Eine Verteidigung Benjamin Netanjahus, die in die richtige Richtung geht

Der tw_24:blog betont vielleicht aus Versehen, vielleicht auch absichtlich, aber jedenfalls  sehr richtig:

Da trotz aller Konzessionen Israels die “Palästinenser” Gespräche ablehnten und ablehnen, kann [dem israelischen Premierminister] Bibi Netanjahu in der Tat nicht der Vorwurf gemacht werden, in den vergangenen rund 12 Monaten im Amt “ernsthafte Verhandlungen” mit “Palästinensern” geführt zu haben.

In der Tat könnte Netanjahu eventuell – und auch nicht unbedingt von jedem Hans und Franz – allenfalls der Vorwurf gemacht werden, (unter dem Druck einer zunehmend nach Judenblut lechzenden internationalen antisemitischen Gemeinschaft, die in Obama, Clinton und Biden einige ziemlich mächtige neue Führer gefunden hat,)  zu erneuten Verhandlungen mit den Fatah-Dschihadisten bereit zu sein und ihnen bereits ohne Verhandlungen Konzessionen gemacht zu haben, wenngleich Abbas und Co. nachweislich weiterhin ebenso wie der Iran die Auslöschung Israels zum Ziel haben und ebenso wie der Iran alles daran setzen, dieses Ziel zu erreichen – alles, d.h. am liebsten unmittelbare Gewalt, Mord und Terror, notfalls aber auch mal “Diplomatie”* in Form einer taktischen Einbeziehung von von einem Westen, der diesen Namen immer weniger verdient, gern vermittelten Zwischenschritten auf ihrem Weg, dem Weg des Islams, zum “Endsieg”.

*) Moslemische Araber haben offenbar ein recht unverkrampftes Verhältnis zur Frage Krieg oder Frieden, jedenfalls wenn es darum geht, den Nahen Osten “judenreiner” zu machen: “We are ready for any Arab option. If they want to go to war let them declare that and mobilize their armies and their people and we will follow suit”, sagte zum Beispiel anlässlich des jüngsten Gipfels der Arabischen Liga in Libyen ein hochrangiger Assistent von Mahmud Abbas, dem von den USA und der EU unterstützten und von diesen in letzter Zeit vertrauensvoll auch militärisch – pardon: polizeilich – besser ausgerüsteten “Friedenspartner” Israels.

“Business Translation Services Taken Too Lightly”

The need for business translation services is sometimes taken too lightly by people and organizations. However, translation is an important subject that should be considered in a sensible manner to avoid bad results. Before starting a project that involves translating documents or materials [… professional translations read this article at Translatorsbase.com].

Translation German Italian English
… Simply good translations.

Rogue nation building: Barack Hussein Obama macht Old Europe’s Träume wahr

[US-Präsident] Obama hat [dem israelischen Premierminister] Netanjahu noch ein weiteres Ultimatum gestellt. Er will, dass wir die Außenbezirke von Jerusalem aufgeben, alle unsere Antiterror-Operationen in Judäa und Samaria beenden, 1000 Terroristen aus dem Gefängnis freilassen und alle jüdische Bautätigkeit in Jerusalem beenden, und er will eine Antwort bis morgen – Schabbat. Will irgendjemand ernsthaft behaupten, dass dieser Mann kein Antisemit sei?


Und außerdem gibt es da, wie mein Freund Michael Ledeen hervorhebt, noch die Tatsache, dass die [US-amerikanische] Administration ihr Bestehen darauf, dass es Juden nicht erlaubt werden dürfe, unsere Eigentumsrechte am Shepherd-Hotel in Jerusalem geltend zu machen, damit rechtfertigt, dass das Gebäude das Heim des Naziagenten Haj Amin al-Husseini gewesen sei. Das heißt, die USA ergreifen für einen Nazikriegsverbrecher gegen die Juden Partei.

[Caroline Glick, 26.3.2010 (Übersetzung: Ralph Raschen)]

Wie es möglicherweise weitergeht, wenn es so weitergeht wie bisher, wird im “Tribal Update” der israelischen Site Latma mittels eines “Interviews” mit Obama höchstpersönlich – etwa ab der dritten Minute des folgenden Videos – satirisch näher erklärt.

