Daniel Greenfield: Identity Politics and American Anti-Semitism

When Robert Bowers walked through the door of the Tree of Life synagogue with murder on his mind, he was propelled by identity politics. As a white supremacist, his brand of identity politics is more politically incorrect than the ones that led Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour of the Women’s March to support Louis Farrakhan, but it’s no more violent, racist or evil.

Before the massacre, the most recent high profile anti-Semitic attack had been carried out by a Muslim who was caught on video beating a Jewish man while shouting about, “Allah” and his hatred for Jews.

Another hate crime, also caught on video, was a violent assault with a baseball bat by a black man.

Such assaults are less devastating than the mass murder of eleven people, but also much more commonplace. They repeat from month to month and year to year. They make up much of the toll of anti-Semitic hate crimes so that they top the list of hate crime statistics every single year.

The Tree of Life massacre has been greeted with editorials mourning a “loss of innocence” by American Jews. Such editorials come from a bubble of privilege that is cut off from the way many Jews live.

In 1991, New York City’s first black mayor stood and watched while a violent mob whipped up, by among others, Al Sharpton, went on a violent anti-Semitic rampage in Crown Heights. The Crown Heights Pogrom, as it would become known, took three lives and terrorized a neighborhood.

Sharpton, the black supremacist linked to the anti-Semitic violence, went on to speak at the Democratic National Convention, host a show on MSNBC and become a regular visitor to the Obama White House.

The distance between Crown Heights and Squirrel Hill is more than mere geography, it’s social and cultural. Anti-Semitic violence by black supremacists and Muslim terrorists tends to happen in poorer, urban neighborhoods and is directed against a poorer and more religious class of Jews. White supremacist attacks tend to target more suburban, prosperous and less diverse Jewish areas.

Those are home to the same Jewish populations who are much more likely to write editorials about a loss of innocence. But innocence is a privilege that Jews in poorer urban neighborhoods never had.

> Read the rest of this great essay at “Sultan Knish”

Julia Gorin: “Big Picture Grand Strategy in Israel=Strategy in Balkans: Divide and Conquer the Infidel”

Below is an old email from Melana, who used to run Serbblog. I found it as instructive today as ever, so I’m finally posting it, though I’d meant to do so when she first wrote it back in 2008:

I had mixed feelings about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for a long time. While I had always admired brave little Israel — a sort of David against the Goliath Arab-Muslim world surrounding it — I had also met some Palestinians (some of them Christians) with horror stories about what happened to them at the hands of Israelis some years ago. Then one day, I met an Armenian woman from Lebanon who sort of set me straight.

This Lebanese Christian woman told me that she too had sympathized with the Palestinians (as had many Lebanese) — until they destroyed her country. Lebanon had been the Switzerland of the Middle East — beautiful, prosperous and comfortably multi-religious — until they took in the Palestinians when none of the other Muslim Arab countries would.

But the Palestinians used their new ‘home’ in Lebanon as nothing more than a base to launch attacks on Israel and to eventually start a civil war between Muslims and Christians in Lebanon. She thinks that this was part of their plan — and this is why Palestinians came to a mixed Christian/Muslim country and not to another purely Muslim country like Jordan (which was actually the ’settlement land/country’ in return for the founding of Israel.) It was part of the Muslim plan to get Lebanese Christians to hate Israel as much as Muslims hated Israel, so that eventually all Christians and the Western World might hate Israel, too. (Much like hating the Christian Serbs for what happened to Muslims in Yugoslavia, at the same time when we in the U.S. are fighting radical Islamic terrorists who perpetrated 9/11. Divide us against ourselves and we spend our energy fighting each other, instead of fighting our real enemy — militant Islam.)

Continue reading on Republican Riot (2 November 2015) 

Daniel Greenfield: “Barack Obama, wiedergeborener Jude”

Obama stellte sich der Nation als Sohn schwarzer und weißer Eltern vor. Seitdem hat er zwischen Christentum und Islam gependelt wie ein Schürzenjäger in einer Bar.

Um seine identitätspolitische Dreifaltigkeit zu komplettieren, hat er jetzt eine dritte Religion und und eine dritte Rasse hinzugefügt.

