Srebrenica – a report that gets a little closer to the real story

And today?

“‘Allahu Akbar’: Serbia’s Prime Minister Attacked In Srebrenica (video)

Linta condemns adoption of Srebrenica resolution in EP“:

[The President of the Coalition of Refugee Associations in Serbia, Miodrag] Linta appealed to the initiator of the Srebrenica resolution, Croatian MEP Ivan Jakovcic, to show that he is a principled and truth-loving politician and initiate a resolution in the EP that would condemn mass crimes during and after Operation Strom in 1995, when Croatian armed forces under the command of Janko Bobetko, Ante Gotovina and other Croatian generals killed more than 2,000 Serb prisoners and civilians and expelled around 220,000 Krajina Serbs in a matter of days.

Operation Storm is the largest-scale ethnic cleansing carried out in Europe after World War II, and the government of Croatia should declare August 5 a day of remembrance for all those who perished in the territory of Croatia, the release states.

The Islamic/Clintonista/EU jihad against the Serbs, the Jews, the USA, Western Civilization is bound to continue, also because truth and justice are not things most EU parliamentarians are interested in. And so…

Guskova: Terrorist attacks planned in Serbia, BiH and Macedonia in August

Daniel Greenfield: “Obama lässt hochrangigen El-Kaida-Terroristen frei, der Osamas Fatwas schrieb”

Unter den neuesten sechs Dschihadis, die von Obama im Rahmen seiner Mission aus Gitmo [dem Guantanamo-Gefangenenlager, Anm. d. Übers.] freigelassen wurden, ist auch Saad Masir Mukbl al Azani.

Die Gründe für die Freilassung von Saad sind offensichtlich.

1. Er wurde von anderen gefangen genommenen Terroristen als hochrangiges El-Kaida-Mitglied identifiziert.

2. Er erließ Fatwas, angeblich während er mit Osama bin Ladens religiösem Berater zusammen im Fatwa-Ausschuss saß. Das mag in den Ohren von Religion-des-Friedens-Typen gewaltfrei klingen, es bedeutete allerdings, dass er die Rechtfertigung für Terroranschläge lieferte.

3. Er half dabei, El-Kaida-Terroristen zu indoktrinieren, indem er sie den Koran lehrte.

Ich bin mir sicher, dass er, während er frei herumläuft, keineswegs wieder in seinen alten Job zurückkehren wird. Während Obamas Mund Geräusche über die ‚Bekämpfung des gewalttätigen Extremismus‘ von sich gibt, hört er nicht auf, erfahrene Führer an El Kaida und ISIS zurückzusenden.

[Übersetzung aus dem Englischen: Ralph Raschen; engl. Originalfassung erschienen in Frontpage Mag, 17.6.2015.]

Illegale Siedlungen in Israel – eine Hand wäscht die andere

Während der Islamische Staat und andere Barbaren ihre Augen auf die Eroberung Roms richten, hilft die EU tatkräftig bei der Einkreisung Jerusalems (während der Iran das mit ganz Israel tut).

Womit? Mit illegalen Siedlungen natürlich.

Earlier this month, Regavim unveiled a report showing that the European Union is actively building illegal Palestinian outposts in and around Jerusalem to the detriment of Israel. The news came as a shock to millions of Israelis, who learned that hundreds of buildings bearing EU flags were popping up across Jerusalem and Area C of Judea and Samaria, which according to the Oslo II Accords is under total Israeli control.

Moments after the news went public, an order was given by the prime minister to deal with these structures irrespective of who built them. It would seem that after years of research into this new phenomena, the Israeli government is finally taking baby steps to restore the rule of law. Continue reading Illegale Siedlungen in Israel – eine Hand wäscht die andere

“All of the Middle East is Iranian”… and all of the EU is Iran’s Quisling

In Tehran, “Top presidential adviser Ali Younesi”

said Monday [today] that Iran is once again an empire whose influence extends to Iraq and beyond. […] “The geography of Iran and Iraq cannot be divided. All of the Middle East is Iranian,” Younesi declared, warning that no one had the right to oppose Iran’s influence in the region. The people now living in neighboring countries are also Iranian “because their countries were separated from the empire east and west.”

In New York, also today, the current “High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy” and a “Vice-President of the European Commission”, Federica Mogherini, had this to say before the United Nations Security Council:

[We] have never been so close to what could be a turning point in the history of Iran’s relation with the West. And with the region. We should not waste such a historical opportunity.

“In Israel’s hour of need”

Netanyahu is not coming to Washington next Tuesday to warn Congress against Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, because he seeks a fight with Obama. Netanyahu has devoted the last six years to avoiding a fight with Obama, often at great cost to Israel’s national security and to his own political position.

Netanyahu is coming to Washington next week because Obama has left him no choice. And all decent people of good will should support him, and those who do not, and those who are silent, should be called out for their treachery and cowardice.

From Caroline Glick’s newest column in the Jerusalem Post

Ralph Raschen: “Federica Mogherini and Freedom of speech”

Let’s not say any more that Muslims are victims of terrorism too. The EU foreign policy head Federica Mogherini shows that by this you only give her another tool for lying with the truth.

[Read the rest of the article written by me at Canada Free Press]

Kerry Intifada: Jen Psaki strongly condemns something

Or doesn’t she… Anyway, just “talking about the Israelis, the Palestinians – any who are involved in these […] rhetoric-raising incidents”, victims, perpetrators, defenders, anyone:

“We strongly condemn the stabbing today in the West Bank, and we deeply regret the loss of life,” State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said, in a statement made before soldier Almog Shiloni, who was critically wounded in the Tel Aviv attack, died of his wounds.

