Example 1 (regarding “democracy”)
Example 2 (regarding the “rule of law”) Continue reading Islamic democracy and rule of law “progress” in Egypt – two more examples
Example 1 (regarding “democracy”)
Example 2 (regarding the “rule of law”) Continue reading Islamic democracy and rule of law “progress” in Egypt – two more examples
by Raymond Ibrahim
March 22, 2011
On March 5, Muslims attacked, plundered, and set ablaze an ancient Coptic church in Sool, a village near Cairo, Egypt. Afterwards, throngs of Muslims gathered around the scorched building and pounded its walls down with sledge hammers—to cries of “Allahu Akbar!” Adding insult to injury, the attackers played “soccer” with the relic-remains of the church’s saints and martyrs and transformed the desecrated church into a mosque (a live example of history, which witnessed countless churches seized and transformed into mosques). As a result of Christian girls being abducted and raped and overall terrorization of the Coptic community, thousands fled the village. (See this letter to Egypt’s military leadership signed by twenty congressmen discussing this and similar anecdotes.) Continue reading No ‘Revolution’ for Egypt’s Christians
just after the most atrocious anti-Semitic massacre in years carried out by Arabs in Israel, by, among other Islamic slaughter methods, slitting the throats of children, a massacre in which PA officials were very probably involved, and just a few hours after “Israeli civilians living around the Gaza border woke up [this morning] to the most massive mortar attack in years – 50 rounds fired in 15 minutes.” Continue reading Terrorist supporters demonstrate in Valletta, and the Times of Malta beatifies them
At least two Palestinians armed with knives stabbed the mother, father and three of the children, aged, 11, three and a baby of a month in their sleep at Itamar, south of Nablus early Saturday. Two small children were not attacked. Their sister aged 12 found them when she returned home at 12:30 and called for help. Magen David Adom paramedics could only confirm the five deaths. Continue reading Child murder – an “heroic” act of Palestinian “resistance” and tool of Islamic “democratisation”
It always seems to be the same pattern, lately. Christians call the military to protect them against Muslim attacks. Then troops are sent. First they watch for a while, and then they step in on the side of the aggressors, helping the Muslim mob kill “infidels.” The new Egyptian democracy.
Well, why not? Might is right, isn’t it? In Kosovo in the Nineties, the Serbian police (and army) tried to protect Christian civilians in their even predominantly Christian own country. As an award for this they were accused of massacres (which were staged by Muslims) and then they got a NATO-boosted high-tech Jihad, and the aggressors have by now gotten an independent “state”, almost free of Christians (and churches).
(AINA) — According to Father Abram Fahmy, pastor of St. Simon the Tanner Monastery in Mokatam Hills, on the outskirts of Cairo, Copts were killed and injured today in a fresh attack by Muslims. It was reported the Egyptian army fired live ammunition on Copts. The attack has claimed until now the lives of 9 Copts and injured 150, 45 seriously. Continue reading Egyptian military sides with Muslim mob in anti-Christian pogroms
Did [Maltese EU Commissioner John Dalli] say that democratic governance is the fountain from which everything else – human rights, free elections, freedom of speech – will flow, or did he say that Libyans are problematic because their religion preaches ‘vindication’ while ‘ours preaches forgiveness’?
The father of [a] Muslim woman was killed by his cousin because he did not kill his daughter to preserve the family’s honor, which led the woman’s brother to avenge the death of his father by killing the cousin. The village Muslims blamed the Christians.
Nearly 4000 Muslims Attack Christian Homes in Egypt, Torch Church
Written by Mary Abdelmassih – aina.org Friday, 04 March 2011 (AINA) — A mob of nearly four thousand Muslims has attacked Coptic homes this evening in the village of Soul, Atfif in Helwan Governorate, 30 kilometers from Cairo, and torched the Church of St. Mina and St. George. There are conflicting reports about the whereabouts of the Church pastor Father Yosha and three deacons who were at church; some say they died in the fire and some say they are being held captive by the Muslims inside the church.
Continue reading Yet another little Egyptian “Intifada” against Christians
Copts in southern Egypt are protesting the murder of a priest by Islamists shouting “Allahu Akbar.” The Egyptian military is busying itself in attacking monasteries by knocking down walls and launching RGB attacks.
Just two examples from NewsRealBlog, 2/3/2011
So long as the Iranian regime remains in power, it will be that much harder for the Egyptians to build an open democracy or for the Saudis to open the kingdom to liberal voices and influences. The same is true of virtually every country in the region. Iran is the primary regional engine of war, terror, nuclear proliferation and instability. As long as the regime survives, it will be difficult for liberal forces in the region to gain strength and influence.