Beim letzten Chanukka-Dinner im Weißen Haus behauptete er, er habe eine jüdische Seele. In einer Synagogenrede im vergangenen Monat bezeichnete er sich als „ein Ehrenmitglied des Stammes“. Jetzt hat sein ehemaliger leitender Berater ihn mit den Worten zitiert: „Ich denke, ich bin das Nächste zu einem Juden, das je in diesem Büro gesessen hat.“

Selbstverständlich ist Barack Obama auch Ire. Er behauptete: „Ich betrachte mich als Ehrenitaliener, weil ich alles liebe, was italienisch ist.“ Newsweek nannte ihn 2008 den „ersten weiblichen Präsidenten“, weil er „Genderkonventionen“ durchbrochen habe, und beförderte ihn vier Jahre später zum „ersten schwulen Präsidenten“. Kabinettssekretär Lu und der Kongressabgeordnete Honda behaupteten, er sei „der erste asiatisch-amerikanische Präsident“. Continue reading Daniel Greenfield: “Barack Obama, wiedergeborener Jude”

The Supreme Leader of Iran already made it clear that the war will continue

until America is destroyed. That may be the only common ground he has with Obama. Both America and Iran are governed by fanatics who believe that America is the source of all evil. Both believe that it needs to be destroyed.

Carter made the Islamic Revolution possible. Obama is enabling its nuclear revolution.

Today Tehran and Washington D.C. are united by a deep distrust of America, distaste for the West and a violent hatred of Israel. This deal is the product of that mutually incomprehensible unity. It is not meant to stop Iran from getting a nuclear bomb. It is meant to stop America and Israel from stopping it.

The deal assumes that Iran wants lower electricity rates. Iran’s constitution tells us that it wants Jihad. And unlike Obama, Iran’s leaders can be trusted to live up to their Constitution.
Source: Daniel Greenfield, The Myth of Iran’s Peaceful Nuclear Program, 23 July 2015

Daniel Greenfield: “Obama lässt hochrangigen El-Kaida-Terroristen frei, der Osamas Fatwas schrieb”

Unter den neuesten sechs Dschihadis, die von Obama im Rahmen seiner Mission aus Gitmo [dem Guantanamo-Gefangenenlager, Anm. d. Übers.] freigelassen wurden, ist auch Saad Masir Mukbl al Azani.

Die Gründe für die Freilassung von Saad sind offensichtlich.

1. Er wurde von anderen gefangen genommenen Terroristen als hochrangiges El-Kaida-Mitglied identifiziert.

2. Er erließ Fatwas, angeblich während er mit Osama bin Ladens religiösem Berater zusammen im Fatwa-Ausschuss saß. Das mag in den Ohren von Religion-des-Friedens-Typen gewaltfrei klingen, es bedeutete allerdings, dass er die Rechtfertigung für Terroranschläge lieferte.

3. Er half dabei, El-Kaida-Terroristen zu indoktrinieren, indem er sie den Koran lehrte.

Ich bin mir sicher, dass er, während er frei herumläuft, keineswegs wieder in seinen alten Job zurückkehren wird. Während Obamas Mund Geräusche über die ‚Bekämpfung des gewalttätigen Extremismus‘ von sich gibt, hört er nicht auf, erfahrene Führer an El Kaida und ISIS zurückzusenden.

[Übersetzung aus dem Englischen: Ralph Raschen; engl. Originalfassung erschienen in Frontpage Mag, 17.6.2015.]

Daniel Greenfield: “Hollywoods islamische Lügen”

Im wirklichen Leben sind Terroristen fast immer Moslems. Im Kino sind sie alles Mögliche, nur das nicht. In amerikanischen Fiction-Produktionen verbringen Geheimagenten, Undercover-Agenten und einzelgängerische Bullen, die nur ihren eigenen Spielregeln gehorchen, mehr Zeit damit, serbische Terroristen zu bekämpfen, als damit, moslemische Terroristen zu bekämpfen.

