“Libyan Freedom”: Some more details about William Hague’s, Daphne Caruana Galizia’s and a few others’ allies in toppling Gaddafi

Here are three things Americans need to know about the Libyan “rebels” the U.S. government isn’t telling us.
One: The inspiration of the Libyan war is as much anti-Western as it is anti-Gadhafi.
The “Day of Rage” that kick-started the Libyan war on Feb. 17 marked the fifth anniversary of violent protests in Benghazi, which included an assault on the Italian consulate during which at least 11 were killed. […]
Two: The anti-Gadhafi, anti-Western forces that NATO power has brought to apparent victory through an air war and not-so-secret deployment of special forces (so far costing U.S. taxpayers $1 billion) include jihadist forces the U.S. and NATO allies have been fighting for the past decade in Iraq and Afghanistan. Continue reading “Libyan Freedom”: Some more details about William Hague’s, Daphne Caruana Galizia’s and a few others’ allies in toppling Gaddafi

Durban II and the Human Rights Watch religion

A few days ago an organization called Human Rights Watch called on a well-known mad anti-Semitic führer committed to the destruction of Israel, to renounce on a great deal of his “identity”, leaving from now on one different people or religion, as well as freedom of expression, in peace:

Human Rights Watch called on Ahmadinejad to use his presence at the UN racism conference to announce an end to repression of the Baha’i people in Iran and a commitment to allow freedom of expression – an essential protection in the fight against racism worldwide.

It has done so not without hinting at the repeated elimination threats by exactly the same führer and other members of his clique against Israel, the Jewish State (oh, well, okay, even if without any reference to his proxies’ ongoing real actions in various countries aimed at making these very threats true).

What does this teach us? Continue reading Durban II and the Human Rights Watch religion

Empathy for anti-Semitic and anti-American Angstlust

“[T]hey are symbols of pride and wealth and arrogance. To put up such buildings is the most extreme sort of arrogance, and vulnerability is thus built into them. And the attacks against these buildings – by way of these attacks, one can erase one’s own feelings of powerlessness and one’s own humiliations and transform them into the powerlessness and humiliation of one’s opponent….And that evokes [sic.] drastic and dramatic reactions and bellicose reactions, and that’s what makes it so dangerous and so disastrous to attack and to destroy precisely these symbols.”

Who said that? What? “Adolf Hitler or maybe Mohamed Atta,” you say? Just because of that slip: “they are” in the beginning? No! It was “Wolfgang Benz: the historian and director of Berlin’s Institute for Research on Anti-Semitism,” of course, in a public German discussion in Berlin that took place shortly after the jihadistic attack on the Twin Towers.

Un’altra ragione per passare questo week-end a Vienna…

… e protestare domenica contro la collaborazione europea con il nazi-freak Ahmedinejad e i suoi compagni anti-imperialisti (mullah e non):

Se si crede a Regnar Rasmussen, che ha lavorato come interprete e analista presso le Forze Speciali dell’esercito danese, e poi nel Dipartimento di polizia criminale del suo Paese, la chiave del problema nucleare iraniano è che nel 1991 il presidente del Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaiev ha venduto tre testate nucleari a Teheran […]

(Da La pulce di Voltaire)


(Forse, se io scrivessi qui fra parentesi “voli per Vienna”, “alberghi a Vienna”, “biglietti last minute per Vienna”, “pernottamento a Vienna” e “Hotel a Vienna” qui sotto comparirebbero anche degli annunci adeguati per chi fosse interessato a voli per Vienna e/o alberghi a Vienna…)

… ma forse vi assisterebbero anche gli organizzatori della manifestazione.)

Altre ragioni per acquistare biglietti last minute o prendere un treno per Vienna vengono fornite anche qui da “Spanish Pundit“.

“Neo-Nazis against ‘Jew Rally in Vienna'”

Neo-Nazis against “Jew Rally in Vienna”

The rally on the occasion of the impending Iranian atomic armament planned for September 30th drew the ire of Neo-Nazis: On the “Heimatschutz” (homeland protection) forum – a forum associated with the “Bund Freier Jugend” (BFJ – Alliance of Free Youth) – a certain “Heimdall” calls attention to the rally in a message titled “Judendemo in Wien” (Jew Rally in Vienna). A user under the revealing nickname “Brandsatz” (incendiary device) asks whether “countermeasures” should be taken. “Heimdall” then proposes to “unpack the Palestinian scarfs and support the anti-imperialists”. […]

Niente affari con i mullah iraniani!

