Dr Tonio Borg, you should move to Germany very urgentlich!

And to stay there for at least thirty years to convince the Germans of the fact that they are living in “hell on earth” like the Palestinian Jew murderers, and Jew-murderer admirers, and for-Jew-murderer-voters, and dancers-in-the-streets-when-Jews-are-murdered. And to tell them that they should retake a few pieces of Russia, Poland, the former Czechoslovakia, etc., start peace negotiations and/or shooting rockets and carrying out suicide attacks against the inhabitants of those countries. F0r even some of the Germans are living as “refugees” in their own country in the third or fourth or fifth generation or so! All the more given the fact that there has never existed such a thing as a Palestinian state, and that the Arab inhabitants of the British mandate territory considered themselves Arabs, and many were even Egyptian immigrants, like Yasir Arafat, whilst there was a big big German Jew-murder-Reich, instead, while, crazily, most of the grandchildren and grand-grandchildren and so on of the German refugees already seem to have forgotten that they are refugees indeed! That’s completely crazy, isn’t it, Dr Borg? Continue reading Dr Tonio Borg, you should move to Germany very urgentlich!

Schizophrenic EU dhimmi of the week: Dr George Vella (Partit laburista), opposition spokesman on foreign affairs in Malta

Europe was now realising that its past fears that Muslims in politics would spell disaster had been mistaken. Its reluctance to deal with Muslims had led to years of war and killing in Algeria. Europe had not accepted the Hamas victory in elections supervised by the EU itself; it had stopped all aid and never given them a chance to govern. The rift between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority was now one of the major problems in the Middle East. Continue reading Schizophrenic EU dhimmi of the week: Dr George Vella (Partit laburista), opposition spokesman on foreign affairs in Malta

Democracy or Jew-Hatred? The Libyan Edition

From: Pajamas Media:
In Libya now, just as in Egypt one month ago, protesters are using the Star of David as a symbol of hatred and contempt.
February 28, 2011 – by John Rosenthal
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The virtual entirety of the western media and all western governments appear to be united in their condemnation of Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi and their open or tacit support of the forces seeking to topple his regime. It should be noted that this “opposition to Gaddafi,” as it is typically described in the media accounts, is clearly not now a non-violent opposition — whether it ever was one — but has taken the form rather of an armed rebellion. Continue reading Democracy or Jew-Hatred? The Libyan Edition

Times of Malta justifies anti-Semitic terror attack in Jerusalem

Last lines in its first article today about the attack:

Sirens echoed through the city as dozens of ambulances and fire engines raced to the scene.

An AFP correspondent at the scene said the attack hit the 174 bus which was headed for Maaleh Adumim, a sprawling Jewish settlement which lies just to the east of Jerusalem.

In all these days it has said nothing about all the other terror attacks happening in Israel on a daily basis again, with people injured and many in shock. Has it said something about the slaughter of almost an entire “settler” family, murdered in their sleep, without citing this just as a “justification” for some “revenge” of the IDF? I don’t remember. What I know is that it considers even the rest of Israel as a dangerously “sprawling settlement,” and Jews as some kind of dangerous cancer, just like Hamas, Ahmadinejad, and all the rest of the modern nazis do.

Shame on whom, Ms. DCG?

Daphne Caruana Galizia, after and along with Der Spiegel, does now a bit of PR for Joschka Fischer, an early admirer of the Khomeinist revolution in Iran, the German chief promoter of what is now the almost serben-, juden- and zigeunerrein Islamic “rogue state” of Kosovo; for that Joschka Fischer thanks to whom the Germans managed to bomb Belgrade for the third time (at least) in the last century shortly before it ended and managed to give a decisive boost to what the Führer, in a moment of self-criticism, had recommended implicitly to the German people in his “political testament”: a “more audacious alliance with Islam.Continue reading Shame on whom, Ms. DCG?

