Während der Islamische Staat und andere Barbaren ihre Augen auf die Eroberung Roms richten, hilft die EU tatkräftig bei der Einkreisung Jerusalems (während der Iran das mit ganz Israel tut).
Womit? Mit illegalen Siedlungen natürlich.
Earlier this month, Regavim unveiled a report showing that the European Union is actively building illegal Palestinian outposts in and around Jerusalem to the detriment of Israel. The news came as a shock to millions of Israelis, who learned that hundreds of buildings bearing EU flags were popping up across Jerusalem and Area C of Judea and Samaria, which according to the Oslo II Accords is under total Israeli control.
Moments after the news went public, an order was given by the prime minister to deal with these structures irrespective of who built them. It would seem that after years of research into this new phenomena, the Israeli government is finally taking baby steps to restore the rule of law. Continue reading Illegale Siedlungen in Israel – eine Hand wäscht die andere