Times of Malta justifies anti-Semitic terror attack in Jerusalem

Last lines in its first article today about the attack:

Sirens echoed through the city as dozens of ambulances and fire engines raced to the scene.

An AFP correspondent at the scene said the attack hit the 174 bus which was headed for Maaleh Adumim, a sprawling Jewish settlement which lies just to the east of Jerusalem.

In all these days it has said nothing about all the other terror attacks happening in Israel on a daily basis again, with people injured and many in shock. Has it said something about the slaughter of almost an entire “settler” family, murdered in their sleep, without citing this just as a “justification” for some “revenge” of the IDF? I don’t remember. What I know is that it considers even the rest of Israel as a dangerously “sprawling settlement,” and Jews as some kind of dangerous cancer, just like Hamas, Ahmadinejad, and all the rest of the modern nazis do.

Irrelevant news from outside Daphne Caruana Galizia’s backyard (France, Iran, Syria)

“[Daphne – Because I am a NIMBY sort of person. I can barely work up interest in the Japan earthquake. But really, if you live in Malta you obviously have a strong interest in Gaddafi. And Gaddafi poses the sort of danger that Iran does not.]”

March 19, 2011 – Ebrahim Mehtari, a young political activist who was arrested and physically abused in prison during the post-election events of 2009, sustained several knife wounds last night in Paris when he was attacked by two men, one of whom was Iranian. An hour ago, Mehtari told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that as his assailants put a rope around his neck they used a knife to attack him. He could have faced a much more serious fate had the sound of a police car siren not suddenly scared them away. Continue reading Irrelevant news from outside Daphne Caruana Galizia’s backyard (France, Iran, Syria)

Weeping and Other Hysterics

Have Muslim Apologists Nothing More to Offer?

by Raymond Ibrahim
Hudson New York
March 14, 2011


Yet another little Egyptian “Intifada” against Christians

Nearly 4000 Muslims Attack Christian Homes in Egypt, Torch Church

Written by Mary Abdelmassih – aina.org
Friday, 04 March 2011

(AINA) — A mob of nearly four thousand Muslims has attacked Coptic homes this evening in the village of Soul, Atfif in Helwan Governorate, 30 kilometers from Cairo, and torched the Church of St. Mina and St. George. There are conflicting reports about the whereabouts of the Church pastor Father Yosha and three deacons who were at church; some say they died in the fire and some say they are being held captive by the Muslims inside the church.

Continue reading Yet another little Egyptian “Intifada” against Christians

By John Rosenthal: “Democracy or Jew-Hatred?”

More Evidence of Anti-Semitism at the Egypt Protests

There is massive evidence to be found in the Western media of anti-Semitism and “anti-Zionism” at the Egypt protests. But images in the flickr streams of amateur local photographers are even more shocking and unambiguous.
February 7, 2011 – by John Rosenthal

In response to my PJM article documenting anti-Semitic imagery at the Egyptian protests, I’ve received several comments — both in public and in private — suggesting that, nevertheless, anti-Semitic and/or “anti-Zionist” sentiment among the protestors has played only a marginal role. The assurances to this effect are typically based on the first-hand accounts of Western observers or English-speaking participants with Western contacts. These accounts are supposed somehow to trump the clear pictorial evidence to the contrary. Continue reading By John Rosenthal: “Democracy or Jew-Hatred?”

Beating the Cyrenaicans meaning the Euros too


“I will die a martyr!”

In a long, fiery speech broadcast by Libyan state TV Tuesday, Libya’s ruler Col. Muammar Qaddafi declared war on his enemies at home and abroad. He accused the Cyrenaicans of the East of conspiring to establish an Al Qaeda emirate that would bring the Americans over and create the same situation in Libya as in Afghanistan and Pakistan and threatened them with the fury of millions of Libyans.

[Source: DEBKAfile Exclusive Report February 22, 2011, 8:07 PM (GMT+02:00)]