On February 24, the mullahs reportedly arrested opposition leaders Mir Hossain Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi along with their wives. It took the Obama administration several days to even acknowledge the arrests, let alone denounce them. Continue reading The Middle East, the Maghreb, and the West: The bigger picture, described by Caroline Glick
In response to my PJM article documenting anti-Semitic imagery at the Egyptian protests, I’ve received several comments — both in public and in private — suggesting that, nevertheless, anti-Semitic and/or “anti-Zionist” sentiment among the protestors has played only a marginal role. The assurances to this effect are typically based on the first-hand accounts of Western observers or English-speaking participants with Western contacts. These accounts are supposed somehow to trump the clear pictorial evidence to the contrary. Continue reading By John Rosenthal: “Democracy or Jew-Hatred?”
A little note now for all the commentators who approvingly quoted and celebrated Sandmonkey, treated him as a martyr during the riots, and discover that now he’s joined the conventional liberal Egyptian line in essentially calling for tearing up the Camp David accords, remilitarizing the Sinai and opening up the border to Hamas. Oh he’s phrasing it better than that, but that’s what it amounts to. Continue reading Egyptian democracy prospects brought to you by… “Sandmonkey”
Last Friday (2/18/11) marked the triumphal return to Cairo of Muslim Brotherhood “Spiritual Guide” Yusuf al-Qaradawi. After years of exile, his public re-emergence in Egypt was sanctioned by the nation’s provisional military rulers. Qaradawi’s own words were accompanied by images and actions during his appearance which should have shattered the delusive view that the turmoil leading to President Mubarak’s resignation augured the emergence of a modern, democratic Egyptian society devoted to Western conceptions of individual liberty and equality before the law.
[More at American Thinker]
We have agreed on the rules of the protest on Facebook: We will remain peaceful. We will not use sectarian or party-political slogans or posters. The Muslim Brothers may not carry religious symbols. Everything shall remain civil. Everything shall be done according to democratic procedures.
Hamed Abdel-Samad, Tagebuch aus Ägypten: Mein Land, meine Leute, meine Revolution (Diary from Egypt: My Country, my people, my revolution), in: Welt Online, 5/2/2011 (my translation)
Cairo: February 3, 2011. (By Mary Abdelmassih AINA) — News of a massacre of two Christian Coptic families by Islamists just emerged from Upper Egypt with the return of the Internet connections after a week of Internet blackout by the Egyptian regime. The massacre took place on Sunday, January 30 at 3 PM in the village of Sharona near Maghagha, Minya province. Two Islamists groups, aided by the Muslim neighbors, descended on the roof of houses owned by Copts, killing eleven Copts, including children, and seriously injuring four others.
Anba Agathon, Bishop of Maghagha, told Coptic activist Dr. Mona Roman in a televised interview on Al-Karma TV that the killers are their neighbors, who seized the opportunity of the mayhem prevailing in Egypt and the absence of police protection to slaughter the Copts. He said that he visited today the four injured Copts, who escaped death despite being shot, at Maghagha General Hospital and they told him that they recognized the main attackers as they come from the same village of Sharona. They gave the Bishop details of what happened.
Pakistan Christian Post, 5/2/2011
The unit assigned by Nasrallah for the jail-break consisted of 25 trained Hizballah and Hamas gunmen. When the riots erupted in Egypt, they started making their way from Gaza to Egypt via smuggling tunnels. On the way, they picked up weapons and explosives in El Arish, northern Sinai, under cover of an onslaught armed Palestinians and Bedouin had launched against Egyptian security forces – partly for this purpose.
The break-out team was met at the Suez Canal by Muslim Brotherhood activists who ferried them across to Ismailia on the western bank by Egyptian smuggling boats. From there, they were driven to the Wadi Natrun prison, one of the largest in Egypt, to be briefed outside by former MB inmates on the guard and security arrangements in the jail and the locations of the cells holding the Hizballah, Hamas and Brotherhood convicts.
US president cautions that ‘entire world is watching’; says issues at stake in Egypt would not be resolved through violence
[JPost/AP, today]
Ah, good.
To give you a sense of the level of dishonesty this stooge is willing to stoop to for his new patron, here’s what he told ABC [wearing a green tie; RR] earlier today:
“This is total bogus that the Muslim Brotherhood are religiously conservative,” he said. “They are no way extremists. They are no way using violence. They are not a majority of the Egyptian people. They will not be more than maybe 20 percent of the Egyptian people.
“You have to include them like, you know, new evangelical, you know, groups in the U.S., like the orthodox Jews in Jerusalem,” ElBaradei said.
He said the Islamists were “not at all” behind the uprising.
Continue reading Mohamed ElBaradei and the Muslim Brotherhood – two sides of the same taqiyya coin
An interview from 2004 on her experiences as a Christian in Lebanon and Israel:
For another, much shorter one from January 2011 about the developments in Egypt click here.