Why the Muslim Beard Bodes Trouble

To develop a thorough understanding of Islam, one must learn to “connect the dots.” For instance, Muslims who adhere to non problematic aspects of Islam, indirectly indicate their acceptance of problematic aspects of Islam—such as enmity for infidels, death for apostates, subjugation for women, and so on.

Consider the Muslim beard. Because Muhammad wanted his Muslims to look different from infidel Christians and Jews, he ordered them to “trim closely the moustache and grow the beard.” Accordingly, all Sunni schools of law maintain that it is forbidden, a “major sin,” for men to shave their beards—unless, of course, it is part of a stratagem against the infidel, in which case it is permissible. Continue reading Why the Muslim Beard Bodes Trouble

Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2011

This series was developed in order to collate some—by no means all—of the foulest instances of Muslim persecution of Christians that surface each month. It serves two purposes:

  1. Intrinsically, to document that which the mainstream media does not: habitual, if not chronic, Muslim persecution of Christians.
  2. Instrumentally, to show that such persecution is not “random,” but systematic and interrelated—that it is ultimately rooted in a Sharia inspired worldview. Continue reading Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2011

Quote of the day (from yesterday)

Anyone who cared to dig through the graveyards of Sudan already knew that Muslims mattered more than Africans to us. The sky full of jets that we dispatched to bomb Yugoslavia on behalf of Muslim terrorists never clouded the skies of Khartoum. But they did show up to bomb Tripoli so that Islamist thugs could begin torturing and murdering Africans.
Sultan Knish (Daniel Greenfield), Remembering Muslim Colonialism on September 11

“Libyan Freedom”: Some more details about William Hague’s, Daphne Caruana Galizia’s and a few others’ allies in toppling Gaddafi

Here are three things Americans need to know about the Libyan “rebels” the U.S. government isn’t telling us.
One: The inspiration of the Libyan war is as much anti-Western as it is anti-Gadhafi.
The “Day of Rage” that kick-started the Libyan war on Feb. 17 marked the fifth anniversary of violent protests in Benghazi, which included an assault on the Italian consulate during which at least 11 were killed. […]
Two: The anti-Gadhafi, anti-Western forces that NATO power has brought to apparent victory through an air war and not-so-secret deployment of special forces (so far costing U.S. taxpayers $1 billion) include jihadist forces the U.S. and NATO allies have been fighting for the past decade in Iraq and Afghanistan. Continue reading “Libyan Freedom”: Some more details about William Hague’s, Daphne Caruana Galizia’s and a few others’ allies in toppling Gaddafi

Islamic democracy and rule of law “progress” in Egypt – two more examples

Example 1 (regarding “democracy”)

Example 2 (regarding the “rule of law”) Continue reading Islamic democracy and rule of law “progress” in Egypt – two more examples

Sultan Knish: Bin Laden is winning

Osama Bin Laden’s 1996 fatwa against America was the first domino in a chain of events that was meant to accomplish three goals.

1) Unify Muslims in a war against Western civilization

2) Topple the governments of the Muslim world, and replace them with fully Islamist regimes

3) Build a regional and then global Muslim Caliphate

Phase 2 is now well under way. And America and European warplanes are bombing Libya to help clear the way for it. Just as we already did in Yugoslavia and Iraq. It is unknown whether Bin Laden is still alive or not, but his goals are being met. Muslims now see the defeat of Western civilization as an important and an achievable goal. Our democracy and nation building efforts have toppled much of the old order, and those best positioned to benefit from it are the Islamists. Continue reading Sultan Knish: Bin Laden is winning

Weeping and Other Hysterics

Have Muslim Apologists Nothing More to Offer?

by Raymond Ibrahim
Hudson New York
March 14, 2011


If Daphne Caruana Galizia is right, Egyptians urgently need “democratic governance” too

Did [Maltese EU Commissioner John Dalli] say that democratic governance is the fountain from which everything else – human rights, free elections, freedom of speech – will flow, or did he say that Libyans are problematic because their religion preaches ‘vindication’ while ‘ours preaches forgiveness’?

Dahne Caruana Galizia, today

The father of [a] Muslim woman was killed by his cousin because he did not kill his daughter to preserve the family’s honor, which led the woman’s brother to avenge the death of his father by killing the cousin. The village Muslims blamed the Christians.

The Free Copts, the day before yesterday

Mit guten Vorsätzen…

Ich las den Koran, um bei einem Übergriff von Muslimen auf Nichtmuslime durch Worte helfen zu können und auf den Frieden des Islam verweisen zu können. Leider ist Gewalt gegen Andersgläubige im Koran ausdrücklich erwünscht. Andersgläubige werden sogar als minderwertige Wesen dargestellt. Oft hört man, dass man die Suren auch in den Kotext belassen muss, doch je mehr man ausholt, desto schlimmer werden die Suren Einige offenbaren sogar erst im Kotext ihren Gewaltaufruf.

Ich war vom Koran mehr geschockt als von Mein Kampf, aber das kann auch daran liegen, dass ich in Mein Kampf son Unfug erwartet habe, vom Koran aber nicht und völlig überrascht wurde, da doch unsere Regierung den Islam fördert und unterstützt.

