Ahmadinejad offers Obama a helping hand for the November elections

Shh, Obama, can you hear me? I mean this: You let me continue make little bomb for kill all Zionists, and I speak peace like Hitler sometimes in the Thirties until November 2, but much softer. We will not attack you until then (know what I mean: hudna), you have another two years, maybe finally may speech at Berlin Siegessäule, how you say? – get shit out of Rebublicans, afterward become UN king, and I maybe already go to heaven and have 72 nice fresh chicks, so everybody happy as can be. Big win-win deal, got it? Alright man? Good deal? Best I can offer! Now even Russia maybe more afraid, but EU help us sure! So let us lose not time, we almost finished!

Durban II and the Human Rights Watch religion

A few days ago an organization called Human Rights Watch called on a well-known mad anti-Semitic führer committed to the destruction of Israel, to renounce on a great deal of his “identity”, leaving from now on one different people or religion, as well as freedom of expression, in peace:

Human Rights Watch called on Ahmadinejad to use his presence at the UN racism conference to announce an end to repression of the Baha’i people in Iran and a commitment to allow freedom of expression – an essential protection in the fight against racism worldwide.

It has done so not without hinting at the repeated elimination threats by exactly the same führer and other members of his clique against Israel, the Jewish State (oh, well, okay, even if without any reference to his proxies’ ongoing real actions in various countries aimed at making these very threats true).

What does this teach us? Continue reading Durban II and the Human Rights Watch religion

The fruit of “Western” appeasement

accomplished by “all those who have good intentions, and don’t want to know anything” (Gerhard Scheit):

DEBKAfiles Iranian sources stress that Ahmadinejad was telling the six powers that Tehran was not against negotiations but only on its own terms, which would be dictated when its government was good and ready. He thus placed in its real context the formal consent to negotiations which Iran’s nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili delivered to European Union external affairs executive Javier Solana Tuesday.

… to Javier Solana, who is probably the best possible first “Western” partner of the murderous Mullah regime, if it is true that General Wesley Clark once asked Solana the secret of his diplomatic success,” and that Solana “answered: ‘Make no enemies, and never ask a question to which you do not know or like the answer.'” (Wikipedia)

“Iran is just a heartbeat away from the A-bomb”

[…] Last Friday the Daily Telegraph reported Teheran has surreptitiously removed a sufficient amount of uranium from its nuclear production facility in Isfahan to produce six nuclear bombs. Given Iran’s already acknowledged uranium enrichment capabilities, the Telegraph‘s report indicates that the Islamic Republic is now in the late stages of assembling nuclear bombs.

It would be a simple matter for Iran to assemble those bombs without anyone noticing. US spy satellites recently discovered what the US believes are covert nuclear facilities in Iran. The mullocracy has not disclosed these sites to the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency, which is charged with inspecting Iran’s nuclear sites.

As to the IAEA, this week it presented its latest report on Teheran’s nuclear program to its board members in Vienna. The IAEA’s report claimed that Iran has taken steps to enable its Shihab-3 ballistic missiles to carry nuclear warheads. With their range of 1,300 kilometers, Shihab-3 missiles are capable of reaching Israel and other countries throughout the region.

Read more here…

L’Italia è campione d’Europa…

… almeno per quanto riguarda gli affari con l’unico Stato del mondo – l’Iran – il cui scopo dichiarato è la cancellazione di Israele dalla carta geografica, che a tale scopo sta cercando di costruirsi la bomba atomica e che allo stesso scopo ha creato l’Hezbollah che, a detta del comandante italiano Graziano, collabora tanto bene con l’Unifil nel Libano. Il titolo di “campione europeo segreto” potrebbe spettare invece alla Germania, visto che quest’ultima sta svolgendo una parte crescente dei suoi affari con i mullah attraverso paesi terzi. Per vedere la classifica completa dell’ipocrisia antisemitica europea cliccare qui.

Sanzioni costruttive Ue: uno a zero per l’Iran

Hitler ha imposto agli uomini nello stato della loro illibertà un nuovo imperativo categorico: organizzare il loro agire e pensare in modo che Auschwitz non si ripeta, non succeda niente di simile. Theodor W. Adorno, Dialettica negativa

