Their goal is to flood Iran with money.” – Caroline Glick, A glimpse of Europe’s true face, 12/7/2018
Tag: EU
The Supreme Leader of Iran already made it clear that the war will continue
until America is destroyed. That may be the only common ground he has with Obama. Both America and Iran are governed by fanatics who believe that America is the source of all evil. Both believe that it needs to be destroyed.
Carter made the Islamic Revolution possible. Obama is enabling its nuclear revolution.
Today Tehran and Washington D.C. are united by a deep distrust of America, distaste for the West and a violent hatred of Israel. This deal is the product of that mutually incomprehensible unity. It is not meant to stop Iran from getting a nuclear bomb. It is meant to stop America and Israel from stopping it.
Caroline Glick: Das iranisch-amerikanische Nuklearprojekt (Einleitung und Übersetzung von Robert Rickler)
Weil Caroline Glick zu den wenigen Journalisten gehört, die Klartext reden und keine unterwürfige Selbstzensur betreiben, damit staatliche Zensur überflüssig wird, und somit dem Wort Journalismus seine ursprüngliche Bedeutung und seinen wahren Geist zurückgeben, und weil in den Kolumnen von Caroline Glick ein enormes Fachwissen enthalten ist, welches bedeutend besser ist als das der meisten “Nahost-Experten” sowohl in den Medien als auch an den Universitäten als auch in den politischen Parteien, habe ich zum 24. Mal eine dieser Kolumnen übersetzt.
Das englische Original “The Iranian-American nuclear project” findet man hier:
Das iranisch-amerikanische Nuklearprojekt
(Autorin: Caroline Glick, übersetzt von Robert Rickler, Pressesprecher des “Freundeskreis Israel in Regensburg und Oberbayern e.V.”)
Unter Präsident Barack Obama hat die USA eine Politik gegenüber dem Iran implementiert, die katastrophal ist speziell für Israel, im Allgemeinen für die US-Verbündeten im Nahen Osten und für die nationale Sicherheit der USA selbst.
Betrachten wir zunächst die bekannten Details des bald-zu-beschließenden Nuklearabkommens.
Continue reading Caroline Glick: Das iranisch-amerikanische Nuklearprojekt (Einleitung und Übersetzung von Robert Rickler)
Some utterances of EU “foreign policy chief” Federica Mogherini in connection with Israel and/or of some import for it (and the entire free world)
“From Lebanese territory toward Israel are departing demonstrative rockets which are produced on a small scale and which are not being launched in order to really hit, but only in order to signal the living resistance/existence [(r)esistenza in vita] […].” (2009)
“The world is my constituency.” (2013)
“We need a Palestinian state […].” (2014)
“I think Jerusalem can be and should be the capital of two states.” (2014)
“The message is not for the people who live here, the message is to the rest of the world. It is not a Palestinian-Israeli situation, it is a global issue.” (2014)
Pushing harder to push the Jews out of their own land by means of illegal settlements
Now the Obama administration seems to care even less about the Oslo Accords into which the Clinton administration pressured the tiny state of Israel, enabling a bunch of defeated terrorists to set up a “legal” anti-Semitic terror base within what should be Israel’s own sovereign territory: State Dept. Tells Israel to Leave Illegal Arab Settlement.
As Adolf Hitler stressed: “Menschenrecht bricht Staatsrecht” (“human rights trump state law”) – while it is “us” who define what is a “human right” and what is not, at least when it comes to the Jews of Israel (or, well, to the Serbs).
Illegale Siedlungen in Israel – eine Hand wäscht die andere
Während der Islamische Staat und andere Barbaren ihre Augen auf die Eroberung Roms richten, hilft die EU tatkräftig bei der Einkreisung Jerusalems (während der Iran das mit ganz Israel tut).
Womit? Mit illegalen Siedlungen natürlich.
Earlier this month, Regavim unveiled a report showing that the European Union is actively building illegal Palestinian outposts in and around Jerusalem to the detriment of Israel. The news came as a shock to millions of Israelis, who learned that hundreds of buildings bearing EU flags were popping up across Jerusalem and Area C of Judea and Samaria, which according to the Oslo II Accords is under total Israeli control.
Moments after the news went public, an order was given by the prime minister to deal with these structures irrespective of who built them. It would seem that after years of research into this new phenomena, the Israeli government is finally taking baby steps to restore the rule of law. Continue reading Illegale Siedlungen in Israel – eine Hand wäscht die andere
Ralph Raschen: “Federica Mogherini and Freedom of speech”
Let’s not say any more that Muslims are victims of terrorism too. The EU foreign policy head Federica Mogherini shows that by this you only give her another tool for lying with the truth.
[Read the rest of the article written by me at Canada Free Press]
Sultan Knish: Bin Laden is winning
Osama Bin Laden’s 1996 fatwa against America was the first domino in a chain of events that was meant to accomplish three goals.
1) Unify Muslims in a war against Western civilization
2) Topple the governments of the Muslim world, and replace them with fully Islamist regimes
3) Build a regional and then global Muslim Caliphate
Phase 2 is now well under way. And America and European warplanes are bombing Libya to help clear the way for it. Just as we already did in Yugoslavia and Iraq. It is unknown whether Bin Laden is still alive or not, but his goals are being met. Muslims now see the defeat of Western civilization as an important and an achievable goal. Our democracy and nation building efforts have toppled much of the old order, and those best positioned to benefit from it are the Islamists. Continue reading Sultan Knish: Bin Laden is winning
Daphne Caruana Galizia condemns frightening first results of Egyptian “revolution”
In a strong-worded statement published yesterday on her blog, Maltese EU liberal Daphne Caruana Galizia condemned the violence currently taking place in Egypt, where the newly appointed Foreign Minister is preparing to boost Egypt’s collaboration with the Iranian-sponsored Hamas for the next big war against Israel after the Egyptian-Israeli gas-pipeline has already been blown up and Islamic anti-Semitic Cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi has spoken to a crowd of reportedly one million or more followers in Cairo’s Tahrir Square shortly after the “revolution”, inveighing and inciting Jihad against the Jews, while the Egyptian military is being reported to be backing up an Islamic mob attacking the homes of Christians and trying to destroy a Coptic Church (because one of those infidels had a relationship with a woman born as a follower of their superior religion of peace) after similar incidents in the last few days in Egypt in which the military helped render Egyptian Christians defenseless against Islamic Jihad mob attacks. Continue reading Daphne Caruana Galizia condemns frightening first results of Egyptian “revolution”
Beating the Cyrenaicans meaning the Euros too
In a long, fiery speech broadcast by Libyan state TV Tuesday, Libya’s ruler Col. Muammar Qaddafi declared war on his enemies at home and abroad. He accused the Cyrenaicans of the East of conspiring to establish an Al Qaeda emirate that would bring the Americans over and create the same situation in Libya as in Afghanistan and Pakistan and threatened them with the fury of millions of Libyans.
[Source: DEBKAfile Exclusive Report February 22, 2011, 8:07 PM (GMT+02:00)]
Präsidentschaftswahlen in Arafatistan [nichts Neues]
Zwischenbericht über die Erfolge der Kampagne Luisa Morgantinis für ihren Kandidaten, den (mindestens) fünffachen Mörder Marwan Barghouti oder: Die Mandela-Option – von Ralph Raschen
“Allerliebste Luisa,
wir von der israelischen Bewegung Frauen für den Frieden wünschen Dir Erfolg bei den nächsten Wahlen. Wir wissen, dass Du die beste Kandidatin bist, und gewiss bist Du unsere Favoritin! Wenn es uns erlaubt wäre zu wählen, würdest Du einstimmig gewählt werden!!!
Herzlich und mit vielen Glückwünschen von all Deinen zahlreichen Freundinnen und Verbündeten in Israel
Gila Svirsky
– Mitglied und Mitbegründerin der Koalition der Frauen für den Frieden
– Mitglied des B’Tselem-Präsidiums
– Frauen in Schwarz, Israel
– Koalition der Frauen für den Frieden [sic, doppelt genäht]”
Homepage von Luisa Morgantini
“Alle Friedensorganisationen und Freiheitskämpfer in Palästina und in Israel sind dieser Frau dankbar, die für sie die Inkarnation dessen bildet, was es an Positivem im Europäischen Parlament gibt. In der Tat habe ich einmal eine europäische Delegation getroffen, die mir gestand, dass sie zwar Angst davor habe, in Krisenperioden wie diesen nach Israel zu kommen, es aber nicht ertragen könne, dass das gesamte Europäische Parlament für viele Israelis und Palästinenser in Luisa Morgantini verkörpert sei.”
Nurit Peled, ebenda
Selbstverständlich war auch sie, die langjährige linkseuropäische Arafatvertraute Luisa Morgantini bei der Beerdigung des Rais dabei. Und wohl weil sie nicht nur als ehemalige “Vorsitzende der Delegation [des Europaparlaments] für die Beziehungen zum Palästinensischen Legislativrat”, sondern auch als “denkendes Herz in Europa” (Morgantini über Morgantini), wo immer sie auch gehen oder stehen mag, stets mindestens mit den Armen in der Luft rudert, um für den Frieden zu wirken, gab es dort – außer Arafat – keine weiteren Toten. Die deutsche Jungle World schrieb wenig später, eigentlich sei es “zwei Tage nach der chaotischen Beerdigung des Palästinenserführers in Ramallah erstaunlich ruhig. Die befürchteten gewalttätigen Demonstrationen sind ausgeblieben, von einem Bürgerkrieg kann keine Rede sein. […] Arafat musste wohl erst sterben, bevor die politischen Institutionen der Palästinenser ihre Funktionsfähigkeit unter Beweis stellen konnten”, und zeigte damit, dass sie noch nie etwas von Luisa Morgantini gehört hatte, obwohl man sie kürzlich sogar in einem von einem deutschen Fernsehsender ausgestrahlten Bericht beobachten konnte, wie sie in einer auf der Beerdigung entstandenen Paniksituation, in der einige anscheinend bewaffnete Männer zu rennen anfingen, mit den Armen ruderte und dann nichts Schlimmes mehr passierte. Continue reading Präsidentschaftswahlen in Arafatistan [nichts Neues]
Ahmadinejad offers Obama a helping hand for the November elections
Shh, Obama, can you hear me? I mean this: You let me continue make little bomb for kill all Zionists, and I speak peace like Hitler sometimes in the Thirties until November 2, but much softer. We will not attack you until then (know what I mean: hudna), you have another two years, maybe finally may speech at Berlin Siegessäule, how you say? – get shit out of Rebublicans, afterward become UN king, and I maybe already go to heaven and have 72 nice fresh chicks, so everybody happy as can be. Big win-win deal, got it? Alright man? Good deal? Best I can offer! Now even Russia maybe more afraid, but EU help us sure! So let us lose not time, we almost finished!
Occupational “therapy” for Jews threatened by mass-murder
While DEBKAfile reports that – given that the Russians seem to have agreed with the Iranian anti-Semitic rackets upon starting to feed it with nuclear fuel rods already on the 21st of August, protecting it from an Israeli attack – Israel has probably only one week left for damaging the Bushehr atomic facility without causing much harm to civilians, the so-called Middle East Quartet, of which Russia is part, enthusiastically represented by the new face of the EU, Catherine Ashton, has found just in time another “good” distraction for the Israelis, coercing the anti-Semitic PA president Mahmoud Abbas into “direct talks” within a few hours while there are signs that it is willing to impose its own preconditions on Israel in his stead now, e.g. putting pressure on it to make Judea and Samaria judenrein.
While the “Quartet” and the whole world only feigns to be serious and concerned not only for the Arabs who in their majority, especially in the “West Bank,” still wish to destroy Israel, but even for the Jews, and is indeed only torturing the Israelis in order to have them make more and more concessions to those aiming at their destruction, by acting as if it is all just a game like the Nazis’ “games” explained by the protagonist Guido to his own son in Roberto Benigni’s kitsch film “La vita è bella” in order to have him have some kind of a happy childhood despite the Shoah, Caroline Glick has recently explained (again) the seriousness of the threats Israel is facing thanks to the fact that the West would so very much like to dream on of “peace” and “friendship” with those who are preparing a new Holocaust, and, for a little afterward, the rest of the West’s end:
Wasserdiebe, Erdschänder, Globalisierer
Die italienische Linke fordert eine europäische Intervention gegen den Judenstaat
[Redaktionell bearbeitete Fassung, veröffentlicht in: Bahamas, Nr. 37, Winter 2002, S. 44-47 (hier geringfügig vom Autor überarbeitet)]
Wie sehr ehemals der „Linken“ vorbehaltene völkische Manien wie der Antizionismus und der Antiamerikanismus mittlerweile die ideologische Produktion der gesamten Gesellschaft bestimmen, läßt sich nicht nur in Deutschland feststellen. Auch in Italien kreist das Zusammenspiel zwischen linker Parolendrescherei und Presseschlagzeile ganz unverhohlen um das „Volk“. Continue reading Wasserdiebe, Erdschänder, Globalisierer
“Ogni volta che si avvicina una guerra i nemici di Israele aumentano e gli amici tendono a cambiar registro. Che sia vicina un’altra strage di innocenti?”
Urgent press release: Prof. Arnold Cassola explained and put in context
When, on April 27th, Prof. Arnold “Ghandi” Cassola, “Alternattiva Demokratika spokesperson on EU and International Affairs,” stated on his blog that:
Of course, any shooting against anybody is totally un warranted[,] [sic, italics added]
he was trying to compress two distinct statements into one single too short sentence, possibly causing some confusion to readers. Apparently he was pressed too hard by his, Alternattiva Demokratika’s, and the-Maltese-people-as-a-whole’s acute “full square” solidarity with the new Maltese non-violent anti-Zionist anti-siege hero “La Paloma” Bianca Zammit.
Prof. Cassola probably meant to say: Continue reading Urgent press release: Prof. Arnold Cassola explained and put in context