Angemessener, als in Bezug auf Barack Hussein Obama von einem “König Hussein” zu sprechen, wäre es wohl, ihn, wie andernorts bereits üblich, “Imam Obama” zu nennen. Könige verbeugen sich schließlich nicht vor ihresgleichen, Imame hingegen möglicherweise schon – vor noch höheren religiösen Autoritäten. Allerdings stellt sich dann vielleicht die Frage, ob die USA nebenbei derzeit auch noch einen Präsidenten haben. Und sicherlich auch noch einige weitere beunruhigende (Fragen).
Im Übrigen empfehle ich das o. g. Nachrichten-Weblog, zu dem man von hier aus schnell gelangt, indem man auf das obige Bildchen klickt.
Burning to see even more Jews/Jews even more under fire in the framework of another great worldwide Roman Holiday at the expense of the evil Zionists,
inspired by Ummah (Arabic for Community or Nation) organizers like Barack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, the British Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), and perhaps as well a little by Hitler, Bin Laden, Haj Amin al-Husseini (the former nazi Mufti of Jerusalem), Hamas, Hezbollah, Ahmadinejad, etc.,
… and anti-Semites are those who believe and spread it:
[Dmitry Medvedev, the President of the Russian Federation] added […] that “those [the Israeli government] are independent people. And I would say that on many questions they are defending stubborn positions. Very tough. And the US has seen the proof of that lately.” [Jerusalem Post Online, 12/4/2010 (Yom Ha Shoah)]
Anti-Semites are people who, if they can, with no scruples provide anti-Semites, in this case Iran, with the means to prepare for the mass-killing of Jews. Russia has done just this, e.g. helping Iran in completing the nuclear facility of Bushehr after the Germans had started building it, bringing a dangerous pool of Islamist rackets that aims to rule the world close to the possession of atomic bombs.
Dass die palästinensischen Flüchtlinge arme Opfer sind, daran besteht kein Zweifel. Aber sie sind Opfer der arabischen Staaten und nicht Israels. Was ihre Rechte auf das Haus ihrer Vorfahren anbelangt, haben sie gar keine, weil ihre Vorfahren Obdachlose waren. Ein Obdach war etwas, das nur eine kleine Klasse von Scheichs besaß, die dieses fröhlich und freiwillig untereinander veräußerten.
Von einer rassistischen und nationalsozialistischen Propaganda trunken gemacht, lässt der unselige Fedajin heute den Hass an Israel aus, den er gegen diejenigen wenden sollte, die ihn der Gefahr aussetzen. Für seinen erbärmlichen Fall wird man sicherlich auf die eine oder andere Art eine Lösung finden müssen.
Aber man komme mir nicht damit, dass die Verantwortlichen für diese seine beklagenswerte Lage die jüdischen »Usurpatoren« seien.Dies ist eine historische, politische und juristische Unwahrheit.
Indro Montanelli, in: Corriere della Sera, 16. September 1972, zit. und übersetzt (einschl. Hervorhebungen) n. FOCUS on ISRAEL
Der tw_24:blog betont vielleicht aus Versehen, vielleicht auch absichtlich, aber jedenfalls sehr richtig:
Da trotz aller Konzessionen Israels die “Palästinenser” Gespräche ablehnten und ablehnen, kann [dem israelischen Premierminister] Bibi Netanjahu in der Tat nicht der Vorwurf gemacht werden, in den vergangenen rund 12 Monaten im Amt “ernsthafte Verhandlungen” mit “Palästinensern” geführt zu haben.
In der Tat könnte Netanjahu eventuell – und auch nicht unbedingt von jedem Hans und Franz – allenfalls der Vorwurf gemacht werden, (unter dem Druck einer zunehmend nach Judenblut lechzenden internationalen antisemitischen Gemeinschaft, die in Obama, Clinton und Biden einige ziemlich mächtige neue Führer gefunden hat,) zu erneuten Verhandlungen mit den Fatah-Dschihadisten bereit zu sein und ihnen bereits ohne Verhandlungen Konzessionen gemacht zu haben, wenngleich Abbas und Co. nachweislich weiterhin ebenso wie der Iran die Auslöschung Israels zum Ziel haben und ebenso wie der Iran alles daran setzen, dieses Ziel zu erreichen – alles, d.h. am liebsten unmittelbare Gewalt, Mord und Terror, notfalls aber auch mal “Diplomatie”* in Form einer taktischen Einbeziehung von von einem Westen, der diesen Namen immer weniger verdient, gern vermittelten Zwischenschritten auf ihrem Weg, dem Weg des Islams, zum “Endsieg”.