A quanto pare, l’Europa ha appena perso definitivamente un’importante e probabilmente irripetibile occasione storica. Sarebbe stato tanto facile: si avrebbe potuto giustificare la misura adducendo che – prima o poi – una seppur cauta riduzione delle forniture dei prodotti in questione all’Iran lo avrebbe probabilmente reso docilissimo e dispostissimo addirittura a un “dialogo finale”, evitando in extremis un’altra guerra catastrofica scatenata da “quei guerrafondai degli Stati uniti” (Antonio Di Pietro) dopo che, come lo ha espresso Joschka Fischer, l’Europa ha agito per anni come “scudo protettivo” per gli “interessi strategici di sicurezza” degli iraniani. Invece, ora, l’Iran, probabilmente spazientito dalla lunga attesa per una tanto coraggiosa quanto dolorosa mossa “soft power” da parte dei paesi Ue, stando a quanto riferisce il Blog Deutsch-Iranisches Forum, pare già averli superati tutti, cominciando a boicottarsi pesantemente da solo. Infatti, nel “forum” sopra citato si legge che Continue reading Sanzioni costruttive Ue: uno a zero per l’Iran

Stop the Bomb: “Protest against deals with Iran continues”

The campaign STOP THE BOMB – Coalition against the Iranian extermination programme has been mobilizing against a contract with Iran which the Austrian Mineral Oil Company (OMV) is planning to conclude. The campaign started an international online petition, which has been undersigned – amongst other prominent personages – by Elfriede Jelinek, Elie Wiesel and Imre Kertész, Albert Steinnhauser and Maria Vassilakou of the Austrian Green Party, and more than 4.300 other people from more than 60 countries. Now STOP THE BOMB requests in an open letter to the Federal Government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the Austrian Republic to quit political support for deals with the Iranian regime. Considering statements given by Iranian opposition groups that at present a high-ranking delegation of OMV is staying in Iran to negotiate the concern’s planned 22 billion Euro deal with the Regime, STOP THE BOMB answers with an open letter referring to a writing by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to our campaign. In this letter Thomas Mayr-Harting, political director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, describes the Austrian posoition regarding Iran and tries implicitly to legitimise deals of Austrian companies with Iran.

Click here to read more of the Press Release of the Coalition against the Iranian Extermination Program (27 May 2008)!

New EU Flag (Proposal)

Conferenza sulla minaccia iraniana a Vienna

“La minaccia iraniana – la Repubblica Islamica, la lotta esistenziale d’Israele e le reazioni europee” è il titolo di una conferenza che si terrà il 3 e il 4 maggio all’Università di Vienna. La conferenza, organizzata dalla piattaforma “Stop the Bomb”, impegnata contro la collaborazione economica austriaca ed europea con il regime antisemita di Teheran, il quale è dichiaratamente intenzionato e, di fatto, già da tempo impegnatissimo a cancellare Israele dalla carta geografica, potrà essere seguita sia in inglese che in tedesco (traduzione simultanea) e vedrà la partecipazione di esperti provenienti da vari paesi e di oppositori iraniani (Menashe Amir, Hiwa Bahrami, Niloofar Beyzaie, Paulo Casaca, Patrick Clawson, Stephan Grigat, Simone Dinah Hartmann, Jeffrey Herf, Kayvan Kaboli, Matthias Küntzel, Florian Markl, Yossi Melman, Benny Morris, Michael Oren, Thomas von der Osten-Sacken, Robert Schindel e Bruno Schirra). Il programma dettagliato della conferenza e tante altre informazioni sono consultabili al sito dell’iniziativa “Stop the Bomb”.

Il sito offre anche la possibilità di aderire ad una petizione contro l’attuale appeasement europeo nei confronti dell’Iran, petizione sottoscritta, tra gli altri e per fare un nome ben conosciuto in Italia, dalla scrittrice Fiamma Nirenstein appena eletta alla Camera dei Deputati italiana.

A fresh European recommendation on “the way journalism should be practiced”

has just been posted under the category “Europe and the world” of A fistful of Euros – European Opinion.

There, the author lauds a Dutch video “on Iran” that

shows normal people instead of foaming-at-the-mouth politicians or clergy. Watch, for instance, the Iranian skaters. What a familiar sight they are to our Western eyes. I also have to mention that this video is NOT apologetic of the Iranian regime. A good journalist simply needs to show, as best he can, the diverse reality on the ground […].

That’s right, journalists should always stick as closely as possible to the “diverse reality on the ground”, for the diverse reality above it, like here:

Iran hangings

is in most cases not elevating enough for shaping unapologetic European opinions. Even if the hoists may have been made in Italy.

Watch, for instance, the Iranian skaters in the background instead. Yes, there! under the tree!… All in all, quite a familiar sight, n’est-ce pas?

Iran/Europa: petizione “Niente affari con i mullah iraniani!”

