Airbnb sagt: Mietet nicht bei Juden im Westjordanland

… und hat es mir damit nach langem, qualvollem Zögern endlich wirklich leicht gemacht, diesen scheinheiligen “antirassistischen” Laden endlich zu verlassen.

Vollständiger Text meiner obigen an Airbnb gesandten “Erzählung”, die im Screenshot nicht ganz zu sehen ist:

“Airbnb fördert durch seine Politik, jüdische Gastgeber in den historischen jüdischen Kerngebieten Judäa und Samaria (antisemitisch-propagandistisch zumeist ‘Westjordanland’ genannt) zu boykottieren, dort ansässige moslemische und sonstige Anbieter — also, um die verlogene Sprache der antisemitischen Propaganda zu benutzen, die (wirklichen) Besatzer — dagegen nicht, Antisemitismus und damit die weltweite ‘politisch korrekte’ Fortsetzung von Auschwitz.”

“Sweden burns: Muslims torch scores of cars ‘almost like military operation'”

Muslims torched and vandalized scores of cars in the Swedish city of Gothenburg and surrounding towns in violence local observers called “new” and “coordinated”. Prime Minister Stefan Lofven on Tuesday said the disturbances looked organized “almost like a military operation”.

Arutz Sheva, 15/8/2018

Sick and sad

A Russian Israeli, who I thought was my friend, and whom I therefore asked to temporarily take care of my precious, beloved classical guitar because I couldn’t carry it with me on my flight out of Israel, who then wrote me, “Don’t worry about your guitar [… it is] in good hands,” and who later just gave it to someone who was temporarily staying maybe 100 meters away ‘in the neighborhood’ and who then let it “disappear” somehow, also wrote me,

one day i came back home and found a letter hanging on my door handle from some land authority stating that I cannot make a settlement with car and tent on this land. Can you believe it?!?! The country that makes settlements allover the place without any fucking authorization does not allow to make settlement within itself!! This kind of level of hypocracy [sic] is just beyond me..ahh the world around never ceases to amaze me[,]

Continue reading Sick and sad

The Amona Tragedy Continues

Shevat 12, 5777

February 8, 2017


Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .

Israeli citizens were attacked with “rocks” and Molotov firebombs at Nebi Elias, Anata, Hawara, the Husan Bypass Road, Beit Hagai, Deir Nizam, Silwan, Hevron, Gush Etzion, Nabi Saleh and other places.

Israeli soldiers and police were attacked with IEDs, “rocks”, and Molotov firebombs at Shuafat, Hizma, Ras al Amud, Silwan, Qalandiya, Bireh, Abu Tor, A-Ram, Rachel’s Tomb, and Dehaisha.

Please note that the information above is gleaned from Israeli civilians on the ground as reported at and other civilian reportage of attacks reported at

A major money smuggling ring is busted . . .

Continue reading The Amona Tragedy Continues

Regarding the recent Islamic truck terror attack in Berlin,

Angela Merkel is quoted as having said, “The whole of Europe is asking itself how such a thing can happen.”
You over there in the US or elsewhere outside Europe may scratch or even shake your heads at such a statement, but the Empress is of course entitled to speak for all her (partly extremely uncivilized and dumb) subjects, including, inter alia, all those extreme nationalists and racists currently residing in the Eastern part of Europe and Switzerland, who are still rebelling against her moral decrees to provide protection to many more deeply traumatized protection-seeking human beings.
Continue reading Regarding the recent Islamic truck terror attack in Berlin,

The Würzburg Jihad Attack, German Interior Minister de Maizière and my High School history teacher

German author Vera Lengsfeld reported that German Interior Minister Lothar de Maizière said that: the attacker was a single perpetrator who had been “incited” by the IS, there were no indications in his video of an “order” by the IS, it was unknown how the video got from the apartment of his host family, where it was recorded, to the IS, and however there were no indications of any connection to the IS.

Reminds me somehow of when our history teacher in high school reassured us that his generation did not get wind of the Holocaust in any way, because the walls of the concentration camps had been far too high to be able to look beyond them.

[Comment originally posted on]

Bibi Wilhailm (16, deutsche Dissidentin): “Machen Sie [Merkel] endlich etwas, machen Sie die Augen auf! … Sie zerstören Deutschland.”

Bravo, Bibi!

Israelstreet reports Gaza terrorists have just infiltrated Israel and stolen 6 M16s in Kissufim kibbutz reports:

It was just yesterday that your humble servant went to great lengths to point out how absurdly easy it is for Hamas terrorists from Gaza to stroll across the border at Nahal Oz.

And in the same blog, we pointed out the untenable position that the group of IDF soldiers stationed there are in, undermanned and handcuffed by the absurd IDF rules of engagement.

Well guess what happened following the riots this morning? Apparently (no one knows for sure how many) 30 terrorists waltzed across the border and infiltrated Kissufim. 

They found their way into an armory on the kibbutz and stole 6 M16s–and are now (as of 12 pm) somewhere in the area taking potshots at Israeli men, women, and children.

Obama the peace dove turns out to be more of an (atomic) warmonger

The irony […] is that Obama came to power via the siren call of multilateralism and the glories of the United Nations. And he will leave office having emasculated the Security Council’s potential to promote international peace and security and enforce non-proliferation, destroyed the credibility of the world’s nuclear watchdog agency, and undermined the relevance of treaties for American foreign policy from here on.

