Source language: Italian
Continue reading Done: Translation of technical descriptions and application instructions for basalt and steel fibre fabrics and carbon and glass fibre cords
Dringend: Übersetzer (Italienisch-Deutsch) für kurzen Text über Lacke/Beschichtungen gesucht
Es handelt sich um einen leichten Text in dem Sinne, dass er Produktwerbung zum Inhalt hat und die Fachterminologie so gut wie vollständig in einem TM vorhanden ist. Es sollte möglichst online mit Wordfast Anywhere gearbeitet werden. TM und Original stehen dort schon bereit.
Dringend: Übersetzer gesucht, Übersetzung Italienisch-Deutsch (Haftvermittler, “primer epossidico per superfici cementizie”), Textdatei, 693 W.
Gesucht wird ein gewissenhaft arbeitender freiberuflicher Übersetzer für eine Rohübersetzung eines Merkblatts, deren Fachterminologie allerdings (zumindest nahezu) perfekt sein sollte. Eine (stilistische) Überarbeitung wird anschließend, soweit erforderlich, “in-house” vorgenommen. Der Übersetzer bzw. die Übersetzerin sollte sich möglichst schon in den Bereichen Klebtechnik, Kunststoffbindemittel, Bodenbeschichtung, Haftvermittler (Primer) auskennen. Continue reading Dringend: Übersetzer gesucht, Übersetzung Italienisch-Deutsch (Haftvermittler, “primer epossidico per superfici cementizie”), Textdatei, 693 W.
Swing Low Sweet Sharia
by Nidra Poller
New English Review
April 2012
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The play within the play
In October 2011 an extraordinary opportunity to apprehend the ill-defined “Middle East” conflict was offered in the form of a play within the play. Discourse was disabled by flesh and blood images acting out the drama with exquisite unity and perfect casting. Playing the role of Israel, Gilad Shalit, courageous survivor of five years of unspeakable deprivation, emerged frail, pale but gloriously resistant. The little that we know of the conditions of his imprisonment is already too much. Kidnapped at the age of 19 near the Kerem Shalom crossing in Israel (two IDF soldiers were killed in the cross-border attack), held in some sort of dungeon, starved of human company, starved of daylight, undernourished, not even given eyeglasses with which to see the ugly contours of his constricted world, Gilad stood before us, a miraculous survivor. The celestial light of dignity suffused his flesh and bones with metaphysical force. Continue reading Swing Low Sweet Sharia
Günter Grass als Schriftsteller
Als Schriftsteller ist Günter Grass ein Schmied, der reiz- und formlose Klumpen zusammenhämmert, mit denen man kaum mehr anfangen kann, als sie Leuten über den Kopf zu hauen.
Daniel Greenfield (Übers.: Ralph Raschen)
Iran appears to have adopted the ‘Grassist imperative’ as a basic condition for a ‘hudna’ with the West
And never did I deviate from my marching orders. – Günter Grass
Among all those who have commented on Günter Grass’s recent propaganda “poem” against Israel, some have criticized that not enough attention has been paid to his proposal of disarming the Jewish State. Their judgment appears now to have been slightly premature. After the anti-Semitic tirade of the former Waffen-SS member was immediately lauded by a representative of the Iranian regime, the Israeli intelligence news site DEBKAfile reported that “Iran’s ‘new initiatives’ place Israel at [the] center of nuclear talks” and that, among other things, in the upcoming ‘nuclear talks’ in Istanbul, Continue reading Iran appears to have adopted the ‘Grassist imperative’ as a basic condition for a ‘hudna’ with the West
Erster weltpolitischer Erfolg der von Günter Grass, der Süddeutschen Zeitung, La Repubblica u. a. initiierten Kampagne zur Entwaffnung Israels?