Sembrerebbe una cosa ragionevole, no? Per decidersi basterebbe già, per esempio, dare un’occhiata al sito dell’Associazione Donne Democratiche Iraniane in Italia che abbiamo appena trovato seguendo un link dal sito “Lisistrata“. Invece, a dir poco, tutti, o quasi, i paesi dell’Europa parlano con una voce sola, quella di Beppe Grillo: “Accetto che Israele sia più a rischio di altri, l’Olocausto e tutto il resto.”

Niente affari con i mullah iraniani - manifestazione a Vienna 30 settembre 2007

Cliccare sul button a fianco per sapere di più sulle ragioni di una manifestazione contro la collaborazione austriaca, ma non solo, con il regime liberticida, omicida, antisemita di Teheran, per adesioni e/o, magari, per tradurre qualche testo del sito dal tedesco, dall’inglese, dal francese, dal farsi o dall’ebraico verso l’italiano.


Rally: “No Deals with the Iranian mullahs!”

No Deals with the Iranian mullahs!

Down with Iran’s atomic program and its Austrian and European supporters! It’s about Israel – and the remainder of political reason!

Sunday, September 30th 2007
18:00, Vienna, Stephansplatz

Organized by Café Critique and the Jewish community of Vienna (IKG)

Ahmadinejad calls for the annihilation of Israel on a regular basis. Iran’s former president Rafsanjani, considered in the West a ‘moderate,’ gushes over a single atomic bomb being sufficient enough to obliterate Israel. The nuclear weapons the Iranian mullahs intend to build threaten the whole world. There is no dialog to conduct with representatives of the Iranian dictatorship, which persecutes religious minorities such as the Baha’i and executes homosexuals. They are prepared to sacrifice the inhabitants of their very own country for their apocalyptic goals, on behalf of which they unleash yet the worst repressions against each and every effort among the population towards emancipation. That is to say: once they possess atomic weapons, politics of deterrence will prove ineffective. Whoever seeks to conduct a dialog and business with them, pursues the same appeasement which once facilitated a war in Europe that turned into the largest war of extermination in history.

Continue reading Rally: “No Deals with the Iranian mullahs!”

How peaceful! Four recent quotations regarding “public peace and order”

Public peace and order in Belgium:

Yesterday the Brussels Journal posted translated excerpts from an op-ed piece by Freddy Thielemans, the mayor of Brussels.Freddy Thielemans

I decided to forbid the September 11 demonstration “against the islamicisation of Europe.” […] Since 2001 I have allowed over 3,500 demonstrations. This is only the sixth one which I forbid. […] The right to demonstrate exists only inasmuch as it does not cause a disturbance of the public peace and order. […] First and foremost the organizers have chosen the symbolic date of 9/11. The intention is obviously to [conflate] the terrorist activities of Muslim extremists on the one hand and Islam as a religion and all Muslims on the other hand.

(Gates of Vienna, 21/8/2007)

Continue reading How peaceful! Four recent quotations regarding “public peace and order”

“An Italian Perspective on Anti-Americanism”…

ist die Einleitung zu einem Beitrag von Erica Alini in “Davids Medienkritik” überschrieben. Auch die daran sich anschließende Diskussion ist lesenswert.

Erica Alini is an Italian graduate student studying international relations in the United States and a respected colleague. She opposed the Iraq war, yet recognizes the very real problem of anti-Americanism in Europe. The following is a piece she wrote in late 2004 for “The American Online.” It is a must-read and Erica has been kind enough to personally grant us permission to run the entire article:

Ugly Americani
By Erica Alini

A little blue spark shines in the dark for an instant. Nothing. Second attempt. Same result. Third attempt. Nothing again. On the fourth try the little blue spark finally turns itself into a little flame. Not much, but just enough to light a cigarette. In the darkness I can see Michele’s chin and nose. Not his eyes. I hear him inhale the smoke, slowly and voluptuously. The red dot of his burning tobacco moves to the side: “Yeah, I understand your point. I know what you’re trying to say.” He lets the smoke out, careful not to blow it into my face. “But I can’t agree with it, we have to demonize them.”

“Them” is the Americans.

Hier ist der vollständige Essay zu finden.