Martin Sherman on the “debate” on “Jewish terrorism”: “Jewish hate crimes and vandalism are NOT terrorism”

We can and we do [b]urn children alive, execute murderous, inhuman, incomprehensible terror. And no, we’re no better than them…. – Sima Kadmon, “We’re no better than our enemies,” Ynet

They are no different than ISIS… this is Jewish jihadism, identical in every detail to Islamic jihadism –
Ron Ben-Yishai, Ynet

Israelis stab gay people and burn children. There isn’t a shred of slander, the slightest degree of exaggeration, in this dry description – Gideon Levy, Haaretz


The events of last week cast doubt on the ability of Israel to survive the merciless brutality that surrounds it.

Deplorable acts by fringe elements 

The insanity – and there is no other word to describe the frenzy that seized the public debate over acts, however heinous, perpetrated by a handful of individuals (some yet unidentified) – [sic; closing dash here, not after “society”, where it should be (I suspect the editor); RR] on the outermost fringe of Israeli society, betrayed a dangerous and dysfunctional disability in the nation’s capacity to order its priorities.

For in what is arguably the most fateful 60-day period in recent decades for the Jewish state, when all the nation’s energies should be focused with laser-like intensity on foiling the perilous Iran nuclear deal before Congress, attention has been diverted by sanctimonious hand-wringing and moralistic self-flagellation over crimes of individual perpetrators on the very margins of society.


It is an attempt to paint all ideo-political adversaries with the same brush; to taint with the delegitimizing stain of religious fanaticism, all those, who, for a variety of reasoned arguments – security imperatives, historical significance, national heritage, economic pragmatism – oppose p [sic] territorial concession and political appeasement in the conflict with the Palestinian-Arabs.

Source: The Jerusalem Post (online), 6 June 2015

“Who is the perpetrator, who is the victim?” German public TV “reporting” on the anti-Semitic Har Nof massacre – an example of the “balanced” German approach to the “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”

Blessed be your quality weapons, the wheels of your cars, your axes and kitchen knives. By Allah, these are stronger than the arsenals of our enemy, because [they are being used] according to Allah’s will. We are the soldiers of Allah. – Sultan Abu Al-Einein, Senior Advisor of Mahmoud Abbas and Member of the Fatah Central Committee, one day after the massacre

How beautiful is your Martyrdom. / You have placed a crown [upon my head] / … / O Ghassan and Uday, / who carried out the operation / blessed be your hands and the tips of your fingers. / Blessed be the womb that bore you /… / Yesterday [I gave] the most beautiful gift. / The Martyrs’ blood was not spilled in vain. / I am a Palestinian. – Mother of Uday Abu Jamal

That – in stark contrast to the Jews or even any other people for that matter – the Germans have learned a lot from the Holocaust has long been perfectly clear. So far, they have already played a leading role in preventing a “new Auschwitz” in Kosovo, Serbia, coincidentally defeating in the process once again their (former!) “arch-enemy”, the Serbs, and carving a second Albanian “state”, a Muslim one, out of sovereign Serbian territory, where now, after a series of anti-Serbian, anti-Christian pogroms, if not much else, you can at least make good money if you’re an Albanian Hitler look-alike. In fact, the Germans have learned so much so that in the evening after the horrific slaughter of five people (four Rabbis and a Druze policeman) and the wounding of 10 others in a synagogue in Jerusalem’s Har Nof neighborhood last November, an anchor of the major German public television station ZDF, Marietta Slomka, was able to stay perfectly “neutral” and – as they say in Italian – to “take things with philosophy” without letting even this story remind her and her public of anything.

The following is a commented unabridged translation of the entire introduction by Slomka and of the entire following “report” by a ZDF correspondent in Israel for the news program “Heute Journal”. Continue reading “Who is the perpetrator, who is the victim?” German public TV “reporting” on the anti-Semitic Har Nof massacre – an example of the “balanced” German approach to the “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”

The Supreme Leader of Iran already made it clear that the war will continue

until America is destroyed. That may be the only common ground he has with Obama. Both America and Iran are governed by fanatics who believe that America is the source of all evil. Both believe that it needs to be destroyed.