Iran übernimmt ‘grassistischen Imperativ’ einem DEBKAfile-Bericht zufolge als Kernbedingung für eine Hudna mit dem Westen
Wer sagt noch, Günter Grass’ Forderung, den Staat der Juden wirksam zu entwaffnen, sei in der jüngsten “Debatte” leider völlig untergegangen? Nachdem der frühere SS-Mann für den kürzlich von ihm “in Gedichtform” abgesonderten antisemitischen Dreck umgehend von höchster iranischer Stelle gelobt wurde, berichtete DEBKAfile gestern – unter dem Titel “Iran’s ‘new initiatives’ place Israel at center of nuclear talks” – unter anderem: Continue reading Erster weltpolitischer Erfolg der von Günter Grass, der Süddeutschen Zeitung, La Repubblica u. a. initiierten Kampagne zur Entwaffnung Israels?
Die “Süddeutsche Zeitung” macht bisher für Antisemiten gehaltenen Menschen Hoffnung, nach dem Befreiungsgedicht von Günter Grass bald noch viel mehr Enderlösungen erleben zu dürfen
Sie berichtet heute in einer Überschrift, Micha Brumlik, “Professor für Erziehungswissenschaften an der Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main”, habe “zu Günter Grass” gesagt: “Grass ist kein Antisemit, bedient sich aber antisemitischer Deutungsmuster”.
Grass’ Entgegnung darauf, falls es eine gegeben hat, ist mir bislang noch nicht bekannt, da ich den Artikel selbst noch gar nicht gelesen habe.
In jedem Fall macht schon die Überschrift Hoffnung – und das möchte ich hier auch nur kurz mitteilen -, dass man schon bald ebenfalls von der “Süddeutschen” erfahren darf, dass, was für Grass gilt, nach neuesten antisemitismuswissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen von Brumlik et al. selbstverständlich auch für alle anderen gilt, die bisher für Antisemiten gehalten wurden, einschließlich Adolf Hitler und Wilhelm Marr; dass es streng genommen also noch nie Antisemiten gegeben hat, sondern allenfalls Menschen, die sich “antisemitischer Deutungsmuster” bedient haben oder bedienen. Continue reading Die “Süddeutsche Zeitung” macht bisher für Antisemiten gehaltenen Menschen Hoffnung, nach dem Befreiungsgedicht von Günter Grass bald noch viel mehr Enderlösungen erleben zu dürfen
Muslim Persecution of Christians: February, 2012
by Raymond Ibrahim
Stonegate Institute
March 16, 2012
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Half of Iraq’s indigenous Christians are gone due to the unleashed forces of jihad, many of them fleeing to nearby Syria; yet, as the Assad regime comes under attack by al-Qaeda and others, the jihad now seeps into Syria, where Christians are experiencing a level of persecution unprecedented in the nation’s modern history. Likewise, some 100,000 Christian Copts have fled their native Egypt since the overthrow of the Mubarak regime; and in northern regions of Nigeria, where the jihadi group Boko Haram has been slaughtering Christians, up to 95 % of the Christian population has fled. Continue reading Muslim Persecution of Christians: February, 2012
More progress toward "Libyan freedom" (Daphne Caruana Galizia) and democracy with an "Islamic tinge" (Tonio Borg) in Benghazi
ХудожникDesecrating Christian and Jewish graves and destroying crosses of a Commonwealth cemetery:
The Palestinian Jihad Islami escalated its attacks on a dozen Israel towns and villages Saturday, firing up to 100 rockets on the second day of their revenge for Israel’s targeted killing of Zuheir al-Qaisi, head of the Popular Resistance Committees in Gaza, before he could carry out his second terrorist attack from Sinai. The volleys Saturday, March 10, included Grad multiple rocket launchers mounted on vehicles and SA-7 anti-air rockets, the Russian version of the American Stinger, smuggled from Libya. [DEBKAfile]
“Do blacks have to be gay before you’ll look at them, Joseph?”* (Daphne Caruana Galizia, 26 July 2011)
While we’re at it, another (older) one della serie “Senti chi parla!… Defni!”
“Libyan Rebels Accused of ‘Ethnic Cleansing,’ Black Genocide”, from The New American, 15 September 2o11
NATO and U.S.-backed rebel forces in Libya are reportedly engaging in systematic attacks against the black population in what some analysts have called war crimes and even genocide, sparking condemnation worldwide from human-rights groups and officials. Reports and photographic evidence indicate that numerous atrocities including mass executions have taken place even in recent weeks. Many black victims were found with their hands bound behind their backs and bullets through their skulls.