*) Moslemische Araber haben offenbar ein recht unverkrampftes Verhältnis zur Frage Krieg oder Frieden, jedenfalls wenn es darum geht, den Nahen Osten “judenreiner” zu machen: “We are ready for any Arab option. If they want to go to war let them declare that and mobilize their armies and their people and we will follow suit”, sagte zum Beispiel anlässlich des jüngsten Gipfels der Arabischen Liga in Libyen ein hochrangiger Assistent von Mahmud Abbas, dem von den USA und der EU unterstützten und von diesen in letzter Zeit vertrauensvoll auch militärisch – pardon: polizeilich – besser ausgerüsteten “Friedenspartner” Israels.
[US-Präsident] Obama hat [dem israelischen Premierminister] Netanjahu noch ein weiteres Ultimatum gestellt. Er will, dass wir die Außenbezirke von Jerusalem aufgeben, alle unsere Antiterror-Operationen in Judäa und Samaria beenden, 1000 Terroristen aus dem Gefängnis freilassen und alle jüdische Bautätigkeit in Jerusalem beenden, und er will eine Antwort bis morgen – Schabbat. Will irgendjemand ernsthaft behaupten, dass dieser Mann kein Antisemit sei?
Und außerdem gibt es da, wie mein Freund Michael Ledeen hervorhebt, noch die Tatsache, dass die [US-amerikanische] Administration ihr Bestehen darauf, dass es Juden nicht erlaubt werden dürfe, unsere Eigentumsrechte am Shepherd-Hotel in Jerusalem geltend zu machen, damit rechtfertigt, dass das Gebäude das Heim des Naziagenten Haj Amin al-Husseini gewesen sei. Das heißt, die USA ergreifen für einen Nazikriegsverbrecher gegen die Juden Partei.
Wie es möglicherweise weitergeht, wenn es so weitergeht wie bisher, wird im “Tribal Update” der israelischen Site Latma mittels eines “Interviews” mit Obama höchstpersönlich – etwa ab der dritten Minute des folgenden Videos – satirisch näher erklärt.
“In my 34-year career, I have never wavered from the notion that the only time progress has ever been made in the Middle East is when the Arab nations have known that there is no daylight between us and Israel,” [Joe] Biden stated during the [presidential] campaign [of Barack Hussein Obama]. “So the idea of being an ‘honest broker’ is not, as some of my Democratic colleagues call for, the answer. It is being the smart broker; it is being the smart partner.”
The decision by an Interior Ministry committee to announce approval of plans for some 1,600 housing units in northeast Jerusalem’s Ramat Shlomo neighborhood cast a pall Tuesday night over the visit of US Vice President Joe Biden, who squarely condemned the move.
The Al-Quds Underground is an unconventional arts festival in the Old City of Jerusalem that was held on the first week of November with more than 150 performances including music, storytelling, theatre and dance. But when Gil Zohar, a reporter for The Jerusalem Post, showed up at the Damascus Gate to attend the show, to which he had received an invitation, he was asked by Jamal Gosch, the director of the a-Nuzha Hakawati Theater, where he lived. Zohar answered Jerusalem, in Arabic. When Jamal heard Gil’s accent, he was told that Israelis were not welcome.
Isn’t it something the way the samenames that helped dismantle Yugoslavia and Serbia seem to be resurfacing to dismantle Israel? All the names that fingered Serbia as it dealt with terror are giving Israel the same trouble. They and their credibility and careers could have been demolished, these people stopped in their tracks, if anyone gave a damn about Western machinations in the Balkans. Instead they’re coming back to haunt more than just the Serbs.
Not long before the father of my mother died, despite being already heavily enfeebled he was still strong enough to convey his probably last important “political insight” to me, after my mother had finally managed to drag me to his home to pay him a visit. It was in the period of the collapse of the Soviet Union, and of the German “reunification”, when from his sick bed he informed me of a historical mistake he and his Volksgenossen had made, stating in a relatively conciliatory tone that “we should not have been that rough with the Russians,” in order to add just one breath later: “But as to the Jews, we should have killed all of them.” As if the Germans themselves had decided to stop it at a certain point, and had not been stopped by, among others, the Red Army.
It is a pity he is already dead, for were he still alive, he would probably be quite enthusiastic and feel confirmed regarding his views by the first result of the European-led “critical dialogue” with the Iranian islamists accomplished by EU “foreign and security policy chief” Javier Solana, thanks to which the Russians may now have a chance to prove even more than before that my grandfather’s late self-criticism, “in a way,” went in the “right” direction. Russia, in one way or another, might now help prepare even more than before a new large-scale mass-murder of Jews by “[shortening] Iran’s road to a nuclear weapon“. And if the Iranian anti-Semites will not accept anything anyway, at least, the Russians, together with Solana and Obama, Germany, France, the UK, China, will have helped the Iranian Holocaust-deniers buy some more precious time, strengthening them (and, for a while, the EU) “sustainably” against the U.S., the “big Satan” (Khomeini), by undermining even a few UN Security Council resolutions – something that would probably have greatly satisfied my grandfather, too.
