Sick and sad

A Russian Israeli, who I thought was my friend, and whom I therefore asked to temporarily take care of my precious, beloved classical guitar because I couldn’t carry it with me on my flight out of Israel, who then wrote me, “Don’t worry about your guitar [… it is] in good hands,” and who later just gave it to someone who was temporarily staying maybe 100 meters away ‘in the neighborhood’ and who then let it “disappear” somehow, also wrote me,

one day i came back home and found a letter hanging on my door handle from some land authority stating that I cannot make a settlement with car and tent on this land. Can you believe it?!?! The country that makes settlements allover the place without any fucking authorization does not allow to make settlement within itself!! This kind of level of hypocracy [sic] is just beyond me..ahh the world around never ceases to amaze me[,]

Continue reading Sick and sad

Due documentari di Riccardo Iacona su Kosovo, Ex Repubblica Jugoslava di Macedonia e Afganistan

Nota: No, “i serbi” non fecero “pulizia etnica” in Kosovo durante la guerra, e gli albanesi del Kosovo durante la guerra non furono cacciati dai serbi, ma fuggirono dalle bombe della NATO.


Die Polizei kommt doch noch.

Sie haben dort regelmäßig Sprengstoffexplosionen, zuwenig Polizei, die hat Angst um ihrer [sic] Familien, wenn auf sie geschossen wird, es gibt Gegenden, in die sie sich nicht mehr trauen, vielen, die sie festnehmen sollen, sind sie hoffnungslos unterlegen, unterbewaffnet, frustriert.

Und doch: Die Polizei kommt in den wichtigsten Fällen noch und nimmt Täter hoch.

> Weiterlesen bei Hadmut Danisch


So they started World War No. 3 too? No, no, that can’t be true!…

The European Community (precursor to the EU) was almost unanimous in agreeing that the best way to avoid a war in Yugoslavia was for it to remain one nation. Member states voted 11 to 1 in 1991 to support a resolution that stated that “the best way of achieving stability in the Balkans was for Yugoslavia to remain united, albeit in a revised, looser federal form.”

The one ended up overruling the 11. Continue reading So they started World War No. 3 too? No, no, that can’t be true!…

The Amona Tragedy Continues

Shevat 12, 5777

February 8, 2017


Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .

Israeli citizens were attacked with “rocks” and Molotov firebombs at Nebi Elias, Anata, Hawara, the Husan Bypass Road, Beit Hagai, Deir Nizam, Silwan, Hevron, Gush Etzion, Nabi Saleh and other places.

Israeli soldiers and police were attacked with IEDs, “rocks”, and Molotov firebombs at Shuafat, Hizma, Ras al Amud, Silwan, Qalandiya, Bireh, Abu Tor, A-Ram, Rachel’s Tomb, and Dehaisha.

Please note that the information above is gleaned from Israeli civilians on the ground as reported at and other civilian reportage of attacks reported at

A major money smuggling ring is busted . . .

Continue reading The Amona Tragedy Continues

Regarding the recent Islamic truck terror attack in Berlin,

Angela Merkel is quoted as having said, “The whole of Europe is asking itself how such a thing can happen.”
You over there in the US or elsewhere outside Europe may scratch or even shake your heads at such a statement, but the Empress is of course entitled to speak for all her (partly extremely uncivilized and dumb) subjects, including, inter alia, all those extreme nationalists and racists currently residing in the Eastern part of Europe and Switzerland, who are still rebelling against her moral decrees to provide protection to many more deeply traumatized protection-seeking human beings.
Continue reading Regarding the recent Islamic truck terror attack in Berlin,

Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. rer. zion. ;-) Clemens Heni,

We know it from history that brutalizing the language is a first step toward brutalizing the people. − Jack Engelhard


wie Sie höchstwahrscheinlich wissen, haben wir in diesem Blog (oder doch zumindest ich, Baby!) Ihnen und Ihrem kritisch-wissenschaftlichen Schaffen bislang äußerst wohlwollend gegenüber gestanden. Was mich persönlich betrifft, darf ich mich sogar rühmen, Sie schon mehrfach gegen Ihre Feinde in Schutz genommen zu haben. Leider hat mich die Lektüre einer im März vergangenen Jahres von Ihnen veröffentlichten Schrift jedoch sehr betrübt, denn ich bin dort bedauerlicherweise auf einige Äußerungen gestoßen, die mich doch an Ihrer Wissenschaftlichkeit haben zweifeln lassen. Unter der Überschrift “Was erlauben LizasWelt? Über die Notwendigkeit einer Selbstkritik der Pro-Israel-Szene” behaupten Sie dort z. B.:

Entweder Israel verabschiedet sich unzweideutig von allen “Einstaatenlösungen” der radikalen Linken (wie Judith Butler und ihrem Fanclub etc.) und der radikalen Rechten (wie Bennett oder Caroline Glick) oder der Traum eines jüdischen Staates ist dahin.

