“It’s damned obvious that we’re all going to breathe easier when [Gaddafi]’s gone.” (Daphne Caruana Galizia)*

It’s official (or “half-official,” in the US at least, now that the nice third “Arab Spring” job is almost done):

“A [US] defense official familiar with jihadist strategy said Islamists likely will emerge in power from the turmoil expected after the demise of the Gadhafi regime and the West will be partly to blame.
“We’re helping pave the way for them” through NATO airstrikes and other support, he said.
About 1,000 jihadists are operating covertly in Libya, Noman Benotman, a former Libyan al Qaeda member, told The Washington Times in March.”**

“Celebration, man!” Another war victory against the US with much help from the US itself (Kosovo style)!

Btw, does anyone remember which state promoted the UN Security Council resolution for a “no-fly zone” in Libya in the beginning? I think I do: Lebanon. The unofficial province of Iran. In other words, Hezbollah (the Lebanese “Party of God”).
*) http://daphnecaruanagalizia.com/2011/02/25/free-libya-from-gaddafi-and-malta-too-while-were-at-it/ (25/2/2011)
**) Washington Times, 4/9/2011.

“Libyan Freedom”: Some more details about William Hague’s, Daphne Caruana Galizia’s and a few others’ allies in toppling Gaddafi

Here are three things Americans need to know about the Libyan “rebels” the U.S. government isn’t telling us.
One: The inspiration of the Libyan war is as much anti-Western as it is anti-Gadhafi.
The “Day of Rage” that kick-started the Libyan war on Feb. 17 marked the fifth anniversary of violent protests in Benghazi, which included an assault on the Italian consulate during which at least 11 were killed. […]
Two: The anti-Gadhafi, anti-Western forces that NATO power has brought to apparent victory through an air war and not-so-secret deployment of special forces (so far costing U.S. taxpayers $1 billion) include jihadist forces the U.S. and NATO allies have been fighting for the past decade in Iraq and Afghanistan. Continue reading “Libyan Freedom”: Some more details about William Hague’s, Daphne Caruana Galizia’s and a few others’ allies in toppling Gaddafi

On occasion of Malta’s recognition of the Libyan “transitional council as Libyan government” and Iran’s simultaneous congratulations to the “rebels”…

… for now, just one quote from Israel:

IN a knee jerk reflexive action, western pundits have a habit of applauding without understanding the players involved. While surely the average Joe or Jane are thrilled with Qadafi’s ouster, they have every reason to be afraid-very afraid-of the backers behind the ‘rebels’. These so called opponents are Islamic to their core. In fact, their backers have already posted a framework for a new Libyan Constitution. Guess what? Sharia is its CORE doctrinal law.
Not to be a spoil sport, but the pre-jubilation of many Jeffersonian Democrats, when the Shah was ousted, was decidedly premature and is eerily similar to the upheavels we are witnessing. History DOES repeat itself. Continue reading On occasion of Malta’s recognition of the Libyan “transitional council as Libyan government” and Iran’s simultaneous congratulations to the “rebels”…

Hello, Daphne Caruana Galizia!

Today you said on your weblog that Maltese are

vile, twisted, full of simmering hate and resentment, and contorted by a mixture of rage and envy that comes from the unvarying feeling that one is hard done by, and deserves more but doesn’t get it because others are getting it instead.

Continue reading Hello, Daphne Caruana Galizia!

“Palestine thanks Malta”: Mela, issa will Hizballah and Hamas thank Daphne Caruana Galizia, the Clintonistas, and all the others for their support for the brave Libyan rebels too, in the end?

The Dhimmi Times of Malta, today:

The Palestinian National Authority has thanked Malta for its help in the evacuation of 13 Palestinians from Libya last month.

In a letter to Foreign Affairs Minister Tonio Borg, Palestine’s Foreign Affairs Minister Riad Malki said that the Maltese government and people have always placed Palestine close to their hearts. Continue reading “Palestine thanks Malta”: Mela, issa will Hizballah and Hamas thank Daphne Caruana Galizia, the Clintonistas, and all the others for their support for the brave Libyan rebels too, in the end?

Sultan Knish on the “genocide” and so on in Libya

Or maybe better: on the Western suicide war currently taking place there:

Was there any indication that there would be the implied genocide that comes with mass graves? Hardly. On Feb 22nd, Libyan diplomats began claiming in broken English that Gaddafi was committing ‘genocide’. Since they had trouble with the language, it’s an open question if they even knew what genocide was. And since Libya is an Arab-Muslim country and the civil war is fought between Arab Muslims, who exactly would Gaddafi be committing genocide against? The Tuaregs are the closest thing Libya has to a minority– and they’re fighting on his side. If there’s a possible genocide here, it would be of the Tuareg people by the rebels if they win. Continue reading Sultan Knish on the “genocide” and so on in Libya

Dr Tonio Borg, you should move to Germany very urgentlich!

