Some utterances of EU “foreign policy chief” Federica Mogherini in connection with Israel and/or of some import for it (and the entire free world)

“From Lebanese territory toward Israel are departing demonstrative rockets which are produced on a small scale and which are not being launched in order to really hit, but only in order to signal the living resistance/existence [(r)esistenza in vita] […].” (2009)

The world is my constituency.” (2013)

“We need a Palestinian state […].” (2014)

“I think Jerusalem can be and should be the capital of two states.” (2014)

“The message is not for the people who live here, the message is to the rest of the world. It is not a Palestinian-Israeli situation, it is a global issue.” (2014)

“The E3/EU+3 and the Islamic Republic of Iran welcome this [h]istoric joint comprehensive plan of action which will ensure that Iran’s nuclear program will be excluseleavy [sic] paceful [sic] and mark a fundamental shift in their approach to this issue.” (2015)

Al-Jazeera, leitmedium of the global anti-Semitic mob

While the anti-Semitic Muslim Brotherhood, “Egypt’s largest Islamist group, is poised to win the largest share of the vote in parliamentary elections,” […] “the man who appears to have a clear shot at the presidency, Amr Moussa, has made his name criticizing Israel[,] and a large majority of respondents favor amending or revoking the cornerstone of regional stability, the Camp David Accords;” while Turkey, a member of the “Western” NATO alliance, gives Iran a helping hand in its efforts to “wipe Israel off the map;” and while David Cameron and others are already reflecting publicly on helping the “Arab Spring” spread further (should the Arab League request or allow it), as Pamela Geller reports, Al-Jazeera, the leitmedium of the “Arab Spring” and of its “western” supporters has an anti-Semitic cartoon on its online front page today, depicting Gaddafi as a ‘Jewish animal’.

In April, Pamela Geller wrote about that “Jihad TV” channel:

It’s clear to any objective observer that al-Jazeera is sympathetic to the global jihad, and a strong case can be made that it is complicit in those jihadist activities. In November 2010, ninety-one American, Israeli and Canadian victims of Hizballah rocket attacks filed an unprecedented lawsuit against Al-Jazeera in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, charging that al-Jazeera “intentionally provided real-time coverage of the locations of missile strikes inside Israel in violation of Israeli security regulations, thereby enabling Hezbollah to aim its missiles more accurately.”

Egypt: The audacity of h… Hizballah

The unit assigned by Nasrallah for the jail-break consisted of 25 trained Hizballah and Hamas gunmen. When the riots erupted in Egypt, they started making their way from Gaza to Egypt via smuggling tunnels. On the way, they picked up weapons and explosives in El Arish, northern Sinai, under cover of an onslaught armed Palestinians and Bedouin had launched against Egyptian security forces – partly for this purpose.

The break-out team was met at the Suez Canal by Muslim Brotherhood activists who ferried them across to Ismailia on the western bank by Egyptian smuggling boats. From there, they were driven to the Wadi Natrun prison, one of the largest in Egypt, to be briefed outside by former MB inmates on the guard and security arrangements in the jail and the locations of the cells holding the Hizballah, Hamas and Brotherhood convicts.

[DEBKAfile, 4/2/2011]

US president cautions that ‘entire world is watching’; says issues at stake in Egypt would not be resolved through violence

[JPost/AP, today]

Ah, good.

Urgent press release: Prof. Arnold Cassola explained and put in context

When, on April 27th, Prof. Arnold “Ghandi” Cassola, “Alternattiva Demokratika spokesperson on EU and International Affairs,” stated on his blog that:

Of course, any shooting against anybody is totally un warranted[,] [sic, italics added]

he was trying to compress two distinct statements into one single too short sentence, possibly causing some confusion to readers. Apparently he was pressed too hard by his, Alternattiva Demokratika’s, and the-Maltese-people-as-a-whole’s acute “full square” solidarity with the new Maltese non-violent anti-Zionist anti-siege hero “La Paloma” Bianca Zammit.


Prof. Cassola probably meant to say: Continue reading Urgent press release: Prof. Arnold Cassola explained and put in context

L’Italia è campione d’Europa (2)

In un post recente avevamo riferito che “a detta del comandante italiano Graziano, [l’hezbollah] collabora tanto bene con l’UNIFIL nel Libano“. Ci siamo invece dimenticati di aggiungere che il generale Graziano sembra soffrire di una falsa modestia veramente fuori luogo, poiché anche il rovescio della medaglia, e cioè il fatto che, viceversa, anche l’Unifil non collabora maluccio con i terroristi dell’hezbollah, è, per così dire, carino. Ad esempio, all’inizio di marzo

attivisti armati di hezbollah […] che guidavano un autocarro pieno d’esplosivi, minacciarono il battaglione italiano dell’UNIFIL con le armi. Invece di usare la forza, come richiesto dal loro mandato, i soldati dell’Onu abbandonarono il posto.

L’organizzazione antisemitica Hezbollah, da parte sua, secondo una dichiarazione recente del suo segretario generale Nasrallah, si considera tuttora in guerra con Israele (“die Jüdische” del 05/09/2008) e sembra anche più massicciamente armata di prima di quella nuova “missione di pace” voluta da gente come Prodi, D’Alema e Rice.

Dire che uno più uno fa due, e cioè che l’UNIFIL è servito e serve a camuffare e con ciò a sostenere i preparativi di guerra di sterminio dell’Iran contro Israele, sarebbe tuttavia molto esagerato. E sarebbe ancora peggio dire che tutto questo sarebbe stato previsto già dall’allora presidente di consiglio Romano Prodi quando si impegnò tanto per impedire ad Israele di sconfiggere efficacemente quelli che intendono annientarla, arrivando perfino a proporre come mediatore per la risoluzione “pacifica” del conflitto fra Hezbollah e Israele proprio un rappresantante dei tele-comandanti dei terroristi jihadisti, l’iraniano Ali Larijani.

Eh no: e non si può proprio dire che, come ebbe a dire il defunto presidente del Consiglio centrale degli Ebrei in Germania, Paul Spiegel, “dietro il grido di pace si trincerano gli assassini”! Non si può!

Perché l’Hezbollah (e cioè l’Iran) ha vinto il Libano

Per rendere possibile il facile trionfo di Hezbollah era necessario che moltissime forze voltassero le spalle alle forze democratiche del Libano. Era necessario che moltissimi attori facessero finta di non vedere il riarmo di Hezbollah finanziato dall’Iran e dalla Siria durante gli ultimi due anni. Era necessario che moltissimi attori ignorassero e, con ciò, esacerbassero le debolezze interne del movimento del 14 marzo e del governo Siniora da esso creato. Era necessario che moltissimi paesi ed organizzazioni internazionali accettassero la finzione che l’esercito libanese ricevesse i suoi ordini dal governo libanese eletto.

Caroline Glick (traduzione nostra)