You don’t have to tell us that, Mr Austin Gatt,

the Jew, the Jew, the Jew is the real villain, always the Jew, the Jew and the Israelis, the ones who always lose in any case — everybody understands that, because it’s just so simple.

The Jew and, of course, those suspected of  Kontaktschuld (German word meaning “guilt of contact”), and even more so if normally they like it very much to blame the Jews too, anzi even more than we from the PN! So… shame on them, let’s smash ’em!

But all we anti-Semites, who have “significant world understanding” (Borchardt) know that already! “Facts but not opinions.” We need no proof, we don’t need anything, we just need…

Infrastructure Minister Austin Gatt asks who “the real villain” of the power station extension contract saga is: “BWSC (who won the contract) or Bateman, the ones with ‘good contacts’ with the Partit Laburista (Labour Party)?”

In an exclusive article that is being published on page 3 in today’s issue, which Dr Gatt says are just facts and not opinions [and who would dare to doubt this! Also both the article, page 3, today’s issue and the publications are facts like me and you too!], the minister goes through the report compiled by the Auditor General who “found no evidence” of corruption or improper influence.

So maybe you can just shut up now for a while, Mr Double-Exclamation-Mark?

William Hague proves that one can be a dhimmi and behave like a little “herrenmensch” at the same time

e.g. by

meeting with representatives of three groups at the forefront of the Palestinian civil disobedience movement. After visiting Ramallah, he talked to Palestinians and their supporters about their weekly demonstrations against Israel’s security barrier. Ignoring the violent nature of these protests, Hague praised the idea of “nonviolence” and listened to their arguments. Indeed, he is quoted as telling them that when “negotiations become an eternal promise that is never kept because of Israel’s unwillingness to accept a fair solution, popular resistance to the occupier becomes the only possible alternative remaining to the Palestinians to attain their rights without resorting to armed struggle.”

More at DEBKAfile.

Occupational “therapy” for Jews threatened by mass-murder

While DEBKAfile reports that – given that the Russians seem to have agreed with the Iranian anti-Semitic rackets upon starting to feed it with nuclear fuel rods already on the 21st of August, protecting it from an Israeli attack – Israel has probably only one week left for damaging the Bushehr atomic facility without causing much harm to civilians, the so-called Middle East Quartet, of which Russia is part, enthusiastically represented by the new face of the EU, Catherine Ashton, has found just in time another “good” distraction for the Israelis, coercing the anti-Semitic PA president Mahmoud Abbas into “direct talks” within a few hours while there are signs that it is willing to impose its own preconditions on Israel in his stead now, e.g. putting pressure on it to make Judea and Samaria judenrein.

While the “Quartet” and the whole world only feigns to be serious and concerned not only for the Arabs who in their majority, especially in the “West Bank,” still wish to destroy Israel, but even for the Jews, and is indeed only torturing the Israelis in order to have them make more and more concessions to those aiming at their destruction, by acting as if it is all just a game like the Nazis’ “games” explained by the protagonist Guido to his own son in Roberto Benigni’s kitsch film “La vita è bella” in order to have him have some kind of a happy childhood despite the Shoah, Caroline Glick has recently explained (again) the seriousness of the threats Israel is facing thanks to the fact that the West would so very much like to dream on of “peace” and “friendship” with those who are preparing a new Holocaust, and, for a little afterward, the rest of the West’s end:

The first real “official” dead victim of the Turkish-led Islamist “freedom flotilla”

Given that, as opposed to the Turkish “activists” or the Iranian MPs vowing to arrive next, Yehushua Sofer did not seek “martyrdom” for free, will the Turkish prime minister Erdogan apologize and pay compensation to his family? Or will his associate European or US “peace activists”? Or the EU, the “honest broker”, which in the meantime has already jumped on Erdogan’s bandwagon pressing hard for a further easing of the Gaza blockade?

Al-Aqsa Brigade claims attack
Photo by: Israel Police

A faction of Fatah’s al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade claimed responsibility for Monday’s terror attack in the Hebron Hills in which Israeli police officer Yehushua Sofer was killed, reported the Palestinian news agency Ma’an.
The attack came as a response to the raid on the Gaza aid flotilla, according to the report.


Maltese citizens hit out at ‘peaceful’ protesters: “They sought confrontation and got the confrontation they wanted”

“The activists’ effort […] cannot be considered other than violent and illegal. There is no other way to define a concerted and well planned action which seeks to prevent another from carrying out his lawful activities,” the federation said.

Curious? Read more in “The Times of Malta(stan),” 5/6/2010. Hint: Although it is about ships with a certain kind of careerists aboard, the article doesn’t deal with the anti-Semitic “freedom flotilla,” rather with fish, but if you are not an anti-Semite, you have to hold your nose only if you read that and other articles on that site, too.

The peaceful Gaza “freedom flotilla” song: We con the world

With subtitles in Hebrew:

With English subtitles [and changed on 12/6/2010 to a probably more reliable video clip site than YouTube]:

More Bianca Zammit “news”

From the Jerusalem Post (online, Lenny Ben-David), 15/5/2010:

One of the stars of the Rachel Corrie’s welcoming committee will be Bianca Zammit, a Maltese woman member of ISM and Gaza resident, who was shot in the thigh by an IDF soldier during a demonstration close to the Gaza-Israel border on April 24. Like Corrie, Zammit was devoted to the Palestinians of Gaza, writing extensively about the plight of Palestinian prisoners in Israel. And like Corrie, she was determined to challenge the IDF, even if it killed her. Continue reading More Bianca Zammit “news”

Turkish-led “peaceful” Jihad flotilla ship MV Rachel Corrie is on its way to Gaza from Malta

This was reported some hours ago by the blog The Muqata which is currently providing much material about the “peacefulness” of the deadly anti-Semitic Hamas support “show” strongly sustained by the Jihadist Turkish prime minister Erdogan.

Erdogan, according to Wikipedia, “was given a prison sentence [in 1998] after he had read poetry regarded as a violation of Kemalism by judges. It included lines translated as ‘The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers…'” (Before reading that, I was quite sure that he had read the quoted sentence aloud, approvingly, and enthusiastically, to a large public, but Wikipedia will certainly know better! He read it secretly under his bedspread.)

The Muqata has published, among others, a photograph of one of the faithful present on one of the “peaceful protest” flotilla:

Continue reading Turkish-led “peaceful” Jihad flotilla ship MV Rachel Corrie is on its way to Gaza from Malta

On the “Nakba,” “Palestinian refugees,” “occupation” and so on

Palestine Betrayed

by Efraim Karsh
Yale, 336 pp., $32.50

Reviewed by Daniel Pipes

National Review
May 17, 2010

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Bianca Zammit, first anti-Zionist Maltese with a leg almost martyred by Jews

“Where is our government, a maltese citizen is shot and it has to be the leader of the opposition to raise voice, clearly we are a small country but at least raise the matter and make a whole scene out of it.”

Comment of a “” reader

Sliema, Malta, 5/12/2008
Sliema, Malta, 5/12/2008

On April, 24th, 2010, the Times of Malta reported that

Bianca Zammit, 28, a Maltese pro-Palestinian activist, [was] being treated at the Al-Aqsa hospital after being injured [by Israeli soldiers] during a protest calling for an end to the blockade of [already “judenrein”] Gaza.

and that

She was shot in the leg.

The Times of Malta


“It was a peaceful protest, they had no reason to shoot us,” Ms Zammit said from her hospital bed. She said that similar protests were held in the past and the Israelis usually fired in the air. This time them [sic] shot at the protesters.

Perfidious Jews! You never know what you can expect from them! The Jerusalem Post reported about the same incident stating that the soldiers had only shot at the legs of some protesters, and only after having fired in the air to no avail, but that cannot be true. According to the Malta Independent OnlineMs Zammit has already stated that “when Israeli soldiers shoot they shoot,” i.e., “they shoot to kill,” and therefore it is clear that, given that they were not allowed to kill Palestinians and/or Europeans or Americans, during the previous demonstrations the Israeli soldiers had been shooting all the time at some birds in the air in order to kill at least something, but this time their bosses obviously had allowed them to  shoot even Maltese women (and some Palestinians) dead, instead. But, as it seems, they did not succeed in doing that. The Times of Malta wrote that two other people were shot too, but not dead, either. It also wrote that

[t]he three were shot after they entered a 300-metre-deep no-go zone previously declared by Israel on the Gaza side of the frontier.

And that along with the Maltese Paloma Bianca, there had also been a few more people, who probably are still alive, too.

The incident occurred when some 150 people, including six foreigners, began a demonstration to protest against the ban, which prevents Gaza farmers from using the land.

And, you see, this is, as everybody knows, typically Israeli, too! Indeed, as one can read in many comments posted on the Maltese Times Website, and especially in those posted by certain Jew experts like Martin Cassar, Israeli Jews not only like to kill, but they are also always eager to steal land from Arabs. While they doen’t even seem to be afraid to use the most ridiculous pretexts for doing so. In fact, in this case, for instance, according to the Jerusalem Post, a non-Maltese newspaper,

[t]he IDF stated the area was one were [sic] explosives had been planted and IDF units ambushed on numerous occasions, and it would not allow Palestinians to enter the area surrounding the fence as this endangers its soldiers. Continue reading Bianca Zammit, first anti-Zionist Maltese with a leg almost martyred by Jews

“Israeli apartheid”

The police are considering closing off the Shechem and Lion’s Gates of the Old City [of Jerusalem] to Jews during the annual Jerusalem Day parade in two weeks. […] Continue reading “Israeli apartheid”

EU training journalists for “Endlösung light”

The European Union is training Israeli journalists to support the Saudi Peace Plan […].


The Saudi Peace Plan calls on Israel to cede all territory east of the 1949 armistice line, including the Old City of Jerusalem, to the Palestinian Authority. It also calls on Israel to accept several million foreign Arabs, those who claim descent from Arabs who fled Israel during the War of Independence, as citizens – effectively making Israel an Arab state.
In return, the Arab world would agree to normalize relations with Israel., 18 April 2010

EU Peace Flag