Empathy for anti-Semitic and anti-American Angstlust

“[T]hey are symbols of pride and wealth and arrogance. To put up such buildings is the most extreme sort of arrogance, and vulnerability is thus built into them. And the attacks against these buildings – by way of these attacks, one can erase one’s own feelings of powerlessness and one’s own humiliations and transform them into the powerlessness and humiliation of one’s opponent….And that evokes [sic.] drastic and dramatic reactions and bellicose reactions, and that’s what makes it so dangerous and so disastrous to attack and to destroy precisely these symbols.”

Who said that? What? “Adolf Hitler or maybe Mohamed Atta,” you say? Just because of that slip: “they are” in the beginning? No! It was “Wolfgang Benz: the historian and director of Berlin’s Institute for Research on Anti-Semitism,” of course, in a public German discussion in Berlin that took place shortly after the jihadistic attack on the Twin Towers.


When, in the Führerbunker, Hitler once again invoked the eradication of Bolshevism and the merciless resistance against the “world poisoner of all peoples,” “international Jewry,” as his testamentary will, he especially deplored the dereliction of an audacious policy of friendship with Islam, explaining by this the defeat.*

Gerhard Scheit, in: konkret, 12 (December)/2000)

“Let me say very clearly that the way the European Union will relate to an [Israeli] government that is not committed to a two-state solution will be very, very different,” said Javier Solana, the EU’s foreign and security affairs chief.

The Jerusalem Post, 16 March 2009

Don’t allow yourself to be fooled by their media manipulation of woman [sic] and children, the Hamas’ true message to Israelis is unequivocally clear: “You are our target – We want you dead.”


Hamas poster: Death is Coming!  You Zionists had better hide well!

Source: Official website of the Hamas’ armed wing,
the “al-Qassam Brigades”

Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 28 February 2008

Continue reading Wills

New “bailouts” for Jew-killers agreed

Luxus fürs Volk, luxury for the people, that’s how the philosopher and sociologist Theodor W. Adorno briefly characterized Antisemitism. And everybody knows that luxury can be expensive. The only question is, what has happened to the Germans? Can it be that they are willing to spend only 100 Euros for a new round of anti-Semitic terror, or is that a typo?

Amid a global economic meltdown, high-ranking delegations from 75 countries met at Sharm e-Sheikh Monday, March 2, to approve $2 to 4 billion for rebuilding the Gaza Strip ravaged during Israel’s 22-day anti-terror operation last month.

Hillary Clinton will announce at her debut Middle East appearance as secretary of state a $900 million donation: $600 million for the Palestinian Authority, $300 million for Gaza.

Germany too is expected to pledge 100 euros in addition to a European Union package, but the primary donors are Arab nations led by Saudi Arabia.


Continue reading New “bailouts” for Jew-killers agreed

Just in case you should hear about more “Serbian atrocities” in the near future…

… and given that the mainstream media may be too busy reporting about “hope” speeches and “Israeli atrocities” except for the following one:

A Saudi Arabian who went to the Gaza Strip to fight alongside Hamas was killed during Israel’s offensive in the Palestinian territory, several Islamic websites reported yesterday. Abu Mohammed Al Marri, who reportedly arrived in Gaza 10 days before the start of the Israeli offensive, “has become a martyr in the land of Gaza,” the websites said. The man, from a town in eastern Saudi Arabia, was a veteran of battles against Russian troops in Afghanistan and in Chechnya as well as against Serb and Croat forces in Bosnia, the websites said.

As emailer Alex said, “Thank you, Israel!”

maybe you should take into account the following:

Albanian Officials Preparing Staged Terrorist Attacks in Kosovo Province North

According to the Serbian intelligence report, Priština-based Albanian secret service ŠIK is preparing a series of staged terrorist attacks in Bošnjačka Mahala settlement in Kosovska Mitrovica, aimed at generating sharp reaction from international institutions and thus insuring deployment of the Albanian special troops, consisting of former members of terrorist KLA.

Prepared scenario involves bombing attacks against ethnic Albanian families residing in this part of town, for which the Serbs will be blamed, like in the recent bomb attack on Albanian-owned restaurant in the same part of town, which served to stage an attack on Serbian firefighters, who responded the call to put out the fire.

As Julia Gorin puts it:

We’re fighting them there so we don’t have to fight them here.
Except in the Balkans.
We help them there so we have to later fight them elsewhere.
Including here.

