in der serbischen Provinz “die Ängste eines Horrors aufzuspüren, die wir unter den Trümmern der Öfen des Holocaust begraben zu haben gehofft hatten”, “ethnische Säuberungen, Vergewaltigungen, Enthauptungen und Familientrennungen”, “Frauen und Kinder auf der einen Seite, Männer auf der anderen …”. Continue reading Offener Erpresserbrief von Saudi-Arabien betr. “Palästinensischer Staat”
In first new disclosures on the storming of Israel’s Cairo embassy which started Friday night, Sept. 9, DEBKAfile‘s counter-terror sources reveal that the mob was led by the terrorist Jama’a al-Islamiya, the Egyptian founding branch of Al Qaeda, and two other radical Egyptian Islamist groups.
DEBKAfile’s description of the events gives us also a rather ‘tangible idea’ of the current state of the so-called Arab spring (or of “Libyan freedom,” as Maltese revolutionary columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia liked to call this thing once – of course not knowing what she was talking about):
DEBKAfile‘s intelligence sources also reveal that Egyptian security forces delayed for eight hours before tackling the mob smashing into the embassy building and rampaging inside – even after US Ambassador Anne Patterson interceded on behalf of the six Israel security officers barricaded in the embassy’s security room as the rabble battered on its steel door. Continue reading DEBKAfile reports: “Israeli embassy break-in led by Jam’a al-Islamiya of NY 1993 bombing”
Über den Erfolg eines Revolutionsschwindlers
Die Differenz von Begriff und Realität begründet die Möglichkeit der umwälzenden Praxis, nicht der bloße Begriff.
Max HorkheimerIm Dezember 2009 sagte jemand über seine ägyptische Heimat: „Ich komme aus einem Land, in dem es ein ungeschriebenes Abkommen zwischen dem Individuum und der Gesellschaft gibt: Du akzeptierst die Regeln, aber auch die Zwänge der Kollektivgesellschaft und stellst sie nicht infrage und kannst dafür mit der Solidarität und Anerkennung aller rechnen. Bei jeder Entscheidung steht dir entweder der Vater, der Lehrer, der Imam oder ein Vers aus dem Koran zur Seite. Man ist nie allein, im positiven wie im negativen Sinne. Die Individualität wird für Geborgenheit und Halt aufgegeben“ ( Continue reading “Youth Bulge auf dem Tahrir-Platz”
Anyone who cared to dig through the graveyards of Sudan already knew that Muslims mattered more than Africans to us. The sky full of jets that we dispatched to bomb Yugoslavia on behalf of Muslim terrorists never clouded the skies of Khartoum. But they did show up to bomb Tripoli so that Islamist thugs could begin torturing and murdering Africans.
Sultan Knish (Daniel Greenfield), Remembering Muslim Colonialism on September 11