“R2P” the people of Libya – not much more than a little training for the dhimmi nations France and Britain for the EU-UN two-state final solution of the Jewish question

The Israeli-Palestinian peace process should not be forgotten even while there is unrest taking place in Arab countries and 2011 must be the year that a Palestinian state is created, French Prime Minister Francois Fillon said Tuesday. Continue reading “R2P” the people of Libya – not much more than a little training for the dhimmi nations France and Britain for the EU-UN two-state final solution of the Jewish question

Terrorist supporters demonstrate in Valletta, and the Times of Malta beatifies them

just after the most atrocious anti-Semitic massacre in years carried out by Arabs in Israel, by, among other Islamic slaughter methods, slitting the throats of children, a massacre in which PA officials were very probably involved, and just a few hours after “Israeli civilians living around the Gaza border woke up [this morning] to the most massive mortar attack in years – 50 rounds fired in 15 minutes.” Continue reading Terrorist supporters demonstrate in Valletta, and the Times of Malta beatifies them

You are so right, Ms Caruana Galizia!

Quando si tratta di combattere l'”Islamofobia” (© Ayatollah Khomeini), tutto fa brodo e tutto è permesso come nell’amore, mhux veru? Even something as repulsive as a “Bosnian-American Genocide Institute and Education Center” (at the same time), i.e., as Julia Gorin has – perhaps unintentionally – explained, literally an Institute for genocide. So just keep on publishing, along with the periodic reader remarks suggesting Jewish conspiracies, also any eye-opening Holocaust-relativising shit like the following – in your amazing notebook:

Dee says:

It is not the first time in European history that diplomats and international agencies preferred to look the other way whilst millions perished thanks to the whims of a tyrant.

Seems that history is repeating itself whilst Gaddafi unleashes the ”Final Solution’ on his people.

After all, it’s in our Eurabian DNA and neither we nor anyone else can do anything against our transforming anything in “Final Solutions,” I mean anything short of some kind of… well… “Final Solution.”

Child murder – an “heroic” act of Palestinian “resistance” and tool of Islamic “democratisation”

At least two Palestinians armed with knives stabbed the mother, father and three of the children, aged, 11, three and a baby of a month in their sleep at Itamar, south of Nablus early Saturday. Two small children were not attacked. Their sister aged 12 found them when she returned home at 12:30 and called for help. Magen David Adom paramedics could only confirm the five deaths. Continue reading Child murder – an “heroic” act of Palestinian “resistance” and tool of Islamic “democratisation”

By John Rosenthal: “Democracy or Jew-Hatred?”

More Evidence of Anti-Semitism at the Egypt Protests

There is massive evidence to be found in the Western media of anti-Semitism and “anti-Zionism” at the Egypt protests. But images in the flickr streams of amateur local photographers are even more shocking and unambiguous.
February 7, 2011 – by John Rosenthal

In response to my PJM article documenting anti-Semitic imagery at the Egyptian protests, I’ve received several comments — both in public and in private — suggesting that, nevertheless, anti-Semitic and/or “anti-Zionist” sentiment among the protestors has played only a marginal role. The assurances to this effect are typically based on the first-hand accounts of Western observers or English-speaking participants with Western contacts. These accounts are supposed somehow to trump the clear pictorial evidence to the contrary. Continue reading By John Rosenthal: “Democracy or Jew-Hatred?”

Libya: Another Kosovar-Srebrenican Style Nakbashoah in the making?

An interesting statement could be found today in the online edition of The Times of Malta. The newspaper quoted “[t]wo Libyan fighter jet pilots landed in Malta” as saying (if in unison or one after another or otherwise, the newspaper wouldn’t say) that,

“[t]here are rivers of blood on the streets of Tripoli,”

and as adding,

that Serbian plans were being sent to bomb civilian protesters.

The site did not specify if so far only military protesters had been bombed, nor from where and whereto the plans were allegedly being sent – so that presumably the Serbian plans were and are still being flown in from Serbia or Pale (and/or, who knows, from Jerusalem and/or New York, too?). Furthermore, it does not appear to be absolutely clear whether the Libyan fighter jet pilots and/or the Times of Malta mean or meant that civilian protesters in Libya were already being killed (in addition to military protesters) or probably going to be killed directly and in masses by means of Serbian plans rather than through more conventional, less atrocious weapons (of mass destruction) and “only” following masses of vicious Serbian plans being sent from one place to another, probably to Gaddafi.

Continue reading Libya: Another Kosovar-Srebrenican Style Nakbashoah in the making?