I think we need to get our heads around one thing. When Ahmadinejad says he will destroy Israel, he is not speaking rhetorically. He is speaking literally. Ahmadinejad and his bosses believe that first Al-Mahdi then Jesus will return to earth. Al-Mahdi is the Islamic messiah, and he’s number one. Jesus is his deputy. Then a Jihad will occur between the forces of good and evil. Little Satan-Israel, big Satan-US vs. the true believers. This will precede the Last Days. Jesus will slay Dajjal, marry, have children and proclaim Islam as the last word of God. This is Ahmadinejad’s living dream. The Americans and Europeans simply have no idea what they’re dealing with.
There is an interesting, very very sophisticated discussion, including some “good advice” for disturbers, at Wikipedia about how anti-Semitic mass-murderers may be characterized in Newspeak, given that terrorists may not exist, and, worse, anti-Semitic mass-murderers may not be called “freedom fighters” either [my bold, orthography not mine].
“Some people” here would include Hamas, no? Who have called for the destruction of the state of Israel and the etsablismeent of (all of ) Jerusalem as a Palestinian capital? IronDuke 00:20, 13 September 2009 (UTC)
On occasion, yes Hamas has said that, though they also have said they would accept a state within the Green line in exchange for a long term truce. [A judenrein state for themselves in lieu of the Jewish State? – RR] Im sure we could find a way to clarify the meaning of what it is they fight for. But that is discussion that is best kept separate from determining how, or whether, to include the word “terrorist”. nableezy – 00:37, 13 September 2009 (UTC)
we need to stick to the guideline here. per wp:terrorist, the note on this very talkpage says that words like terrorist and freedom fighter are “inherently non-neutral, so they should not be used as unqualified labels in the voice of the article. If a reliable source describes a person or group using one of these words, then the description must be attributed in the article text to its source, preferably by direct quotation, and always with a verifiable citation.” both views (terrorist and resistance) are notable but they need to be attributed.—Preceding unsigned comment added by Untwirl (talk • contribs) 02:37, 13 September 2009 (UTC)
Ein Bericht, der vollständig auf den Aussagen der Palästinenser und jener wirklich netten Menschenrechtsorganisationen basiert, bezüglich derer neben der Tatsache, dass sie neonazistische Mitglieder sowohl westlicher als auch islamischer Herkunft haben, aufgedeckt wurde, dass sie nicht nur von Europa, sondern auch von Saudi-Arabien finanziert werden.
Wirklich glaubwürdig, diese Gruppen, glaubwürdig vor allem in Bezug auf eines: ihren abgrundtiefen Hass auf Israel.
Experts at the world’s top atomic watchdog are in agreement that Teheran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and is on the way to developing a missile system able to carry an atomic warhead, according to a secret report seen by The Associated Press.
It appears to be the so-called “secret annex” on Iran’s nuclear program that Washington says is being withheld by the IAEA’s chief.
The document says Iran has “sufficient information” to build a bomb. It says Iran is likely to “overcome problems” on developing a delivery system.
Three weeks ago Sweden’s Aftonblodet mass circulation tabloid published a blood libel against Israel in which the IDF was accused of killing Palestinians to harvest their organs. Then last week Norway’s government decided to divest the government pension fund from Israeli defense contractor Elbit because it manufactures electronic sensors used on Israel’s security fence.
They disinvest (don’t buy anything anymore from) an Israeli company that has contributed to save the lives of scores of Jews (and Arabs) by effectively preventing antisemitic terror attacks, while they and all the other European states have continued their anti-Semitic and anti-American monologue with the mullahs of Iran, with Hezbollah and Hamas, for decades now, making big businesses with the former, who are funding and arming the latter (the “former” axis powers Germany and Italy are still the first commercial partners of the Iranian Jihadist state), constituting by this a protective shield for a regime whose first aim is a second mass-murder of Jews on an industrial scale, which declares this openly, and which is working feverishly to achieve that goal.
Seems almost logical, given that the Euros could not get enough already of bombing mercilessly the Serbs, another group of preferred victims of the Nazis (and Muslims) in World War II and before, in the Nineties, and are not worried at all, instead, about a real case of barbaric organ harvesting, perpetrated by their (and the US democrats’) friends and allies, the “ethnic Albanians”, who abducted many Serbs and then extracted and sold their organs, while the pacifist Javier Solana had NATO bomb the rest of them. While the German tabloid “Bild” ran the title “They [the Serbs, “of course”] are driving them [Albanians] into the concentration camp!”, and while those who forced Albanians and Serbs to flee were the members of the Albanian terrorist army KLA, who threatened any Albanian who preferred to stay (with the “dirty Serbs”, with the Gypsies, with the few left Jews); and Solana’s, Fischer’s, Clinton’s, Albright’s, Joe Biden’s NATO bombs.
On Caroline Glick’s website there is also something much more funny (in English) from her satire site Latma: