Instability Spreading

by Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi
The American Spectator
September 19, 2011

Since the de facto downfall of the Gaddafi regime, much analysis has justifiably focused on the questions of Libya’s internal dynamics and future stability. However, the possible implications on the security of the wider region, extending south through the Sahel to Nigeria, have been less widely considered.

One cause for concern that should have been raised during NATO’s campaign in Libya was the fact that airstrikes did not target Gaddafi’s vast stockpiles of missiles and other arms. The predictable result of this massive error has been that several arms depots — including one that contains SA-7b Grail heat-seeking missiles imported by the Gaddafi regime from former Soviet bloc countries — have been found looted in Tripoli. Continue reading Instability Spreading

Experiment in peacefully reconciling by “cut-up” technique certain divergent European and Arab views of the “Libyan revolution”

A heartfelt welcome by thousands upon thousands of free Libyans greeted the NTC Head Jalil’s maiden speech yesterday on MARTYRS’ SQUARE, Tripoli, to bear witness to the popularity of the Revolution that ousted rutless despot Khadafi after using his fire power to massacre his own people in their thousands! Bin-Laden’s comments were accompanied by a speech by new Al Qaeda chief, Ayman al-Zawahri, who claimed credit on behalf of his terror group for the “Arab spring” uprisings against dictators in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, and other countries. Continue reading Experiment in peacefully reconciling by “cut-up” technique certain divergent European and Arab views of the “Libyan revolution”

Arab Nazi spring: Turkey stirs up jihad against Israel

While Egypt and Israel acted to cool the crisis in relations sparked by last Friday’s mob attack on the Israeli embassy, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan threatened another inflammatory speech against Israel during his Monday visit, Sept. 12 – this one from Tahrir Square in a bid to buy the popularity of the Arab street. Jerusalem and Washington are concerned that it will have the effect of stirring up anti-Israel riots in Egypt and Jordan, Israel’ second peace partner, as well as encouraging the Palestinian terrorist Jihad Islami lurking in Sinai to proceed with its threatened cross-border attack.


Why the Muslim Beard Bodes Trouble

To develop a thorough understanding of Islam, one must learn to “connect the dots.” For instance, Muslims who adhere to non problematic aspects of Islam, indirectly indicate their acceptance of problematic aspects of Islam—such as enmity for infidels, death for apostates, subjugation for women, and so on.

Consider the Muslim beard. Because Muhammad wanted his Muslims to look different from infidel Christians and Jews, he ordered them to “trim closely the moustache and grow the beard.” Accordingly, all Sunni schools of law maintain that it is forbidden, a “major sin,” for men to shave their beards—unless, of course, it is part of a stratagem against the infidel, in which case it is permissible. Continue reading Why the Muslim Beard Bodes Trouble

DEBKAfile reports: “Israeli embassy break-in led by Jam’a al-Islamiya of NY 1993 bombing”

In first new disclosures on the storming of Israel’s Cairo embassy which started Friday night, Sept. 9, DEBKAfile‘s counter-terror sources reveal that the mob was led by the terrorist Jama’a al-Islamiya, the Egyptian founding branch of Al Qaeda, and two other radical Egyptian Islamist groups.

DEBKAfile’s description of the events gives us also a rather ‘tangible idea’ of the current state of the so-called Arab spring (or of  “Libyan freedom,” as Maltese revolutionary columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia liked to call this thing once – of course not knowing what she was talking about):

DEBKAfile‘s intelligence sources also reveal that Egyptian security forces delayed for eight hours before tackling the mob smashing into the embassy building and rampaging inside – even after US Ambassador Anne Patterson interceded on behalf of the six Israel security officers barricaded in the embassy’s security room as the rabble battered on its steel door. Continue reading DEBKAfile reports: “Israeli embassy break-in led by Jam’a al-Islamiya of NY 1993 bombing”

Libya Burning

As troops aligned with the Libyan interim government continue to advance on the few remaining strongholds of Gaddafi loyalists — such as Bani Walid (where the tribal elders are refusing to surrender) — much debate is still raging over Libya’s future. Will the country emerge as a stable liberal democracy, will it be torn by ethnic and tribal divisions, or will it transform into an Islamist state? Continue reading Libya Burning

Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2011

This series was developed in order to collate some—by no means all—of the foulest instances of Muslim persecution of Christians that surface each month. It serves two purposes:

  1. Intrinsically, to document that which the mainstream media does not: habitual, if not chronic, Muslim persecution of Christians.
  2. Instrumentally, to show that such persecution is not “random,” but systematic and interrelated—that it is ultimately rooted in a Sharia inspired worldview. Continue reading Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2011

Quote of the day (from yesterday)

Anyone who cared to dig through the graveyards of Sudan already knew that Muslims mattered more than Africans to us. The sky full of jets that we dispatched to bomb Yugoslavia on behalf of Muslim terrorists never clouded the skies of Khartoum. But they did show up to bomb Tripoli so that Islamist thugs could begin torturing and murdering Africans.
Sultan Knish (Daniel Greenfield), Remembering Muslim Colonialism on September 11

“It’s damned obvious that we’re all going to breathe easier when [Gaddafi]’s gone.” (Daphne Caruana Galizia)*

It’s official (or “half-official,” in the US at least, now that the nice third “Arab Spring” job is almost done):

“A [US] defense official familiar with jihadist strategy said Islamists likely will emerge in power from the turmoil expected after the demise of the Gadhafi regime and the West will be partly to blame.
“We’re helping pave the way for them” through NATO airstrikes and other support, he said.
About 1,000 jihadists are operating covertly in Libya, Noman Benotman, a former Libyan al Qaeda member, told The Washington Times in March.”**

“Celebration, man!” Another war victory against the US with much help from the US itself (Kosovo style)!