Duplicity Joe

“In my 34-year career, I have never wavered from the notion that the only time progress has ever been made in the Middle East is when the Arab nations have known that there is no daylight between us and Israel,” [Joe] Biden stated during the [presidential] campaign [of Barack Hussein Obama]. “So the idea of being an ‘honest broker’ is not, as some of my Democratic colleagues call for, the answer. It is being the smart broker; it is being the smart partner.”

IsraelNationalNews.com, 3/3/2010

The decision by an Interior Ministry committee to announce approval of plans for some 1,600 housing units in northeast Jerusalem’s Ramat Shlomo neighborhood cast a pall Tuesday night over the visit of US Vice President Joe Biden, who squarely condemned the move.

JPost.com, 10/3/2010

Kampf der Islamophobie!


Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,

ein Gespenst geht um in Europa. Manch ein bedeutender Mensch soll es schon zu Gesicht bekommen haben. Wolfgang Benz etwa, dessen Vorurteilsforschung von den „Studies in Prejudice“ der Kritischen Theorie ungefähr so viel Ahnung hat wie er selbst von der Nazi-Karriere seines Doktorvaters Karl Bosl. Auch Kay Sokolowsky hat das Gespenst erblickt und ihm gleich ein ganzes Buch gewidmet. Und zur Abwehr des geheimnisvollen Wesens, das immer dann, wenn man glaubt, es fassen zu können, enthuscht, wurden bereits die ersten universitären Institute gegründet, deren Mitarbeiter nicht nur gar nicht mal so schlecht bezahlte Doktorandenstellen abgreifen konnten, sondern sich für diese Huld mit intellektuellem Wagemut und heldischer Zivilcourage bedanken.

Das Gespenst, das sie bekämpfen, ist selbstverständlich die Islamophobie. [Hier klicken zum Weiterlesen in Prodomo]

“Juden flüchten wegen zunehmendem Antisemitismus aus Malmö”

Zunehmender Hass auf Juden führt in der schwedischen Stadt Malmö dazu, dass immer mehr Juden aus der Stadt flüchten, so auch die 86-jährige KZ-Überlebende Judith Popinski. Sie macht dafür Muslime verantwortlich, die jüdische Schweden bedrohen, weiter wurden mehrfach jüdische Friedhöfe geschändet.

Shortnews.de, 21.2.2010

EU Peace Flag

Capito Obama?

La dolorosa verità è che l’obiettivo di Obama non è mai stato quello di impedire che Teheran si procuri l’arma nucleare. Tutta la sua strategia delle “sanzioni-se-il-coinvolgimento-fallisce” non è altro che un espediente. L’amministrazione Obama non ha mai avuto l’intenzione di imporre sanzioni pungenti sull’Iran. Come un autorevole funzionario dell’amministrazione ha detto al New York Times, lo scopo dei discorsi sulle sanzioni è quello di persuadere gli iraniani a negoziare. Nelle sue parole: “Si tratta di riportarli ai negoziati, poiché il vero scopo è quello di evitare la guerra.”

Capito? Per quanto concerne Obama, un Iran con armi atomiche non è la preoccupazione principale. La preoccupazione principale è che Israele potrebbe usare la forza per impedire che Teheran si procuri armi nucleari.*

Difendersi, cioè.

*) Caroline Glick, Sarah Palin’s friendship, JPOST.com, 12/2/2010 (traduzione dall’inglese: Ralph Raschen)

“A festival of discrimination – funded by the EU”

The Al-Quds Underground is an unconventional arts festival in the Old City of Jerusalem that was held on the first week of November with more than 150 performances including music, storytelling, theatre and dance. But when Gil Zohar, a reporter for The Jerusalem Post, showed up at the Damascus Gate to attend the show, to which he had received an invitation, he was asked by Jamal Gosch, the director of the a-Nuzha Hakawati Theater, where he lived. Zohar answered Jerusalem, in Arabic. When Jamal heard Gil’s accent, he was told that Israelis were not welcome.

