“The most authentic representation of the general dynamics of the UN you’ll ever see set to music” (Caroline Glick)

The complete “Tribal Update,” including the “introduction” of the song:

Offener Erpresserbrief von Saudi-Arabien betr. “Palästinensischer Staat”

Gestern, am 10. Jahrestag von 9/11, hat ein saudischer Prinz via New York Times – oder sollte man sagen: “haben ein saudischer Prinz und die New York Times”? – den USA mit schweren Konsequenzen gedroht, sollten diese in Kürze bei der Beantragung der Anerkennung eines Staats Palästina, durch den Israel erneut auf die ‘Auschwitz-Grenzen’ beschränkt und der Vernichtung Israels und seiner Bewohner noch viel weniger im Weg stehen würde als jetzt schon, im UN-Sicherheitsrat ihr Veto einlegen. Aus diesem Anlass hier noch einmal

Auszüge aus einer Stellungnahme der Associazione Musulmani Italiani [Vereinigung Italienischer Muslime] zum von Walter Veltroni initiierten Fackelzug am 20. März 2002 in Rom

Vorbemerkung des Übersetzers: Die folgende Stellungnahme bezog sich auf eine ‘Friedensinitiative’ des (damaligen) römischen Bürgermeisters und ehemaligen Herausgebers der Unità, Walter Veltroni (Democratici di sinistra – Linksdemokraten). Letzterer war schon anlässlich des Kosovokriegs eifrig damit beschäftigt gewesen, in der serbischen Provinz “die Ängste eines Horrors aufzuspüren, die wir unter den Trümmern der Öfen des Holocaust begraben zu haben gehofft hatten”, “ethnische Säuberungen, Vergewaltigungen, Enthauptungen und Familientrennungen”, “Frauen und Kinder auf der einen Seite, Männer auf der anderen …”. Continue reading Offener Erpresserbrief von Saudi-Arabien betr. “Palästinensischer Staat”

Arab Nazi spring: Turkey stirs up jihad against Israel

While Egypt and Israel acted to cool the crisis in relations sparked by last Friday’s mob attack on the Israeli embassy, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan threatened another inflammatory speech against Israel during his Monday visit, Sept. 12 – this one from Tahrir Square in a bid to buy the popularity of the Arab street. Jerusalem and Washington are concerned that it will have the effect of stirring up anti-Israel riots in Egypt and Jordan, Israel’ second peace partner, as well as encouraging the Palestinian terrorist Jihad Islami lurking in Sinai to proceed with its threatened cross-border attack.


DEBKAfile reports: “Israeli embassy break-in led by Jam’a al-Islamiya of NY 1993 bombing”

In first new disclosures on the storming of Israel’s Cairo embassy which started Friday night, Sept. 9, DEBKAfile‘s counter-terror sources reveal that the mob was led by the terrorist Jama’a al-Islamiya, the Egyptian founding branch of Al Qaeda, and two other radical Egyptian Islamist groups.

DEBKAfile’s description of the events gives us also a rather ‘tangible idea’ of the current state of the so-called Arab spring (or of  “Libyan freedom,” as Maltese revolutionary columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia liked to call this thing once – of course not knowing what she was talking about):

DEBKAfile‘s intelligence sources also reveal that Egyptian security forces delayed for eight hours before tackling the mob smashing into the embassy building and rampaging inside – even after US Ambassador Anne Patterson interceded on behalf of the six Israel security officers barricaded in the embassy’s security room as the rabble battered on its steel door. Continue reading DEBKAfile reports: “Israeli embassy break-in led by Jam’a al-Islamiya of NY 1993 bombing”

The Mavi Marmara Palmer Commission Findings: The Absurd Notion of ‘Excessive Force’*

Turkish photo made on board of beaten IDF soldier (this photo was chosen as 'picture of the year' in a Turkish photo contest)
An IDF soldier beaten by Turkish humanitarians on board the Mavi Marmara (this photo was chosen as Turkish 'picture of the year')


It appears that the publication of the United Nations’ Palmer Commission findings on the Mavi Marmara flotilla incident that occurred on May 31, 2010 will finally be published on Friday. The publication of the report has been repeatedly delayed by U.N. General Secretary Ban Ki Moon on the basis that Israel and Turkey have been working toward some accommodation that would render the Report unnecessary. Continue reading The Mavi Marmara Palmer Commission Findings: The Absurd Notion of ‘Excessive Force’*

Quote of the day (from yesterday)

иконографияКартини“No country can win a war that is fought ‘defensively’.  ‘Tit for tats’ don’t work.  Limited operations and hits against the enemy do not work.  Israel must go on a full scale attack against its enemies.  The Defense Minister needs to be fired, and a Minister of War needs to be appointed.  A minister of war that will lead the country to fight as is needed, until the enemies of Israel are crippled beyond repair, until THEY and the populations that support them, beg Israel for peace, and not the other way around.”

Tamar Yonah

A warning from the IDF to be heeded by the Jew-blood-thirsty “Times of Malta” (and most of the journalists of the world) too

Bonġu Times of Malta,

On the 5th of June, among other things, you published this:

On May 15, Israeli gunfire killed 12 people and wounded hundreds as Palestinians marched on Israel’s borders with Lebanon, Syria and Gaza in a mass show of mourning over the creation of the Jewish state.

