Peter F. Mayer: „So schaden Lockdowns, Masken und andere Einschränkungen der Gesundheit“

„[Eine] der ärgerlichsten Nebenwirkungen von Lockdowns und den Sperrungen von Parks, Fitnesscenter[n] und Sportstätten ist die dadurch verursachte Schädigung der Gesundheit der betroffenen Menschen. Das hängt zum Teil mit der leider verbreiteten Unkenntnis zusammen, welches die einzige Instanz ist, die Viren bekämpfen kann, nämlich unser Immunsystem. Schlagend bewiesen wurde das von einigen neuen Studien über die Wirksamkeit der Impfstoffe, die eben bei einem Drittel der Empfänger wegen deren schwachen Immunsystem nicht zur Bildung von Antikörpern anregen konnten.

Aber was schwächt das Immunsystem?“

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Die Logik des Überlebens in Zeiten des Coronavirus

Von Anna Armelin, ursprünglich veröffentlicht bei Loico am 17. März 2020

Das Folgende ist eine kurze deutsche Zusammenfassung (mit konkreter Handlungsanleitung) unseres englischen Originalbeitrags „The logic of surviving the Coronavirus pandemic“, auf den wir hinsichtlich sämtlicher Nachweise zu unseren Aussagen sowie evtl. gewünschter Vertiefung hiermit vollumfänglich verweisen.

Das Ziel: selbst überleben und die Pandemie bald beendet sehen, damit die Wirtschaft nicht zu lange stillsteht, mit allen kaum absehbaren Folgen für unser aller (Über-)Leben.

Wenn das Risiko, an der Infektion zu sterben, drastisch reduziert wird, ist die Coronavirus-Pandemie umgehend auf den Status einer normalen Grippewelle reduziert; das Leben kann sich wieder normalisieren, die Wirtschaft fast normal weiterlaufen, Milliardenwerte werden erhalten.

Wie stirbt man an einer Coronavirus-Infektion? Mit wenigen Ausnahmen durch Lungenentzündung. Was bringt Menschen auf Intensivstationen und überfüllt diese nach kurzer Zeit (wir wissen, wovon wir sprechen)? Lungenentzündungen. Continue reading Die Logik des Überlebens in Zeiten des Coronavirus

The Amona Tragedy Continues

Shevat 12, 5777

February 8, 2017


Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .

Israeli citizens were attacked with “rocks” and Molotov firebombs at Nebi Elias, Anata, Hawara, the Husan Bypass Road, Beit Hagai, Deir Nizam, Silwan, Hevron, Gush Etzion, Nabi Saleh and other places.

Israeli soldiers and police were attacked with IEDs, “rocks”, and Molotov firebombs at Shuafat, Hizma, Ras al Amud, Silwan, Qalandiya, Bireh, Abu Tor, A-Ram, Rachel’s Tomb, and Dehaisha.

Please note that the information above is gleaned from Israeli civilians on the ground as reported at and other civilian reportage of attacks reported at

A major money smuggling ring is busted . . .

Continue reading The Amona Tragedy Continues

“Kerry Intifada”? Young Jew Eden Atias murdered by Arab jihadist while sleeping on a bus

“We make difficult concessions for which we pay in human lives, while the Palestinians only talk. […] The current situation endangers our sons and daughters while the PA celebrates the release of murderers. This is intolerable and must stop immediately.” [Knesset Finance Committee chairman Nissan Slomiansky] Continue reading “Kerry Intifada”? Young Jew Eden Atias murdered by Arab jihadist while sleeping on a bus

Demands of the current rulers of the “Arab occupied areas of Judea and Samaria” (according to Joshuapundit)

The Palestinians are demanding over half of Jerusalem, including control of all of the major Jewish holy sites. They claim all of Judea and Samaria, although they’ve agreed to consider a land swap of no more than 1.9 percent with Israel in exchange for money and an equivalent amount of Israeli land. That 1.9 percent would essentially be meaningless since it isn’t anywhere near the amount of land necessary to incorporate the majority of Jewish communities into Israel.  Geographically, it would amount to a defenseless enclave surrounded on two sides by the Palestinians. Continue reading Demands of the current rulers of the “Arab occupied areas of Judea and Samaria” (according to Joshuapundit)

In Tunisia, they have a Sturmabteilung of the “Arab Spring” too

A Tunisian non-governmental organization (NGO) that defends minorities and campaigns, among other issues, against anti-Semitism, has accused a controversial militia close to the ruling Islamists of attacking its offices.

“Our offices were broken into and vandalized. We have just filed a complaint. We know very well who did that. It was the League for the Protection of the Revolution, which has threatened us several times,” said Yamina Thabet, head of the Tunisian Association for the Defense of Minorities, on Wednesday.

She said members of the League in the Tunis suburbs of Kram and Goulette had warned the NGO of reprisals after it organized a ceremony on December 29 to commemorate the deportation of Tunisian Jews during the Holocaust.

More at Arutz Sheva

Muslim Persecution of Christians: November 2011

The so-called “Arab Spring” continues to transition into a “Christian Winter,” including in those nations undergoing democratic change, such as Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis dominated the elections—unsurprisingly so, considering the Obama administration has actually been training Islamists for elections. Continue reading Muslim Persecution of Christians: November 2011

Islam is peaceful.

