Of the “larglely secular” Libyan and Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood

Fifty Libyan Muslim Brotherhood mercenaries arrived in the Gaza Strip from Tripoli last month – in time to take part in the Jihad Islami’s last missile offensive against Israel starting Oct. 29, DEBKAfile‘s military sources report. They arrived at the wheels of minivans on which were mounted the new Grad multiple rocket-launchers which Palestinian terrorists fired for the first time last month. These mobile rocket-launchers were last seen on the Libyan battlefield in use against Muammar Qaddafi’s army.

The 50 mercenaries did not bother to paint over the Libyan national colors or replace the trucks’ Libyan license plates. Jihad Islami fighters kept them sequestered away from awkward questions about who sent them.

Gazan sources report the Libyan mercenaries left Tripoli on October 10 aboard two buses which drove them via Benghazi to Tobruk. They then entered Egypt as tourists.
On Oct. 21, the day Muammar Qaddafi was killed, they crossed the Suez Canal into the Sinai Peninsula. [DEBKAfile, today (more)]

Hello Daphne Caruana Galizia, come take another look here, please!

I still detest crucifixes. They make me shudder. My reaction to them is no different than it is to other depictions of torture, which I cannot bear to look at.
Daphne Caruana Galizia, November 2009

It seems to me that I have found a few more “catharsis” videos featuring your Libyan “rebels” tormenting Muammar al-Gaddafi. Maybe you would like to publish these on your blog too, as an encore! 😉

They are here.

I haven’t watched them myself (I had seen a few others already, in which your “rebels” acted as if they were just slaughtering cattle, and those were enough for me), but if your theory saying that certain atrocities, or better, using your word again, the “catharses,” committed by the “rebels” are just a consequence of what the poor Libyans have “been through” under Gaddafi, then already from the textual description of the videos it seems that they have “been through” quite a variety of things – under the infidel dog: Continue reading Hello Daphne Caruana Galizia, come take another look here, please!

Compulsory for whom it may concern: Preventative explanation vis-a-vis any future accusations leveled against Daphne Caruana Galizia of having promoted Islamic jihad in Libya, Malta and beyond

“Ein Gedankenstrich ist zumeist ein Strich durch den Gedanken.” – Karl Kraus

In the near or in a farther future, some people will certainly try to hurt Maltese columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia by suggesting that she did not warn of the dangers of the “Libyan revolution.” Apart from the fact that it is highly questionable whether such is the task of a true journalist (since when are journalists responsible for anything having to do with the truth or even for the promotion of mass murder?), for all critical people who intend to defend her from any of those attacks, here is some evidence to the fact that her accusers will indeed be totally wrong. Continue reading Compulsory for whom it may concern: Preventative explanation vis-a-vis any future accusations leveled against Daphne Caruana Galizia of having promoted Islamic jihad in Libya, Malta and beyond

Experiment in peacefully reconciling by “cut-up” technique certain divergent European and Arab views of the “Libyan revolution”

A heartfelt welcome by thousands upon thousands of free Libyans greeted the NTC Head Jalil’s maiden speech yesterday on MARTYRS’ SQUARE, Tripoli, to bear witness to the popularity of the Revolution that ousted rutless despot Khadafi after using his fire power to massacre his own people in their thousands! Bin-Laden’s comments were accompanied by a speech by new Al Qaeda chief, Ayman al-Zawahri, who claimed credit on behalf of his terror group for the “Arab spring” uprisings against dictators in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, and other countries. Continue reading Experiment in peacefully reconciling by “cut-up” technique certain divergent European and Arab views of the “Libyan revolution”

“Libyan Freedom”: Some more details about William Hague’s, Daphne Caruana Galizia’s and a few others’ allies in toppling Gaddafi

Here are three things Americans need to know about the Libyan “rebels” the U.S. government isn’t telling us.
One: The inspiration of the Libyan war is as much anti-Western as it is anti-Gadhafi.
The “Day of Rage” that kick-started the Libyan war on Feb. 17 marked the fifth anniversary of violent protests in Benghazi, which included an assault on the Italian consulate during which at least 11 were killed. […]
Two: The anti-Gadhafi, anti-Western forces that NATO power has brought to apparent victory through an air war and not-so-secret deployment of special forces (so far costing U.S. taxpayers $1 billion) include jihadist forces the U.S. and NATO allies have been fighting for the past decade in Iraq and Afghanistan. Continue reading “Libyan Freedom”: Some more details about William Hague’s, Daphne Caruana Galizia’s and a few others’ allies in toppling Gaddafi

“Al-Qaeda? Rubbish!” Revolution romantic Daphne Caruana Galizia was probably totally wrong

An al Qaeda branch known as the Al-jamaa Al-islamiya Al-Mokatila is widely believed to be closely associated with rebel leader Mustafa Abdul Jalil and suspected of murdering the rebel commander Maj. Gen. Abdel-Fattah Younis on his behalf. This confirms Muammar Qaddafi’s long-held allegations that al Qaeda is part of rebel ranks. Still, Paris and London […]

DEBKAfile news feed, 6/8/2011