Carter made the Islamic Revolution possible. Obama is enabling its nuclear revolution.

Today Tehran and Washington D.C. are united by a deep distrust of America, distaste for the West and a violent hatred of Israel. This deal is the product of that mutually incomprehensible unity. It is not meant to stop Iran from getting a nuclear bomb. It is meant to stop America and Israel from stopping it.

The deal assumes that Iran wants lower electricity rates. Iran’s constitution tells us that it wants Jihad. And unlike Obama, Iran’s leaders can be trusted to live up to their Constitution.
Source: Daniel Greenfield, The Myth of Iran’s Peaceful Nuclear Program, 23 July 2015

Oops, someone (Israeli UN ambassador Ron Prosor) speaks the truth about what the “P5+1” and the UNSC have just done

Israel’s ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor took on the United Nations Security Council on Monday, just after it unanimously approved a draft resolution implementing the Iranian nuclear deal with the West.

“You have awarded a great prize to the most dangerous country in the world,” Prosor began. “I hate to be the one to spoil the party, but someone has to say the emperor has no clothes.”

Source: Arutz Sheva

Caroline Glick: Obamas Zeitalter des nuklearen Chaos (Einleitung und Übersetzung aus dem Englischen von Robert Rickler)

Weil Caroline Glick zu den wenigen Journalisten gehört, die Klartext reden und keine unterwürfige Selbstzensur betreiben, damit staatliche Zensur überflüssig wird, und somit dem Wort Journalismus seine ursprüngliche Bedeutung und seinen wahren Geist zurückgeben, und weil in den Kolumnen von Caroline Glick ein enormes Fachwissen enthalten ist, welches bedeutend besser ist als das der meisten “Nahost-Experten” sowohl in den Medien als auch an den Universitäten als auch in den politischen Parteien, habe ich zum 25. Mal eine dieser Kolumnen übersetzt.

Das englische Original “Obama’s age of nuclear chaos” findet man hier:


Obamas Zeitalter des nuklearen Chaos

(Autorin: Caroline Glick, übersetzt von Robert Rickler, Pressesprecher des “Freundeskreis Israel in Regensburg und Oberbayern e.V.”)

Am Dienstag (Anmerkung des Übersetzers: Das englische Original stammt vom 16. Juli 2015.) fuhren wir in ein neues Atomzeitalter.

Im alten Atomzeitalter hatte der von den USA angeführte Westen ein System zur Verhinderung der Verbreitung von Kernwaffen. Es hatte drei Komponenten: Sanktionen, Abschreckung und militärische Macht. In den vergangenen Jahren haben wir den erfolgreichen Einsatz aller drei gesehen.

In der Zeit nach dem Golfkrieg von 1991 verhängte der UN-Sicherheitsrat ein hartes Sanktionssystem gegen den Irak. Eines seiner Ziele war, den Irak an der Entwicklung von Atomwaffen zu hindern. Nach der US-geführten Invasion im Irak im Jahr 2003 haben wir gelernt, dass die Sanktionen erfolgreich waren. Saddam hatte sein Atomprogramm durch Sanktionsdruck weitgehend aufgegeben.

Die US-geführte Invasion im Irak erschreckte einige Schurkenstaaten in der Region. In den zwei bis drei Jahren unmittelbar nach der Invasion stieg Amerikas Abschreckungskraft zu ungeahnten Höhen.

Was die Militärmacht angeht, so wurde die kerntechnische Anlage, die der syrische Diktator Baschar al-Assad in Deir a-Zour mit iranischem Geld und nordkoreanischen Technikern gebaut hatte, nicht durch Sanktionen oder Abschreckung zerstört. Laut ausländischen Medienberichten beschloss Israel im September 2007, dass diese Pfade erfolglos wären, um die Verbreitung von Atomwaffen an Syrien zu verhindern.