At least that is the likely defense of Rafiqi Islam, a loving husband, who told his wife that he had a present for her, blindfolded her to make it a surprise and then cut off her fingers. Then the rest of the Islam family mopped up the blood, while Mr. Islam threw her fingers into the trash, and after a few hours took her to the hospital where they warned her to tell the doctors that she had an accident.

[From Sultan Knish – you can continue to read here.]

Gaddafi Dead – So What?

What a myopic view the Western media and its array of “experts” have concerning the so-called “Arab Spring” — a myopia that naturally metastasizes among the general public.

Consider the Libyan crisis. As usual, the focus is entirely on the individual, on the tangible — the now dead Gaddafi — whom all the blame can be heaped upon, while the existentialist elephant in the room, the real mover and shaker, the spirit of the age behind all these uprisings, is never acknowledged. Continue reading Gaddafi Dead – So What?

Sarkozy, Cameron, Hague, where the hell are you?

We have a new youth revolution going on here in Yemen, including one freedom square, one  “famous holocaust” (50 dead), plus one democratic transitional council president with Islamic prayer bump (like Abdul-Jalil), who says:

The revolution has started in Taiz and everyone knows it is a peaceful revolution. Taiz citizens have stayed peaceful in an unimaginable manner. In spite of the sacrifices they offered, the regime decides to attack this marvelous aspect by its soldiers, the aspect that represents a culture and civilization of a nation. As a result, the regime military lately at night occupied the Freedom Square and committed the famous holocaust which was planned on the same day of Al Karamah Friday in which 50 of revolutionists were killed. [emphasis mine, rest not mine] Continue reading Sarkozy, Cameron, Hague, where the hell are you?

“Peacefully” implementing the PA’s “statehood” bid

On the same day Abbas was making his “demands” at the podium of the U.N. General Assembly in New York, terrorists in a car on Highway 60 hurled a large, deadly sharp-edged rock at the windshield of 25-year-old Asher Palmer, smashing the driver square in the face and sending his car careening out of control. He and his 10-month-old son Yonatan were killed in what police initially reported to be a “motor vehicle accident” — but what settlers immediately and correctly suspected had been a terror attack. Continue reading “Peacefully” implementing the PA’s “statehood” bid

A Tale of Two Apostasies

Cases dealing with apostasy in Islam—whereby Muslims who convert to other religions are tortured and executed—are on the rise and need to be acknowledged for what they are: one of Islam’s most visible attempts to suppress the human conscience—a phenomenon that has dire implications beyond religious freedom. Consider these two recent stories. First, from Somalia:

A kidnapped Christian convert from Islam was found decapitated on Sept. 2 … Juma Nuradin Kamil was forced into a car by three suspected Islamic extremists from the al-Shabaab terrorist group on Aug. 21, area sources said. After members of his community thoroughly combed the area looking for him, at 2 p.m. on Sept. 2 one of them found Kamil’s body dumped on a street. The kidnapping and subsequent manner of murder suggests that al-Shabaab militants had been monitoring him, Christian leaders said. Muslim extremists from al-Shabaab, a militant group with ties to al Qaeda, have vowed to rid Somalia of Christianity. Continue reading A Tale of Two Apostasies

Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2011

This series was developed in order to collate some—by no means all—of the foulest instances of Muslim persecution of Christians that surface each month. It serves two purposes:

  1. Intrinsically, to document that which the mainstream media does not: habitual, if not chronic, Muslim persecution of Christians.
  2. Instrumentally, to show that such persecution is not “random,” but systematic and interrelated—that it is ultimately rooted in a Sharia inspired worldview. Continue reading Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2011

Good Muslims in Ajdabiya

In his more recent remarks to Il Sole 24 Ore, [Libyan “freedom fighter”] al-Hasadi admits not only to fighting against U.S. troops in Afghanistan, but also to recruiting Libyans to fight against American forces in Iraq. As noted in my earlier PJM report here, captured al-Qaeda personnel records show that al-Hasadi’s hometown of Darnah sent more foreign fighters to fight with al-Qaeda in Iraq than any other foreign city or town and “far and away the largest per capita number of fighters.” Al-Hasadi told Il Sole 24 Ore that he personally recruited “around 25” Libyans to fight in Iraq. “Some have come back and today are on the front at Ajdabiya,” al-Hasadi explained, “They are patriots and good Muslims, not terrorists.” “The members of al-Qaeda are also good Muslims and are fighting against the invader,” al-Hasadi added. Continue reading Good Muslims in Ajdabiya

Democracy or Jew-Hatred? The Libyan Edition

From: Pajamas Media:
In Libya now, just as in Egypt one month ago, protesters are using the Star of David as a symbol of hatred and contempt.
February 28, 2011 – by John Rosenthal
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The virtual entirety of the western media and all western governments appear to be united in their condemnation of Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi and their open or tacit support of the forces seeking to topple his regime. It should be noted that this “opposition to Gaddafi,” as it is typically described in the media accounts, is clearly not now a non-violent opposition — whether it ever was one — but has taken the form rather of an armed rebellion. Continue reading Democracy or Jew-Hatred? The Libyan Edition