Yes and with an interesting pass-partout justification:
Foreign Minister Tonio Borg said Kosovo was being recognised because there was no other alternative for the region following the events of the past 10 years.
Given that the first on-line comment (and further fatherly völkisch instigation)
Well done, Dr Borg! What is Malta’s position on the Georgia conflict (Abkhazia & Ossetia)?
on that news on came from somebody with a quite-German-sounding name (Martin Büttner), it might perhaps be good to remind the few people who would like to know what kind of events have happened continuously in the region over the past 10 years – even if Mr. Borg may not have meant exactly the events that happened in that region itself. The following is just one example.
In Kosovo, meanwhile, U.S.- and German-led NATO has helped the Albanian Muslims cleanse just about all the Christians (except the ones in the last remaining Serbian stronghold of Northern Mitrovica — which we’ll be beating into submission to Muslim-Albanian rule in a few weeks). Specifically, recall the story of how German NATO were placing yellow crosses on the homes of the remaining Serbs in Albanian-dominated areas. This way, the Albanians knew which homes to firebomb or harass until the occupants left:
Early next morning we went in German KFOR jeeps to visit the nearby village of Mushnikovo [in Zupa valley]… I noticed that the doors of the surrounding houses had yellow markers on them. On some houses it looked like an X, on others it looked like a cross. I asked the German soldiers what these yellow crosses were doing on these doors. I received an answer I could scarcely believe. The young soldier, whom I later photographed, informed me that these were used to denote that Serbs lived in these houses. He said that people had to know which houses were inhabited by Serbs. I wondered why? So I then said to him. “You mean that you are highlighting the fact the Serbs are living in these houses by putting yellow crosses on their doors”. He nodded. I could hardly believe what I was hearing. The previous night the church and the house across from the church had been attacked by rocket propelled grenades and here was German KFOR marking out the houses which were later attacked by extremists. This seemed incomprehensible to me. I pointed out that they were denoting the religious affiliation of these people and outlining the fact that these were Christians in a predominantly Muslim village. I pointed out to the soldier that this was not the first time in their history that the German army had put markers on the doors of people perceived as unter-menschen.
Shortly afterwards, a German army officer came and asked me what my problem was. I pointed out that I was not the one with the problem. He explained that the reason that the yellow crosses were on the doors of the houses [was] that these houses had been searched for weapons and unexploded ordinance and were deemed “free’ of weapons. It was then that I really began to wonder if these people in charge really knew what they were doing. The Muslims, both Slavs and Albanians, in the village had no such markers on their houses. They had complete freedom to travel wherever they liked throughout Kosovo and harass and intimidate innocent members of other communities. The Serbs in the village had no such freedom of movement. I was aware that the Serbs and Roma and others were being cleared out of their villages and towns all around Kosovo and I wondered what information the KFOR soldiers on the ground were receiving from the NATO high command. Were they still being fed the propaganda that the few remaining elderly Christian Serbs were the enemy or were the threat?
From Republican Riot, July 15th, 2008
But fear not. In Malta itself now at least
[t]he European Commission’s Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities is organising a cartoons competition […] as part of its pan-European campaign called For Diversity Against Discrimination.
First prize: 700 Eurabios, second: 300.