Sherri Mandell (read more here)

Exklusiv: Offener Brief der Wertarbeit von Dr. Clemens Heni an Oscar Mercator

Vorbemerkung des Posters: Dieses Blog steht auch ausgewählten Menschen, Institutionen und Sachen zur Verfügung, die dringend wichtige Mitteilungen “loswerden” müssen bzw. wollen und denen auf die Schnelle keine anderweitige Veröffentlichungs- oder Versandmöglichkeit zur Verfügung steht. In diesem (ersten derartigen) Fall fühlen wir uns besonders geehrt dadurch, dass uns das folgende Schreiben der Wertarbeit von Clemens Heni an Othmar Kaufmann (Potsdam) von der Wertarbeit Clemens Henis persönlich zur Veröffentlichung überantwortet wurde.

Sehr geehrter Herr Kaufmann!

Soeben habe ich in Ihrem Blog “Von den einzigwahren Freunden Israels”, genauer gesagt, da, Folgendes gelesen:

Ich bitte die Wertarbeit von Clemens Heni, deutscher Muttersprachler und Post-Doctoral Researcher an der Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism (YIISA), YALE University, in Ruhe zu studieren.

und Sie haben wirklich Glück, dass Ihre Message mich so früh erreicht hat, denn ich sitze dieser Tage selten am Computer! Allerdings, wenn ich am Computer sitze, surfe ich gern und intensiv von Blog zu Blog, und das habe ich auch diesmal getan… und so bin ich auch recht bald auf Ihre an mich gerichtete Bitte gestoßen. Meine Schwäche, ausgerechnet als Wertarbeit von Clemens Heni dauernd im Internet herum zu surfen, statt in Ruhe zu studieren – in der Tat habe ich mich eben durchaus ein wenig ertappt gefühlt -, hat also in diesem Fall auch etwas Gutes gehabt… Continue reading Exklusiv: Offener Brief der Wertarbeit von Dr. Clemens Heni an Oscar Mercator

Quotation of the decade (so to speak)

Isn’t it something the way the same names that helped dismantle Yugoslavia and Serbia seem to be resurfacing to dismantle Israel? All the names that fingered Serbia as it dealt with terror are giving Israel the same trouble. They and their credibility and careers could have been demolished, these people stopped in their tracks, if anyone gave a damn about Western machinations in the Balkans. Instead they’re coming back to haunt more than just the Serbs.

Julia Gorin, October 27th, 2009

EU über alles

For those still unable to imagine how EU “democracy” would work after the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty by all EU states, which probably will not be states anymore afterward, because it will be sufficient that the politically dominant ideological cliques of what is left of them flock together in order to determine parts of the politics of the smaller (and often better) entities, MEP and German “anti-authoritarian” Daniel Cohn-Bendit has already given an exemplary representation of how it will look and feel – in the Castle of Prague during last December. The following is an excerpt from an account on that performance published by the British Telegraph:

I happen to know the splendid room in which the meeting took place, because I sat there myself with President Klaus in 2005, when he had arranged for a history of the EU I had co-authored to be published in Czech. As Cohn-Bendit was aware, the only flag that flies over the castle is the presidential standard (though the “ring of stars” is much in evidence elsewhere in Prague, flown outside every government ministry).

As described to me by someone present, President Klaus greeted the MEPs with his usual genial courtesy. Whatever his own views, he assured them, his countrymen would conduct their presidency in fully “communautaire” fashion. Cohn-Bendit then staged his ambush. Brusquely plonking down his EU flag., which he observed sarcastically was so much in evidence around the palace, he warned that the Czechs would be expected to put through the EU’s “climate change package” without interference. Continue reading EU über alles

My grandfather and the “foreign minister” of EUrope

Not long before the father of my mother died, despite being already heavily enfeebled he was still strong enough to convey his probably last important “political insight” to me, after my mother had finally managed to drag me to his home to pay him a visit.  It was in the period of the collapse of the Soviet Union, and of the German “reunification”, when from his sick bed he informed me of a historical mistake he and his Volksgenossen had made, stating in a relatively conciliatory tone that “we should not have been that rough with the Russians,” in order to add just one breath later: “But as to the Jews, we should have killed all of them.” As if the Germans themselves had decided to stop it at a certain point, and had not been stopped by, among others, the Red Army.

It is a pity he is already dead, for were he still alive, he would probably be quite enthusiastic and feel confirmed regarding his views by the first result of the European-led “critical dialogue” with the Iranian islamists accomplished by EU “foreign and security policy chief” Javier Solana, thanks to which the Russians may now have a chance to prove even more than before that my grandfather’s late self-criticism, “in a way,” went in the “right” direction. Russia, in one way or another, might now help prepare even more than before a new large-scale mass-murder of Jews by “[shortening] Iran’s road to a nuclear weapon“. And if the Iranian anti-Semites will not accept anything anyway, at least, the Russians, together with Solana and Obama, Germany, France, the UK, China, will have helped the Iranian Holocaust-deniers buy some more precious time, strengthening them (and, for a while, the EU) “sustainably” against the U.S., the “big Satan” (Khomeini), by undermining even a few UN Security Council resolutions –  something that would probably have greatly satisfied my grandfather, too.

Dealing with true believers

I think we need to get our heads around one thing. When Ahmadinejad says he will destroy Israel, he is not speaking rhetorically. He is speaking literally. Ahmadinejad and his bosses believe that first Al-Mahdi then Jesus will return to earth. Al-Mahdi is the Islamic messiah, and he’s number one. Jesus is his deputy. Then a Jihad will occur between the forces of good and evil. Little Satan-Israel, big Satan-US vs. the true believers. This will precede the Last Days. Jesus will slay Dajjal, marry, have children and proclaim Islam as the last word of God. This is Ahmadinejad’s living dream. The Americans and Europeans simply have no idea what they’re dealing with.

A comment to Shmuel Rosner, Cohens’ consensus: hard to believe in sanctions (spelling slightly corrected)

“Palestinian resistance” for advanced Jew-haters

There is an interesting, very very sophisticated discussion, including some “good advice” for disturbers, at Wikipedia about how anti-Semitic mass-murderers may be characterized in Newspeak, given that terrorists may not exist, and, worse, anti-Semitic mass-murderers may not be called “freedom fighters” either [my bold, orthography not mine].

“Some people” here would include Hamas, no? Who have called for the destruction of the state of Israel and the etsablismeent of (all of ) Jerusalem as a Palestinian capital? IronDuke 00:20, 13 September 2009 (UTC)

On occasion, yes Hamas has said that, though they also have said they would accept a state within the Green line in exchange for a long term truce. [A judenrein state for themselves in lieu of the Jewish State? – RR] Im sure we could find a way to clarify the meaning of what it is they fight for. But that is discussion that is best kept separate from determining how, or whether, to include the word “terrorist”. nableezy – 00:37, 13 September 2009 (UTC)

we need to stick to the guideline here. per wp:terrorist, the note on this very talkpage says that words like terrorist and freedom fighter are “inherently non-neutral, so they should not be used as unqualified labels in the voice of the article. If a reliable source describes a person or group using one of these words, then the description must be attributed in the article text to its source, preferably by direct quotation, and always with a verifiable citation.” both views (terrorist and resistance) are notable but they need to be attributed.—Preceding unsigned comment added by Untwirl (talkcontribs) 02:37, 13 September 2009 (UTC)

Continue reading “Palestinian resistance” for advanced Jew-haters

Iranian warning system “locates” revolution führer Khomeini

Up above a big military parade in Tehran on Tuesday, Sept. 22, as Iranian president declared Iran’s armed forces would “chop off the hands” of any power daring to attack his country, two air force jets collided in mid-air. One was Iran’s only airborne warning and control system (AWACS) for coordinating long-distance aerial operations, DEBKAfile‘s military and Iranian sources disclose.


Eye witnesses reported that the flaming planes landed on the mausoleum burial site of the Islamic revolution’s founder Ruhollah Khomeini, a national shrine. According to Western observers, no distress signals came from either cockpit indicating that the collision and explosions were sudden and fast.

Source: DEBKAfile, 22/9/2009