“Ja, was ist nur mit dieser ‘deutschen’ Jugend los” (Anabel Schunke)!

Anabel Schunke hat sich auf Facebook über die Bild-Zeitung empört, weil die am Samstag ganz unschuldig-neutral “Wochenende der Jugend-Gewalt in Deutschland!” getitelt hat.
Ich habe gerade versucht, bei Anabel Schunke auf Facebook durch einen Kommentar zu vermitteln, aber es scheint, dass Facebook meinen Kommentar als Spam markiert hat. (Dass Facebook mich “zensiert”, kann ich mir natürlich nicht vorstellen!)
Daher veröffentliche ich ihn jetzt einfach mal hier (leicht verändert), dann geht er wenigstens nicht ganz verloren: Continue reading “Ja, was ist nur mit dieser ‘deutschen’ Jugend los” (Anabel Schunke)!

“We con the world” video clip on Wejew.com (and as ringtone)

Update, 3/10/2010:

I have extracted a “ringtone” from the video. You may want to download it by right-clicking here and saving it on your computer.

“We con the World” blocked by YouTube

Of course it is YouTube‘s legal right to block videos for fear of legal and financial consequences, but the question is: How come they fear this in the case of a real piece of satiric art which is completely independent from the “original,” whose artistic quality is that of a banal advertisement.

From the blog The Cassandra Effect:

Google (Don’t be Evil) has just blocked the video of We con the world – the parody song from LatmaTV.   From Caroline Glick:

As Israel went offline for the Jewish sabbath, YouTube removed most versions of Latma’s hit parody song We Con the World. If you try to access the song on YouTube you receive the notification:
This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Warner/ Chappell Music, Inc. .
Copyright experts we advised with before posting the song told us in no uncertain terms that we were within our rights to use the song because we did so in accordance with the Fair Use Doctrine. The Fair Use Doctrine, copied and pasted below from the US Copyright Office stipulates that it is legal and permissible to use copyrighted material under the fair use doctrine for purposes of parody.

Copyright attorneys also warned us that given our clearly lawful use of the song We are the World, if anyone wished to silence our voices, they wouldn’t target us. Instead they would target YouTube. It is YouTube’s standard practice to remove any material that they receive even the flimsiest threat for because the company wishes to avoid all litigation.

At the same time, this is not YouTube’s first move to silence Israeli voices. During Operation Cast Lead, the IDF Spokesman’s Unit established a YouTube channel and began posting combat footage on its channel to bypass the anti-Israel media and go directly to news consumers.
Shortly after the IDF channel began making waves, YouTube – which is owned by Google – removed IDF videos from the website. After the move evoked a storm of protest, YouTube restored them but flagged the videos in the same manner it flags pornography. People trying to access the videos received a screen saying, “This video or group may contain content that is inappropriate for some users, as flagged by YouTube’s user community. To view this video or group please verify that you are 18 or older by singing in and signing up.”
Here’s a link to the write-up of the YouTube move.
If YouTube didn’t already have a track record for censoring pro-Israel material, I would say that despite the obviously frivolous and unsubstantiated nature of the copyright claim against We Con the World, the company was simply erring on the side of caution.

Strange that a search of “Song Parody” on youTube reveals 858,000 hits.  Most are hit song parodies flat out stealing the underlying music and even video from the musician.  But somehow or another, those are ok – but a song by Jews poking fun at the Gaza flotilla’s true intentions MUST BE BLOCKED!  The top hit is a Shakira song with over 32 Million views, ext a Britney Spears video with 29 Million, Katy Perry with 28 Million, and Lady Gaga with 27 Million views.  And I am supposed to believe that those song parodies are fine with exposure of nearly 10 times the viewership and years of availability on youtubes site, while a Jewish parody with 3 million views and a week of exposure on youtube is wrong?  I call Bull$hit on this

Two things I need you to do

1) Defend Free Speech – Support Latma

2) Email YouTube and Demand that all song parodies be blocked – email them about every single individual song – a huge driver of their content is the music video – if they won’t protect free speech and fair use, then they should apply their rules EQUALLY across the board -there nearly a million song parodies waiting – get to work dear readers!

If you’re interested in watching or downloading the video (there exists some free software for doing this, and if you still want to be nice to Google, “google” for it) at the time of this posting at least some links still work, among them the upper one here. To check (later) for other, newer, and hopefully more stable  links I recommend visiting Caroline Glick’s blog. She has just announced that a download link for the video will be posted there tomorrow.

The peaceful Gaza “freedom flotilla” song: We con the world

With subtitles in Hebrew:

With English subtitles [and changed on 12/6/2010 to a probably more reliable video clip site than YouTube]:

Urgent press release: Prof. Arnold Cassola explained and put in context

When, on April 27th, Prof. Arnold “Ghandi” Cassola, “Alternattiva Demokratika spokesperson on EU and International Affairs,” stated on his blog that:

Of course, any shooting against anybody is totally un warranted[,] [sic, italics added]

he was trying to compress two distinct statements into one single too short sentence, possibly causing some confusion to readers. Apparently he was pressed too hard by his, Alternattiva Demokratika’s, and the-Maltese-people-as-a-whole’s acute “full square” solidarity with the new Maltese non-violent anti-Zionist anti-siege hero “La Paloma” Bianca Zammit.


