“Das Leid in Gaza und der Ruf nach Frieden”


Haben Palästinenser und Palästinenserinnen Glück im Unglück und leben im Westjordanland, so haben sie mit einer korrupten Autonomiebehörde zu tun, die sich seit Jahrzehnten als unfähig erweist, mit den Milliarden Dollar und Euros, die aus aller Welt an sie fließen, etwas Vernünftigeres anzufangen, als sie in den Ausbau der Villen und Bankkonten ihrer Oberschicht zu stecken – sofern das Geld nicht gleich in der terroristischen Infrastruktur versickert oder für die auch von der Fatah betriebene antisemitische Propaganda verwendet wird. Keine Bevölkerungsgruppe der Welt hat je mehr Finanzmittel pro Kopf aus internationaler Unterstützung erhalten, aber bei der Masse der Palästinenser und Palästinenserinnen, die bislang mehrheitlich dennoch den beiden dafür hauptverantwortlichen Konkurrenten Fatah und Hamas die Treue halten, kommt davon fast nichts an.


Haben sie Pech im Unglück und leben im Gazastreifen, finden sie sich – so sie nicht selbst als Unterstützer des Djihad agieren – als Geiseln von Terrorrackets wieder, die sie gnadenlos für ihren heiligen Krieg gegen die Juden missbrauchen – und dafür von der Bevölkerung irrsinniger weise mit Wahlerfolgen belohnt werden. In der Charta der Hamas, deren Inhalt auch den ungebildeten Palästinensern durchaus bekannt ist, wird offen zum Judenmord aufgerufen und über die zukünftige Strategie heißt es: “Friedensinitiativen und so genannte Friedensideen oder internationale Konferenzen widersprechen dem Grundsatz der Islamischen Widerstandsbewegung. Für das Palästina-Problem gibt es keine andere Lösung als den Djihad. Friedensinitiativen sind reine Zeitverschwendung, eine sinnlose Bemühung.“ Wer dieses Dokument verstanden hat, weiß, warum der Gazastreifen seit dem israelischen Abzug 2005 nicht etwa zum Musterbeispiel für einen palästinensischen Staat wurde, der seinen Bewohnern und Bewohnerinnen ein besseres Leben verspricht, sondern zu einer Raketenabschussrampe, voll gestopft mit Munitionsdepots in Kindergärten, Moscheen, Krankenhäusern und Wohnhäusern.


Haben sie jedoch das größte Pech und sind Frauen, so müssen die meisten von ihnen nicht nur unter einem brutalen Sharia-Patriarchat leben, das sie der weit gehenden Befehlsgewalt ihrer Väter, Männer, Brüder und – in Gaza – einer islamistischen “Sittenpolizei” ausliefert, während sie zusätzlich noch von jenen ihrer Geschlechtsgenossinnen schikaniert werden, welche die islamische Geschlechterapartheid für eine gottgefällige Sache erachten. Mit besonderer Vorliebe werden sie auch, zusammen mit ihren Kindern, von den Gotteskriegern als lebende Schutzschilde für deren Waffenlager und Abschussrampen missbraucht – so sie sich im religiösen Wahn nicht gleich freiwillig dafür hergeben und ihre Kinder freudig in den Märtyrertod für Allah schicken.


Café Critique, Januar 2009 (Auszug)



An exciting article about the Jews…

…  or about the Swedish Red Cross (and somehow about the Associated Press, too) by the Associated Press I have just finished reading in the online edition of the Jerusalem Post. An article everybody should read mindfully and possibly more than once:

Just copying the title and leaving the page underneath blank may in fact be the best method for treating certain news agency reports, even if the “news” that  “anti-Semitism is the rumor [or “rumour” – for Brits, whom it may concern even more] about the Jews” (Adorno) is not that new.

Note: To enlarge the text size, or to listen to the interesting article or to share it, you should go to the site www.jpost.com as quickly as possible, hoping the article has not been updated in the meantime.

Dalla “soluzione finale della questione ebraica” al “boicottaggio finale di Israele” (con ticket di sinistra d’andata e ritorno)

Da Levante Online (10/01/2009) in questi giorni si apprende che:

Il sindacato autonomo del commercio Flaica-Cub (Federazione lavoratori agro-industria commercio ed affini uniti), per mezzo del segretario Giancarlo Desiderati, lancia un “boicottaggio degli acquisti nei negozi del commercio a Roma che si rifanno alla comunità israelitica”.

Ma non è tanto grave poiché per essere più precisi:

La Flaica si affretta a smentire e ad aggiungere: «Non e’ mai stata nominata nei nostri comunicati la comunità ebraica Romana, a cui esprimiamo tutta la nostra solidarietà per le sofferenze che ha subito nel passato e che riconosciamo quale composta da cittadini e lavoratori onesti».

Al contrario dei cittadini d’Israele che (a prescindere dai poveri oppressi arabi) sono tutti ladri, farabutti e… militaristi imperialisti peggio dei prussiani, degli amerikani e dei serbi messi insieme (per non dir ciò che di solito diciamo più tardi al bar) e che, secondo Desiderati, si meritano

«il boicottaggio finale di Israele perché chiunque usi mezzi militari contro civili inermi, sia Palestinese che Israeliano commette un crimine contro la vita umana e per questo va boicottato anche nella parte economica per impedire con questi soldi di continuare ad acquistare altre armi da guerra.» [grassetto mio, RR]

mentre, come quasi tutti sanno, “per impedire con questi soldi di continuare ad acquistare altre armi da guerra”, i “palestinesi”, la sinistra italiana li boicotta finalmente già da anni.
Continue reading Dalla “soluzione finale della questione ebraica” al “boicottaggio finale di Israele” (con ticket di sinistra d’andata e ritorno)

Zur gegenwärtigen politisch-korrekten antisemitischen Hetze

Der Antisemitismus versetzt Juden in eine ausweglose Situation. Dem reichen Juden wird sein Erfolg angekreidet, der arme als Schnorrer verachtet. Der Assimilant erscheint als heimtückischer Zersetzer des Volkskörpers, der Traditionsbewusste als anpassungsunfähiger Sonderling. Der sexuell Aktive gilt als Verderber und Verführer der Jugend, der Enthaltsame als impotenter Schwächling. Was auch immer Juden tun, sie liefern den Antisemiten stets nur neues Material zur Illustration ihres Wahns. Passt ein Verhalten einmal nicht in die projektive Bilderwelt des Antisemiten, wird es gerade dadurch integriert, dass in solch einem unerwarteten Agieren eine besondere Perfidie zwecks Verschleierung der wahren Absichten vermutet wird.

Ähnliches vollzieht sich in der aktuellen geopolitischen Reproduktion des Antisemitismus, dem Antizionismus, der das klassische Bild des geldgeilen, vergeistigten und wehrunfähigen jüdischen Luftmenschen durch jenes des alles niedertrampelnden, auf territoriale Expansion und völkische Homogenität setzenden Israeli ergänzt. Was auch immer Israel tut, es ist und bleibt in den Augen großer Teile der Weltöffentlichkeit Schuld an Elend und Zerstörung in der Region. Halten sich die israelische Armee und jüdisch-israelische Siedler im Gaza-Streifen auf, gelten sie als Besatzungsmacht. Ziehen sie sich zurück, errichten sie „das größte Gefängnis der Welt“. Reagiert Israel auf die permanenten Angriffe aus dem Gaza-Streifen mit Sanktionen oder wie jetzt mit Gegenschlägen, dreht es an der „Gewaltspirale“, reagiert „unverhältnismäßig“ oder setzt seine „Auslöschungspolitik“ fort. Nimmt es den andauernden Raketenbeschuss tatenlos hin, wird das „zionistische Regime“ in arabischen und iranischen Zeitungen als „zahnloser Papiertiger“ verhöhnt, der nicht mal seine eigene Bevölkerung schützen könne.

Der Raketenbeschuss aus dem Gaza-Streifen begann im Jahr 2000. Seit dem Abzug der israelischen Armee im Jahr 2005 ist er sprunghaft angestiegen. Er ist also keine Reaktion auf die Teilblockade des Gaza-Streifens seit Anfang dieses Jahres, sondern Ausdruck des permanenten Krieges gegen Israel, dem sich die Hamas verschrieben hat. 2006 feuerten palästinensische Kommandos 946 Raketen auf Südisrael. Von Juni 2007 […]

Stephan Grigat, Café Critique

Quotation of the week

“The Bush who understood that a stable tyranny is a threat to a vibrant democracy knew that Iran had to be defeated and its regime overthrown. The Bush who celebrated the shared values on which both the US and Israel are founded knew that those who seek Israel’s destruction will also never peacefully coexist with the US. If that Bush is still around, the time has come for him to act on those understandings. Before he leaves office he should embrace Israel as an ally and prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Not only will he secure the lives of millions of people. He will also secure his place in history.”

Caroline Glick

Da leggere per intero, possibilmente

Un periodaccio, davvero! E’ successo di tutto, nel bene e nel male, piu’ che altro nel male.
Hamas ha ripreso a bombardare Israele, Sderot e Ashkelon sono sotto tiro da giorni, un centinaio di missili dal 4 novembre, persone ferite, paura, panico, terrore, rabbia per l’indecisione di Ehud Barak e per le dichiarazioni dell’Unione Europea che anziche’ pretendere dai palestinesi la fine dei bombardamenti e della costruzione di tunnel in territorio israeliano, ha chiesto a Israele di non chiudere i passaggi verso Gaza.
Il colmo dell’ipocrisia e della malvagita’ verso i cittadini israeliani colpiti dai missili.
A Ramallah e’ stata arrestata una donna pronta a fare la kamikaze.
Il turismo in Israele e’ aumentato del 20 % rispetto all’ottobre 2007.
Bene, benissimo.

Continua sul Diario di Deborah Fait…

Islamic ceasefire: “Eleven missiles, 4 Grad rockets injure 23 Israel civilians”

November 14, 2008, 2:41 PM (GMT+02:00)

The 4 Grad rockets hit Ashkelon Friday, Nov. 14, after Sderot was battered by 11 missiles. One of the casualties was an 82-year old woman in Sderot; the rest shock victims. The assault damaged homes and parked vehicles, forcing tens of thousands of inhabitants in the towns and villages around the Gaza Strip to spend hours in shelters or under cover.

An Israeli air strike hit one of the missiles teams in northern Gaza, injuring four Palestinians, but the missile assault continued regardless for the 10th day running.

Thursday night, the Palestinians fired five missiles, including two Grad rockets, against Ashkelon, Sderot, Netivot and Or Haner.

Cabinet ministers and oppositions lawmakers alike call for comprehensive military action to halt the blitz, which is again disrupting the lives of almost half a million distressed citizens.

Source: DEBKAfile

“Humiliating search at humiliating checkpoint…

… yields pipe bomb

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Palestinian caught with pipe bomb near Jenin
Soldiers at Taysir checkpoint in West Bank search Palestinian, revealing explosive device
Efrat Weiss YNET Published: 11.10.08, 23:55 / Israel News

IDF soldiers on Monday detained a Palestinians that attempted to smuggle a pipe bomb through a checkpoint outside of the West Bank city of Jenin.

The explosive device was found during a search of the Palestinian’s belongings at the Taysir checkpoint, southeast of Jenin. The bomb was detonated in controlled surroundings and the Palestinian was transferred to security forces for questioning.

From Yoni the Blogger.

Morgantini über alles

Lo scorso 9 novembre, nel 69° anniversario della Kristallnacht, il pogrom antiebraico nazionalsocialista che costituì “l’inizio dell’Olocausto” (Deborah Weiss), è stata pubblicata sulla National-Zeitung (“Giornale nazionale”, con sede a Monaco di Baviera) un’intervista a Luisa Morgantini*, vicepresidente del Parlamento europeo, attivista antisionista, e gran sostenitrice dello stragista antisemitico arabo Marwan Barghouti.