Anne Bayefsky, What Obama doesn’t want you (and Congress) to know about his Iran deal, Fox News, September 08, 2015

Links to “Stop Iran Now” Times Square Rally Videos on YouTube (uploaded by JBS)

   Rally To Stop Iran [entire rally]

by JBS

The Supreme Leader of Iran already made it clear that the war will continue

until America is destroyed. That may be the only common ground he has with Obama. Both America and Iran are governed by fanatics who believe that America is the source of all evil. Both believe that it needs to be destroyed.

Carter made the Islamic Revolution possible. Obama is enabling its nuclear revolution.

Today Tehran and Washington D.C. are united by a deep distrust of America, distaste for the West and a violent hatred of Israel. This deal is the product of that mutually incomprehensible unity. It is not meant to stop Iran from getting a nuclear bomb. It is meant to stop America and Israel from stopping it.

The deal assumes that Iran wants lower electricity rates. Iran’s constitution tells us that it wants Jihad. And unlike Obama, Iran’s leaders can be trusted to live up to their Constitution.
Source: Daniel Greenfield, The Myth of Iran’s Peaceful Nuclear Program, 23 July 2015

Live Broadcast from Stop Iran Rally in New York Today (rally begins at 5:30 p.m.)

UPDATE: Coverage of the rally is scheduled to be re-broadcast by Jewish Broadcasting Service (JBS) on:

Thu 7/23

Fri 7/24

Sun 7/26

Continue reading Live Broadcast from Stop Iran Rally in New York Today (rally begins at 5:30 p.m.)

Oops, someone (Israeli UN ambassador Ron Prosor) speaks the truth about what the “P5+1” and the UNSC have just done

Israel’s ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor took on the United Nations Security Council on Monday, just after it unanimously approved a draft resolution implementing the Iranian nuclear deal with the West.

“You have awarded a great prize to the most dangerous country in the world,” Prosor began. “I hate to be the one to spoil the party, but someone has to say the emperor has no clothes.”

Source: Arutz Sheva

Caroline Glick: Obamas Zeitalter des nuklearen Chaos (Einleitung und Übersetzung aus dem Englischen von Robert Rickler)

Weil Caroline Glick zu den wenigen Journalisten gehört, die Klartext reden und keine unterwürfige Selbstzensur betreiben, damit staatliche Zensur überflüssig wird, und somit dem Wort Journalismus seine ursprüngliche Bedeutung und seinen wahren Geist zurückgeben, und weil in den Kolumnen von Caroline Glick ein enormes Fachwissen enthalten ist, welches bedeutend besser ist als das der meisten “Nahost-Experten” sowohl in den Medien als auch an den Universitäten als auch in den politischen Parteien, habe ich zum 25. Mal eine dieser Kolumnen übersetzt.

Das englische Original “Obama’s age of nuclear chaos” findet man hier:


Obamas Zeitalter des nuklearen Chaos

(Autorin: Caroline Glick, übersetzt von Robert Rickler, Pressesprecher des “Freundeskreis Israel in Regensburg und Oberbayern e.V.”)

Am Dienstag (Anmerkung des Übersetzers: Das englische Original stammt vom 16. Juli 2015.) fuhren wir in ein neues Atomzeitalter.

Im alten Atomzeitalter hatte der von den USA angeführte Westen ein System zur Verhinderung der Verbreitung von Kernwaffen. Es hatte drei Komponenten: Sanktionen, Abschreckung und militärische Macht. In den vergangenen Jahren haben wir den erfolgreichen Einsatz aller drei gesehen.

In der Zeit nach dem Golfkrieg von 1991 verhängte der UN-Sicherheitsrat ein hartes Sanktionssystem gegen den Irak. Eines seiner Ziele war, den Irak an der Entwicklung von Atomwaffen zu hindern. Nach der US-geführten Invasion im Irak im Jahr 2003 haben wir gelernt, dass die Sanktionen erfolgreich waren. Saddam hatte sein Atomprogramm durch Sanktionsdruck weitgehend aufgegeben.

Die US-geführte Invasion im Irak erschreckte einige Schurkenstaaten in der Region. In den zwei bis drei Jahren unmittelbar nach der Invasion stieg Amerikas Abschreckungskraft zu ungeahnten Höhen.

Was die Militärmacht angeht, so wurde die kerntechnische Anlage, die der syrische Diktator Baschar al-Assad in Deir a-Zour mit iranischem Geld und nordkoreanischen Technikern gebaut hatte, nicht durch Sanktionen oder Abschreckung zerstört. Laut ausländischen Medienberichten beschloss Israel im September 2007, dass diese Pfade erfolglos wären, um die Verbreitung von Atomwaffen an Syrien zu verhindern.

Also befahl der damalige Ministerpräsident Ehud Olmert der IDF, sie zu zerstören. Der Ausbruch des syrischen Bürgerkriegs drei Jahre später hat Assad und seine iranischen Bosse bis heute daran gehindert, das Programm wiederherzustellen.

[Hier weiterlesen]

Some utterances of EU “foreign policy chief” Federica Mogherini in connection with Israel and/or of some import for it (and the entire free world)

“From Lebanese territory toward Israel are departing demonstrative rockets which are produced on a small scale and which are not being launched in order to really hit, but only in order to signal the living resistance/existence [(r)esistenza in vita] […].” (2009)

The world is my constituency.” (2013)

“We need a Palestinian state […].” (2014)

“I think Jerusalem can be and should be the capital of two states.” (2014)

“The message is not for the people who live here, the message is to the rest of the world. It is not a Palestinian-Israeli situation, it is a global issue.” (2014)

“The E3/EU+3 and the Islamic Republic of Iran welcome this [h]istoric joint comprehensive plan of action which will ensure that Iran’s nuclear program will be excluseleavy [sic] paceful [sic] and mark a fundamental shift in their approach to this issue.” (2015)