Prof. Cassola probably meant to say: Continue reading Urgent press release: Prof. Arnold Cassola explained and put in context

Rogue nation building: Barack Hussein Obama macht Old Europe’s Träume wahr

[US-Präsident] Obama hat [dem israelischen Premierminister] Netanjahu noch ein weiteres Ultimatum gestellt. Er will, dass wir die Außenbezirke von Jerusalem aufgeben, alle unsere Antiterror-Operationen in Judäa und Samaria beenden, 1000 Terroristen aus dem Gefängnis freilassen und alle jüdische Bautätigkeit in Jerusalem beenden, und er will eine Antwort bis morgen – Schabbat. Will irgendjemand ernsthaft behaupten, dass dieser Mann kein Antisemit sei?


Und außerdem gibt es da, wie mein Freund Michael Ledeen hervorhebt, noch die Tatsache, dass die [US-amerikanische] Administration ihr Bestehen darauf, dass es Juden nicht erlaubt werden dürfe, unsere Eigentumsrechte am Shepherd-Hotel in Jerusalem geltend zu machen, damit rechtfertigt, dass das Gebäude das Heim des Naziagenten Haj Amin al-Husseini gewesen sei. Das heißt, die USA ergreifen für einen Nazikriegsverbrecher gegen die Juden Partei.

[Caroline Glick, 26.3.2010 (Übersetzung: Ralph Raschen)]

Wie es möglicherweise weitergeht, wenn es so weitergeht wie bisher, wird im “Tribal Update” der israelischen Site Latma mittels eines “Interviews” mit Obama höchstpersönlich – etwa ab der dritten Minute des folgenden Videos – satirisch näher erklärt.

Swedes get their anti-Semitism from their Abba’s milk

From Caroline Glick’s blog (15/09/2009)

Three weeks ago Sweden’s Aftonblodet mass circulation tabloid published a blood libel against Israel in which the IDF was accused of killing Palestinians to harvest their organs. Then last week Norway’s government decided to divest the government pension fund from Israeli defense contractor Elbit because it manufactures electronic sensors used on Israel’s security fence.

They disinvest (don’t buy anything anymore from) an Israeli company that has contributed to save the lives of scores of Jews (and Arabs) by effectively preventing antisemitic terror attacks, while they and all the other European states have continued their anti-Semitic and anti-American monologue with the mullahs of Iran, with Hezbollah and Hamas, for decades now, making big businesses with the former, who are funding and arming the latter (the “former” axis powers Germany and Italy are still the first commercial partners of the Iranian Jihadist state), constituting by this a protective shield for a regime whose first aim is a second mass-murder of Jews on an industrial scale, which declares this openly, and which is working feverishly to achieve that goal.

Seems almost logical, given that the Euros could not get enough already of bombing mercilessly the Serbs, another group of preferred victims of the Nazis (and Muslims) in World War II and before, in the Nineties, and are not worried at all, instead, about a real case of barbaric organ harvesting, perpetrated by their (and the US democrats’) friends and allies, the “ethnic Albanians”, who abducted many Serbs and then extracted and sold their organs, while the pacifist Javier Solana had NATO bomb the rest of them. While the German tabloid “Bild” ran the title “They [the Serbs, “of course”] are driving them [Albanians] into the concentration camp!”, and while those who forced Albanians and Serbs to flee were the members of the Albanian terrorist army KLA, who threatened any Albanian who preferred to stay (with the “dirty Serbs”, with the Gypsies, with the few left Jews); and Solana’s, Fischer’s, Clinton’s, Albright’s, Joe Biden’s NATO bombs.

On Caroline Glick’s website there is also something much more funny (in English) from her satire site Latma:

Fischer für Konfrontation am Persischen Golf

Joschka Fischer, der natürlich nicht so ein “Faschist” und nicht so ein US-Vasall wie dieser uneuropäische Berlusconi, ja noch nicht einmal ein Medienzar/-magnat, sondern, mnäää, vielleicht eher immer noch ein Medienmagnet und außerdem auf seinem langen Lauf zu sich selbst zu einem ausgesprochen geschulten Signalgeber geworden ist, Joschka Fischer hat, wenn wir seine vielfach in nahezu kreisrunden Sätzen gefunkten Signale zu den Kernfragen der Zeit Montag dieser Woche in der “Zeit” richtig verstanden haben, ein sich dank den Präsidentschaftswahlen in den USA bald eröffnendes Machtvakuum am Persischen Golf ausgemacht, in das die EU, die mit Friedenspolitik (wir denken hier insbesondere an die Anerkennungspolitik und die Kriege zwecks Zerstörung Jugoslawiens) schließlich schon ganz tolle Erfahrungen gemacht habe, den Irak (USA-Domäne) umgehend, mittels Assoziation mit den Diktaturen am Persischen Golf flink reinstoßen sollte.

Bitte überprüfen Sie selbst in der “Zeit”, ob wir mit unserer Fischer-Exegese Recht haben, und geben Sie uns kurz Bescheid, falls nicht! Wir haben nämlich selber eigentlich recht wenig Zeit. Danke!

Mnäää… dies vorausgeschickt, finden wir jedenfalls fürs Erste: Continue reading Fischer für Konfrontation am Persischen Golf