Dr Tonio Borg’s dual concept of sovereignty and territorial integrity

It seems to me that a few hours ago I read that the Maltese Foreign Minister, Dr Tonio Borg, once again mumbled (or that he said much clearer and louder than ever before) that it is wrong to impose “our model of democracy” on the countries of the Maghreb. Or maybe he was just speaking about Libya. Yes, I think he was referring to Libya, as I remember too now that he also said more or less that one may not risk to help split up a sovereign state from the outside.
The Foreign Minister (and lawyer’s) statement reminded me of the fact that reportedly, when in Israel some time ago, he met with a representative of the Palestinian Authority (if I remember well it was Hanan Ashravi) in Jerusalem, which amounted, as a news editor told me, to a violation of the Oslo accords (at least by the representative of the PA involved), i.e. virtually to a coordinated (“Christian-Muslim”, so to speak) attack on the sovereignty of Israel.
I guess this means that, on one hand, as far as the Maghreb (or any country of the world except Israel) is concerned, the Maltese Foreign Minister and lawyer Tonio Borg is in favor of territorial integrity (even if that may cost some or even many many lives and even if that state continues to be led by one of the most brutal and ugly anti-Semitic fascists of the world), and that, on the other hand, as far as the Jewish state is concerned, he is not that shy instead and supports moves aimed at the violation of its sovereignty or even at its complete destruction, even if that could cost many many deaths – mainly of Jews).

I don’t know: may one call Dr Tonio Borg a terrorist supporter because of this? Well, of course not. Gaddafi certainly is not a terrorist, but rather just a Muslim statesman with his own ideas about democracy — Libyan ideas. Just like Tonio Borg has its own Maltese ones. And now please do not tell me that the case of Bianca Zammit and Dr Borg’s patriotic legal and diplomatic support for her against the bloody Zionists has got something to do with support for terrorism too, or even for anti-Semitism. Mind you: We clarified that question earlier already, at least as far as I remember.

Brigitte Gabriel on Lebanon, Israel, and Egypt (or “Arab rage”)

An interview from 2004 on her experiences as a Christian in Lebanon and Israel:

For another, much shorter one from January 2011 about the developments in Egypt click here.

Some material regarding Israel’s “disproportionate use of violence” against the participants of the “freedom flotilla”

“My head had a very deep cut. The doctor ‘treated’ me for the cameras, but all he really did was wipe the blood off my forehead. I had an open skull wound which he didn’t even touch.”

When the soldier was hospitalized in Israel, he was diagnosed with a fractured skull which also required 14 stitches.

”The mob kept pointing at me and yelling ‘Gilad Shalit,’ and they were very happy that an Israeli soldier had been captured… Later the PA system came on and we could hear the captain saying that the ship had been taken over by the soldiers.”

Commando “B” testified, “I resisted as best I could but without success. I remember they kept screaming, their eyes were insane and full of hate, and I knew it was the end and they were going to kill me…”

“I saw that there was massive bleeding and I could see my intestines spilling out of my stomach… While they were dragging me down the ladder I saw soldier “C” lying on the bottom deck with men acting crazy all around him, they kept beating him without stopping.”

“They tried to strangle me and soldier “C” and you could see the hate burning in their eyes. They told us in English that they were going to kill us. Apparently what kept them from doing it was that there were people who wouldn’t let them and pushed them away.“

Source: INN, 24 January 2011

Dr Tonio Borg tells the truth

Asked whether his visit to Gaza would fuel Israeli claims that Malta is a vociferous pro-Palestinian supporter, [Maltese FM] Dr [Tonio] Borg said: “I made it very clear that we have nothing against Israel and we believe Israel’s guaranteed security is essential in the final target of a two-state solution. But we cannot agree with the settlements and we cannot agree with the state the Gazans are in.” (The Times of Malta of today)

No, Mr Borg, you don’t hate Israelis and you don’t hate Jews, at least not more than your dead friend Yassir Arafat, the most famous anti-Semite of the world after Hitler, an Egyptian who got his first military training – for the “final target” of killing Jews – from a former official of the German Wehrmacht, Yassir Arafat whose ideological teacher was Hitler’s pal the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Yassir Arafat whose first aide was Mahmoud Abbas, the current (non elected) “President” of the PA, who wrote his holocaust-denying doctoral thesis in Moscow, Yassir “Why-didn’t-you-kill-more-of-them?” Arafat on whose grave you, in occasion of your visit to the “Holy Land” just laid a wreath. Which is really the best thing to do when one wants to make it very clear that one has nothing against Israel, and even less against the Jews. Continue reading Dr Tonio Borg tells the truth