Daniel Greenfield: “Der wahre Genozid in Gaza”

Die Hamas ist keine verfolgte Minderheit, die sich gegen ihre Unterdrücker zur Wehr setzt. Sie ist ein Vorposten einer nach Suprematie strebenden sunnitisch-moslemischen Mehrheitsorganisation, die in der gesamten Region Minderheiten terrorisiert. Ihre Mission besteht in der Fortführung des tausendjährigen Projekts des islamischen Kolonialismus, das in der Zerstörung indigener Kulturen und Religionen besteht.

Die Juden Jerusalems stehen dem wie die Christen Mossuls zufällig im Wege. Die Charta der Hamas lässt keinen Zweifel an der genozidalen Mission der Hamas bestehen. Aber jede islamistische Gruppe, deren Mission darin besteht, die absolute Herrschaft des Islam durchzusetzen, ist ebenso der ethnischen Säuberung von nichtmoslemischen und sogar moslemischen Bevölkerungen verpflichtet. Continue reading Daniel Greenfield: “Der wahre Genozid in Gaza”

Caroline Glick: “[W]e are witnessing how a nuclear armed Iran is changing the face of the Middle East.”

“[W]hether the negotiations go on forever or end at a certain point, the result won’t be a train wreck. It will be Iran with a nuclear bomb or nuclear arsenal in its basement, waiting for a propitious moment to conduct a nuclear weapons test or attack.”

Jpost.com, 6/2/2014.

Ralph Raschen: “Negotiations or just Dictates?”

Can there be any doubt any more that the the current US administration, the EU, the UN (with its “Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People”), the PA and Iran are now all working hand in hand and increasingly hard to weaken Israel, while re-strengthening Iran, just as the world’s anti-Semites have always wished would happen?

[Read the rest of the article written by me at Canada Free Press]

“The steady rain of missiles from Gaza continues.

Another rocket fired by Palestinian terrorists struck the Chof Ashkelon region of southern Israel this afternoon at 2:00 pm. Note the missile counts in the right hand column of this blog [israelstreet.org]; hardly a morning, afternoon, evening, or night passes without finding southern Israelis running for their lives to their bomb shelters.

There is no reportage of these missile attacks anywhere in the international media.” 

Israelstreet.org, today.

“Dividends of peace” (C. Ashton et al.) in Israeli history

Rabin warned that if Israel did not accept an autonomous territory, then it would be forced to accept a state. Peres warned that if Israel did not accept a state in Gaza and the West Bank, it would lose Jerusalem. Sharon warned that if Israel didn’t accept the expulsion of the Jews of Gaza, it would lose everything up to the ’67 borders. Olmert warned that if Israel didn’t accept the partition of Jerusalem, it would lose the entire city.

Israel accepted most of these things and each of the terrible losses it sought to avert came about anyway, not naturally, but because of these prior concessions. The autonomous territory paved the way for a state. The loss of Gaza and the West Bank made Jerusalem next on the schedule.

And now, the Priests of Peace warn that if Israel doesn’t accept a deal that will be based on the ’67 borders and partition Jerusalem, it will be forced to accept a one-state solution that will destroy the country.

Or as Obama put it, “Given the demographics west of the Jordan River, the only way for Israel to endure and thrive as a Jewish and democratic state is through the realization of an independent and viable Palestine.” Another way of putting it, a more honest way, is give me what I want or you will be destroyed.

Daniel Greenfield, August 2013.

Heißer Tipp aus Deutschland: Hallo, Israelis! Keine Angst vorm Sprung ins kalte Wasser!

Mein vorangegangenes Posting bestand in einer Übersetzung eines Teils einer Kolumne von Caroline Glick, in der sie auf die Gefahren aufmerksam macht, denen Israel ausgesetzt wäre, wenn der so genannte Kerry-Plan umgesetzt würde. Kurz gesagt, würde es sich um den Anfang vom Ende Israels handeln.

