Egypt: The audacity of h… Hizballah

The unit assigned by Nasrallah for the jail-break consisted of 25 trained Hizballah and Hamas gunmen. When the riots erupted in Egypt, they started making their way from Gaza to Egypt via smuggling tunnels. On the way, they picked up weapons and explosives in El Arish, northern Sinai, under cover of an onslaught armed Palestinians and Bedouin had launched against Egyptian security forces – partly for this purpose.

The break-out team was met at the Suez Canal by Muslim Brotherhood activists who ferried them across to Ismailia on the western bank by Egyptian smuggling boats. From there, they were driven to the Wadi Natrun prison, one of the largest in Egypt, to be briefed outside by former MB inmates on the guard and security arrangements in the jail and the locations of the cells holding the Hizballah, Hamas and Brotherhood convicts.

[DEBKAfile, 4/2/2011]

US president cautions that ‘entire world is watching’; says issues at stake in Egypt would not be resolved through violence

[JPost/AP, today]

Ah, good.

Some material regarding Israel’s “disproportionate use of violence” against the participants of the “freedom flotilla”

“My head had a very deep cut. The doctor ‘treated’ me for the cameras, but all he really did was wipe the blood off my forehead. I had an open skull wound which he didn’t even touch.”

When the soldier was hospitalized in Israel, he was diagnosed with a fractured skull which also required 14 stitches.

”The mob kept pointing at me and yelling ‘Gilad Shalit,’ and they were very happy that an Israeli soldier had been captured… Later the PA system came on and we could hear the captain saying that the ship had been taken over by the soldiers.”

Commando “B” testified, “I resisted as best I could but without success. I remember they kept screaming, their eyes were insane and full of hate, and I knew it was the end and they were going to kill me…”

“I saw that there was massive bleeding and I could see my intestines spilling out of my stomach… While they were dragging me down the ladder I saw soldier “C” lying on the bottom deck with men acting crazy all around him, they kept beating him without stopping.”

“They tried to strangle me and soldier “C” and you could see the hate burning in their eyes. They told us in English that they were going to kill us. Apparently what kept them from doing it was that there were people who wouldn’t let them and pushed them away.“

Source: INN, 24 January 2011

Kurzkritik: “Heute in Israel” (Weblog)

Angemessener, als in Bezug auf Barack Hussein Obama von einem “König Hussein” zu sprechen, wäre es wohl, ihn, wie andernorts bereits üblich, “Imam Obama” zu nennen. Könige verbeugen sich schließlich nicht vor ihresgleichen, Imame hingegen möglicherweise schon – vor noch höheren religiösen Autoritäten. Allerdings stellt sich dann vielleicht die Frage, ob die USA nebenbei derzeit auch noch einen Präsidenten haben. Und sicherlich auch noch einige weitere beunruhigende (Fragen).

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