Also befahl der damalige Ministerpräsident Ehud Olmert der IDF, sie zu zerstören. Der Ausbruch des syrischen Bürgerkriegs drei Jahre später hat Assad und seine iranischen Bosse bis heute daran gehindert, das Programm wiederherzustellen.

[Hier weiterlesen]

Caroline Glick: Das iranisch-amerikanische Nuklearprojekt (Einleitung und Übersetzung von Robert Rickler)

Weil Caroline Glick zu den wenigen Journalisten gehört, die Klartext reden und keine unterwürfige Selbstzensur betreiben, damit staatliche Zensur überflüssig wird, und somit dem Wort Journalismus seine ursprüngliche Bedeutung und seinen wahren Geist zurückgeben, und weil in den Kolumnen von Caroline Glick ein enormes Fachwissen enthalten ist, welches bedeutend besser ist als das der meisten “Nahost-Experten” sowohl in den Medien als auch an den Universitäten als auch in den politischen Parteien, habe ich zum 24. Mal eine dieser Kolumnen übersetzt.

Das englische Original “The Iranian-American nuclear project” findet man hier:


Das iranisch-amerikanische Nuklearprojekt

(Autorin: Caroline Glick, übersetzt von Robert Rickler, Pressesprecher des “Freundeskreis Israel in Regensburg und Oberbayern e.V.”)
Unter Präsident Barack Obama hat die USA eine Politik gegenüber dem Iran implementiert, die katastrophal ist speziell für Israel, im Allgemeinen für die US-Verbündeten im Nahen Osten und für die nationale Sicherheit der USA selbst.

Betrachten wir zunächst die bekannten Details des bald-zu-beschließenden Nuklearabkommens.
Continue reading Caroline Glick: Das iranisch-amerikanische Nuklearprojekt (Einleitung und Übersetzung von Robert Rickler)

Some utterances of EU “foreign policy chief” Federica Mogherini in connection with Israel and/or of some import for it (and the entire free world)

“From Lebanese territory toward Israel are departing demonstrative rockets which are produced on a small scale and which are not being launched in order to really hit, but only in order to signal the living resistance/existence [(r)esistenza in vita] […].” (2009)

The world is my constituency.” (2013)

“We need a Palestinian state […].” (2014)

“I think Jerusalem can be and should be the capital of two states.” (2014)

“The message is not for the people who live here, the message is to the rest of the world. It is not a Palestinian-Israeli situation, it is a global issue.” (2014)

“The E3/EU+3 and the Islamic Republic of Iran welcome this [h]istoric joint comprehensive plan of action which will ensure that Iran’s nuclear program will be excluseleavy [sic] paceful [sic] and mark a fundamental shift in their approach to this issue.” (2015)

Pushing harder to push the Jews out of their own land by means of illegal settlements

Now the Obama administration seems to care even less about the Oslo Accords into which the Clinton administration pressured the tiny state of Israel, enabling a bunch of defeated terrorists to set up a “legal” anti-Semitic terror base within what should be Israel’s own sovereign territory: State Dept. Tells Israel to Leave Illegal Arab Settlement.

As Adolf Hitler stressed: “Menschenrecht bricht Staatsrecht” (“human rights trump state law”) – while it is “us” who define what is a “human right” and what is not, at least when it comes to the Jews of Israel (or, well, to the Serbs).

Trust Mogherini, Trust Rouhani, Trust Obama, and Trust especially John #Kerry, Comrade! Trust their “#IranDeal”, and Celebrate Hope and Peace Today!

For verily, they are not illiterates at all!

In May of 2013, Iranian president Hassan Rouhani bragged on Iran’s state IRIB TV that “only the illiterate” would believe “the lie” that “everything was suspended” on the nuclear program when Rouhani served as the chief negotiator from 2003-2005.

