Quotation of the week

“The Bush who understood that a stable tyranny is a threat to a vibrant democracy knew that Iran had to be defeated and its regime overthrown. The Bush who celebrated the shared values on which both the US and Israel are founded knew that those who seek Israel’s destruction will also never peacefully coexist with the US. If that Bush is still around, the time has come for him to act on those understandings. Before he leaves office he should embrace Israel as an ally and prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Not only will he secure the lives of millions of people. He will also secure his place in history.”

Caroline Glick

“The president speaks”

Die in der “Jerusalem Post” erscheinenden Einschätzungen der Situation Israels von Caroline Glick sind immer zur Lektüre zu empfehlen.

Direkt soll hier wenigstens auf eine hingewiesen werden, die am 14. Juni erschien; eine “Israel- und Amerikakritik”, die nicht gerade Antizionisten und Antisemiten aus der Seele spricht, sondern aufweist, wie weit es der antisemitische Wahn schon wieder gebracht hat.

According to media reports, [US president G.W.] Bush believes that five years after his last speech on the subject on June 24, 2002, the time has come for an updated assessment of the situation. A lot has happened in the last five years both in Israel and in Palestinian society. A good way to understand our present circumstances is to recall that last speech, where Bush laid out his “vision” to bring peace to the Middle East by establishing an independent, democratic Palestinian state next to Israel on the west bank of the Jordan River on land that the League of Nations mandated in 1922 was to be reserved for the Jewish homeland.

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in der “Jerusalem Post”.

PS: Selbstverständlich sollten und dürften sich auch überzeugte “USA-Kritiker” nicht gerade durch die Analysen Glicks bestätigt fühlen. Denn diese haben nichts mit dem hämischen Auftrumpfen gemein, wie es sich z.B. in der exemplarisch projektiven Suggestivfrage “Totgesiegt?” vor den brennenden Twin Towers auf der ersten “konkret”-Titelseite nach 9/11 äußerte.