And to stay there for at least thirty years to convince the Germans of the fact that they are living in “hell on earth” like the Palestinian Jew murderers, and Jew-murderer admirers, and for-Jew-murderer-voters, and dancers-in-the-streets-when-Jews-are-murdered. And to tell them that they should retake a few pieces of Russia, Poland, the former Czechoslovakia, etc., start peace negotiations and/or shooting rockets and carrying out suicide attacks against the inhabitants of those countries. F0r even some of the Germans are living as “refugees” in their own country in the third or fourth or fifth generation or so! All the more given the fact that there has never existed such a thing as a Palestinian state, and that the Arab inhabitants of the British mandate territory considered themselves Arabs, and many were even Egyptian immigrants, like Yasir Arafat, whilst there was a big big German Jew-murder-Reich, instead, while, crazily, most of the grandchildren and grand-grandchildren and so on of the German refugees already seem to have forgotten that they are refugees indeed! That’s completely crazy, isn’t it, Dr Borg? Continue reading Dr Tonio Borg, you should move to Germany very urgentlich!

Shame on whom, Ms. DCG?

Daphne Caruana Galizia, after and along with Der Spiegel, does now a bit of PR for Joschka Fischer, an early admirer of the Khomeinist revolution in Iran, the German chief promoter of what is now the almost serben-, juden- and zigeunerrein Islamic “rogue state” of Kosovo; for that Joschka Fischer thanks to whom the Germans managed to bomb Belgrade for the third time (at least) in the last century shortly before it ended and managed to give a decisive boost to what the Führer, in a moment of self-criticism, had recommended implicitly to the German people in his “political testament”: a “more audacious alliance with Islam.Continue reading Shame on whom, Ms. DCG?

You are so right, Ms Caruana Galizia!

Quando si tratta di combattere l'”Islamofobia” (© Ayatollah Khomeini), tutto fa brodo e tutto è permesso come nell’amore, mhux veru? Even something as repulsive as a “Bosnian-American Genocide Institute and Education Center” (at the same time), i.e., as Julia Gorin has – perhaps unintentionally – explained, literally an Institute for genocide. So just keep on publishing, along with the periodic reader remarks suggesting Jewish conspiracies, also any eye-opening Holocaust-relativising shit like the following – in your amazing notebook:

Dee says:

It is not the first time in European history that diplomats and international agencies preferred to look the other way whilst millions perished thanks to the whims of a tyrant.

Seems that history is repeating itself whilst Gaddafi unleashes the ”Final Solution’ on his people.

After all, it’s in our Eurabian DNA and neither we nor anyone else can do anything against our transforming anything in “Final Solutions,” I mean anything short of some kind of… well… “Final Solution.”

Child murder – an “heroic” act of Palestinian “resistance” and tool of Islamic “democratisation”

At least two Palestinians armed with knives stabbed the mother, father and three of the children, aged, 11, three and a baby of a month in their sleep at Itamar, south of Nablus early Saturday. Two small children were not attacked. Their sister aged 12 found them when she returned home at 12:30 and called for help. Magen David Adom paramedics could only confirm the five deaths. Continue reading Child murder – an “heroic” act of Palestinian “resistance” and tool of Islamic “democratisation”

Daphne Caruana Galizia condemns frightening first results of Egyptian “revolution”

In a strong-worded statement published yesterday on her blog, Maltese EU liberal Daphne Caruana Galizia condemned the violence currently taking place in Egypt, where the newly appointed Foreign Minister is preparing to boost Egypt’s collaboration with the Iranian-sponsored Hamas for the next big war against Israel after the Egyptian-Israeli gas-pipeline has already been blown up and Islamic anti-Semitic Cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi has spoken to a crowd of reportedly one million or more followers in Cairo’s Tahrir Square shortly after the “revolution”, inveighing and inciting Jihad against the Jews, while the Egyptian military is being reported to be backing up an Islamic mob attacking the homes of Christians and trying to destroy a Coptic Church (because one of those infidels had a relationship with a woman born as a follower of their superior religion of peace) after similar incidents in the last few days in Egypt in which the military helped render Egyptian Christians defenseless against Islamic Jihad mob attacks. Continue reading Daphne Caruana Galizia condemns frightening first results of Egyptian “revolution”

By John Rosenthal: “Democracy or Jew-Hatred?”

