How nice! Looks like a new little big Kosovo!…

… is developing fast in Spain, with somebody possibly going to kill “their own people,” the need for “R2P” and so on, now in western Europe, and in an even more NATO-against-NATO for-the-benefit-of-Turkey (and the caliphate) scenario.

Are you ready, Susan Rice, Clinton, Hillary, Sarkozy, Hague, (D. al-Caruana G.)?

No, not yet? Not that easy in this case?

Still looking for a Gaddafosevic or so?

The following video is deeply disturbing. Reported in Spain’s ECD Seguridad newspaper, the video portrays two of Spain’s apparently famous clowns visiting a public pre-school in the Basque city of Navarre and then joining with the toddlers in a local folklore festival.

What is disturbing is that the children are all dressed as Arabs, replete with gowns, khafiiyehs and in the case of the little girls, hijab scarves.

Read more and watch the video at Caroline Glick’s blog!

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