By John Rosenthal: “Democracy or Jew-Hatred?”

More Evidence of Anti-Semitism at the Egypt Protests

There is massive evidence to be found in the Western media of anti-Semitism and “anti-Zionism” at the Egypt protests. But images in the flickr streams of amateur local photographers are even more shocking and unambiguous.
February 7, 2011 – by John Rosenthal

In response to my PJM article documenting anti-Semitic imagery at the Egyptian protests, I’ve received several comments — both in public and in private — suggesting that, nevertheless, anti-Semitic and/or “anti-Zionist” sentiment among the protestors has played only a marginal role. The assurances to this effect are typically based on the first-hand accounts of Western observers or English-speaking participants with Western contacts. These accounts are supposed somehow to trump the clear pictorial evidence to the contrary. Continue reading By John Rosenthal: “Democracy or Jew-Hatred?”

What most (demonstrating and not demonstrating) Egyptians liked in 2010

Eighty two percent of Egyptians support executing adulterers by stoning, 77% support whipping and cutting the hands off thieves. 84% support executing any Muslim who changes his religion.

Source: Caroline Glick, Clueless in Washington, 31/1/2011

Mohamed ElBaradei and the Muslim Brotherhood – two sides of the same taqiyya coin

Hot Air about ElBaradei:

To give you a sense of the level of dishonesty this stooge is willing to stoop to for his new patron, here’s what he told ABC [wearing a green tie; RR] earlier today:

“This is total bogus that the Muslim Brotherhood are religiously conservative,” he said. “They are no way extremists. They are no way using violence. They are not a majority of the Egyptian people. They will not be more than maybe 20 percent of the Egyptian people.

“You have to include them like, you know, new evangelical, you know, groups in the U.S., like the orthodox Jews in Jerusalem,” ElBaradei said.

He said the Islamists were “not at all” behind the uprising.

Continue reading Mohamed ElBaradei and the Muslim Brotherhood – two sides of the same taqiyya coin

Brigitte Gabriel on Lebanon, Israel, and Egypt (or “Arab rage”)

An interview from 2004 on her experiences as a Christian in Lebanon and Israel:

For another, much shorter one from January 2011 about the developments in Egypt click here.