Horrific internment camps, systematic rape, torture, lynching, and looting of businesses owned by blacks have all been reported as well. And countless sub-Saharan Africans have been forced to flee their homes in Libya to avoid the same fate. Continue reading “Do blacks have to be gay before you’ll look at them, Joseph?”* (Daphne Caruana Galizia, 26 July 2011)
“Do some people actually live in a parallel universe?” (Daphne Caruana Galizia)
The Western-backed overthrow of Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi likely provided huge stocks of heavy weapons to terrorist groups and criminal organizations operating in the Sahel region of North Africa, the United Nations confirmed January 26 in a report. Among the groups benefiting from the arms are al-Qaeda and the deadly Islamic terror organization Boko Haram, which is currently on a killing spree in Nigeria. The UN report explained that “due to the Libyan upheaval … governments in the region are faced with the return of millions of economic migrants, the smuggling of weapons from Libyan stockpiles, terrorist activities, youth unemployment, trafficking in drugs and human beings, and a surge in criminality,” the international body summarized in a press release on its findings.
But the international body carefully ignored its own obvious role in creating the tragedy. The UN, of course, first called for the “no-fly zone” over Libya and all measures necessary to “protect civilians” in March of last year. Western powers including the U.S. government promptly interpreted the international resolution as a green light for military strikes and eventually regime change.
Sultan Knish: The West in the Maze of the Muslim World
The rats turned out to be training the psychiatrist and they have done an excellent job of it. The Muslim world is more Anti-American than it was 10 years ago, while we are more pro-Muslim. Each time they finish the moderate maze and assure us how peaceful Islam is, we gift them with the cheese of appeasement. Rather than teaching them to be moderate using the reward of our appeasement, they have taught us to appease them using the reward of their faked moderation. Like tourists at the souk, we have been cheated badly by laying out good money for a fake rug. But worse than that we have been turned into rats in their maze, rushing to appease them in the hopes that they will reward us by being moderate.
“Orthodox Christmas Eve: Croats vandalize Serb church, Albanians blockade Decani, hit Tadic’s car with stones”
January 6, 2012 – 12:35 pm
Today is the Orthodox Christmas Eve, and to mark that occasion, Washington’s allies in the Balkans – Croatians and the Albanians in Kosovo – each did their part in America’s grand policy to gradually exterminate Serbs into a ghetto out of which they will be forced to negotiate either their existence or worse their total extermination.
“Islam does not bother people but …” (Daphne Caruana Galizia)
KAMPALA, Uganda – Islamic extremists threw acid on a church leader on Christmas Eve shortly after a seven-day revival at his church, leaving him with severe burns that have blinded one eye and threaten sight in the other.
Bishop Umar Mulinde, 37, a sheikh (Islamic teacher) before his conversion to Christianity, was attacked on Saturday night (Dec. 24) outside his Gospel Life Church International building in Namasuba, about 10 kilometers (six miles) outside of Kampala. From his hospital bed in Kampala, he told Compass that he was on his way back to the site for a party with the entire congregation and hundreds of new converts to Christianity when a man who claimed to be a Christian approached him.
Continue reading “Islam does not bother people but …” (Daphne Caruana Galizia)
Iran’s Nukes and Israel’s Dilemma
Israeli Defense
by Yoaz Hendel
Middle East Quarterly
Winter 2012, pp. 31-38 (view PDF)
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Editors’ note: Yoaz Hendel now works in the Israeli prime minister’s office. This article was written before his government service; views expressed herein are his alone.
While the Obama administration has not reconciled itself to the futility of curbing Tehran’s nuclear buildup through diplomatic means, most Israelis have given up hope that the international sanctions can dissuade the Islamic Republic from acquiring the means to murder by the millions. Israel’s leadership faces a stark choice—either come to terms with a nuclear Iran or launch a preemptive military strike. Continue reading Iran’s Nukes and Israel’s Dilemma