How peaceful! Four recent quotations regarding “public peace and order”

Public peace and order in Belgium:

Yesterday the Brussels Journal posted translated excerpts from an op-ed piece by Freddy Thielemans, the mayor of Brussels.Freddy Thielemans

I decided to forbid the September 11 demonstration “against the islamicisation of Europe.” […] Since 2001 I have allowed over 3,500 demonstrations. This is only the sixth one which I forbid. […] The right to demonstrate exists only inasmuch as it does not cause a disturbance of the public peace and order. […] First and foremost the organizers have chosen the symbolic date of 9/11. The intention is obviously to [conflate] the terrorist activities of Muslim extremists on the one hand and Islam as a religion and all Muslims on the other hand.

(Gates of Vienna, 21/8/2007)

Public peace and order in Italy:

Quando parlo dei guai combinati in un solo anno dal governo Prodi, in prima fila i ministri degli Esteri, dell’Interno e della sedicente Solidarietà Sociale, Bat Ye’or annuisce convinta, ma poi aggiunge che almeno qui da noi si parla, si discute, ci sono persone che a rischio forse della vita denunciano il pericolo, mentre altri Paesi tacciono perché non sanno che fare o perché sono completamente fuorviati dal politically correct. Eppure, quando le chiedono un giudizio sul presente, le sue parole sembrano la definizione perfetta del comportamento dei notabili del governo italiano. «L’occultamento da parte europea dell’ideologia e della vera storia della jihad è rimpiazzato con scuse e rimorsi, con l’autoflagellazione per le crociate e le disparità di sviluppo tra Nord e Sud, infine con la criminalizzazione di Israele. Il male viene attribuito agli ebrei e ai cristiani per non urtare la suscettibilità del mondo musulmano, che rifiuta ogni critica al suo passato di conquiste e di colonizzazioni. Questo genere di rapporto diseguale è proprio del sistema della dhimmitudine. L’antico universo, condizionato dall’insicurezza, dall’umiltà e dal servilismo come pegni di sopravvivenza, è stato così ricostituito nell’Europa contemporanea».

(Il Giornale, 23/8/2007, citato da Informazione Corretta)

Public peace and order in Morocco:

In the country that The Economist magazine in 2005 anointed “the best Arab democracy”, all Moroccans are considered Muslims at birth and face three years in prison if they attempt to convert. They are also prohibited from entering any of the few churches permitted to operate for the foreign inhabitants of the country. Moroccan Christians must operate covertly for fear of imprisonment by the government and attacks by Islamists. They cannot bury their dead in Christian cemeteries, and they must be married by Islamic authorities or face charges of adultery. Late last year, a 64 year-old German tourist, Sadek Noshi Yassa, was sentenced to six months in jail and fined for missionary activity. (Journal Chretien)

(American Thinker, 5/7/2007)

Public peace and order in the Middle East:

The UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency Director Muhammad ElBaradei is a man of dubious integrity. In 2005 he was vaunted to the heights of the international stratosphere when he received the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel committee extolled him for his “efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes.” Yet the facts indicate that the opposite is true. In his five-term tenure at the IAEA, ElBaradei has used his power to facilitate the proliferation of nuclear energy for military purposes. This he has done by working to prevent responsible states, like the United States, from taking action to prevent rogue states from pursuing nuclear weapons.


ElBaradei, who claims that Iranian acquisition of nuclear weapons is preferable to any nation taking action to militarily prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, has consistently sought to demoralize Iran’s foes and potential victims by claiming that the cat is already out of the bag so any attempt to stop Iran is doomed to fail. In the same interview with the BBC, ElBaradei claimed that military strikes would be worthless because you cannot “bomb knowledge.” And it isn’t only military force that ElBaradei opposes. He also opposes sanctions. After a meeting in February with Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani, in which Larijani repeated Iran’s refusal to end its uranium enrichment activities in spite of UN Security Council sanctions, ElBaradei condemned not Iran, but the use of sanctions.

(Caroline Glick in: The Jerusalem Post, 27/8/2007)

“Public peace and order” (powered by UN) for Israel:

In his first briefing to the Knesset foreign affairs and security committee Monday, Aug. 27, defense minister Ehud Barak reported that Iranian missiles for Hizballah were being unloaded at Syria’s Latakia port. They consist of many times more long-range and short-range rockets than Hizballah had in its arsenal when it went to war with Israel in 2006.

The Lebanese army, albeit bound to disarm Hizballah by UN Security Council resolution 1701 which ended the war, is in fact helping the Shiite extremists unload their arms deliveries. The minister concluded that the UN resolution must be considered a dead letter.

(DEBKAfile, 27/8/2007)

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