Leserkommentar von “Koranleser”, in: Welt Online, 7/12/2011 [Grammatik und Interpunktion so im Original]

Soziologische Islamkritik

Ein italienischer Soziologe gibt auch mal einen Hinweis darauf, woher die Euro-Liebe zum Islam kommt:

Salvini believes the major obstacle lies in the “lack of a reliable partner” on the Muslim side. “Once we would have a credible interlocutor, with no ties with jihad, we can talk about building a mosque.”
“Again, this proves that, when it comes to Islam, authorities don’t feel obliged to play according to the rules,” says Allievi, the sociologist. “Could you imagine a politician refusing to meet with the chief rabbi of Milan because he doesn’t consider him a reliable partner?”

Man denkt, die Juden seien schließlich ja auch Terroristen, oder allesamt Agenten eines terroristischen Finanzkapitals, das seinen Hauptsitz in Israel hat, wobei die Islamisten, wenn es keine Juden gäbe, gar keine Terroristen mehr wären, wenn sie überhaupt je welche waren (sind sie doch ohnehin eher als Widerstandskämpfer zu definieren) und freut sich darauf, dass die Islamisten die Juden schon ausrotten werden. Ein Genuss, für den man  ganz gern auch seine Freiheit hingäbe, so man denn eine hätte. (Oder ist die einzige Form der Freiheit, die viele in Europa sich nur noch vorstellen können, ohnehin die “Judenfreiheit”?)

Die EU verhält sich mit ihren “Gerechtigkeits”forderungen an Israel ebenso. Es geht um abstrakte “Spielregeln”, nicht um irgendwelche Menschenleben.

Scheiß Spiel, “gioco di merda”, direi io, signor sociologo di Stato.

Ahmadinejad offers Obama a helping hand for the November elections

Shh, Obama, can you hear me? I mean this: You let me continue make little bomb for kill all Zionists, and I speak peace like Hitler sometimes in the Thirties until November 2, but much softer. We will not attack you until then (know what I mean: hudna), you have another two years, maybe finally may speech at Berlin Siegessäule, how you say? – get shit out of Rebublicans, afterward become UN king, and I maybe already go to heaven and have 72 nice fresh chicks, so everybody happy as can be. Big win-win deal, got it? Alright man? Good deal? Best I can offer! Now even Russia maybe more afraid, but EU help us sure! So let us lose not time, we almost finished!

The first real “official” dead victim of the Turkish-led Islamist “freedom flotilla”

Given that, as opposed to the Turkish “activists” or the Iranian MPs vowing to arrive next, Yehushua Sofer did not seek “martyrdom” for free, will the Turkish prime minister Erdogan apologize and pay compensation to his family? Or will his associate European or US “peace activists”? Or the EU, the “honest broker”, which in the meantime has already jumped on Erdogan’s bandwagon pressing hard for a further easing of the Gaza blockade?

Al-Aqsa Brigade claims attack
Photo by: Israel Police

A faction of Fatah’s al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade claimed responsibility for Monday’s terror attack in the Hebron Hills in which Israeli police officer Yehushua Sofer was killed, reported the Palestinian news agency Ma’an.
The attack came as a response to the raid on the Gaza aid flotilla, according to the report.

Source: http://www.jpost.com/Israel/Article.aspx?ID=178420

Turkish-led “peaceful” Jihad flotilla ship MV Rachel Corrie is on its way to Gaza from Malta

This was reported some hours ago by the blog The Muqata which is currently providing much material about the “peacefulness” of the deadly anti-Semitic Hamas support “show” strongly sustained by the Jihadist Turkish prime minister Erdogan.

Erdogan, according to Wikipedia, “was given a prison sentence [in 1998] after he had read poetry regarded as a violation of Kemalism by judges. It included lines translated as ‘The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers…'” (Before reading that, I was quite sure that he had read the quoted sentence aloud, approvingly, and enthusiastically, to a large public, but Wikipedia will certainly know better! He read it secretly under his bedspread.)

The Muqata has published, among others, a photograph of one of the faithful present on one of the “peaceful protest” flotilla:

Continue reading Turkish-led “peaceful” Jihad flotilla ship MV Rachel Corrie is on its way to Gaza from Malta

Kampf der Islamophobie!


Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,

ein Gespenst geht um in Europa. Manch ein bedeutender Mensch soll es schon zu Gesicht bekommen haben. Wolfgang Benz etwa, dessen Vorurteilsforschung von den „Studies in Prejudice“ der Kritischen Theorie ungefähr so viel Ahnung hat wie er selbst von der Nazi-Karriere seines Doktorvaters Karl Bosl. Auch Kay Sokolowsky hat das Gespenst erblickt und ihm gleich ein ganzes Buch gewidmet. Und zur Abwehr des geheimnisvollen Wesens, das immer dann, wenn man glaubt, es fassen zu können, enthuscht, wurden bereits die ersten universitären Institute gegründet, deren Mitarbeiter nicht nur gar nicht mal so schlecht bezahlte Doktorandenstellen abgreifen konnten, sondern sich für diese Huld mit intellektuellem Wagemut und heldischer Zivilcourage bedanken.

Das Gespenst, das sie bekämpfen, ist selbstverständlich die Islamophobie. [Hier klicken zum Weiterlesen in Prodomo]

“Juden flüchten wegen zunehmendem Antisemitismus aus Malmö”

Zunehmender Hass auf Juden führt in der schwedischen Stadt Malmö dazu, dass immer mehr Juden aus der Stadt flüchten, so auch die 86-jährige KZ-Überlebende Judith Popinski. Sie macht dafür Muslime verantwortlich, die jüdische Schweden bedrohen, weiter wurden mehrfach jüdische Friedhöfe geschändet.

Shortnews.de, 21.2.2010

EU Peace Flag