Btw, does anyone remember which state promoted the UN Security Council resolution for a “no-fly zone” in Libya in the beginning? I think I do: Lebanon. The unofficial province of Iran. In other words, Hezbollah (the Lebanese “Party of God”).
*) (25/2/2011)
**) Washington Times, 4/9/2011.

Al-Jazeera, leitmedium of the global anti-Semitic mob

While the anti-Semitic Muslim Brotherhood, “Egypt’s largest Islamist group, is poised to win the largest share of the vote in parliamentary elections,” […] “the man who appears to have a clear shot at the presidency, Amr Moussa, has made his name criticizing Israel[,] and a large majority of respondents favor amending or revoking the cornerstone of regional stability, the Camp David Accords;” while Turkey, a member of the “Western” NATO alliance, gives Iran a helping hand in its efforts to “wipe Israel off the map;” and while David Cameron and others are already reflecting publicly on helping the “Arab Spring” spread further (should the Arab League request or allow it), as Pamela Geller reports, Al-Jazeera, the leitmedium of the “Arab Spring” and of its “western” supporters has an anti-Semitic cartoon on its online front page today, depicting Gaddafi as a ‘Jewish animal’.

In April, Pamela Geller wrote about that “Jihad TV” channel:

It’s clear to any objective observer that al-Jazeera is sympathetic to the global jihad, and a strong case can be made that it is complicit in those jihadist activities. In November 2010, ninety-one American, Israeli and Canadian victims of Hizballah rocket attacks filed an unprecedented lawsuit against Al-Jazeera in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, charging that al-Jazeera “intentionally provided real-time coverage of the locations of missile strikes inside Israel in violation of Israeli security regulations, thereby enabling Hezbollah to aim its missiles more accurately.”

The Mavi Marmara Palmer Commission Findings: The Absurd Notion of ‘Excessive Force’*

Turkish photo made on board of beaten IDF soldier (this photo was chosen as 'picture of the year' in a Turkish photo contest)
An IDF soldier beaten by Turkish humanitarians on board the Mavi Marmara (this photo was chosen as Turkish 'picture of the year')


It appears that the publication of the United Nations’ Palmer Commission findings on the Mavi Marmara flotilla incident that occurred on May 31, 2010 will finally be published on Friday. The publication of the report has been repeatedly delayed by U.N. General Secretary Ban Ki Moon on the basis that Israel and Turkey have been working toward some accommodation that would render the Report unnecessary. Continue reading The Mavi Marmara Palmer Commission Findings: The Absurd Notion of ‘Excessive Force’*

Which “people,” Ms Caruana Galizia?

“Zmien ikrah?
People had been waiting for this for decades.” – Daphne Caruana Galizia, 30/8/2011

How al-Qaeda got to rule in Tripoli
By Pepe Escobar

His name is Abdelhakim Belhaj. Some in the Middle East might have, but few in the West and across the world would have heard of him.

Time to catch up. Because the story of how an al-Qaeda asset turned out to be the top Libyan military commander in still war-torn Tripoli is bound to shatter – once again – that wilderness of mirrors that is the “war on terror”, as well as deeply compromising the carefully constructed propaganda of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO’s) “humanitarian” intervention in Libya. Continue reading Which “people,” Ms Caruana Galizia?

Meanwhile, concerning another nascent “Arab democracy”…

MK [Member of the Knesset – the Israeli parliament] Aryeh Eldad (National Union) has filed a parliamentary query in which he asks Defense Minister Ehud Barak why the IDF [Israeli Defence Forces] is ignoring testimony about Egyptian soldiers’ involvement in the murderous terror attacks near Eilat.

Several civilian eyewitnesses have said in press interviews that Egyptian soldiers were involved in the attacks. They said that they saw people in military fatigues shooting at them from within the Egyptian military positions, or right next to them.

Source: INN, 28/8/2011

Btw, Maltese Foreign Minister Tonio Borg just cannot stop offending Israel (among other states including Malta):

“I met Mustafa Mohammed Abdul Jalil, the chairman of the Transitional National Council, in Benghazi in July as well as other TNC ministers and they could be ministers in any other democratic country.”

“Libyan Freedom”: Some more details about William Hague’s, Daphne Caruana Galizia’s and a few others’ allies in toppling Gaddafi

Here are three things Americans need to know about the Libyan “rebels” the U.S. government isn’t telling us.
One: The inspiration of the Libyan war is as much anti-Western as it is anti-Gadhafi.
The “Day of Rage” that kick-started the Libyan war on Feb. 17 marked the fifth anniversary of violent protests in Benghazi, which included an assault on the Italian consulate during which at least 11 were killed. […]
Two: The anti-Gadhafi, anti-Western forces that NATO power has brought to apparent victory through an air war and not-so-secret deployment of special forces (so far costing U.S. taxpayers $1 billion) include jihadist forces the U.S. and NATO allies have been fighting for the past decade in Iraq and Afghanistan. Continue reading “Libyan Freedom”: Some more details about William Hague’s, Daphne Caruana Galizia’s and a few others’ allies in toppling Gaddafi