Now, Times of Malta, looky here, click and listen to this, please:

Got the message, Times of Malta? (If not, maybe try switching on the captions of the YouTube video!) You are now definitely warned: Continue reading A warning from the IDF to be heeded by the Jew-blood-thirsty “Times of Malta” (and most of the journalists of the world) too

PA “president” Mahmoud Abbas – an exemplary “Palestinian refugee”

“Palestine thanks Malta”: Mela, issa will Hizballah and Hamas thank Daphne Caruana Galizia, the Clintonistas, and all the others for their support for the brave Libyan rebels too, in the end?

The Dhimmi Times of Malta, today:

The Palestinian National Authority has thanked Malta for its help in the evacuation of 13 Palestinians from Libya last month.

In a letter to Foreign Affairs Minister Tonio Borg, Palestine’s Foreign Affairs Minister Riad Malki said that the Maltese government and people have always placed Palestine close to their hearts. Continue reading “Palestine thanks Malta”: Mela, issa will Hizballah and Hamas thank Daphne Caruana Galizia, the Clintonistas, and all the others for their support for the brave Libyan rebels too, in the end?

Some criticism of Israel by Sultan Knish

And in one of the dumber things ever, the IDF will be going dark for ‘Earth Hour’.

Israel’s military is observing “Earth Hour 2011,” the IDF Spokesperson’s Office stated from darkened offices on Thursday. As a result, the lights at numerous IDF installations – including the Kirya, Tel Hashomer, and Tzrifin bases – were turned off. Continue reading Some criticism of Israel by Sultan Knish

DEBKAfile: The bomb blast in central Jerusalem was the work of terrorist pros

DEBKAfile Special Report March 23, 2011, 9:58 PM (GMT+02:00)

Bomb blast in Jerusalem

The bomb which exploded Wednesday afternoon, March 23, near the No. 74 bus stop opposite Binyanei Haooma at Jerusalem’s main northern entrance was detonated by remote control. It killed a woman and injured 30-40 passers-by and passengers, several seriously plus at least 20 shock victims who later sought hospital treatment. Continue reading DEBKAfile: The bomb blast in central Jerusalem was the work of terrorist pros

“R2P” the people of Libya – not much more than a little training for the dhimmi nations France and Britain for the EU-UN two-state final solution of the Jewish question

The Israeli-Palestinian peace process should not be forgotten even while there is unrest taking place in Arab countries and 2011 must be the year that a Palestinian state is created, French Prime Minister Francois Fillon said Tuesday. Continue reading “R2P” the people of Libya – not much more than a little training for the dhimmi nations France and Britain for the EU-UN two-state final solution of the Jewish question

Child murder – an “heroic” act of Palestinian “resistance” and tool of Islamic “democratisation”

At least two Palestinians armed with knives stabbed the mother, father and three of the children, aged, 11, three and a baby of a month in their sleep at Itamar, south of Nablus early Saturday. Two small children were not attacked. Their sister aged 12 found them when she returned home at 12:30 and called for help. Magen David Adom paramedics could only confirm the five deaths. Continue reading Child murder – an “heroic” act of Palestinian “resistance” and tool of Islamic “democratisation”

“How Israel’s Peacemaking Endangers Itself and the Stability of the Region”

At a meeting with Jewish leaders, Barack Hussein Obama told them to “search your souls” over whether Israel really wants to make peace. But all those leaders need to search is Israeli cemeteries filled with the graves of thousands of victims of the peace process. Perhaps there they can search the souls of the thousands of men, women and children, blown up in restaurants, gunned down in schools and on roads, tortured to death in the No-Go Zones of the Palestinian Authority. They are, in the memorably gruesome words of Rabin, “Sacrifices for Peace”, human sacrifices served up on the burning altar of diplomacy in an endless holocaust of appeasement. Every inch of territory that Israel has given up into the hands of terrorists, has been used as the front line of terrorism. If Israelis are less eager to be served up as human sacrifices to the Muslim Moloch, that should call for soul searching not by them, but by the Western governments who have blindly supported Muslim terrorists leaders Arafat and Abbas, and their murderous campaign against Israeli civilians. Continue reading “How Israel’s Peacemaking Endangers Itself and the Stability of the Region”

The Jews are disappointing the Germans again

After Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu expressed his disappointment with Germany because of its recent vote in the UN Security Council in favour of condemning Israel for not taking more decisive steps toward making Judea and Samaria judenrein, according to INN, German chancellor Angela Merkel replied,

“How dare you? You are the one who has disappointed us. You haven’t made a single step to advance peace.”

For Germans, obviously, the sacrifice of just a few thousands of Israelis in the past years for an unattainable peace with people who only want the destruction of Israel and the Jews, and are always busy taking steps toward that goal, cannot be sufficient. The Germans themselves, about seventy years ago, were doubtlessly much more courageous in taking steps than the Israelis have been in recent years, and even today they are really not “that bad” at all, as far as their dirty courage is concerned.