Occupational “therapy” for Jews threatened by mass-murder

While DEBKAfile reports that – given that the Russians seem to have agreed with the Iranian anti-Semitic rackets upon starting to feed it with nuclear fuel rods already on the 21st of August, protecting it from an Israeli attack – Israel has probably only one week left for damaging the Bushehr atomic facility without causing much harm to civilians, the so-called Middle East Quartet, of which Russia is part, enthusiastically represented by the new face of the EU, Catherine Ashton, has found just in time another “good” distraction for the Israelis, coercing the anti-Semitic PA president Mahmoud Abbas into “direct talks” within a few hours while there are signs that it is willing to impose its own preconditions on Israel in his stead now, e.g. putting pressure on it to make Judea and Samaria judenrein.

While the “Quartet” and the whole world only feigns to be serious and concerned not only for the Arabs who in their majority, especially in the “West Bank,” still wish to destroy Israel, but even for the Jews, and is indeed only torturing the Israelis in order to have them make more and more concessions to those aiming at their destruction, by acting as if it is all just a game like the Nazis’ “games” explained by the protagonist Guido to his own son in Roberto Benigni’s kitsch film “La vita è bella” in order to have him have some kind of a happy childhood despite the Shoah, Caroline Glick has recently explained (again) the seriousness of the threats Israel is facing thanks to the fact that the West would so very much like to dream on of “peace” and “friendship” with those who are preparing a new Holocaust, and, for a little afterward, the rest of the West’s end:

The first real “official” dead victim of the Turkish-led Islamist “freedom flotilla”

Given that, as opposed to the Turkish “activists” or the Iranian MPs vowing to arrive next, Yehushua Sofer did not seek “martyrdom” for free, will the Turkish prime minister Erdogan apologize and pay compensation to his family? Or will his associate European or US “peace activists”? Or the EU, the “honest broker”, which in the meantime has already jumped on Erdogan’s bandwagon pressing hard for a further easing of the Gaza blockade?

Al-Aqsa Brigade claims attack
Photo by: Israel Police

A faction of Fatah’s al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade claimed responsibility for Monday’s terror attack in the Hebron Hills in which Israeli police officer Yehushua Sofer was killed, reported the Palestinian news agency Ma’an.
The attack came as a response to the raid on the Gaza aid flotilla, according to the report.

Source: http://www.jpost.com/Israel/Article.aspx?ID=178420


Hey du da! Bist Du Jude? Ja? Dann merk dir eins: Wenn es dir – im Dienst oder auch nach Feierabend – mal passieren sollte, dass Dschihadisten (vulgo: “Friedensaktivisten”) einen Kameraden oder Freund oder Bekannten von dir, der schon am Boden liegt, mit Eisenstangen und/oder langen Messern traktieren und kurz davor stehen, ihn umzubringen, und du stehst hinter den Dschihadisten und hast eine geladene Pistole dabei, nicht sofort auf sie schießen! Riskiere lieber, dass Dein Kamerad, Freund oder Bekannter stirbt, während du die Dschihadisten aufforderst, sich wenigstens kurz dir zuzuwenden, oder um die “Szenerie” herum gehst, um sie wenigstens von vorne zu beschießen (und am besten möglichst nicht zu töten, selbst wenn auch um euch herum die dschihadistische Hölle tobt und/oder dein Bekannter schon ein Messer im Leib hat und/oder jetzt auch von dir noch eine Kugel mitabkriegt, egal, pfeif drauf!). Sonst kriegst du (und dein Land auch) nämlich von links und von rechts ganz schlechte Presse:

Die Autopsie der Opfer [yes!] hat derweil ergeben, dass fünf der neun Toten von Kopfschüssen getötet wurden. Noch ist nicht klar, weshalb mindestens die Hälfte der Opfer [yes, yes!] entweder in den Rücken oder in den Hinterkopf geschossen wurde.

Du sagst, die schlechte Presse kriegst du sowieso?

Hast d’ auch wieder Recht. Das gebietet schließlich nicht nur die “Ausgewogenheit”, sondern noch mehr die Bildung der Schreiberlinge, die  es kaum mehr zu überraschen vermag, dass diese Israelis sogar Tote töten, und, ja, auch nicht einmal mehr, dass sie die Opfer solcher verabscheuungswürdiger Untaten danach auch noch in den [sic] Rücken oder in den [sic] Hinterkopf der Hauptopfer, nämlich – wie jeder weiß – vor allem der linkseuropäischen Journalisten vom britischen Guardian, schießen.

Überraschen zwar nicht, aber wehtun und schocken tut das selbstverständlich trotzdem die ganze Welt und somit selbst die hartgesottensten Journalisten. Verständlich daher, dass vermutlich mindestens zweien, d.h. einem deutschen namens Michael Borgstede und seinem Welt-Redakteur, ohne dass sie es gleich merken, auch schon mal Indirekte-Rede-Konjunktiv und Autopsie-Indikativ unter der Hand eine grammatikalisch eigentlich unerlaubte Verbindung miteinander eingehen lassen:

Insgesamt seien etwa 30 Kugeln in den Leichen gefunden wurden, berichtete der „Guardian“ am Samstag.

Zumal sie dank ihrer Fähigkeit, (mit anderen Journalisten) mitzufühlen,  den Geruch der von den Israelis zu Geschossen umfunktionierten kleinen doppelt toten dschihadistischen türkischen Terroristen in der britischen Redaktionsstube auch an ihrem eigenen Sitzort ein wenig mitgerochen haben und daher ebenfalls ein wenig von ihm betört gewesen sein dürften.