La National-Zeitung, secondo la versione tedesca di Wikipedia, pubblica principalmente “articoli minimizzanti sul passato tedesco del nazionalsocialismo, prendendo soprattutto le difese della Wehrmacht. Secondo i critici del giornale, [vi] si fomentano risentimenti contro gli ebrei con titoli stereotipati e con articoli antisemitici e in altri articoli si attaccano lo stato di diritto democratico e i suoi rappresentanti”.

Fra i “critici” della National-Zeitung va annoverato anche l’Ufficio federale per la tutela della Costituzione (Verfassungsschutz). L’intervista a Morgantini è intitolata “‘Israel praktiziert Apartheid’“. Non serve la traduzione del titolo, credo, e il contenuto dell’intervista è fatto delle consuete insinuazioni che si possono leggere anche quotidianamente in italiano, per es. su il manifesto, Liberazione ecc.

Tuttavia, un particolare dell’intervista va forse rilevato come ulteriore esempio della straordinaria logica di certi combattenti di sinistra alleati degli sterminatori odierni di ebrei. Disse la Morgantini, vicepresidente del parlamento europeo, al giornale antisemita, con buona pace di quest’ultimo:

Io, però, non sono un’antisemita, bensì la figlia di un partigiano il quale nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale combatté nelle montagne d’Italia contro la Wehrmacht tedesca.

L’antifascismo, quindi, la Luisa ce l’ha nel DI ENNE A, niente da fare, è scientifico.

Inoltre la Luisa confessò a quel giornalaccio di essere “cresciuta […] con il ‘Diario di Anne Frank’ che giaceva sotto il mio cuscino”. E quindi, cari giovani aspiranti a fare i massacratori di ebrei senza volere passare da antisemiti, se non potete più contare su genitori, bensì magari solo su un bisnonno partigiano, non dimenticatevi di ficcare, per un certo periodo, un esemplare del Diario di Anne Frank sotto il cuscino, il che vi aiuterà. Così i sionisti avranno molta difficoltà a sostenere che voi siate degli antisemiti e non semplicemente dei combattenti ‘contro l’apartheid’, ‘contro l’occupazione’, ‘per la Palestina’, ‘per la giustizia’, ‘per la pace’ ecc. blabla.

È comodo, no? Poi non vi costa quasi niente.

*) Online: http://www.archiv.national-zeitung.de/cgi-bin/suchmausg.pl?suchw=Morgantini&extern=extern&kategorie=0&exakt=alle&treffer=&ref=http://www.archiv2007.national-zeitung.de/NZ46_3.html#tome1

“Iran is just a heartbeat away from the A-bomb”

[…] Last Friday the Daily Telegraph reported Teheran has surreptitiously removed a sufficient amount of uranium from its nuclear production facility in Isfahan to produce six nuclear bombs. Given Iran’s already acknowledged uranium enrichment capabilities, the Telegraph‘s report indicates that the Islamic Republic is now in the late stages of assembling nuclear bombs.

It would be a simple matter for Iran to assemble those bombs without anyone noticing. US spy satellites recently discovered what the US believes are covert nuclear facilities in Iran. The mullocracy has not disclosed these sites to the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency, which is charged with inspecting Iran’s nuclear sites.

As to the IAEA, this week it presented its latest report on Teheran’s nuclear program to its board members in Vienna. The IAEA’s report claimed that Iran has taken steps to enable its Shihab-3 ballistic missiles to carry nuclear warheads. With their range of 1,300 kilometers, Shihab-3 missiles are capable of reaching Israel and other countries throughout the region.

Read more here…

Srebrenica – still questions?

I certainly don’t agree with all the views expressed at that site, especially as far as some (tendentially) anti-Semitic, anti-Western and outright anti-American statements are concerned, and supposed parallels with the opposite, e.g. the Western Iraq intervention, and cartoons which are at least to be called stupid. But for people who are suspicious of the Srebrenica myth and who have the impression or the fear that “Srebrenica” could really have something to do with Auschwitz, but in a more intricate way than the mainstream media and many politicians have been trying to tell the public for more than a decade now, it can be a good starting point.