As reported by The Times of Israel,

He proceeded to detail how Iran, in fact, had flagrantly breached the October 2003 “Tehran Declaration,” which he said “was supposed to outline how everything should be suspended.” Although Iran issued a joint statement with visiting EU ministers in October 2003 setting out its pledged obligations under the Tehran Declaration, in practice, Rouhani said in the interview, “We did not let that happen!”

From: The TowerDeal Will Give Iran 24 Days to Cover Up Suspected Nuclear Sites, 14 July 2015.

Illegale Siedlungen in Israel – eine Hand wäscht die andere

Während der Islamische Staat und andere Barbaren ihre Augen auf die Eroberung Roms richten, hilft die EU tatkräftig bei der Einkreisung Jerusalems (während der Iran das mit ganz Israel tut).

Womit? Mit illegalen Siedlungen natürlich.

Earlier this month, Regavim unveiled a report showing that the European Union is actively building illegal Palestinian outposts in and around Jerusalem to the detriment of Israel. The news came as a shock to millions of Israelis, who learned that hundreds of buildings bearing EU flags were popping up across Jerusalem and Area C of Judea and Samaria, which according to the Oslo II Accords is under total Israeli control.

Moments after the news went public, an order was given by the prime minister to deal with these structures irrespective of who built them. It would seem that after years of research into this new phenomena, the Israeli government is finally taking baby steps to restore the rule of law. Continue reading Illegale Siedlungen in Israel – eine Hand wäscht die andere

Kerry Intifada: Jen Psaki strongly condemns something

Or doesn’t she… Anyway, just “talking about the Israelis, the Palestinians – any who are involved in these […] rhetoric-raising incidents”, victims, perpetrators, defenders, anyone:

“We strongly condemn the stabbing today in the West Bank, and we deeply regret the loss of life,” State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said, in a statement made before soldier Almog Shiloni, who was critically wounded in the Tel Aviv attack, died of his wounds.

“Our condolences go out to the victim’s family. It is absolutely critical that parties take every possible measure to protect civilians and de-escalate tensions,” added Psaki.

To be more precise, “Jen von Psaki-Ribbentrop” (Jin Nib), allegedly “speak[ing] to all of them” (meaning both murders), said according to the State department itself:

We strongly condemn the stabbings – [ahem!] the stabbing today in the West Bank and we deeply regret the loss of life. Our condolences go out to the victim’s family. It is absolutely critical that parties take every possible measure to protect civilians and de-escalate tensions.

Continue reading Kerry Intifada: Jen Psaki strongly condemns something

Hamas says Thank You for billions of “Gaza reconstruction” dollars and Kerry et al.’s ideological support

Baby Murdered in Jerusalem Terror Attack
Hamas terrorist from Silwan runs over pedestrians leaving light rail; 8 injured. Infant dies of wounds.

Daniel Greenfield: “Der wahre Genozid in Gaza”

Die Hamas ist keine verfolgte Minderheit, die sich gegen ihre Unterdrücker zur Wehr setzt. Sie ist ein Vorposten einer nach Suprematie strebenden sunnitisch-moslemischen Mehrheitsorganisation, die in der gesamten Region Minderheiten terrorisiert. Ihre Mission besteht in der Fortführung des tausendjährigen Projekts des islamischen Kolonialismus, das in der Zerstörung indigener Kulturen und Religionen besteht.

Die Juden Jerusalems stehen dem wie die Christen Mossuls zufällig im Wege. Die Charta der Hamas lässt keinen Zweifel an der genozidalen Mission der Hamas bestehen. Aber jede islamistische Gruppe, deren Mission darin besteht, die absolute Herrschaft des Islam durchzusetzen, ist ebenso der ethnischen Säuberung von nichtmoslemischen und sogar moslemischen Bevölkerungen verpflichtet. Continue reading Daniel Greenfield: “Der wahre Genozid in Gaza”