Al-Jazeera, leitmedium of the global anti-Semitic mob

While the anti-Semitic Muslim Brotherhood, “Egypt’s largest Islamist group, is poised to win the largest share of the vote in parliamentary elections,” […] “the man who appears to have a clear shot at the presidency, Amr Moussa, has made his name criticizing Israel[,] and a large majority of respondents favor amending or revoking the cornerstone of regional stability, the Camp David Accords;” while Turkey, a member of the “Western” NATO alliance, gives Iran a helping hand in its efforts to “wipe Israel off the map;” and while David Cameron and others are already reflecting publicly on helping the “Arab Spring” spread further (should the Arab League request or allow it), as Pamela Geller reports, Al-Jazeera, the leitmedium of the “Arab Spring” and of its “western” supporters has an anti-Semitic cartoon on its online front page today, depicting Gaddafi as a ‘Jewish animal’.

In April, Pamela Geller wrote about that “Jihad TV” channel:

It’s clear to any objective observer that al-Jazeera is sympathetic to the global jihad, and a strong case can be made that it is complicit in those jihadist activities. In November 2010, ninety-one American, Israeli and Canadian victims of Hizballah rocket attacks filed an unprecedented lawsuit against Al-Jazeera in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, charging that al-Jazeera “intentionally provided real-time coverage of the locations of missile strikes inside Israel in violation of Israeli security regulations, thereby enabling Hezbollah to aim its missiles more accurately.”

Al-Jazeera: Pallywood dal vivo a sostegno dello jihad in Libia

Dal sito (con alcune correzioni ortografiche, grammaticali e di punteggiatura):

Siamo un gruppo di italiani tornati dalla Libia il 10 agosto. Di una cosa eravamo certi: che nessun manipolo di ribelli avrebbe potuto attaccare Tripoli senza che venisse distrutto prima di varcare le soglie della città, nonostante la Nato potesse aiutarli con bombardamenti mirati una avanzata di forze miste, ben addestrate,  armate e sovvenzionate dalla Nato stessa… sarebbe stata molto difficile,  non conoscevamo però o non credevamo possibile che il popolo di Tripoli sarebbe stato drogato e reso inefficiente dalle mirabolanti menzogne mediatiche della regia Nato/Al Jazeera. Continue reading Al-Jazeera: Pallywood dal vivo a sostegno dello jihad in Libia

Al-Jazeera Jihad TV

In January, 2007, Judea Pearl, whose son Daniel was kidnapped and executed by terrorists, wrote an article named “Another Perspective, or Jihad TV?” in the New York Times. “Al Jazeera’s editors choreograph a worldview in which an irreconcilable struggle rages between an evil-meaning Western oppressor and its helpless, righteous Arab victims,” Pearl explained. “Most worrisome, perhaps, it often reports on supposed Western conspiracies behind most Arab hardships or failings, thus fueling the sense of helplessness, humiliation and anger among Muslim youths and helping turn them into potential recruits for terrorist organizations.

INN, 1/2/2011

Mohamed ElBaradei and the Muslim Brotherhood – two sides of the same taqiyya coin

Hot Air about ElBaradei:

To give you a sense of the level of dishonesty this stooge is willing to stoop to for his new patron, here’s what he told ABC [wearing a green tie; RR] earlier today:

“This is total bogus that the Muslim Brotherhood are religiously conservative,” he said. “They are no way extremists. They are no way using violence. They are not a majority of the Egyptian people. They will not be more than maybe 20 percent of the Egyptian people.

“You have to include them like, you know, new evangelical, you know, groups in the U.S., like the orthodox Jews in Jerusalem,” ElBaradei said.

He said the Islamists were “not at all” behind the uprising.

Continue reading Mohamed ElBaradei and the Muslim Brotherhood – two sides of the same taqiyya coin