Continue reading Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. rer. zion. 😉 Clemens Heni,

Mass murder of Jews in Israel

According to the statistics provided by hakolyehudi, between Rosh Hashana 2015 and 2016, there were:

7550 Palestinian terror attacks targeting Israeli men, women, and children.

40 Israelis were murdered by terrorists.

650 Israelis were wounded by terrorists.

And the New Year has not started any better. In the last 24 hours:

*a 7-year-old boy was wounded by “rocks” near Kiryat Arba.

*an IDF soldier was wounded by a grenade thrown at soldiers at Al-Khader.

*a Border policeman was wounded by an IED at Abu Dis.

More than 20 “rock” and Molotov attacks took place throughout Judea, Samaria, and eastern Jerusalem.

[Source: Israelstreet, October 5, 2016]

Julia Gorin: “Big Picture Grand Strategy in Israel=Strategy in Balkans: Divide and Conquer the Infidel”

Below is an old email from Melana, who used to run Serbblog. I found it as instructive today as ever, so I’m finally posting it, though I’d meant to do so when she first wrote it back in 2008:

I had mixed feelings about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for a long time. While I had always admired brave little Israel — a sort of David against the Goliath Arab-Muslim world surrounding it — I had also met some Palestinians (some of them Christians) with horror stories about what happened to them at the hands of Israelis some years ago. Then one day, I met an Armenian woman from Lebanon who sort of set me straight.

This Lebanese Christian woman told me that she too had sympathized with the Palestinians (as had many Lebanese) — until they destroyed her country. Lebanon had been the Switzerland of the Middle East — beautiful, prosperous and comfortably multi-religious — until they took in the Palestinians when none of the other Muslim Arab countries would.

But the Palestinians used their new ‘home’ in Lebanon as nothing more than a base to launch attacks on Israel and to eventually start a civil war between Muslims and Christians in Lebanon. She thinks that this was part of their plan — and this is why Palestinians came to a mixed Christian/Muslim country and not to another purely Muslim country like Jordan (which was actually the ’settlement land/country’ in return for the founding of Israel.) It was part of the Muslim plan to get Lebanese Christians to hate Israel as much as Muslims hated Israel, so that eventually all Christians and the Western World might hate Israel, too. (Much like hating the Christian Serbs for what happened to Muslims in Yugoslavia, at the same time when we in the U.S. are fighting radical Islamic terrorists who perpetrated 9/11. Divide us against ourselves and we spend our energy fighting each other, instead of fighting our real enemy — militant Islam.)

Continue reading on Republican Riot (2 November 2015) 

“We must now do everything so that the violence of protection-seeking people [“Schutzsuchende”] will not escalate further.”

Joachim Herrmann, Interior Minister of Bavaria after an Islamic suicide attack in Ansbach.

Addendum, 22 August 2016: The Interior Minister was probably misquoted by the website.


The Würzburg Jihad Attack, German Interior Minister de Maizière and my High School history teacher

German author Vera Lengsfeld reported that German Interior Minister Lothar de Maizière said that: the attacker was a single perpetrator who had been “incited” by the IS, there were no indications in his video of an “order” by the IS, it was unknown how the video got from the apartment of his host family, where it was recorded, to the IS, and however there were no indications of any connection to the IS.

Reminds me somehow of when our history teacher in high school reassured us that his generation did not get wind of the Holocaust in any way, because the walls of the concentration camps had been far too high to be able to look beyond them.

[Comment originally posted on]

Another Israeli Murdered on the Altar of Political Correctness

Another horrific Palestinian terror attack has left another Israeli dead. IDF soldier, 21-year-old Tuvia Weissman, was stabbed to death Thursday evening in a Rami Levy supermarket at Sha’ar Benyamin. Weissman was shopping in the market in civilian clothes when he was attacked by two 14-year-old terrorists.

He leaves behind a wife and a infant child only a few months old.