More Evidence of Anti-Semitism at the Egypt Protests

There is massive evidence to be found in the Western media of anti-Semitism and “anti-Zionism” at the Egypt protests. But images in the flickr streams of amateur local photographers are even more shocking and unambiguous.
February 7, 2011 – by John Rosenthal

In response to my PJM article documenting anti-Semitic imagery at the Egyptian protests, I’ve received several comments — both in public and in private — suggesting that, nevertheless, anti-Semitic and/or “anti-Zionist” sentiment among the protestors has played only a marginal role. The assurances to this effect are typically based on the first-hand accounts of Western observers or English-speaking participants with Western contacts. These accounts are supposed somehow to trump the clear pictorial evidence to the contrary. Continue reading By John Rosenthal: “Democracy or Jew-Hatred?”

Egyptian prospects brought to you by Al-Jazeera, CNN, BBC, DCG, Hamed Abdel-Samad, etc. pp.: “Freedom and democracy” à la al-Qaradawi

Qaradawi and The Treason of the Intellectuals

By Andrew G. Bostom

Last Friday (2/18/11) marked the triumphal return to Cairo of Muslim Brotherhood “Spiritual Guide” Yusuf al-Qaradawi. After years of exile, his public re-emergence in Egypt was sanctioned by the nation’s provisional military rulers. Qaradawi’s own words  were accompanied by images and actions during his appearance which should have shattered the delusive view that the turmoil leading to President Mubarak’s resignation augured the emergence of a modern, democratic Egyptian society devoted to Western conceptions of individual liberty and equality before the law.

[More at American Thinker]

Rogue nation building: Barack Hussein Obama macht Old Europe’s Träume wahr

[US-Präsident] Obama hat [dem israelischen Premierminister] Netanjahu noch ein weiteres Ultimatum gestellt. Er will, dass wir die Außenbezirke von Jerusalem aufgeben, alle unsere Antiterror-Operationen in Judäa und Samaria beenden, 1000 Terroristen aus dem Gefängnis freilassen und alle jüdische Bautätigkeit in Jerusalem beenden, und er will eine Antwort bis morgen – Schabbat. Will irgendjemand ernsthaft behaupten, dass dieser Mann kein Antisemit sei?


Und außerdem gibt es da, wie mein Freund Michael Ledeen hervorhebt, noch die Tatsache, dass die [US-amerikanische] Administration ihr Bestehen darauf, dass es Juden nicht erlaubt werden dürfe, unsere Eigentumsrechte am Shepherd-Hotel in Jerusalem geltend zu machen, damit rechtfertigt, dass das Gebäude das Heim des Naziagenten Haj Amin al-Husseini gewesen sei. Das heißt, die USA ergreifen für einen Nazikriegsverbrecher gegen die Juden Partei.

[Caroline Glick, 26.3.2010 (Übersetzung: Ralph Raschen)]

Wie es möglicherweise weitergeht, wenn es so weitergeht wie bisher, wird im “Tribal Update” der israelischen Site Latma mittels eines “Interviews” mit Obama höchstpersönlich – etwa ab der dritten Minute des folgenden Videos – satirisch näher erklärt.

“30 Jahre Islamische Republik = 30 Jahre Terror”

STOP THE BOMB kritisiert Raiffeisen-Engagement im Iran und warnt vor Verharmlosung Khatamis

Das überparteiliche Bündnis STOP THE BOMB, das sich gegen Geschäfte mit dem iranischen Regime engagiert, greift einen Bericht des “Wall Street Journals” auf, nachdem die Raiffeisen Zentralbank für Geschäfte jener europäischen Banken eingesprungen ist, die sich aus dem Iran zurückgezogen haben. STOP THE BOMB-Sprecherin Simone Dinah Hartmann empört sich: “Wenn es stimmt, dass Raiffeisen das Iran-Business anderer Banken übernimmt, ist das ein aktives Unterlaufen der Bemühungen um eine konsequente Sanktionspolitik, wie wir es sonst von Firmen wie Siemens oder der OMV kennen.” Wie notwendig Sanktionen gegen das iranische Regime sind, das heute den Jahrestag der “islamischen Revolution” feiert, stellte der iranische Parlamentspräsident Ali Laridjani vor vier Tagen bei der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz neuerlich unter Beweis, als er die Infragestellung des Holocaust durch Präsident Ahmadinejad verteidigte.

Bündnis “Stop the Bomb“, 10.2.2009