Die italienische Linke fordert eine europäische Intervention gegen den Judenstaat
[Redaktionell bearbeitete Fassung, veröffentlicht in: Bahamas, Nr. 37, Winter 2002, S. 44-47 (hier geringfügig vom Autor überarbeitet)]
Wie sehr ehemals der „Linken“ vorbehaltene völkische Manien wie der Antizionismus und der Antiamerikanismus mittlerweile die ideologische Produktion der gesamten Gesellschaft bestimmen, läßt sich nicht nur in Deutschland feststellen. Auch in Italien kreist das Zusammenspiel zwischen linker Parolendrescherei und Presseschlagzeile ganz unverhohlen um das „Volk“. Continue reading Wasserdiebe, Erdschänder, Globalisierer
One of the stars of the Rachel Corrie’s welcoming committee will be Bianca Zammit, a Maltese woman member of ISM and Gaza resident, who was shot in the thigh by an IDF soldier during a demonstration close to the Gaza-Israel border on April 24. Like Corrie, Zammit was devoted to the Palestinians of Gaza, writing extensively about the plight of Palestinian prisoners in Israel. And like Corrie, she was determined to challenge the IDF, even if it killed her. Continue reading More Bianca Zammit “news”
Erdogan, according to Wikipedia, “was given a prison sentence [in 1998] after he had read poetry regarded as a violation of Kemalism by judges. It included lines translated as ‘The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers…'” (Before reading that, I was quite sure that he had read the quoted sentence aloud, approvingly, and enthusiastically, to a large public, but Wikipedia will certainly know better! He read it secretly under his bedspread.)
The Muqata has published, among others, a photograph of one of the faithful present on one of the “peaceful protest” flotilla:
матрациAbout a month ago I had a strange experience. Reading a certain interview published on the Jerusalem Post’s website, I had the impression that the person interviewed was explaining to me very clearly the reasons why I had been so depressed for the last 17 years (at least) – even if I am not Jewish and my personal history, at first sight, would not seem to be connected at all to the recent history of Israel (which was the topic of the interview). His words relieved and encouraged me. In other words, and as the saying goes: I finally saw a ray of light. But the ray of light suddenly disappeared again when I read the last interview “question”:
While, in order to give Israel another one of those daily international community blows, all aimed at its annihilation,
[t]he head of the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency is asking for international input on an Arab-led push to have Israel join the Nonproliferation Treaty, in a move that adds to pressure on Jerusalem to disclose its unacknowledged nuclear arsenal[,]
Joe Biden tells the EU parliament the joke that
[t]he United States and European Union have stood side-by-side to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons[,]
adding that
Iran’s nuclear program violates its obligations under NPT and risks sparking a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.
“Ogni volta che si avvicina una guerra i nemici di Israele aumentano e gli amici tendono a cambiar registro. Che sia vicina un’altra strage di innocenti?”
“Where is our government, a maltese citizen is shot and it has to be the leader of the opposition to raise voice, clearly we are a small country but at least raise the matter and make a whole scene out of it.”
Bianca Zammit, 28, a Maltese pro-Palestinian activist, [was] being treated at the Al-Aqsa hospital after being injured [by Israeli soldiers] during a protest calling for an end to the blockade of [already “judenrein”] Gaza.
and that
She was shot in the leg.
The Times of Malta
“It was a peaceful protest, they had no reason to shoot us,” Ms Zammit said from her hospital bed. She said that similar protests were held in the past and the Israelis usually fired in the air. This time them [sic] shot at the protesters.
Perfidious Jews! You never know what you can expect from them! The Jerusalem Post reported about the same incident stating that the soldiers had only shot at the legs of some protesters, and only after having fired in the air to no avail, but that cannot be true. According to the Malta Independent Online, Ms Zammit has already stated that “when Israeli soldiers shoot they shoot,” i.e., “they shoot to kill,” and therefore it is clear that, given that they were not allowed to kill Palestinians and/or Europeans or Americans, during the previous demonstrations the Israeli soldiers had been shooting all the time at some birds in the air in order to kill at least something, but this time their bosses obviously had allowed them to shoot even Maltese women (and some Palestinians) dead, instead. But, as it seems, they did not succeed in doing that. The Times of Malta wrote that two other people were shot too, but not dead, either. It also wrote that
[t]he three were shot after they entered a 300-metre-deep no-go zone previously declared by Israel on the Gaza side of the frontier.
And that along with the Maltese Paloma Bianca, there had also been a few more people, who probably are still alive, too.
The incident occurred when some 150 people, including six foreigners, began a demonstration to protest against the ban, which prevents Gaza farmers from using the land.
And, you see, this is, as everybody knows, typically Israeli, too! Indeed, as one can read in many comments posted on the Maltese Times Website, and especially in those posted by certain Jew experts like Martin Cassar, Israeli Jews not only like to kill, but they are also always eager to steal land from Arabs. While they doen’t even seem to be afraid to use the most ridiculous pretexts for doing so. In fact, in this case, for instance, according to the Jerusalem Post, a non-Maltese newspaper,
When, on April 27th, Prof. Arnold “Ghandi” Cassola, “Alternattiva Demokratika spokesperson on EU and International Affairs,” stated on his blog that:
Of course, any shooting against anybody is totally un warranted[,] [sic, italics added]
he was trying to compress two distinct statements into one single too short sentence, possibly causing some confusion to readers. Apparently he was pressed too hard by his, Alternattiva Demokratika’s, and the-Maltese-people-as-a-whole’s acute “full square” solidarity with the new Maltese non-violent anti-Zionist anti-siege hero “La Paloma” Bianca Zammit.
The police are considering closing off the Shechem and Lion’s Gates of the Old City [of Jerusalem] to Jews during the annual Jerusalem Day parade in two weeks. […] Continue reading “Israeli apartheid”
The European Union is training Israeli journalists to support the Saudi Peace Plan […].
The Saudi Peace Plan calls on Israel to cede all territory east of the 1949 armistice line, including the Old City of Jerusalem, to the Palestinian Authority. It also calls on Israel to accept several million foreign Arabs, those who claim descent from Arabs who fled Israel during the War of Independence, as citizens – effectively making Israel an Arab state.
In return, the Arab world would agree to normalize relations with Israel.
Angemessener, als in Bezug auf Barack Hussein Obama von einem “König Hussein” zu sprechen, wäre es wohl, ihn, wie andernorts bereits üblich, “Imam Obama” zu nennen. Könige verbeugen sich schließlich nicht vor ihresgleichen, Imame hingegen möglicherweise schon – vor noch höheren religiösen Autoritäten. Allerdings stellt sich dann vielleicht die Frage, ob die USA nebenbei derzeit auch noch einen Präsidenten haben. Und sicherlich auch noch einige weitere beunruhigende (Fragen).
Im Übrigen empfehle ich das o. g. Nachrichten-Weblog, zu dem man von hier aus schnell gelangt, indem man auf das obige Bildchen klickt.
Burning to see even more Jews/Jews even more under fire in the framework of another great worldwide Roman Holiday at the expense of the evil Zionists,
inspired by Ummah (Arabic for Community or Nation) organizers like Barack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, the British Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), and perhaps as well a little by Hitler, Bin Laden, Haj Amin al-Husseini (the former nazi Mufti of Jerusalem), Hamas, Hezbollah, Ahmadinejad, etc.,
… and anti-Semites are those who believe and spread it:
[Dmitry Medvedev, the President of the Russian Federation] added […] that “those [the Israeli government] are independent people. And I would say that on many questions they are defending stubborn positions. Very tough. And the US has seen the proof of that lately.” [Jerusalem Post Online, 12/4/2010 (Yom Ha Shoah)]
Anti-Semites are people who, if they can, with no scruples provide anti-Semites, in this case Iran, with the means to prepare for the mass-killing of Jews. Russia has done just this, e.g. helping Iran in completing the nuclear facility of Bushehr after the Germans had started building it, bringing a dangerous pool of Islamist rackets that aims to rule the world close to the possession of atomic bombs.
Der tw_24:blog betont vielleicht aus Versehen, vielleicht auch absichtlich, aber jedenfalls sehr richtig:
Da trotz aller Konzessionen Israels die “Palästinenser” Gespräche ablehnten und ablehnen, kann [dem israelischen Premierminister] Bibi Netanjahu in der Tat nicht der Vorwurf gemacht werden, in den vergangenen rund 12 Monaten im Amt “ernsthafte Verhandlungen” mit “Palästinensern” geführt zu haben.
In der Tat könnte Netanjahu eventuell – und auch nicht unbedingt von jedem Hans und Franz – allenfalls der Vorwurf gemacht werden, (unter dem Druck einer zunehmend nach Judenblut lechzenden internationalen antisemitischen Gemeinschaft, die in Obama, Clinton und Biden einige ziemlich mächtige neue Führer gefunden hat,) zu erneuten Verhandlungen mit den Fatah-Dschihadisten bereit zu sein und ihnen bereits ohne Verhandlungen Konzessionen gemacht zu haben, wenngleich Abbas und Co. nachweislich weiterhin ebenso wie der Iran die Auslöschung Israels zum Ziel haben und ebenso wie der Iran alles daran setzen, dieses Ziel zu erreichen – alles, d.h. am liebsten unmittelbare Gewalt, Mord und Terror, notfalls aber auch mal “Diplomatie”* in Form einer taktischen Einbeziehung von von einem Westen, der diesen Namen immer weniger verdient, gern vermittelten Zwischenschritten auf ihrem Weg, dem Weg des Islams, zum “Endsieg”.
*) Moslemische Araber haben offenbar ein recht unverkrampftes Verhältnis zur Frage Krieg oder Frieden, jedenfalls wenn es darum geht, den Nahen Osten “judenreiner” zu machen: “We are ready for any Arab option. If they want to go to war let them declare that and mobilize their armies and their people and we will follow suit”, sagte zum Beispiel anlässlich des jüngsten Gipfels der Arabischen Liga in Libyen ein hochrangiger Assistent von Mahmud Abbas, dem von den USA und der EU unterstützten und von diesen in letzter Zeit vertrauensvoll auch militärisch – pardon: polizeilich – besser ausgerüsteten “Friedenspartner” Israels.