The Mavi Marmara Palmer Commission Findings: The Absurd Notion of ‘Excessive Force’*

Turkish photo made on board of beaten IDF soldier (this photo was chosen as 'picture of the year' in a Turkish photo contest)
An IDF soldier beaten by Turkish humanitarians on board the Mavi Marmara (this photo was chosen as Turkish 'picture of the year')


It appears that the publication of the United Nations’ Palmer Commission findings on the Mavi Marmara flotilla incident that occurred on May 31, 2010 will finally be published on Friday. The publication of the report has been repeatedly delayed by U.N. General Secretary Ban Ki Moon on the basis that Israel and Turkey have been working toward some accommodation that would render the Report unnecessary. Continue reading The Mavi Marmara Palmer Commission Findings: The Absurd Notion of ‘Excessive Force’*

Gesti tedeschi e gesta (filo-)islamiche

Screenshot:, 11/7/2010, ore 0.39

Mentre il calciatore turco-tedesco Mesut Özil fa il saluto nazista in Sudafrica (vedi screenshot da, 11/7/2010, ore 0.39) poco dopo che il parlamento tedesco ha approvato unanimemente una resolutione in cui si chiede ad Israele la cessazione del blocco di Gaza, in altre parole: la “ri-liberalizzazione” del traffico d’armi destinato ad Hamas nonché la facilitazione della circolazione di terroristi antisemiti in Israele, affinché i racket islamisti possano continuare meno disturbati da misure di difesa israeliane a sterminare altri sei milioni di ebrei,  “[i] «pacifisti» a senso unico ci riprovano a mettere in piedi una nuova flottiglia per sbarcare a Gaza. Gli amici italiani di Ha­mas sono in prima linea. Si in­contrano con i diplomatici tur­chi dell’ambasciata a Roma e an­nunciano che sono già pronte sei navi delle 20 previste. L’istitu­to israeliano per l’antiterrori­smo di Herzilya denuncia che si tratta di «una nuova flottiglia del­la guerra santa» pronta a salpare in settembre e punta il dito con­tro gli organizzatori italiani.” (Il Giornale, 8/7/2010)

The first real “official” dead victim of the Turkish-led Islamist “freedom flotilla”

Given that, as opposed to the Turkish “activists” or the Iranian MPs vowing to arrive next, Yehushua Sofer did not seek “martyrdom” for free, will the Turkish prime minister Erdogan apologize and pay compensation to his family? Or will his associate European or US “peace activists”? Or the EU, the “honest broker”, which in the meantime has already jumped on Erdogan’s bandwagon pressing hard for a further easing of the Gaza blockade?

Al-Aqsa Brigade claims attack
Photo by: Israel Police

A faction of Fatah’s al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade claimed responsibility for Monday’s terror attack in the Hebron Hills in which Israeli police officer Yehushua Sofer was killed, reported the Palestinian news agency Ma’an.
The attack came as a response to the raid on the Gaza aid flotilla, according to the report.


“Turks” and “Germans” parade in Malta to celebrate the “freedom flotilla”

Some newspaper headlines can lie much better than (non-doctored) videos: Who are the victims of Gaza? The inhabitants of Gaza City? All of them? And what did Gaza City do to them? “Free” them of all Jews?

If, by Gaza, the Hamas-run political entity is meant, the demonstration celebrated by the Times of Malta on the 4th of June was certainly not in favor of any victims, it was a demonstration in solidarity with (real and wannabe)  Jew murderers. And it seems that some demonstrators very much wanted this to be quite clear, so clear that the brave Maltese police had to intervene.

Two sieges in one
The following statement made by the Times of Malta might be true:

The organisations supporting the event were Alternattiva Demokratika Zaghzagh, the Arabic Cultural Information Society (ACIS), Euro-Med, Kopin (Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali – Malta), Moviment Azzjoni Xellug, Moviment Graffitti, Peace lab, Stand4Palestine – Malta, Third World Group and Zminijietna.

Maltese citizens hit out at ‘peaceful’ protesters: “They sought confrontation and got the confrontation they wanted”

“The activists’ effort […] cannot be considered other than violent and illegal. There is no other way to define a concerted and well planned action which seeks to prevent another from carrying out his lawful activities,” the federation said.

Curious? Read more in “The Times of Malta(stan),” 5/6/2010. Hint: Although it is about ships with a certain kind of careerists aboard, the article doesn’t deal with the anti-Semitic “freedom flotilla,” rather with fish, but if you are not an anti-Semite, you have to hold your nose only if you read that and other articles on that site, too.

Turkish-led “peaceful” Jihad flotilla ship MV Rachel Corrie is on its way to Gaza from Malta

This was reported some hours ago by the blog The Muqata which is currently providing much material about the “peacefulness” of the deadly anti-Semitic Hamas support “show” strongly sustained by the Jihadist Turkish prime minister Erdogan.

Erdogan, according to Wikipedia, “was given a prison sentence [in 1998] after he had read poetry regarded as a violation of Kemalism by judges. It included lines translated as ‘The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers…'” (Before reading that, I was quite sure that he had read the quoted sentence aloud, approvingly, and enthusiastically, to a large public, but Wikipedia will certainly know better! He read it secretly under his bedspread.)

The Muqata has published, among others, a photograph of one of the faithful present on one of the “peaceful protest” flotilla:

Continue reading Turkish-led “peaceful” Jihad flotilla ship MV Rachel Corrie is on its way to Gaza from Malta