“Our condolences go out to the victim’s family. It is absolutely critical that parties take every possible measure to protect civilians and de-escalate tensions,” added Psaki.

To be more precise, “Jen von Psaki-Ribbentrop” (Jin Nib), allegedly “speak[ing] to all of them” (meaning both murders), said according to the State department itself:

We strongly condemn the stabbings – [ahem!] the stabbing today in the West Bank and we deeply regret the loss of life. Our condolences go out to the victim’s family. It is absolutely critical that parties take every possible measure to protect civilians and de-escalate tensions.

Continue reading Kerry Intifada: Jen Psaki strongly condemns something

Hamas says Thank You for billions of “Gaza reconstruction” dollars and Kerry et al.’s ideological support

Baby Murdered in Jerusalem Terror Attack
Hamas terrorist from Silwan runs over pedestrians leaving light rail; 8 injured. Infant dies of wounds.

Daniel Greenfield: “Hollywoods islamische Lügen”

Im wirklichen Leben sind Terroristen fast immer Moslems. Im Kino sind sie alles Mögliche, nur das nicht. In amerikanischen Fiction-Produktionen verbringen Geheimagenten, Undercover-Agenten und einzelgängerische Bullen, die nur ihren eigenen Spielregeln gehorchen, mehr Zeit damit, serbische Terroristen zu bekämpfen, als damit, moslemische Terroristen zu bekämpfen.

Bevor der Elfte September die Party vermasselte, kämpfte Jack Bauer in der Fernsehserie 24 – Twenty Four gegen die internationale Bedrohung, die im serbischen Terrorismus bestand. Serbische Terroristen tauchten auch im Kinofilm Diplomatic Siege (Diplomatische Belagerung) von 1999, wo deren „Serbische Befreiungsfront“ eine US-Botschaft besetzte, und im Film Projekt: Peacemaker von 1997 auf, in dem George Clooney sich beeilt, einen Serben daran zu hindern, eine Atombombe in New York City zu zünden. Continue reading Daniel Greenfield: “Hollywoods islamische Lügen”

Daniel Greenfield: “Der wahre Genozid in Gaza”

Die Hamas ist keine verfolgte Minderheit, die sich gegen ihre Unterdrücker zur Wehr setzt. Sie ist ein Vorposten einer nach Suprematie strebenden sunnitisch-moslemischen Mehrheitsorganisation, die in der gesamten Region Minderheiten terrorisiert. Ihre Mission besteht in der Fortführung des tausendjährigen Projekts des islamischen Kolonialismus, das in der Zerstörung indigener Kulturen und Religionen besteht.

Die Juden Jerusalems stehen dem wie die Christen Mossuls zufällig im Wege. Die Charta der Hamas lässt keinen Zweifel an der genozidalen Mission der Hamas bestehen. Aber jede islamistische Gruppe, deren Mission darin besteht, die absolute Herrschaft des Islam durchzusetzen, ist ebenso der ethnischen Säuberung von nichtmoslemischen und sogar moslemischen Bevölkerungen verpflichtet. Continue reading Daniel Greenfield: “Der wahre Genozid in Gaza”

Just after three slain Jewish teens have been buried, media hungry for escalation of Islamic annihilation war on Jews

Never mind if it should eventually turn out that an (Israeli) Arab gay teenager was sacrificed on the altar of anti-Semitism, “heroically” killing two birds with one stone.

For nearly three weeks, international media outlets found it tough to relate to the abduction and murder of Eyal Yifrah, Gil-Ad Sha’ar and Naftali Fraenkel. To them, the story that seized Jews in Israel and abroad was an insignificant, if unhappy, story that was not worthy of front-page coverage. What a difference a day makes: As of this writing , Britain’s BBC and Guardian websites, and American CNN, USA Today and ABC websites feature the murder of Muhammad Hussein Abu Khdeir this morning, plus extensive footage of the rioting. All mentioned the possibility that  the murder could have been a revenge attack for the triple homicide of the teenage “settlers,” but none mentioned the police’s primary avenue of investigation at the moment: A Palestinian honor killing related to the possibility that the victim was homosexual.

The most important thing being to make pathic projections like “Israel provoziert dritte Intifada” (“Israel provokes third Intifada” – headline of the German “green” tageszeitung on the day of the burial of Eyal Yifrah, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Fraenkel) seem true.



Caroline Glick: “[W]e are witnessing how a nuclear armed Iran is changing the face of the Middle East.”

“[W]hether the negotiations go on forever or end at a certain point, the result won’t be a train wreck. It will be Iran with a nuclear bomb or nuclear arsenal in its basement, waiting for a propitious moment to conduct a nuclear weapons test or attack.”, 6/2/2014.

Ralph Raschen: “Negotiations or just Dictates?”

Can there be any doubt any more that the the current US administration, the EU, the UN (with its “Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People”), the PA and Iran are now all working hand in hand and increasingly hard to weaken Israel, while re-strengthening Iran, just as the world’s anti-Semites have always wished would happen?

[Read the rest of the article written by me at Canada Free Press]

“The steady rain of missiles from Gaza continues.

Another rocket fired by Palestinian terrorists struck the Chof Ashkelon region of southern Israel this afternoon at 2:00 pm. Note the missile counts in the right hand column of this blog []; hardly a morning, afternoon, evening, or night passes without finding southern Israelis running for their lives to their bomb shelters.

There is no reportage of these missile attacks anywhere in the international media.”, today.