Quotation about a “new” Gaza “ceasefire”

The whole world knows that this is a most decisive moment in Israel’s hope for peace & security. The RATIONAL WORLD is totally behind the defeat & destruction of the radical Hamas, and the ARAB WORLD, with few exceptions, is totally supportive of Hamas because they know if these Koranic-inspired Terrorists go down to humiliating defeat, so does their plan for Muslim World Domination .

Morris – USA (01/16/2009 21:13)

A proposito dei bambini (morti) di Hamas e D’Alema…

… i quali, entrambi, seguendo la “buona” tradizione antisemitica, accusano gli Ebrei (israeliani) di massacri (premeditati) di bambini:

“Khaled di A-Rimal [Gaza], dice: ‘Noi bambini stiamo compiendo missioni di supporto per i combattenti di resistenza [di Hamas], trasmettendo messaggi sui movimenti delle forze nemiche oppure portando loro munizioni e cibo. Noi stessi non siamo consapevoli dei movimenti dei combattenti della Resistenza. Li vediamo in un posto, spariscono di colpo, poi ricompaiono da qualche altra parte. Sono come fantasmi; è molto difficile trovarli o ferirli.’ [Kul-Al-Arab (settimanale arabo-israeliano), 9 gennaio 2009]”

Dal weblog di Judith Apter Klinghoffer; traduzione dall’inglese di Ralph Raschen.

An exciting article about the Jews…

…  or about the Swedish Red Cross (and somehow about the Associated Press, too) by the Associated Press I have just finished reading in the online edition of the Jerusalem Post. An article everybody should read mindfully and possibly more than once:

Just copying the title and leaving the page underneath blank may in fact be the best method for treating certain news agency reports, even if the “news” that  “anti-Semitism is the rumor [or “rumour” – for Brits, whom it may concern even more] about the Jews” (Adorno) is not that new.

Note: To enlarge the text size, or to listen to the interesting article or to share it, you should go to the site www.jpost.com as quickly as possible, hoping the article has not been updated in the meantime.

Kosovo: Recommended reading for Mr. Alan Posener (German journalist)

This was a letter from Kosovo posted on the Chicago Tribune Forum earlier this month by attorney and activist John Bosnitch:

I am writing to you from a Serbian Monastery grounds just outside the city of Prizren in southern Kosovo and Metohija. When I arrived here several hours ago I had to stand outside in the rain while a German NATO soldier checked my documents behind a wall of barricades and razor wire protected by well-armed troops secured behind armored bunkers. The razor wire is here to stop the Albanians from coming in here and killing the monks and destroying this holy place which predates the Ottoman Turkish occupation of these Christian lands centuries ago.

I told you that I am writing to you from the monastery “grounds” because the monastery itself was destroyed by Albanian mobs under the very eyes of NATO troops who did nothing to stop them when they went on a coordinated pogram against Serbs, especially targeting their Christian churches, more than four years ago in a modern day re-enactment of Hitler’s Kristallnacht Pogrom against the Jews.

Earlier today I visited [If you’d like to read the entire article at Republican Riot you can click here, Mr Posener!]

Islamophobia: Mourning Ahmad, one of the most recent Holocaust (Nakba) victims

“He could assemble a rifle in the dark in 20 seconds and he was a trained sharpshooter, able to hit an Israeli soldier or a kibbutz volunteer in the head at 300 meters, a feat he preformed, unfortunately, only once – such talent is rare and will be missed by all of us, as will be missed his contagious enthusiasm for killing Jews – even when others would waver or tire from the incessant murder of innocents, always the young, optimistic Ahmad would be there at their side, lifting the people’s spirits or else threatening to kill their families and rape their sisters if they lose the faith – that was the kind of young man he was, ever the role model, always living up to the great expectations of his father and his people. The tireless, bright young man had a brilliant future ahead of him – who knows how many Jews he could have killed? With his talent and breeding and dedication – perhaps thousands. But, alas, we will never know.


The new Holocaust Day will be added to the previous ones, making a total of twenty nine Holocaust Days, each one marking a separate Holocaust suffered by the Palestinian people such as the Holocaust of Jenin in which dozens of terrorists were killed by Israel, or the Holocaust of Bargouti who is still rotting in the Israeli jail and of course the greatest Holocaust of them all, the 1947 “Nakba” in which the Palestinians failed to exterminate the remnants of the Jewish people gathered in Israel, a terrible wound that to this day remains unhealed.

From: Israeli Satire Laboratory

Quotation of the week

“The Bush who understood that a stable tyranny is a threat to a vibrant democracy knew that Iran had to be defeated and its regime overthrown. The Bush who celebrated the shared values on which both the US and Israel are founded knew that those who seek Israel’s destruction will also never peacefully coexist with the US. If that Bush is still around, the time has come for him to act on those understandings. Before he leaves office he should embrace Israel as an ally and prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Not only will he secure the lives of millions of people. He will also secure his place in history.”

Caroline Glick

Islamic ceasefire: “Eleven missiles, 4 Grad rockets injure 23 Israel civilians”

November 14, 2008, 2:41 PM (GMT+02:00)

The 4 Grad rockets hit Ashkelon Friday, Nov. 14, after Sderot was battered by 11 missiles. One of the casualties was an 82-year old woman in Sderot; the rest shock victims. The assault damaged homes and parked vehicles, forcing tens of thousands of inhabitants in the towns and villages around the Gaza Strip to spend hours in shelters or under cover.

An Israeli air strike hit one of the missiles teams in northern Gaza, injuring four Palestinians, but the missile assault continued regardless for the 10th day running.

Thursday night, the Palestinians fired five missiles, including two Grad rockets, against Ashkelon, Sderot, Netivot and Or Haner.

Cabinet ministers and oppositions lawmakers alike call for comprehensive military action to halt the blitz, which is again disrupting the lives of almost half a million distressed citizens.

Source: DEBKAfile

“Humiliating search at humiliating checkpoint…

… yields pipe bomb

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Palestinian caught with pipe bomb near Jenin
Soldiers at Taysir checkpoint in West Bank search Palestinian, revealing explosive device
Efrat Weiss YNET Published: 11.10.08, 23:55 / Israel News

IDF soldiers on Monday detained a Palestinians that attempted to smuggle a pipe bomb through a checkpoint outside of the West Bank city of Jenin.

The explosive device was found during a search of the Palestinian’s belongings at the Taysir checkpoint, southeast of Jenin. The bomb was detonated in controlled surroundings and the Palestinian was transferred to security forces for questioning.

From Yoni the Blogger.

Jerusalem today

One of the chief responsibilities of Palestinian militia that operate in the city has been to enforce the PA’s anti-Semitic law which defines the sale of land to Jews as a capital offense. Since 1994, dozens of Arab Jerusalemites have been executed by these men and their Fatah masters in Ramallah and Jericho for the “crime” of selling land to Jews. The government has made little effort to prosecute the offenders. Since 2004, when prime minister Ariel Sharon forced internal security minister Uzi Landau to resign due to Landau’s opposition to Sharon’s sharp turn to the left, the police have not been ordered to rein in the activities of the militia.

Largely as a consequence of this state of affairs, Jews are prevented from living in half of the city. The scarcity of housing options for Jews is what has caused an artificial increase in housing prices that has compelled young families to migrate out of the city.

Caroline Glick, October 2008

For the record (of Iran and of its collaborators)

Judith Apter Klinghoffer


Does Israel, amongst others have an undisputed causes belli against Iran? If the story that an Iranian ship carrying dirty bomb materials has been captured by Al Qaeda holds up, she sure does. At the moment the ship is in Muscat and the sailors on board are being released. The US has facilities in Muscat, hence one can hope that it has had the opportunity not only to inspect the cargo but also make sure it will not going to cause any harm.

But let’s start from the beginning. MV Iran Deyanat […]

“Iran is just a heartbeat away from the A-bomb”

[…] Last Friday the Daily Telegraph reported Teheran has surreptitiously removed a sufficient amount of uranium from its nuclear production facility in Isfahan to produce six nuclear bombs. Given Iran’s already acknowledged uranium enrichment capabilities, the Telegraph‘s report indicates that the Islamic Republic is now in the late stages of assembling nuclear bombs.

It would be a simple matter for Iran to assemble those bombs without anyone noticing. US spy satellites recently discovered what the US believes are covert nuclear facilities in Iran. The mullocracy has not disclosed these sites to the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency, which is charged with inspecting Iran’s nuclear sites.

As to the IAEA, this week it presented its latest report on Teheran’s nuclear program to its board members in Vienna. The IAEA’s report claimed that Iran has taken steps to enable its Shihab-3 ballistic missiles to carry nuclear warheads. With their range of 1,300 kilometers, Shihab-3 missiles are capable of reaching Israel and other countries throughout the region.

Read more here…