Hitler, in his “political last will”, said that a main mistake of his could have been that he had failed in forging a more audacious alliance with Islam. And it is doubtlessly quite audacious, at least for an International “war crimes court”, to base its assumptions and accusations on dubious testimonies, media propaganda, and at least exaggerated numbers, while isolating the supposed misdeeds (“massacres”) from the context in which they took place, if they happened at all.

In my view, the pattern is exactly the same as in the case of “criticism of Israel” and exactly as dangerous. While the “best” combination of both, as far as I know, can be found in the BBC, where often, when they talk about the Serbs, who supposedly can never be trusted, really seem to be some kind of “Jew substitutes”, whom you may accuse of any kind of immoral behavior without fear of being held responsible for your own immoral deeds or lack of courage, and whom you may humiliate as long as you like, just because, as a raging British soldier told me in the early 1990’s in order to justify his refusal to think by himself: “The whole world is against the Serbs”.

Dutch Soldiers to Testify in Karadzic’s Defense

Dutch Peacekeepers in Srebrenica

“In Srebrenica at the time we had to protect ourselves from the Bosnian Muslims, rather than protect the Muslims from the Serbs”, Dutch soldiers who served as UN peacekeepers in Srebrenica during the Bosnian civil war said in Belgrade. Photo: Dutch battalion in Srebrenica, 1995.


Some 15 Dutch soldiers of the former Netherlands battalion stationed in Srebrenica during the Bosnian civil war came to Belgrade on Wednesday, offering to testify in the Hague tribunal on behalf of Dr. Karadzic, a member of Radovan Karadzic’s defense team Milivoje Ivanisevic told Vecernje Novosti.

“We talked about their possible testimony. They stressed that the Serbs did not commit war crimes against the Muslim civilians when they were passing through several dozen of their villages [in Srebrenica municipality] the Dutch soldiers were securing. They came over at their own expense and said they will testify and invite more of their fellow soldiers to testify too. They left Belgrade on Thursday,” Ivanisevic said.

To see how relevant their testimonies would be, Ivanisevic talked to each Dutch soldier who came to Belgrade, individually, about when and where he was and what was he doing. Asked by Vecernje Novosti why haven’t they showed up before to say what really happened in Srebrenica, Ivanisevic said he didn’t pose that question, but added that Dutch soldiers complained there is a complete repression against them in Holland that had lasted for the past 10 years because they are blamed for allegedly “failing to protect Srebrenica”.

“Perhaps the things are finally getting ripe now”, Ivanisevic said. “They told me they came here in apprehension and worried, because they expected to be hated in Serbia just like back home. They said in Srebrenica at the time they had to protect themselves from the Muslims, rather than protect Muslims from the Serbs. Serb Army, according to them, was helping the Muslim women and their children, bringing them food and water”, Ivanisevic conveyed the conversation he had with Dutch soldiers who were stationed in Srebrenica in 1995.

Achtung Wikipedia-Umma: Alarmstufe Rot!

Unter http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belagerung_von_Sarajevo findet sich die Aussage (Hvhbg. von mir):

Streitkräfte der bosnischen Serben bombardierten zivile Ziele der jeweils anderen Volksgruppe in Sarajevo. Darunter auch das Haupthospital, Moscheen, Kirchen und viele weitere Ziele.

Wenn man schon auf Hobbyhistoriker zurückgreift, die noch wissen, dass rund die Hälfte der Einwohner der Stadt Serbinnen und Serben waren, dann ist doch wohl mindestens dreifaches Redigieren unerlässlich!

Das “jeweils” bitte schnell streichen! Die Kirchen vielleicht besser auch. Könnte verwirren.


Freiwillige Wikipedia-Faktenabgleichstelle Südost

Even tiny Malta recognizes so-called Kosovo now!

Yes and with an interesting pass-partout justification:

Foreign Minister Tonio Borg said Kosovo was being recognised because there was no other alternative for the region following the events of the past 10 years.

