Just in case you should hear about more “Serbian atrocities” in the near future…

… and given that the mainstream media may be too busy reporting about “hope” speeches and “Israeli atrocities” except for the following one:

A Saudi Arabian who went to the Gaza Strip to fight alongside Hamas was killed during Israel’s offensive in the Palestinian territory, several Islamic websites reported yesterday. Abu Mohammed Al Marri, who reportedly arrived in Gaza 10 days before the start of the Israeli offensive, “has become a martyr in the land of Gaza,” the websites said. The man, from a town in eastern Saudi Arabia, was a veteran of battles against Russian troops in Afghanistan and in Chechnya as well as against Serb and Croat forces in Bosnia, the websites said.

As emailer Alex said, “Thank you, Israel!”

maybe you should take into account the following:

Albanian Officials Preparing Staged Terrorist Attacks in Kosovo Province North

According to the Serbian intelligence report, Priština-based Albanian secret service ŠIK is preparing a series of staged terrorist attacks in Bošnjačka Mahala settlement in Kosovska Mitrovica, aimed at generating sharp reaction from international institutions and thus insuring deployment of the Albanian special troops, consisting of former members of terrorist KLA.

Prepared scenario involves bombing attacks against ethnic Albanian families residing in this part of town, for which the Serbs will be blamed, like in the recent bomb attack on Albanian-owned restaurant in the same part of town, which served to stage an attack on Serbian firefighters, who responded the call to put out the fire.

As Julia Gorin puts it:

We’re fighting them there so we don’t have to fight them here.
Except in the Balkans.
We help them there so we have to later fight them elsewhere.
Including here.

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