In diesem Zusammenhang ist es vielleicht angebracht, noch mal zu gucken, wie man die ganze Chose in Deutschland sieht, dem doch Israel eigentlich so am Herzen liegt. Bzw. “als Deutsche”, z. B. als langjährige Korrespondentin für eine linke deutsche Tageszeitung in “Israel und Palästina”. Ist man in solcher Eigenschaft zumindest auch ein wenig um Israel besorgt? Continue reading Heißer Tipp aus Deutschland: Hallo, Israelis! Keine Angst vorm Sprung ins kalte Wasser!

Frieden für Israel und “Palästina” nach John Kerry (Auszug aus einer Kolumne von Caroline Glick)

[J]etzt beabsichtigt Kerry, seine eigenen Parameter vorzulegen, die der PLO sogar noch mehr entgegenkommen als diejenigen der Clinton- und der Bush-Regierung.

Wie der Clinton- und der Bush-Plan umfassen die Kerry-Parameter die Abtretung von Jerusalem und des Tempelbergs durch Israel an die PLO, und damit wird die historische Tatsache verworfen, dass an diesem Ort, der die Wiege der jüdischen Zivilisation und Geschichte und für das Judentum die heiligste Stätte gewesen ist und bleiben wird, zwei jüdische Tempel gebaut wurden.

Sie würden die massenhafte Vertreibung von Hunderttausenden von Juden aus ihren Häusern in Jerusalem, Judäa und Samarien mit sich bringen, um Platz für einen antisemitischen judenfreien Staat zu schaffen, der der Zerstörung des jüdischen Rumpfstaats verschrieben bleiben wird. Continue reading Frieden für Israel und “Palästina” nach John Kerry (Auszug aus einer Kolumne von Caroline Glick)

Mahmoud Abbas, the PA chief who celebrates anti-Semitic murderers,

once his new judenrein Arab “state” would be realized, would have quite a lot of “security work” to do, wouldn’t he? I mean, not in order to save Jews in Israel, but in order to curb excessive competition so that he can stay in power himself and send almost exclusively his own terrorists into the remainder of Israel.

3 east Jerusalem al-Qaida recruits arrested, ‘planned massive bombings’“.

Shin Bet arrests men recruited online by Gaza operative working for al-Qaida chief Ayman Al-Zawahiri; suicide and truck bombs part of massive terror plot; targets included Jerusalem Convention Center.

The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) announced on Wednesday that it arrested three Palestinians from east Jerusalem recruited online by an al-Qaida operative in Gaza, who were in the midst of preparations to carry out a string of large-scale bombing and shooting attacks on multiple targets in Israel.
The intended targets included the Jerusalem Convention Center, a bus traveling between the capital and Ma’aleh Adumim, the US embassy in Tel Aviv, and emergency responders who would have arrived at the scene of attacks. [Jerusalem Post online]

“Kerry Intifada”? Young Jew Eden Atias murdered by Arab jihadist while sleeping on a bus

“We make difficult concessions for which we pay in human lives, while the Palestinians only talk. […] The current situation endangers our sons and daughters while the PA celebrates the release of murderers. This is intolerable and must stop immediately.” [Knesset Finance Committee chairman Nissan Slomiansky] Continue reading “Kerry Intifada”? Young Jew Eden Atias murdered by Arab jihadist while sleeping on a bus

Demands of the current rulers of the “Arab occupied areas of Judea and Samaria” (according to Joshuapundit)

The Palestinians are demanding over half of Jerusalem, including control of all of the major Jewish holy sites. They claim all of Judea and Samaria, although they’ve agreed to consider a land swap of no more than 1.9 percent with Israel in exchange for money and an equivalent amount of Israeli land. That 1.9 percent would essentially be meaningless since it isn’t anywhere near the amount of land necessary to incorporate the majority of Jewish communities into Israel.  Geographically, it would amount to a defenseless enclave surrounded on two sides by the Palestinians. Continue reading Demands of the current rulers of the “Arab occupied areas of Judea and Samaria” (according to Joshuapundit)

“The time is five minutes to midnight.”

“Israel faces serious threats from Iran, its Sunni rivals and their proxy terrorist armies inside and around its borders, but its biggest threat may come from its own left.” – Daniel Greenfield (more)

P.S.: As if she wanted to illustrate Daniel Greenfield’s conclusion, Labor Party head Shelly Yechimovich said today in the Israeli parliament:

“Why the talk of the ‘apocalypse?’,” […] “We survived Pharaoh in Egypt, we lived through the destruction of the First and Second Temples, the Holocaust, the War of Independence, the Yom Kippur War, and much more. The Jewish people are not in danger.”

See? The Jewish people are not in danger because they lived through almost everything imaginable and unimaginable. The Jewish people might have to suffer a little bit more in the near future, but on a worldwide scale as many as two thirds of them survived even the Holocaust, for instance. That’s why the Jewish people are not in any danger even now.

Who cares about Jewish individuals. Who cares about Israel. Who cares about a second Holocaust, prepared and perpetrated by Iran.

Sowing wind

Theodor W. Adorno’s categorical imperative saying that everything should be organised in a way that Auschwitz cannot repeat itself has been turned into its opposite: especially since the beginning of the “Arab spring”, everything is increasingly being organised in a way that it is most probable for it to happen again soon. Continue reading Sowing wind

“In the mistaken, twisted belief that Israel will finally be ‘accepted’ as a ‘normal’ nation, its leaders gamble with its very existence.”

– Last sentence of a recent post by Adina Kutnicki, “wrapped around” an analysis by Louis Rene Beres.

Europäische Profifußballer: Bekämpfung antisemitischer Terroristen durch Israel unsportlich genug, um Boykott des Judenstaats zu rechtfertigen

In Südisrael haben ca. 1 Million Personen, behinderte und nichtbehinderte, unter denen sich auch viele Unter-21-Jährige befinden, im Fall eines Raketenalarms, je nachdem, wie weit sie gerade vom Gazastreifen entfernt sind, ca. 15 – 45  Sekunden  Zeit, zum nächstgelegenen Bunker zu rennen/zu fahren oder sich sonstwie in relative Sicherheit zu bringen, sei es am Tag, sei es mitten in der Nacht.

Die IDF, die israelischen Streitkräfte, haben vor kurzem, nachdem diese ca. 1 Million Menschen die erwähnte Übung mittlerweile erneut unzählige Male täglich zu absolvieren hatten*, versucht, den Beschuss Israels aus Gaza mittels verstärkter militärischer Operationen zu unterbinden. Sehr unsportlicher Weise, wie einige Fußballer meinen:

Dozens of professional football players have signed a statement protesting the decision of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) to stage the European under-21 championship in Israel next year.

The statement, which was released by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Campaign against Israel, claims that in light of the recent Israeli operation in Gaza, holding the tournament in Israel would be “seen as a reward for actions that are contrary to sporting values.”

The decision to host the games in Israel is “yet another stain on the world’s conscience” […], the statement says.

Durch derartige jüdische Antiterror- und Antivernichtungsmaßnahmen wird nämlich, abgesehen von der Einschränkung des Rechts der Jihadisten auf Judenmassenmord, auch deren Recht auf die Förderung der täglichen sportlichen Betätigung ihrer Opfer mit Füßen getreten, da diese nun – wenigstens für eine Weile – nicht mehr täglich (und  nächtlich) um ihr Leben laufen müssen. Und besonders dazu können um die Werte des Sports besorgte Erben des Nazi-Bündnisses mit dem Islam natürlich nicht schweigen.

“We, as European football players, express our solidarity with the people of Gaza who are living under siege and denied basic human dignity and freedom,” the players said in the statement, which was also published on the website of former Tottenham and Sevilla striker Frederic Kanoute.

*) “Palestinian Terrorist Rockets and Mortars Fired at Southern Israel Since January 20, 2012
2725*: (2369* since ‘ceasefire’ on March 13th); (2088* since ‘ceasefire’ on June 26); *These numbers incorporate the grossly under-reported “official numbers” between 9/14/12–9/21/12.” — israelstreet.org, 2.12.2012.