Given that the first on-line comment (and further fatherly völkisch instigation)

Well done, Dr Borg! What is Malta’s position on the Georgia conflict (Abkhazia & Ossetia)?

on that news on timesofmalta.com came from somebody with a quite-German-sounding name (Martin Büttner), it might perhaps be good to remind the few people who would like to know what kind of events have happened continuously in the region over the past 10 years – even if Mr. Borg may not have meant exactly the events that happened in that region itself. The following is just one example.

In Kosovo, meanwhile, U.S.- and German-led NATO has helped the Albanian Muslims cleanse just about all the Christians (except the ones in the last remaining Serbian stronghold of Northern Mitrovica — which we’ll be beating into submission to Muslim-Albanian rule in a few weeks). Specifically, recall the story of how German NATO were placing yellow crosses on the homes of the remaining Serbs in Albanian-dominated areas. This way, the Albanians knew which homes to firebomb or harass until the occupants left:

Early next morning we went in German KFOR jeeps to visit the nearby village of Mushnikovo [in Zupa valley]… I noticed that the doors of the surrounding houses had yellow markers on them. On some houses it looked like an X, on others it looked like a cross. I asked the German soldiers what these yellow crosses were doing on these doors. I received an answer I could scarcely believe. The young soldier, whom I later photographed, informed me that these were used to denote that Serbs lived in these houses. He said that people had to know which houses were inhabited by Serbs. I wondered why? So I then said to him. “You mean that you are highlighting the fact the Serbs are living in these houses by putting yellow crosses on their doors”. He nodded. I could hardly believe what I was hearing. The previous night the church and the house across from the church had been attacked by rocket propelled grenades and here was German KFOR marking out the houses which were later attacked by extremists. This seemed incomprehensible to me. I pointed out that they were denoting the religious affiliation of these people and outlining the fact that these were Christians in a predominantly Muslim village. I pointed out to the soldier that this was not the first time in their history that the German army had put markers on the doors of people perceived as unter-menschen.

Shortly afterwards, a German army officer came and asked me what my problem was. I pointed out that I was not the one with the problem. He explained that the reason that the yellow crosses were on the doors of the houses [was] that these houses had been searched for weapons and unexploded ordinance and were deemed “free’ of weapons. It was then that I really began to wonder if these people in charge really knew what they were doing. The Muslims, both Slavs and Albanians, in the village had no such markers on their houses. They had complete freedom to travel wherever they liked throughout Kosovo and harass and intimidate innocent members of other communities. The Serbs in the village had no such freedom of movement. I was aware that the Serbs and Roma and others were being cleared out of their villages and towns all around Kosovo and I wondered what information the KFOR soldiers on the ground were receiving from the NATO high command. Were they still being fed the propaganda that the few remaining elderly Christian Serbs were the enemy or were the threat?

From Republican Riot, July 15th, 2008

But fear not. In Malta itself now at least

[t]he European Commission’s Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities is organising a cartoons competition […] as part of its pan-European campaign called For Diversity Against Discrimination.

First prize: 700 Eurabios, second: 300.

L’Italia è campione d’Europa…

… almeno per quanto riguarda gli affari con l’unico Stato del mondo – l’Iran – il cui scopo dichiarato è la cancellazione di Israele dalla carta geografica, che a tale scopo sta cercando di costruirsi la bomba atomica e che allo stesso scopo ha creato l’Hezbollah che, a detta del comandante italiano Graziano, collabora tanto bene con l’Unifil nel Libano. Il titolo di “campione europeo segreto” potrebbe spettare invece alla Germania, visto che quest’ultima sta svolgendo una parte crescente dei suoi affari con i mullah attraverso paesi terzi. Per vedere la classifica completa dell’ipocrisia antisemitica europea cliccare qui.

“Kosovo Light” in the UK

Two schoolboys were given detention after refusing to kneel down and ‘pray to Allah’ during a religious education lesson.

Parents were outraged that the two boys from year seven (11 to 12-year-olds) were punished for not wanting to take part in the practical demonstration of how Allah is worshipped.

They said forcing their children to take part in the exercise at Alsager High School, near Stoke-on-Trent – which included wearing Muslim headgear – was a breach of their human rights.

From “MailOnline”, 4 July 2008. Thanks to EuropeNews!