Bevor der Elfte September die Party vermasselte, kämpfte Jack Bauer in der Fernsehserie 24 – Twenty Four gegen die internationale Bedrohung, die im serbischen Terrorismus bestand. Serbische Terroristen tauchten auch im Kinofilm Diplomatic Siege (Diplomatische Belagerung) von 1999, wo deren „Serbische Befreiungsfront“ eine US-Botschaft besetzte, und im Film Projekt: Peacemaker von 1997 auf, in dem George Clooney sich beeilt, einen Serben daran zu hindern, eine Atombombe in New York City zu zünden. Continue reading Daniel Greenfield: “Hollywoods islamische Lügen”

Daniel Greenfield: “Der wahre Genozid in Gaza”

Die Hamas ist keine verfolgte Minderheit, die sich gegen ihre Unterdrücker zur Wehr setzt. Sie ist ein Vorposten einer nach Suprematie strebenden sunnitisch-moslemischen Mehrheitsorganisation, die in der gesamten Region Minderheiten terrorisiert. Ihre Mission besteht in der Fortführung des tausendjährigen Projekts des islamischen Kolonialismus, das in der Zerstörung indigener Kulturen und Religionen besteht.

Die Juden Jerusalems stehen dem wie die Christen Mossuls zufällig im Wege. Die Charta der Hamas lässt keinen Zweifel an der genozidalen Mission der Hamas bestehen. Aber jede islamistische Gruppe, deren Mission darin besteht, die absolute Herrschaft des Islam durchzusetzen, ist ebenso der ethnischen Säuberung von nichtmoslemischen und sogar moslemischen Bevölkerungen verpflichtet. Continue reading Daniel Greenfield: “Der wahre Genozid in Gaza”

Perché bombardare la Siria non aiuterà Israele

di Daniel Greenfield

Uno degli argomenti più noti per bombardare la Siria è che questo aiuterà Israele.

Israele non ha bisogno di questo tipo di aiuto. Gli israeliani distrussero con successo un reattore nucleare siriano nel 2007. Durante la guerra civile siriana, Israele lanciò una serie di colpi contro bersagli siriani. Semmai, un intervento della NATO inibirà la capacità di Israele di operare nello spazio aereo siriano, visto che – come avvenne durante la guerra del Golfo – Israele è tenuto fuori dal conflitto per motivi politici, e cioè per evitare di offendere i musulmani. Continue reading Perché bombardare la Siria non aiuterà Israele

The tragedy of Gaza, the Naqba and more tragedies, seen from a humanitarian-progressive point of view

When I visited Gaza in July, I met a brave fighter who showed me a knife which his grandfather used to slit the throat of a Jew in Hebron in 1933, and his father used in a raid on a farmhouse in 1962 and which he hopes to use one day as well. There is both romance and practical necessity in this. The criminal Israeli siege of Gaza allows through food and clothing, but not knives. Many Gazans must make do with a single knife for the entire family. Only one of them is able to use the knife at a time. If the grandmother of a large family wants to slice bread while her grandson breaks into a settlement to slit a baby’s throat– she has no choice but to starve. … [More at Sultan Knish]


Islam is peaceful.

At least that is the likely defense of Rafiqi Islam, a loving husband, who told his wife that he had a present for her, blindfolded her to make it a surprise and then cut off her fingers. Then the rest of the Islam family mopped up the blood, while Mr. Islam threw her fingers into the trash, and after a few hours took her to the hospital where they warned her to tell the doctors that she had an accident.

[From Sultan Knish – you can continue to read here.]

East Jerusalem

Today East Jerusalem is on the table. Before the 1967 war liberated Jerusalem, Jordanian snipers from illegally annexed East Jerusalem used nearby Jewish buildings for target practice. Residents had to keep their curtains closed and the lights dim in rooms with a view of East Jerusalem, because if they didn’t, they might be killed in their own living rooms.

Only when Israel liberated East Jerusalem, only then could the shades be pulled back and the lights be lit brightly again. But with missiles raining down today, if East Jerusalem is turned over to the terrorists, then those shades will have to be drawn shut again, and the light will die out.

That light will die out not only in Jerusalem, but all around the world. Everywhere that terrorists are and everywhere that they dream of being. Everywhere. If we don’t keep the light lit, then the darkness will grow and the light will be lost.

Sultan Knish, 28/20/1010