Maltese citizens hit out at ‘peaceful’ protesters: “They sought confrontation and got the confrontation they wanted”

“The activists’ effort […] cannot be considered other than violent and illegal. There is no other way to define a concerted and well planned action which seeks to prevent another from carrying out his lawful activities,” the federation said.

Curious? Read more in “The Times of Malta(stan),” 5/6/2010. Hint: Although it is about ships with a certain kind of careerists aboard, the article doesn’t deal with the anti-Semitic “freedom flotilla,” rather with fish, but if you are not an anti-Semite, you have to hold your nose only if you read that and other articles on that site, too.

The peaceful Gaza “freedom flotilla” song: We con the world

With subtitles in Hebrew:

With English subtitles [and changed on 12/6/2010 to a probably more reliable video clip site than YouTube]:

Wasserdiebe, Erdschänder, Globalisierer

Die italienische Linke fordert eine europäische Intervention gegen den Judenstaat

[Redaktionell bearbeitete Fassung, veröffentlicht in: Bahamas, Nr. 37, Winter 2002, S. 44-47 (hier geringfügig vom Autor überarbeitet)]

Wie sehr ehemals der „Linken“ vorbehaltene völkische Manien wie der Antizionismus und der Antiamerikanismus mittlerweile die ideologische Produktion der gesamten Gesellschaft bestimmen, läßt sich nicht nur in Deutschland feststellen. Auch in Italien kreist das Zusammenspiel zwischen linker Parolendrescherei und Presseschlagzeile ganz unverhohlen um das „Volk“. Continue reading Wasserdiebe, Erdschänder, Globalisierer

Turkish-led “peaceful” Jihad flotilla ship MV Rachel Corrie is on its way to Gaza from Malta

This was reported some hours ago by the blog The Muqata which is currently providing much material about the “peacefulness” of the deadly anti-Semitic Hamas support “show” strongly sustained by the Jihadist Turkish prime minister Erdogan.

Erdogan, according to Wikipedia, “was given a prison sentence [in 1998] after he had read poetry regarded as a violation of Kemalism by judges. It included lines translated as ‘The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers…'” (Before reading that, I was quite sure that he had read the quoted sentence aloud, approvingly, and enthusiastically, to a large public, but Wikipedia will certainly know better! He read it secretly under his bedspread.)

The Muqata has published, among others, a photograph of one of the faithful present on one of the “peaceful protest” flotilla:

Continue reading Turkish-led “peaceful” Jihad flotilla ship MV Rachel Corrie is on its way to Gaza from Malta

Darkness, light and journalism

матрациAbout a month ago I had a strange experience. Reading a certain interview published on the Jerusalem Post’s website, I had the impression that the person interviewed was explaining to me very clearly the reasons why I had been so depressed for the last 17 years (at least) – even if I am not Jewish and my personal history, at first sight, would not seem to be connected at all to the recent history of Israel (which was the topic of the interview). His words relieved and encouraged me. In other words, and as the saying goes: I finally saw a ray of light. But the ray of light suddenly disappeared again when I read the last interview “question”:

Amano/Biden: Israel’s survival definitely off the table

While, in order to give Israel another one of those daily international community blows, all aimed at its annihilation,

[t]he head of the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency is asking for international input on an Arab-led push to have Israel join the Nonproliferation Treaty, in a move that adds to pressure on Jerusalem to disclose its unacknowledged nuclear arsenal[,]

Joe Biden tells the EU parliament the joke that

[t]he United States and European Union have stood side-by-side to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons[,]

adding that

Iran’s nuclear program violates its obligations under NPT and risks sparking a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.

Nothing more.

The quotes are from the Jerusalem Post Online, 6/5/2010.

On the “Nakba,” “Palestinian refugees,” “occupation” and so on

Palestine Betrayed

by Efraim Karsh
Yale, 336 pp., $32.50

Reviewed by Daniel Pipes

National Review
May 17, 2010


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Urgent press release: Prof. Arnold Cassola explained and put in context

When, on April 27th, Prof. Arnold “Ghandi” Cassola, “Alternattiva Demokratika spokesperson on EU and International Affairs,” stated on his blog that:

Of course, any shooting against anybody is totally un warranted[,] [sic, italics added]

he was trying to compress two distinct statements into one single too short sentence, possibly causing some confusion to readers. Apparently he was pressed too hard by his, Alternattiva Demokratika’s, and the-Maltese-people-as-a-whole’s acute “full square” solidarity with the new Maltese non-violent anti-Zionist anti-siege hero “La Paloma” Bianca Zammit.


Prof. Cassola probably meant to say: Continue reading Urgent press release: Prof. Arnold Cassola explained and put in context

“IDF discovers three landmines near Gaza security fence”

Earlier today (April 25), during an operational activity near the security fence in the central Gaza Strip, Engineering forces discovered three land mines planted in the ground, thus thwarting an attack against IDF soldiers. Continue reading “IDF discovers three landmines near Gaza security fence”

“Israeli apartheid”

The police are considering closing off the Shechem and Lion’s Gates of the Old City [of Jerusalem] to Jews during the annual Jerusalem Day parade in two weeks. […] Continue reading “Israeli apartheid”

EU training journalists for “Endlösung light”

The European Union is training Israeli journalists to support the Saudi Peace Plan […].


The Saudi Peace Plan calls on Israel to cede all territory east of the 1949 armistice line, including the Old City of Jerusalem, to the Palestinian Authority. It also calls on Israel to accept several million foreign Arabs, those who claim descent from Arabs who fled Israel during the War of Independence, as citizens – effectively making Israel an Arab state.
In return, the Arab world would agree to normalize relations with Israel.

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/137083, 18 April 2010

EU Peace Flag