Considero il perdurare del nazionalsocialismo nella democrazia potenzialmente più pericoloso del perdurare di tendenze fasciste contro la democrazia.
Theodor W. Adorno*

Per i prossimi mesi “la Österreichische Mineralölverwaltung [‘Amministrazione petrolifera austriaca’, n.d.t.] (OMV) ha pianificato un affare da 22 miliardi d’euro con l’Iran. Questo massiccio ampliamento delle relazioni economiche già esistenti trasformerebbe l’Austria e l’Europa ormai definitivamente in partner strategici e complici di un regime politico che diffonde un terrore massiccio sia verso l’esterno che verso l’interno, lavorando allo stesso tempo allo sviluppo d’armi nucleari potenzialmente capaci di raggiungere anche l’Europa. La persecuzione sistematica dei curdi, delle minoranze religiose come i bahai, le esecuzioni di omosessuali e le repressioni continue contro le donne non disposte a piegarsi al codice dei costumi islamici, sono elementi altrettanto insiti a quel regime quanto lo sono le minacce di sterminio nei confronti di Israele e la negazione della Shoah.”

Per ulteriori informazioni e/o per firmare la petizione della Coalizione contro il programma di sterminio iraniano clicca qui!

*) in Che cosa significa elaborazione del passato, citato qui secondo http://www.tecalibri.info/A/ADORNO-TW_antisemitismo.htm)

Auschwitz was sufficiently far away…

said Adorno, so the cries could not be heard by “normal” Germans. Our history teacher at secondary school even stated that “we could not know what happened behind those fences for they were just too high to let us peer inside”. So we just had to believe that, and all the more because we were invited to the cookout in his garden also for the coming weekend. Therefore, only a poor sport with exceptionally good reasons would have been able to contradict him and the whole class.

Probably, as almost anybody was a Nazi back then, it was forbidden, under the Nazis, to read Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’, because he was a well-known Nazi! So the Nazis could not know what he and they were doing. Probably just like today, as nobody can really know that Ahmadinejad is promising the Jews openly and on a regular basis the same thing, and is not just preparing to make his dirty promise come true using nuclear bombs, but has been trying to achieve that goal, along with the Iranian mullahs and many other anti-imperialists and peace-loving people, already for a long time by different means, e.g. by the recent (Hizbullah) Lebanon war.

Continue reading Auschwitz was sufficiently far away…

Linksitalienische Nachlässig- bzw. Gründlichkeiten

Sanktionen ohne Sanktionen. Kein Wortspiel: Italien hat noch keine spezifischen Normen für die Bestrafung derjenigen verabschiedet, welche die UN-Sanktionen gegen den Iran verletzen. “Ich habe einen Tag damit verbracht, die amtlichen Unterlagen zu lesen”, erzählt dem espresso ein im Rahmen der Untersuchung eines verdächtigen Exportfalls eingesetzter Polizeibeamter für die Zoll- und Steuerkontrolle, “und ich habe nicht eine Zeile über das zu verhängende Strafgeld gefunden. Ich erinnere mich noch an die Sanktionen gegen Milosevics Serbien: Damals waren die Regeln klar, und es kam vor, dass ich Unternehmer zu bestrafen hatte, die Pantoffeln nach Serbien exportierten. Heute wird der Iran verdächtigt, die Atombombe zu wollen. Was für Instrumente haben wir zur Hand, um diejenigen, welche die Regeln verletzen, zu bestrafen?”

Quelle: L’espresso, Oktober 2007.

Un’altra ragione per passare questo week-end a Vienna (Update)

Per chi volesse esporre il “button” con link al sito www.stopthebomb.net sul proprio sito (vedi post precedente), anche se è già un po’ tardi, può utilizzare il seguente script:

<a href=”http://www.stopthebomb.net/it/rally.php” title=”Manifestazione contro la collaborazione europea con il regime di Teheran” target=”_blank”><img src=”http://www.geocities.com/r_raschen/pics/banner_it.gif” title=”www.stopthebomb.net” alt=”www.stopthebomb.net” height=”180″ vspace=”3″ width=”180″ /></a>

Il button apparirà poi così:


Un’altra ragione per passare questo week-end a Vienna…

… e protestare domenica contro la collaborazione europea con il nazi-freak Ahmedinejad e i suoi compagni anti-imperialisti (mullah e non):

Se si crede a Regnar Rasmussen, che ha lavorato come interprete e analista presso le Forze Speciali dell’esercito danese, e poi nel Dipartimento di polizia criminale del suo Paese, la chiave del problema nucleare iraniano è che nel 1991 il presidente del Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaiev ha venduto tre testate nucleari a Teheran […]

(Da La pulce di Voltaire)


(Forse, se io scrivessi qui fra parentesi “voli per Vienna”, “alberghi a Vienna”, “biglietti last minute per Vienna”, “pernottamento a Vienna” e “Hotel a Vienna” qui sotto comparirebbero anche degli annunci adeguati per chi fosse interessato a voli per Vienna e/o alberghi a Vienna…)

… ma forse vi assisterebbero anche gli organizzatori della manifestazione.)

Altre ragioni per acquistare biglietti last minute o prendere un treno per Vienna vengono fornite anche qui da “Spanish Pundit“.