Dr Tonio Borg’s dual concept of sovereignty and territorial integrity

It seems to me that a few hours ago I read that the Maltese Foreign Minister, Dr Tonio Borg, once again mumbled (or that he said much clearer and louder than ever before) that it is wrong to impose “our model of democracy” on the countries of the Maghreb. Or maybe he was just speaking about Libya. Yes, I think he was referring to Libya, as I remember too now that he also said more or less that one may not risk to help split up a sovereign state from the outside.
The Foreign Minister (and lawyer’s) statement reminded me of the fact that reportedly, when in Israel some time ago, he met with a representative of the Palestinian Authority (if I remember well it was Hanan Ashravi) in Jerusalem, which amounted, as a news editor told me, to a violation of the Oslo accords (at least by the representative of the PA involved), i.e. virtually to a coordinated (“Christian-Muslim”, so to speak) attack on the sovereignty of Israel.
I guess this means that, on one hand, as far as the Maghreb (or any country of the world except Israel) is concerned, the Maltese Foreign Minister and lawyer Tonio Borg is in favor of territorial integrity (even if that may cost some or even many many lives and even if that state continues to be led by one of the most brutal and ugly anti-Semitic fascists of the world), and that, on the other hand, as far as the Jewish state is concerned, he is not that shy instead and supports moves aimed at the violation of its sovereignty or even at its complete destruction, even if that could cost many many deaths – mainly of Jews).

I don’t know: may one call Dr Tonio Borg a terrorist supporter because of this? Well, of course not. Gaddafi certainly is not a terrorist, but rather just a Muslim statesman with his own ideas about democracy — Libyan ideas. Just like Tonio Borg has its own Maltese ones. And now please do not tell me that the case of Bianca Zammit and Dr Borg’s patriotic legal and diplomatic support for her against the bloody Zionists has got something to do with support for terrorism too, or even for anti-Semitism. Mind you: We clarified that question earlier already, at least as far as I remember.

Mit guten Vorsätzen…

Ich las den Koran, um bei einem Übergriff von Muslimen auf Nichtmuslime durch Worte helfen zu können und auf den Frieden des Islam verweisen zu können. Leider ist Gewalt gegen Andersgläubige im Koran ausdrücklich erwünscht. Andersgläubige werden sogar als minderwertige Wesen dargestellt. Oft hört man, dass man die Suren auch in den Kotext belassen muss, doch je mehr man ausholt, desto schlimmer werden die Suren Einige offenbaren sogar erst im Kotext ihren Gewaltaufruf.

Ich war vom Koran mehr geschockt als von Mein Kampf, aber das kann auch daran liegen, dass ich in Mein Kampf son Unfug erwartet habe, vom Koran aber nicht und völlig überrascht wurde, da doch unsere Regierung den Islam fördert und unterstützt.

Leserkommentar von “Koranleser”, in: Welt Online, 7/12/2011 [Grammatik und Interpunktion so im Original]

Egypt: The audacity of h… Hizballah

The unit assigned by Nasrallah for the jail-break consisted of 25 trained Hizballah and Hamas gunmen. When the riots erupted in Egypt, they started making their way from Gaza to Egypt via smuggling tunnels. On the way, they picked up weapons and explosives in El Arish, northern Sinai, under cover of an onslaught armed Palestinians and Bedouin had launched against Egyptian security forces – partly for this purpose.

The break-out team was met at the Suez Canal by Muslim Brotherhood activists who ferried them across to Ismailia on the western bank by Egyptian smuggling boats. From there, they were driven to the Wadi Natrun prison, one of the largest in Egypt, to be briefed outside by former MB inmates on the guard and security arrangements in the jail and the locations of the cells holding the Hizballah, Hamas and Brotherhood convicts.

[DEBKAfile, 4/2/2011]

US president cautions that ‘entire world is watching’; says issues at stake in Egypt would not be resolved through violence

[JPost/AP, today]

Ah, good.

Al-Jazeera Jihad TV

In January, 2007, Judea Pearl, whose son Daniel was kidnapped and executed by terrorists, wrote an article named “Another Perspective, or Jihad TV?” in the New York Times. “Al Jazeera’s editors choreograph a worldview in which an irreconcilable struggle rages between an evil-meaning Western oppressor and its helpless, righteous Arab victims,” Pearl explained. “Most worrisome, perhaps, it often reports on supposed Western conspiracies behind most Arab hardships or failings, thus fueling the sense of helplessness, humiliation and anger among Muslim youths and helping turn them into potential recruits for terrorist organizations.

INN, 1/2/2011

What most (demonstrating and not demonstrating) Egyptians liked in 2010

Eighty two percent of Egyptians support executing adulterers by stoning, 77% support whipping and cutting the hands off thieves. 84% support executing any Muslim who changes his religion.

Source: Caroline Glick, Clueless in Washington, 31/1/2011

“We con the world” video clip on Wejew.com (and as ringtone)

Update, 3/10/2010:

I have extracted a “ringtone” from the video. You may want to download it by right-clicking here and saving it on your computer.